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"some people" consider it futile and a waste of energy to bother about things which they can't change no matter how hard they try.

Jeez what a shockingly defeatist attitude!sad.png

So forget about just making more money for just one moment, (which I know you consider to be the most important thing on earth

rolleyes.gif ) but have you ever wondered that in return for your continuing ability to participate in this farcical charade called “ markets “ (for now anyway)that you are simultaneously losing your freedom and liberty to these criminal forces in collusion with some criminal politicians?

Thankfully there are some people in the world who will keep posing the right questions.

-i consider myself a realist, not a defeatist and i care a flying fart what other people think of my attitudes.

-good to know that somebody knows what is most important to me because i can't make up my mind.

-with every additional cent i am making above those cents i spend i gain more freedom and more liberty.

free advice for you: take a crash course in basic logic and rational thinking. you surely need it! wailing does not solve problems.

free advice- take a crash course in basic logic and rational thinking. you surely need it! wailing does not solve problems.

I wonder what Professor Noam Chomsky would say to your " free advice " because he summarises my sentiments very succinctly


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what Professor Noam Chomsky says is completely irrelevant because it does not put food on my table, does not pay my utility bills and i can't peddle his words for portwine and habanas.


what Professor Noam Chomsky says is completely irrelevant because it does not put food on my table, does not pay my utility bills and i can't peddle his words for portwine and habanas.

Precisely! Thank you very much.


So please don't preach to about me needing to take a course regarding basic logic and rational thinking because you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society ? Once again you openly show it is only about your self centred needs.

This is even more reason we are all f*kced


what Professor Noam Chomsky says is completely irrelevant because it does not put food on my table, does not pay my utility bills and i can't peddle his words for portwine and habanas.

Precisely! Thank you very much.


So please don't preach to about me needing to take a course regarding basic logic and rational thinking because you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society ? Once again you openly show it is only about your self centred needs.

This is even more reason we are all f*kced

if it's my fault that you are "f*kced" then i humbly apologise


you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society

the society says "eff Naam", i say "eff society". period!

p.s. society gives a shit for your concern. go and ask society if you don't believe me instead of your continous useless wailing.


what Professor Noam Chomsky says is completely irrelevant because it does not put food on my table, does not pay my utility bills and i can't peddle his words for portwine and habanas.

Precisely! Thank you very much.clap2.gif

So please don't preach to about me needing to take a course regarding basic logic and rational thinking because you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society ? Once again you openly show it is only about your self centred needs.

This is even more reason we are all f*kced

Hello! Mother Theresa has arrived.

you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society

the society says "eff Naam", i say "eff society". period!

p.s. society gives a shit for your concern. go and ask society if you don't believe me instead of your continous useless wailing.

What astonishes me more than anything is your most unscientific response to this problem. I keep wondering what led to this acute level of selfishness on your part? I am not a scientist and yet, after the inevitable great financial collapse for the reasons Noam Chomsky explains, I believe humans will look back at this ugly period of rampant consumerism with simultaneous destruction of the environment as merely a blip on the evolution timeline.

There will be a renaissance but maybe with a considerably smaller world population!


Desperate Osborne risks fuelling another housing bubble

house prices remain over-valued nationally, probably by about 25 per cent.


Here's the crux of the matter:

"Osborne is certainly desperate for growth, ahead of this week’s likely bad news on fourth quarter GDP. His debt and deficit figures, released yesterday, make for grim reading. Public sector net borrowing hit £15.4bn in December 2012, £0.6bn higher than the £14.8bn seen in the month a year ago. As ever, public spending is growing faster than tax receipts, despite supposedly swingeing cuts.

At the end of December 2012, the public sector net debt excluding the temporary effects of financial interventions hit £1.111 trillion, equivalent to 70.7 per cent of GDP. A year ago, it stood at £1.009 trillion, or 66 per cent of GDP. The Chancellor is failing to bring the deficit down, and this means that the national debt is continuing to roar ahead."

The pain hasn't even begun.


you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society

the society says "eff Naam", i say "eff society". period!

p.s. society gives a shit for your concern. go and ask society if you don't believe me instead of your continous useless wailing.

What astonishes me more than anything is your most unscientific response to this problem. I keep wondering what led to this acute level of selfishness on your part? I am not a scientist and yet, after the inevitable great financial collapse for the reasons Noam Chomsky explains, I believe humans will look back at this ugly period of rampant consumerism with simultaneous destruction of the environment as merely a blip on the evolution timeline.

There will be a renaissance but maybe with a considerably smaller world population!

dreams of a changed and better world will never materialise as history proves. humans are basically nothing but selfish animals and any change that happened is only window dressing.

the future will be as the past was, namely a small powerful minority will exploit a majority which has no means to fight back. exceptions, if any, are short lived and only prove the rule.


Enough of the self flagellation about the innate nobility of humanity, who has an idea when the next market crash will happen? After all the DJI has recovered from the GFC but the US economy hasnt.

you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society

the society says "eff Naam", i say "eff society". period!

p.s. society gives a shit for your concern. go and ask society if you don't believe me instead of your continous useless wailing.

What astonishes me more than anything is your most unscientific response to this problem. I keep wondering what led to this acute level of selfishness on your part? I am not a scientist and yet, after the inevitable great financial collapse for the reasons Noam Chomsky explains, I believe humans will look back at this ugly period of rampant consumerism with simultaneous destruction of the environment as merely a blip on the evolution timeline.

There will be a renaissance but maybe with a considerably smaller world population!

Where do you dig up this faux-utopian rubbish?


Enough of the self flagellation about the innate nobility of humanity, who has an idea when the next market crash will happen? After all the DJI has recovered from the GFC but the US economy hasnt.

best to ask Professor Noam Chomsky.


what Professor Noam Chomsky says is completely irrelevant because it does not put food on my table, does not pay my utility bills and i can't peddle his words for portwine and habanas.

Precisely! Thank you very much.


So please don't preach to about me needing to take a course regarding basic logic and rational thinking because you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society ? Once again you openly show it is only about your self centred needs.

This is even more reason we are all f*kced

Be fair midas. I think Herr Naam, not unlike myself does have a concern for the welfare of society. The problem is society just won't listen to the likes of us, even though we know exactly what they ought to be doing. So instead we, (me at least) seek to insulate ourselves from the fallout this illogical and irrational society has wrought. We take care of those we care about, try not to add to anyone else's woes and help others where we can, when we can. What more can you ask of someone? Just think how unfair it is that I only get one vote!


what Professor Noam Chomsky says is completely irrelevant because it does not put food on my table, does not pay my utility bills and i can't peddle his words for portwine and habanas.

Precisely! Thank you very much.


So please don't preach to about me needing to take a course regarding basic logic and rational thinking because you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society ? Once again you openly show it is only about your self centred needs.

This is even more reason we are all f*kced

Be fair midas. I think Herr Naam, not unlike myself does have a concern for the welfare of society. The problem is society just won't listen to the likes of us, even though we know exactly what they ought to be doing. So instead we, (me at least) seek to insulate ourselves from the fallout this illogical and irrational society has wrought. We take care of those we care about, try not to add to anyone else's woes and help others where we can, when we can. What more can you ask of someone? Just think how unfair it is that I only get one vote!

Come come Lanna.

unsure.png I know that you know what I'm getting at because strangely in the early stages of this thread you seemed to show quite a considerable degree of outrage also through the nature of the information you were posting at that time and then almost inexplicably, it's as if you " surrendered "?ermm.gif Forgive me if I don't have the right interpretation of this but that's what it seemed anyway.

The biggest disappointment for me was the financial crisis was a metaphoric natural disaster and instead of immediately metaphorically securing the premises after the disaster to restore law and order, we simply cheered as people looted.

bah.gif And ever sine then we have stood by while the justice system ( or " just his " ) has developed into a total joke.

You must be familiar with the story about the frog boiling water and this is what is happening now- bit by bit the fraud is continuing. We now have food fraud.

ohmy.pngMaybe people like Naam will become more concerned when they realise their port wine and Havana cigars contain foreign ingredients they never bargained for?

Food fraud report reveals rise in manufacturers' cost-cutting measures

US organisation tracks increasing reports of watered milk, diluted olive oil and other dangerous substitutes in the food chain


what Professor Noam Chomsky says is completely irrelevant because it does not put food on my table, does not pay my utility bills and i can't peddle his words for portwine and habanas.

Precisely! Thank you very much.


So please don't preach to about me needing to take a course regarding basic logic and rational thinking because you have no concern whatsoever as to the welfare of society ? Once again you openly show it is only about your self centred needs.

This is even more reason we are all f*kced

Be fair midas. I think Herr Naam, not unlike myself does have a concern for the welfare of society. The problem is society just won't listen to the likes of us, even though we know exactly what they ought to be doing. So instead we, (me at least) seek to insulate ourselves from the fallout this illogical and irrational society has wrought. We take care of those we care about, try not to add to anyone else's woes and help others where we can, when we can. What more can you ask of someone? Just think how unfair it is that I only get one vote!

Come come Lanna.

unsure.pngI know that you know what I'm getting at because strangely in the early stages of this thread you seemed to show quite a considerable degree of outrage also through the nature of the information you were posting at that time and then almost inexplicably, it's as if you " surrendered "?ermm.gifForgive me if I don't have the right interpretation of this but that's what it seemed anyway.

The biggest disappointment for me was the financial crisis was a metaphoric natural disaster and instead of immediately metaphorically securing the premises after the disaster to restore law and order, we simply cheered as people looted.

bah.gif And ever sine then we have stood by while the justice system ( or " just his " ) has developed into a total joke.

You must be familiar with the story about the frog boiling water and this is what is happening now- bit by bit the fraud is continuing. We now have food fraud.

ohmy.pngMaybe people like Naam will become more concerned when they realise their port wine and Havana cigars contain foreign ingredients they never bargained for?

Food fraud report reveals rise in manufacturers' cost-cutting measures

US organisation tracks increasing reports of watered milk, diluted olive oil and other dangerous substitutes in the food chain

Don't get me wrong midas, of course I'm outraged, and you disrespect Naam to think he's not outraged as well. I'm just not going to immolate myself in protest of all the outrageous fraud that's occured. If you should have grokked anything by now is that NO ONE in any position of authority is going to do anything about it and for the most part those citizens I've so much concern for don't seem to care that much.

So, if that's the hand your dealt, what should you do? Die a martyr throwing cream pies at Jon Corzine or try to navigate your family through the uncertain terrain ahead. I'm doing the latter and its working ok, with even enough left over to help others occasionally. So, don't go thinking I'm not pissed, but if I were anymore my health would decline I'm sure and who's that help?


Be fair midas. I think Herr Naam, not unlike myself does have a concern for the welfare of society. The problem is society just won't listen to the likes of us, even though we know exactly what they ought to be doing. So instead we, (me at least) seek to insulate ourselves from the fallout this illogical and irrational society has wrought. We take care of those we care about, try not to add to anyone else's woes and help others where we can, when we can. What more can you ask of someone? Just think how unfair it is that I only get one vote!

Come come Lanna.

unsure.pngI know that you know what I'm getting at because strangely in the early stages of this thread you seemed to show quite a considerable degree of outrage also through the nature of the information you were posting at that time and then almost inexplicably, it's as if you " surrendered "?ermm.gifForgive me if I don't have the right interpretation of this but that's what it seemed anyway.

The biggest disappointment for me was the financial crisis was a metaphoric natural disaster and instead of immediately metaphorically securing the premises after the disaster to restore law and order, we simply cheered as people looted.

bah.gif And ever sine then we have stood by while the justice system ( or " just his " ) has developed into a total joke.

You must be familiar with the story about the frog boiling water and this is what is happening now- bit by bit the fraud is continuing. We now have food fraud.

ohmy.pngMaybe people like Naam will become more concerned when they realise their port wine and Havana cigars contain foreign ingredients they never bargained for?

Food fraud report reveals rise in manufacturers' cost-cutting measures

US organisation tracks increasing reports of watered milk, diluted olive oil and other dangerous substitutes in the food chain

Don't get me wrong midas, of course I'm outraged, and you disrespect Naam to think he's not outraged as well. I'm just not going to immolate myself in protest of all the outrageous fraud that's occured. If you should have grokked anything by now is that NO ONE in any position of authority is going to do anything about it and for the most part those citizens I've so much concern for don't seem to care that much.

So, if that's the hand your dealt, what should you do? Die a martyr throwing cream pies at Jon Corzine or try to navigate your family through the uncertain terrain ahead. I'm doing the latter and its working ok, with even enough left over to help others occasionally. So, don't go thinking I'm not pissed, but if I were anymore my health would decline I'm sure and who's that help?

for the most part those citizens I've so much concern for don't seem to care that much.

And this is the part I don't understand? How can it be mathematically possible that 1% can end up doing anything they want, with 99%. And the 1% knew that this was going to happen.

And why does society fall for the propaganda regarding how wonderful it is to have children and raise a family? If people are so inherently selfish not only regarding such things as the debt levels we are leaving for the next generation and the pollution and destruction we are causing right now, then we should at the very least concede that as a species we should no longer breed so profusely.

If the authorities are so keen to implement licensing on everything almost to the extent of scratching your a*se, it's time they introduced a licensing system for who can have children and how many? But of course the vested interests would never own up to that



Come come Lanna.unsure.pngI know that you know what I'm getting at because strangely in the early stages of this thread you seemed to show quite a considerable degree of outrage also through the nature of the information you were posting at that time and then almost inexplicably, it's as if you " surrendered "?ermm.gifForgive me if I don't have the right interpretation of this but that's what it seemed anyway.

The biggest disappointment for me was the financial crisis was a metaphoric natural disaster and instead of immediately metaphorically securing the premises after the disaster to restore law and order, we simply cheered as people looted.bah.gif And ever sine then we have stood by while the justice system ( or " just his " ) has developed into a total joke.

You must be familiar with the story about the frog boiling water and this is what is happening now- bit by bit the fraud is continuing. We now have food fraud. ohmy.pngMaybe people like Naam will become more concerned when they realise their port wine and Havana cigars contain foreign ingredients they never bargained for?

Food fraud report reveals rise in manufacturers' cost-cutting measures

US organisation tracks increasing reports of watered milk, diluted olive oil and other dangerous substitutes in the food chain


Don't get me wrong midas, of course I'm outraged, and you disrespect Naam to think he's not outraged as well. I'm just not going to immolate myself in protest of all the outrageous fraud that's occured. If you should have grokked anything by now is that NO ONE in any position of authority is going to do anything about it and for the most part those citizens I've so much concern for don't seem to care that much.

So, if that's the hand your dealt, what should you do? Die a martyr throwing cream pies at Jon Corzine or try to navigate your family through the uncertain terrain ahead. I'm doing the latter and its working ok, with even enough left over to help others occasionally. So, don't go thinking I'm not pissed, but if I were anymore my health would decline I'm sure and who's that help?

What he needs is a nice cup of tea.



Don't get me wrong midas, of course I'm outraged, and you disrespect Naam to think he's not outraged as well. I'm just not going to immolate myself in protest of all the outrageous fraud that's occured. If you should have grokked anything by now is that NO ONE in any position of authority is going to do anything about it and for the most part those citizens I've so much concern for don't seem to care that much.

So, if that's the hand your dealt, what should you do? Die a martyr throwing cream pies at Jon Corzine or try to navigate your family through the uncertain terrain ahead. I'm doing the latter and its working ok, with even enough left over to help others occasionally. So, don't go thinking I'm not pissed, but if I were anymore my health would decline I'm sure and who's that help?

for the most part those citizens I've so much concern for don't seem to care that much.

And this is the part I don't understand? How can it be mathematically possible that 1% can end up doing anything they want, with 99%. And the 1% knew that this was going to happen.

And why does society fall for the propaganda regarding how wonderful it is to have children and raise a family? If people are so inherently selfish not only regarding such things as the debt levels we are leaving for the next generation and the pollution and destruction we are causing right now, then we should at the very least concede that as a species we should no longer breed so profusely.

If the authorities are so keen to implement licensing on everything almost to the extent of scratching your a*se, it's time they introduced a licensing system for who can have children and how many? But of course the vested interests would never own up to that


The answer lies in the Second Noble Truth my dear friend midas (midas being an ironic name for the pupil). Craving, desire, want lead to suffering and of those 99% out there, 98% would sell their mothers to get in the 1%. That, and they're all scared to death and just along for the ride.


Don't get me wrong midas, of course I'm outraged, and you disrespect Naam to think he's not outraged as well. I'm just not going to immolate myself in protest of all the outrageous fraud that's occured. If you should have grokked anything by now is that NO ONE in any position of authority is going to do anything about it and for the most part those citizens I've so much concern for don't seem to care that much.

So, if that's the hand your dealt, what should you do? Die a martyr throwing cream pies at Jon Corzine or try to navigate your family through the uncertain terrain ahead. I'm doing the latter and its working ok, with even enough left over to help others occasionally. So, don't go thinking I'm not pissed, but if I were anymore my health would decline I'm sure and who's that help?

for the most part those citizens I've so much concern for don't seem to care that much.

And this is the part I don't understand? How can it be mathematically possible that 1% can end up doing anything they want, with 99%. And the 1% knew that this was going to happen.

And why does society fall for the propaganda regarding how wonderful it is to have children and raise a family? If people are so inherently selfish not only regarding such things as the debt levels we are leaving for the next generation and the pollution and destruction we are causing right now, then we should at the very least concede that as a species we should no longer breed so profusely.

If the authorities are so keen to implement licensing on everything almost to the extent of scratching your a*se, it's time they introduced a licensing system for who can have children and how many? But of course the vested interests would never own up to that


The answer lies in the Second Noble Truth my dear friend midas (midas being an ironic name for the pupil). Craving, desire, want lead to suffering and of those 99% out there, 98% would sell their mothers to get in the 1%. That, and they're all scared to death and just along for the ride.

you are probably right. Lanna , but that figure of 98% that you quote has been growing dramatically from a much lower figure even during my lifetime and that's why I think I'm noticing it. Yes, there may have always been a large percentage who as you say would have sold their souls, but it's the more recent generation which has embraced these so-called values on such a wide scale.


And this is the part I don't understand? How can it be mathematically possible that 1% can end up doing anything they want, with 99%. And the 1% knew that this was going to happen.

Mathematically I can help you with this one, look at it as 1 billion people who are the 1% making plans for 99 billion most of which are not very bright, for want of better words.



And this is the part I don't understand? How can it be mathematically possible that 1% can end up doing anything they want, with 99%. And the 1% knew that this was going to happen.

Mathematically I can help you with this one, look at it as 1 billion people who are the 1% making plans for 99 billion most of which are not very bright, for want of better words.


yes which comes back to my point that society now urgently needs stringent control on breeding? Forget about the emotional side which all the do-gooders jump up and start shouting about. Of course the 1% worked this out long ago at " those meetings " that Naam strenuously denies the existence of



And this is the part I don't understand? How can it be mathematically possible that 1% can end up doing anything they want, with 99%. And the 1% knew that this was going to happen.

Mathematically I can help you with this one, look at it as 1 billion people who are the 1% making plans for 99 billion most of which are not very bright, for want of better words.


yes which comes back to my point that society now urgently needs stringent control on breeding? Forget about the emotional side which all the do-gooders jump up and start shouting about. Of course the 1% worked this out long ago at " those meetings " that Naam strenuously denies the existence of


stop your stupid lies you sorry clown!


And this is the part I don't understand? How can it be mathematically possible that 1% can end up doing anything they want, with 99%. And the 1% knew that this was going to happen.

Mathematically I can help you with this one, look at it as 1 billion people who are the 1% making plans for 99 billion most of which are not very bright, for want of better words.


yes which comes back to my point that society now urgently needs stringent control on breeding? Forget about the emotional side which all the do-gooders jump up and start shouting about. Of course the 1% worked this out long ago at " those meetings " that Naam strenuously denies the existence of


stop your stupid lies you sorry clown!


The could cap population through stetilising large numbers of existing people; no need to go on a killing spree. Maybe a genericaly modified virus or something. Naturally the elites would be immunised.

Nuclear war against the Islamic world could cut the numbers down, after the missile defence shield is in place. Don't expect china or rudsia would risk thier own destruction by getting involved. Maybe even cut a back room deal to share the rescourses. Easy enough to trigger- Pakistan or Iran ready to role. State sponsored nuclear terrorist attack in some unlucky EU city.


The President of Iceland has launched an extraordinary verbal attack on Gordon Brown on the fringes of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, the country's longest-serving president, told Sky News that his country would "never forget" its treatment during the financial crisis at the hands of the former British prime minister.

During the financial crisis, following the collapse of Icelandic bank Icesave and Iceland's refusal to refund UK deposits, Britain took the rare step of imposing financial sanctions on the country.

Mr Grimsson told Sky News: "The Gordon Brown government decided, to its eternal shame, to put the Icelandic government on a list of terrorist states and terrorist phenomena. We were there together with al Qaeda and the Taliban on that list.

"We have not forgotten that in Iceland.

-sky news


The President of Iceland has launched an extraordinary verbal attack on Gordon Brown on the fringes of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, the country's longest-serving president, told Sky News that his country would "never forget" its treatment during the financial crisis at the hands of the former British prime minister.

During the financial crisis, following the collapse of Icelandic bank Icesave and Iceland's refusal to refund UK deposits, Britain took the rare step of imposing financial sanctions on the country.

Mr Grimsson told Sky News: "The Gordon Brown government decided, to its eternal shame, to put the Icelandic government on a list of terrorist states and terrorist phenomena. We were there together with al Qaeda and the Taliban on that list.

"We have not forgotten that in Iceland.

-sky news

Iceland is a down-market supermarket that sells frozen goods.



And this is the part I don't understand? How can it be mathematically possible that 1% can end up doing anything they want, with 99%. And the 1% knew that this was going to happen.

Mathematically I can help you with this one, look at it as 1 billion people who are the 1% making plans for 99 billion most of which are not very bright, for want of better words.biggrin.png

Don't forget the 1% have the protection of the security forces

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