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It's not just gold down but all commodities. Doesn't that signal a failure in belief of the inflation story; of the growth story? If economy is about to pick up and recovery for real then surely commodities and energy etc should be going up not crashing like a recessions just around the corner! If the stock market takes the Q that's what I means then rough ride and self fulfilling no? Liquids dry up.

Oops unintended concequences of the manipulators move?

Except for the last line of your post you are pretty much spot on.

The seventies knew the period of stagflation, high inflation with no economic growth, causing in 1980 a spike in gold prices before it slumped down together with other commodities and started a period of recession in the eighties.

We might be in for a secondary depression/recession, but without much inflation, because the central banks have learned their lesson on this one.

What do you mean "the central banks have learned thier lesson"?
about avoiding inflation!!

It's not just gold down but all commodities. Doesn't that signal a failure in belief of the inflation story; of the growth story? If economy is about to pick up and recovery for real then surely commodities and energy etc should be going up not crashing like a recessions just around the corner! If the stock market takes the Q that's what I means then rough ride and self fulfilling no? Liquids dry up.

Oops unintended concequences of the manipulators move?

Except for the last line of your post you are pretty much spot on.

The seventies knew the period of stagflation, high inflation with no economic growth, causing in 1980 a spike in gold prices before it slumped down together with other commodities and started a period of recession in the eighties.

We might be in for a secondary depression/recession, but without much inflation, because the central banks have learned their lesson on this one.

What do you mean "the central banks have learned thier lesson"?

about avoiding inflation!!

Hmm I think they will try to do everything they can to try and instigate inflation. Look at Japan, US, BoE

Its only Europe pigs they are attempting wage deflation but not assets if they can help it

Eventually I think we will see property and shares loosing value, while commodities, energy and grain will head up due to supply side costs and currency devaluation. So a strange mix of worth less money for essentials, poorer populas unable to reap rewards of lower assets / property because they are too broke to access them or afford the interest payments even if very low rates. Deflation and inflation at the same time


Key things from this G20 coverage

BRICS bank aiming for 4trillion of infrastructure investment

Japan promises "not purposely devalueing its currency" haha

The others all agree not indulge also , lol

(need one of those gufforing dogs icons like naam)


Feds charge 24 IRS workers in TN with theft

Workers accused of lying to get unemployment benefits, welfare, food stamps, housing vouchers

" First it was the families of dead people and state employees. Now, authorities say Internal Revenue Service employees in Tennessee were stealing unemployment and other benefits while fully employed.

On Thursday, 13 of those employees were indicted on federal charges that they lied to get unemployment, food stamps, welfare and housing vouchers. An additional 11 have been indicted on state charges of theft greater than $1,000."


Just occasionally, do you think you could resist the temptation to copy and paste random useless stories from your junk websites

Fed Governor Stein Warns When A TBTF Bank Fails, Depositors Will Be " Cyprus'ed "ohmy.png

Perhaps more to the point for TBTF, if a SIFI does fail I have little doubt that private investors will in fact bear the losses--evenif this leads to an outcome that is messier and more costly to society than we would ideally like. Dodd-Frank is very clear in saying that the Federal Reserve and other regulators cannot use their emergency authorities to bail out an individual failing institution. And as a member of the Board, I am committed to following both the letter and the spirit of the law.



^ Thanks for the article, Midas.

Definition of a SIFI:

systemically important financial institutions, or SIFIs.1

Another one of the banking, acronyms. Or is it a....euphemism.

I need to google and FAQ the Dodd-Frank bill again.

If there was a "cyprus move" in the US, it would cause chaos in the lack of faith and confident, IMO.


^ Thanks for the article, Midas.

Definition of a SIFI:

systemically important financial institutions, or SIFIs.1

Another one of the banking, acronyms. Or is it a....euphemism.

I need to google and FAQ the Dodd-Frank bill again.

If there was a "cyprus move" in the US, it would cause chaos in the lack of faith and confident, IMO.

notice they used " when not " if "..................

The above posted here in error and may be deleted.

Who are you referring to? What was in "error?"

My previous post which the Mods have now deleted!


Well, people are starting to wake up to the impending disaster (not just in the UK either) and although what is coming is going to be very painful, I am optimistic that something good can come out of all of this. E.G. a fair monetary system and a nation populated by people NOT sheeple.

Dream on...

The new monetary system will be of the elite's choosing..

..and the sheeple will be sheeple-er..

This is what happens when you watch too many times Planet of the Apes and Mad Max.

teatree, on 26 Jan 2009 - 12:43, said:snapback.png

Well, people are starting to wake up to the impending disaster (not just in the UK either) and although what is coming is going to be very painful, I am optimistic that something good can come out of all of this. E.G. a fair monetary system and a nation populated by people NOT sheeple.

Dream on...

The new monetary system will be of the elite's choosing..

..and the sheeple will be sheeple-er..

No Bank Account is Safe Today From A Bank Run (Not
Just The Ones in Cyprus)



Hey Midas I just saw something you might like.

When I clicked the link it says Chiang Mai mum earns $7500 which is odd as I live in CM isn't that a coincidence..... but am puzzled that the cheque says New York.

Anyway as someone says it on a website it must be true.


Sadly they only pay in worthless fiat money.

I just post the information for people to make up their own minds.smile.png

But one thing is sure whether people agree or disagree with what this fellow says about bank deposits

not being safe, it is certainly more informative than your post.giggle.gif

I mean, with things that have happened so far i.e. people losing their money with MF Global, then Cyprus , then finding out about the proposals in the joint workingpaper between the Federal reserve bank of England and now what is going on at the Irish banks can anyone afford to give these criminals the benefit of the doubt?


Wall Street Journal article...

August 2, 2011 Wall Street Journal:
Some 400 federal statutes – a near doubling, by one count, since the 1990s – empower the government to take assets from convicted criminalsas well as people never charged with a crime. Last year, forfeiture programs confiscated homes, cars, boats and cash in more than 15,000 cases. The total take topped $2.5 billion, more than doubling in five years, Justice Department statistics show.



Really! This nonsense is still unending. A few on this forum have an unfathomable gift of forecasting the opposite of what transpires. America's personal wealth has almost completely recovered and the deficits are starting to drop as a percentage of GDP. Get a grip, the world is going to be just fine and those that realize this will make lots of money while the doomers perverted dream of Armageddon will become more of a joke. The internet has given a voice to nutters that get ridiculed in real life's non internet debates.

I'm not by any stretch of the imagination claiming the world isn't currently confronting financial and societal problems. Do the doomers here have any historical perspective or has life just past you by with little recollection. Humans as a whole, if given the opportunity, will spend beyond their means which has created the 1000's of bubbles throughout history.

As I stated back in December 2008, the USA will recover and Europe will take a little longer. I was laughed at on this forum because for some irrational reasons, Europeans thought that the excessive debt and the housing bubble were an American phenomenon. I was told I didn't understand the EU banking system and its inherent strength. Lots of savvy investors here smile.png

Where has "Flying" disappeared to? Probably scampered back to America to re-enter the construction industry and hoping those evil banks loosen their lending standards so people have money to inflate the value of homes. Rinse and repeat!

Midas, how about expressing a simplistic original thought. Any thought will do. We know you can't do it. Intellectually challenge links to articles of fringe self appointed economists will be your next move.

To doomers - stop being turds and pretending you know your arse from your noggin.

America's personal wealth has almost completely recovered and the deficits are starting to drop as a percentage of GDP.

Siamamerican you were saying ?

93% of households lost net worth 2009-11

WASHINGTON (AP) — The richest Americans got richer during the first twoyears of the economic recovery while average net worth declined for 93% of the nation's households, the Pew Research Center said Tuesday.

The Pew report says wealth held by the richest 7% of households rose 28% 2009 through 2011, while the net worth of the other 93% of households dropped 4%.



Hey Midas I just saw something you might like.

When I clicked the link it says Chiang Mai mum earns $7500 which is odd as I live in CM isn't that a coincidence..... but am puzzled that the cheque says New York.

Anyway as someone says it on a website it must be true.


Sadly they only pay in worthless fiat money.

I just post the information for people to make up their own minds.smile.png

But one thing is sure whether people agree or disagree with what this fellow says about bank deposits

not being safe, it is certainly more informative than your post.giggle.gif

I mean, with things that have happened so far i.e. people losing their money with MF Global, then Cyprus , then finding out about the proposals in the joint workingpaper between the Federal reserve bank of England and now what is going on at the Irish banks can anyone afford to give these criminals the benefit of the doubt?

connecting MF Global and Cyprus with any working paper on depositors bail-in is wrong.

-MF Global is without any doubt a scandal. but in the meantime it looks that all losses will be compensated.

-Cypress bail-in is nothing new. since Adam and Eve were kicked out of paradise deposits in banks were "endangered species", meaning any amount not guaranteed by a third party can be lost if a bank goes bankrupt.

-the afore-mentioned applies to any "working paper".


IMF, ECB square off in Europe austerity debate


So basically Lagarde does not agree with Merkel

Lagarde does not agree with the ECB

Lagarde does not agree with the UK

ECB wants to cut rates Merkel thinks they should rise


Germany rejects joint EU bank deposit scheme-Merkel


as 'Spain's unemployment rate soared to a new record of 27.2% of the workforce in the first quarter of 2013, according to official figures.'




Lagarde not agreeing with ECB and Merkel, Spain record unemployment

= soon Gold (any time from now) $ 48,845/ounce, GBP 1 = THB 108.50,

€UR 12.50 = GBP 1, Galactic Gold Council vindicated, Silver Surgeons

partying and...

Midas' book "I told you so!" selling 2.13 billion copies within first three days.


Oh Yes ..I expect so Naamlaugh.png

$10,000 Gold and Euro Collapse

Top German adviser predicts euro collapse in five years as Spanish unemployment soars to record 27.2%

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2314597/Top-German-adviser-predicts-euro-collapse-years-Spanish-unemployment-soars-record-27-2.html#ixzz2RTpIZzkQ

Warning! Stocks to Crash, Gold to Top $10,000: Albert Edwards



What about the US ....All on trackthumbsup.gif

Fed Debate Moves From Tapering to Extending Bond Buying



Madame Lagarde putting a positive spin on Hardtalk...

Well she needs the practice..............

French court summons IMF chief over Bernard Tapie probe

"I'll be very happy to travel for a couple of days to Paris but it's not going to change my focus, my attention and my enthusiasm for doing the work that I do."


However, our correspondent says that Ms Lagarde's position at the IMF could be in jeopardy if she is placed under formal investigation.



Dear all,

Due to the enormous amount of requests made, I have decided to come back here and in my own way let you know what is about to happen in the short, medium and long term.

Learn history.......

February 9



Dear all,

Due to the enormous amount of requests made, I have decided to come back here and in my own way let you know what is about to happen in the short, medium and long term.

Learn history.......

February 9


February 9 1966

Dow-Jones Index hits record 995 points ?????


February 9 1986 Tomb of Tutanchamon's treasurer Maya found in Egypt


"the one that knows" [sic] is back... hallelujah...lah...lah...lah! big amusement and self ridiculing to come. the boring days are over.



My Handelsblatt Morning Briefing warns me about France:

- its share in world trade fell by 33% in the last 10 years

- automobile production fell by 40% in the last 7 years

- high taxes and wages that are too high...

An internal paper of the German Ministry of Economy analyzing France's economic situation paints a very dark picture...


I rest my case regarding my earlier posts: France is on the verge of collapsing.

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