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25 hours no posting. the financial crisis can't be that bad... whistling.gif

it's got that uncertainty about the inevitable feel to it.

There's 'er something wrong about that statement. blink.png

It's that

"I can't believe this is happening"


Hello MJP, been a while since you came past.

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25 hours no posting. the financial crisis can't be that bad... whistling.gif

it's got that uncertainty about the inevitable feel to it.

There's 'er something wrong about that statement. blink.png

It's that

"I can't believe this is happening"


Hello MJP, been a while since you came past.

It's grim here 12D, truly grim it's June. And it's grim. Ferociously cold, gray and damp. I feel the pull of Heathrow departures.

Add to that any sense of 'recovery' has vanished in the past month with sentiment amongst the great unwashed being as low as I've ever seen. Almost a resignation that all is utterly f-ked.

Hatches are battening down.


It's grim here 12D, truly grim it's June. And it's grim. Ferociously cold, gray and damp. I feel the pull of Heathrow departures.

Add to that any sense of 'recovery' has vanished in the past month with sentiment amongst the great unwashed being as low as I've ever seen. Almost a resignation that all is utterly f-ked.

Hatches are battening down.

And I thought everybody was upbeat about the queen's jubilee and the olympics.

I guess that England's defeat by Italy will have dampened the mood a bit.

But don't worry! With swathing cuts in government budgets, massive QE from Merv and strident reforms in the economy, the UK will soon be chugging along just great.



a new paper by lots of presidents ... I expect they include Gollum and Barroso ..

loads of waffle telling us nothing and even talking already about risk management

after 25 years of meetings and champagne parties

why are these people being paid bah.gif


surely Brussels has more important rubbish to think about ... yes crazy.gif

Brussels acts over garlic tax



It's grim here 12D, truly grim it's June. And it's grim. Ferociously cold, gray and damp. I feel the pull of Heathrow departures.

Add to that any sense of 'recovery' has vanished in the past month with sentiment amongst the great unwashed being as low as I've ever seen. Almost a resignation that all is utterly f-ked.

Hatches are battening down.

And I thought everybody was upbeat about the queen's jubilee and the olympics.

I guess that England's defeat by Italy will have dampened the mood a bit.

But don't worry! With swathing cuts in government budgets, massive QE from Merv and strident reforms in the economy, the UK will soon be chugging along just great.


I wasn't far out . . . . the last six weeks according to Merv . . . .


Anyway. Such is working life in Blighty I was too knackered to even call the bomb squad on Sunday when I found a live 105mm shell outside my office. Just starred at the thing. One of the boys dumped it there when they found it in a dig, wondered what it was. Thick knuts!

Condoleezza Rice calls on U.S. to arm Syria rebels

gimme a break Condy! you don't know that this is already done?


Merkel said yesterday that as long as she lives, there will be no mutualized-risk Eurobonds for the PIIGS to feed on.

I wasn't a big fan of Merkel, but now I love her!


Greece's spending on social programs as a % of GDP appears to be no more than the rest of Europe but others are trusted to pay their bills probably because they actually collect taxes and balance budgets within reason. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/06/the-myth-that-entitlements-ruin-countries-busted-in-1-little-graph/259056/#

Can spending austerity alone make the Greeks financial responsible? It seems hopeless without requiring payment of their taxes to balance their budget. Focusing on actually collecting more taxes to pay for spending and payment of debt service would be more to the point. Otherwise they should go their own way and print all their own worthless currency the market will stand. Time to get on with it.


At the end of the last summit .. They said they had laid out a detailed roadmap to solve the crisis ....

So at the end of this summit ..

'In draft summit conclusions, subject to amendment on Friday, the leaders were set to ask the EU's top four officials to produce a detailed, time-bound roadmap in December leading to a genuine economic and monetary union.

But markets may not wait that long.'


Words .. They cannot agree , they do not know what to do ...beatdeadhorse.gif

So now they plan to have a plan ..if if if blink.png

Words .. They cannot agree, they do not know what to do ...

...and keep on flogging the dead horse beatdeadhorse.gif that gold will any time now shoot up to galactic heights whistling.gif


Greece's spending on social programs as a % of GDP appears to be no more than the rest of Europe but others are trusted to pay their bills probably because they actually collect taxes and balance budgets within reason. http://www.theatlant...-graph/259056/#

Can spending austerity alone make the Greeks financial responsible? It seems hopeless without requiring payment of their taxes to balance their budget. Focusing on actually collecting more taxes to pay for spending and payment of debt service would be more to the point. Otherwise they should go their own way and print all their own worthless currency the market will stand. Time to get on with it.


Merkel insists that fundamental reforms to give European Union authorities power to override national budget and economic policies must come before any further shared liability.

he she who pays the piper calls the tune! thumbsup.gif

Germany caves in...

only in the mind of an ignorant anglo-telegraph-journàsslist! cheesy.gif

here's the beef:

Under the deal, Spanish banks will be recapitalised directly by allowing a €100 billion EU bailout to transferred off Spain’s balance sheet after the European Central Bank takes over as the single currency’s banking supervisor at the end of the year.

The decision, taken by a meeting of eurozone leaders in the early hours of Friday morning, will be based on a move to put the ECB at the centre of a “effective single supervisory mechanism” for banks after an EU summit in December.

A decisive solution: using a fund that doesn't exist to buy debt that won't be repaid via a mechanism that hasn't been agreed.' blink.png

a correct interpretation!


I don't know what the forex traders find so relieving about the summits "achievements" - a bail out for italian and spanish banks?

dosen't look like a real breakthrough to me - why does that make the dollar plunge by nearly 2% ??


I don't know what the forex traders find so relieving about the summits "achievements" - a bail out for italian and spanish banks?

dosen't look like a real breakthrough to me - why does that make the dollar plunge by nearly 2% ??

surely a part of that plunge is short covering. monday we'll know more.


Mainstream media better late than never... http://www.bloomberg...ng-culture.html

Well at least we see all the world banking is in sync

When the news first broke I wondered if it would be any different there than the USA

Then I heard the threats by Diamond that if he was prosecuted he would rat out a bunch of regulators

obviously in on the dealings.........

Next step....Diamond allowed to resign no charges seem to be forthcoming

Oh sure they say they will look into it....The regulators that is....Hey are they the same regulators Diamond

threatened to out? ....Probably

Then to top it off this article states....

Heads should roll at other banks, too. Regulators and criminal prosecutors, including the U.S. Justice Department, are investigating at least a dozen other firms to determine whether they colluded to rig the rate

:lol...........yeah at some point we really need to decide who will watch the watchers.......

Because if heads rolling is anything like heads rolling in the US Banksters business that means early retirement

with millions stashed + bonuses & probably a side deal to stay on as advisor


Good news in a deal in EU was done.


If I had to guess I would say Germany is close to or will refuse any further guarantees to the

unsolvable Euro Debt problem .....How many deals will they stomach/shoulder? How many are yet to surface

in need?

I also highly doubt any further US QE's

Even the FED now know that it will do more harm long term than good.

Interest rates really cannot go lower. Higher gas prices will cripple the already limping economy.

Further QE will only artificially inflate the already over inflated stock market.

I would guess the FED know this.....I would guess they know now is the point of batten down the hatches &

ride it out/accept some pain.....but you never know with the FED & BS Bernanke....Not to mention election year.

All this would point to less liquidity....which makes one wonder....since 2008

have we moved anywhere at all? Or was the time just a prepping gift

I dont think anyone is out of the woods by a long shot

Just my opinion of course wink.png


Who needs banks ..?

Most business with cash can sell on their own terms offering better rates than banks ..

If anybody wants to buy property , or business... negotiate direct ... why bother with the cowboys ...


You weren't by chance born in the U.S. were you Ms. Merkel? Sure wish we had somebody like you to run against Obummer. We fiscal conservatives believe the U.S. is straight on the same glidepath as the troubled Eurozone countries were/are. No way Barry will seriously confront the debt crisis. He just wants to use his presidency to put in place his social programs and re-distribute wealth as much as possible. He will have made his mark, and will happily defer to the next president the inevitable rain pouring on America's parade.



Who needs banks ..?

Most business with cash can sell on their own terms offering better rates than banks ..

If anybody wants to buy property , or business... negotiate direct ... why bother with the cowboys ...

The appropriate phrase is disintermediation.

Old hat.

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