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OK - its pretty obvious that this is possibly the longest running financial thread on TV

However, all it does is rehash news that has been printed somewhere else.

Given the fact that we can all read about the doom and gloom and now with the EU sinking the US dollar by default is back in favour as the World currency (as worthless as it is)

The possibility of GFC 2 or 3 caused by EU is like Bangkok - its sinking 2 inches a year. So there is a real possibility of EU PIIGS going under / recession whatever and taking the markets along for the ride.

The question I asked many many months if not a year ago is - where is the smart money going?

How are people safe guarding their assets, wealth, stocks?

Seems like every time a market farts all hell breaks loose

We can all read and we can all cut and past a link to doom and gloom news however where is the smart money going


OK - its pretty obvious that this is possibly the longest running financial thread on TV

However, all it does is rehash news that has been printed somewhere else.

Given the fact that we can all read about the doom and gloom and now with the EU sinking the US dollar by default is back in favour as the World currency (as worthless as it is)

The possibility of GFC 2 or 3 caused by EU is like Bangkok - its sinking 2 inches a year. So there is a real possibility of EU PIIGS going under / recession whatever and taking the markets along for the ride.

The question I asked many many months if not a year ago is - where is the smart money going?

How are people safe guarding their assets, wealth, stocks?

Seems like every time a market farts all hell breaks loose

We can all read and we can all cut and past a link to doom and gloom news however where is the smart money going

I don't think one would call my money smart money :blink: - but I am investing in gold and silver mining shares ......

Perhaps other are catching on .. :rolleyes:

Can gold miners offer a safe haven?

Gold miner may be a means of escape from the financial chaos



' doom and gloom ' as you mention it


Allocate 25 percent to Gold Bullion

"The best thing an individual investor can do right now is to hold 25% of his assets in equities, 25% in real estate, 25% in gold, and 25% in cash," "If equities, real estate, or gold drop another 10% to 20%, put more cash in." said Faber last week. - in Bullion Vault

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.'



where is the smart money going

Naam likes these :P

Midas likes these :whistling:

To start trading you need to sign up and deposit smart money to your account. :lol:



where is the smart money going

Naam likes these :P

Midas likes these :whistling:

To start trading you need to sign up and deposit smart money to your account. :lol:

and Naam being the smartest ... :whistling:

will tell you where he is investing :yohan::coffee1:


' doom and gloom ' as you mention it


Allocate 25 percent to Gold Bullion

"The best thing an individual investor can do right now is to hold 25% of his assets in equities, 25% in real estate, 25% in gold, and 25% in cash," "If equities, real estate, or gold drop another 10% to 20%, put more cash in." said Faber last week. - in Bullion Vault

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.'


let's follow the "international investor known for his uncanny predictions"

-we buy 25% equities. which ones? who cares? the "uncanny predictor" didn't mention specific equities, i.e. we can buy any equities. ENRON comes to my mind and Lehman Bros. i was told their shares are nowadays available at bargain prices. and we all know that what goes down must go up again.

-then we buy real estate. what kind, where? the "uncanny predictor" didn't mention specific real estate, i.e. we can buy any real estate... perhaps not too far away that we can look after it? Bangkok and surroundings with free garden irrigation seems to be a good choice.

-gold is no problem. we walk into the next goldshop and tell the sales girl "gimme 25% gold bullion, but leo leo... and don't you dare to cheat us with 96.5% Thai gold!"

-the remaining 25% cash we diversify using a mix of Baht coins, cowrie shells, Angolan Kwanza, Laotian Kip, Burmese Kyat and Cambodian Riel. if the Baht becomes worthless and we can't buy groceries we cross the border to nearby neighbouring to buy what we need. i take it that this is what the "uncanny predictor" meant because he did not mention any specific currency.

-if -as the "uncanny predictor" advises- the non-cash assets drop 10-20% we use our cash and increase their share. should afore-mentioned assets drop 40% we will ask the "uncanny predictor" to loan us some cash because we don't have any cash left. but the latter is theoretically only as we all know that equities, real estate and gold never lose their value but keep on going up, up and up.

as simple as that! :jap:


' doom and gloom ' as you mention it


Allocate 25 percent to Gold Bullion

"The best thing an individual investor can do right now is to hold 25% of his assets in equities, 25% in real estate, 25% in gold, and 25% in cash," "If equities, real estate, or gold drop another 10% to 20%, put more cash in." said Faber last week. - in Bullion Vault

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.'


let's follow the "international investor known for his uncanny predictions"

-we buy 25% equities. which ones? who cares? the "uncanny predictor" didn't mention specific equities, i.e. we can buy any equities. ENRON comes to my mind and Lehman Bros. i was told their shares are nowadays available at bargain prices. and we all know that what goes down must go up again.

-then we buy real estate. what kind, where? the "uncanny predictor" didn't mention specific real estate, i.e. we can buy any real estate... perhaps not too far away that we can look after it? Bangkok and surroundings with free garden irrigation seems to be a good choice.

-gold is no problem. we walk into the next goldshop and tell the sales girl "gimme 25% gold bullion, but leo leo... and don't you dare to cheat us with 96.5% Thai gold!"

-the remaining 25% cash we diversify using a mix of Baht coins, cowrie shells, Angolan Kwanza, Laotian Kip, Burmese Kyat and Cambodian Riel. if the Baht becomes worthless and we can't buy groceries we cross the border to nearby neighbouring to buy what we need. i take it that this is what the "uncanny predictor" meant because he did not mention any specific currency.

-if -as the "uncanny predictor" advises- the non-cash assets drop 10-20% we use our cash and increase their share. should afore-mentioned assets drop 40% we will ask the "uncanny predictor" to loan us some cash because we don't have any cash left. but the latter is theoretically only as we all know that equities, real estate and gold never lose their value but keep on going up, up and up.

as simple as that! :jap:

Thats why the smart money is on flying carpets............;) But keep them dry

and Naam being the smartest ... :whistling:

will tell you where he is investing :yohan::coffee1:

only ignorant laymen, who possess a wealth of no idea about finance and investing, think that financial advice can be given without the adviser having spent hours and hours with those they advice to evaluate their background, risk tolerance, targets, expectations and a dozen other factors.

and Naam being the smartest ... :whistling:

will tell you where he is investing :yohan::coffee1:

only ignorant laymen, who possess a wealth of no idea about finance and investing, think that financial advice can be given without the adviser having spent hours and hours with those they advice to evaluate their background, risk tolerance, targets, expectations and a dozen other factors.

Now if you said financial management I would have agreed, but for financial advice I would have to call bullshit. You can give advice, it would be recognized as subjective and the recipient can decide if they will take it or not, its not a science but an opinion. I don't have smart money, cos I am looking for growth. But at the moment I am paying down debt that doesn't earn.


OK - its pretty obvious that this is possibly the longest running financial thread on TV

However, all it does is rehash news that has been printed somewhere else.

Given the fact that we can all read about the doom and gloom and now with the EU sinking the US dollar by default is back in favour as the World currency (as worthless as it is)

The possibility of GFC 2 or 3 caused by EU is like Bangkok - its sinking 2 inches a year. So there is a real possibility of EU PIIGS going under / recession whatever and taking the markets along for the ride.

The question I asked many many months if not a year ago is - where is the smart money going?

How are people safe guarding their assets, wealth, stocks?

Seems like every time a market farts all hell breaks loose

We can all read and we can all cut and past a link to doom and gloom news however where is the smart money going

I don't think one would call my money smart money :blink: - but I am investing in gold and silver mining shares ......

Perhaps other are catching on .. :rolleyes:

Can gold miners offer a safe haven?

Gold miner may be a means of escape from the financial chaos


Miners didn't do very well in 2008 so it depends if we have another dose of similar deflation or onwards and upwards via printing.

and Naam being the smartest ... :whistling:

will tell you where he is investing :yohan::coffee1:

only ignorant laymen, who possess a wealth of no idea about finance and investing, think that financial advice can be given without the adviser having spent hours and hours with those they advice to evaluate their background, risk tolerance, targets, expectations and a dozen other factors.

Now if you said financial management I would have agreed, but for financial advice I would have to call bullshit. You can give advice, it would be recognized as subjective and the recipient can decide if they will take it or not, its not a science but an opinion. I don't have smart money, cos I am looking for growth. But at the moment I am paying down debt that doesn't earn.

yada yada yada... an opinion is not an advice. an apple is not a banana. cherries are not strawberries. discussed was "advice" and not "opinion". old wisdom: "opinions are like àssholes. everybody got one."


and Naam being the smartest ... :whistling:

will tell you where he is investing :yohan::coffee1:

only ignorant laymen, who possess a wealth of no idea about finance and investing, think that financial advice can be given without the adviser having spent hours and hours with those they advice to evaluate their background, risk tolerance, targets, expectations and a dozen other factors.

Now if you said financial management I would have agreed, but for financial advice I would have to call bullshit. You can give advice, it would be recognized as subjective and the recipient can decide if they will take it or not, its not a science but an opinion. I don't have smart money, cos I am looking for growth. But at the moment I am paying down debt that doesn't earn.

yada yada yada... an opinion is not an advice. an apple is not a banana. cherries are not strawberries. discussed was "advice" and not "opinion". old wisdom: "opinions are like àssholes. everybody got one."


I thought excuses are like <deleted>


its turned into symantics and not anything more

looks like the dart board purchase could be where the smart money is heading

what part of

financial advice canNOT be given without the advisers having spent hours and hours with those they advice to evaluate their background, risk tolerance, targets, expectations and a dozen other factors.

is it you don't understand and requires an explanation? and since when are facts semantics? :huh:


There is always something that can turn markets around overnight and require complete revisions in the best of plans. Even slower disruptive changes like fracking changed the natural gas markets may not be initially recognized.

I wonder if the Andrea Rossi E-Cat cold fusion device is such and will make energy one tenth the current cost, supercharging the rest of the economy but killing off a big part of nuclear power and other alternative energy industries? Still questioned by many as an unsubstantiated possible fraud but he just released more info of his claimed discovery at http://www.leonardo-ecat.com/fp/

Other info at http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/11/catalyzer-description-at-new-leonardo.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2Fadvancednano+%28nextbigfuture%29

and elsewhere with a Google search. I am not sure this would solve the financial crisis as certain banksters will still figure out a way to steal wealth and get taxpayer bailouts but as Churchill says it may help.

Rossi E-Cat cold fusion device
a fascinating development (assuming it works without glitches) which i am following since some years. unfortunately the thermal output is (temperature wise) much too low to generate electric energy but more than sufficient to be used for heating purposes. as there are only a few countries which use electricity as the primary source to generate heat,
killing off a big part of nuclear power and other alternative energy industries

is not in the cards. but a proper function and affordability would considerably slow the draw-down of fossile fuels used to heat homes.


I had higher hopes for Rossi's invention thinking the steam might be concentrated enough to turn a low power electric generator with the proper nozzle, etc. but maybe not. Cold fusion heating devices that save energy are still an advance to mankind and I believe Rossi is talking about desalination products too. Its apparently just not as big a cost saver as I was hoping for.


Rossi's device does not generate enough heat for an 'expanding' steam output Ronz. to drive a turbine expanding steam at high pressure is required and for that a temperature in excess of 300ºC is needed. and neither can the device be used for desalination where you either use a lot of energy in connection with reverse osmosis or you condense purified steam and reclaim it as potable water because (according to Rossi) the output temperature is barely above water boiling temperature.

p.s. my strong interest in Rossi is based on the fact that power generation, desalination and gas turbines were the "bread-and-butter" of my life before retirement.


Well that's interesting Naam. Its a fascinating technology that I am just hearing of. I did read that Rossi felt a duty to use E-Cats for desalination here at item 6.

Perhaps he has a theory about boosting the output temperature some for reverse osmosis that he has not yet tested or disclosed.

there is some misunderstanding Ronz. reverse osmosis does not require any specific water temperature but quite some energy to power pumps which press saline water through membranes which filter out any impurities including the salt content. i am looking forward till the small units are on the market!


TrimTabs President & CEO Charles Biderman discusses how global financial markets are suffering from years of borrowing to pay entitlements to citizens.

"In 2009 with interest rates dirt cheap companies have sold around $3 trillion in bonds and about $800 billion in new shares. Companies are currently the only buyers of stocks as individuals remain net sellers. $2 billion a day of company buying can take the market higher. That is until companies stop buying and start selling lots of new shares."



' doom and gloom ' as you mention it


Allocate 25 percent to Gold Bullion

"The best thing an individual investor can do right now is to hold 25% of his assets in equities, 25% in real estate, 25% in gold, and 25% in cash," "If equities, real estate, or gold drop another 10% to 20%, put more cash in." said Faber last week. - in Bullion Vault

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.'


Personally after owning our house, I'd skip the property too :)

"[uK] House prices are set to drop 11% in "real" terms in the next five years, leaving them back at 2002 levels when the impact of inflation is stripped out, according to property broker Savills. Weak economic growth and constrained access to mortgage finance will keep prices subdued, its research team expects. However, the rising cost of living will erode property values rather than a sharp headline price fall, under its new five-year forecasts, according to The Telegraph."


I hear you Naam, I am just too unfamiliar with the physics of this process to know what he is thinking regarding desalination, perhaps only partially supported by cold fusion and also supported by another power source so that the overall costs are far less than current processes.

Rossi appears to want to crank up production of his heating devices ASAP. His scientific discoveries should spread as reverse engineering figures out what he is doing and other brains get involved in extending his work so we may see all sorts of new and better products from his work rapidly spread throughout the world.

I am skeptical that its enough of a cost saver to cure the financial crisis since that appears to be a crisis of integrity and lack of controls, but every bit helps. I too would like to have one of his devices perhaps to replace the energy source for my home air heater and hot water heater if the total cost can beat the cost of natural gas which I am not sure about at this point.


its turned into symantics and not anything more

looks like the dart board purchase could be where the smart money is heading

what part of

financial advice canNOT be given without the advisers having spent hours and hours with those they advice to evaluate their background, risk tolerance, targets, expectations and a dozen other factors.

is it you don't understand and requires an explanation? and since when are facts semantics? :huh:

these facts as you put it have placed the world in the exact position its in now

there are no facts when money and accounting are concerned

bankers, finanical advisors and accountants are the scum of the earth = they get paid win draw lose now thats a fact

evaluate the background = sure all the pension fund and bank crashes - have done a fine job there

risk tolerance - there is no risk to the advisor only the investor

history over the last few years with the best accountants and economists that have spent hours and hours evaluating the situation have come up with WHAT?


sorry Naam - your on the wrong tram


its turned into symantics and not anything more

looks like the dart board purchase could be where the smart money is heading

what part of

financial advice canNOT be given without the advisers having spent hours and hours with those they advice to evaluate their background, risk tolerance, targets, expectations and a dozen other factors.

is it you don't understand and requires an explanation? and since when are facts semantics? :huh:

these facts as you put it have placed the world in the exact position its in now

there are no facts when money and accounting are concerned

bankers, finanical advisors and accountants are the scum of the earth = they get paid win draw lose now thats a fact

evaluate the background = sure all the pension fund and bank crashes - have done a fine job there

risk tolerance - there is no risk to the advisor only the investor

history over the last few years with the best accountants and economists that have spent hours and hours evaluating the situation have come up with WHAT?


sorry Naam - your on the wrong tram

the latest news from Iceland is a good example of that :blink:

Iceland’s New Bank Disaster



these facts as you put it have placed the world in the exact position its in now

there are no facts when money and accounting are concerned

bankers, finanical advisors and accountants are the scum of the earth = they get paid win draw lose now thats a fact

evaluate the background = sure all the pension fund and bank crashes - have done a fine job there

risk tolerance - there is no risk to the advisor only the investor

history over the last few years with the best accountants and economists that have spent hours and hours evaluating the situation have come up with WHAT?


sorry Naam - your on the wrong tram

and you missed the train. whatever you wrote has not the least bearing to the facts i mentioned. i didn't praise any financial adviser, although there are some good ones. i didn't condone what banKsters did (i hate their guts) and neither did i say that any gurus came up with a solution to the present crisis.

so if you are pissed off because you lost a lot of your savings and worried because you have no freaking idea how to preserve whatever is left, beat up Mrs BlackJack or put your cat in the microwave to chill off. but don't bark up irrelevant rubbish at the tree i'm sitting on.

"these facts as you put it have placed the world in the exact position its in now"

here's the appropriate answer:

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