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Highly schooled burger-flipper.


Its gonna be a tough time once you realise....


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Why do I get the feeling that we have been screwed here?

I don't quite understand all this accounting jargon. All I can see is that JPM received bailout funds in December which apparently they didn't need, and bought WaMu from the government FDIC lot for 1.9 Billion, and now expect to make 29.1 Billion in income. Which presumably the FDIC could have earned.

I have the suspicion that JPM has just managed to make a massive fortune at the expense of the tax payers.

Have we been screwed again by these banking bastards?

Of course it would not surprise me in the lease to find we once again get screwed but............. I would have expected a hefty return on *our* investment if in fact these scum bags made money.

Was that not the talk in the beginning? Something like.........

Oh the govt/tax payer might even make a profit on this buying of toxic assets. :)

If they show so much as a dollar profit....70 cents of that dollar should go back to the deficit. They should be charged the crazed interest rates they charged all the folks foolish enough to take their mortgages.

China warns Federal Reserve over 'printing money


Yuan Drops Most in Four Months on Signs China Is Halting Gains


I read an interesting book titled 'The Coming Collapse of China'. Okay a few years old now, but the author maintained that China had been printing like crazy since day one. The ever loss making State Owned Enterprises being continually bailed out by the State Owned Banks with printed cash.

It .seems that you peeps in the US really do not know where all the money is going.

They don't. My fear is it will end up in commodities markets to leverage a bubble in human needs to off-set the burst housing bubble.

Yuan Drops Most in Four Months on Signs China Is Halting Gains

"The currency dropped 0.1 percent] to 6.8306 as of the 5:30 p.m. close in Shanghai, the biggest loss since Feb. 2..."

a 0.1% drop of any currency vs. USD is absolutely terrifying! it means that the country is on the verge of bankruptcy and will start very soon wars with its neighbours. no doubt the Bilderbergs engineered that catastrophy!


Yuan Drops Most in Four Months on Signs China Is Halting Gains

"The currency dropped 0.1 percent] to 6.8306 as of the 5:30 p.m. close in Shanghai, the biggest loss since Feb. 2..."

a 0.1% drop of any currency vs. USD is absolutely terrifying! it means that the country is on the verge of bankruptcy and will start very soon wars with its neighbours. no doubt the Bilderbergs engineered that catastrophy!


The People’s Bank of China weakened the daily fixing by 0.07 percent to 6.8285 per dollar, a move that may be a “political gesture”

The currency dropped 0.1 percent to 6.8306 as of the 5:30 p.m. close in Shanghai, the biggest loss since Feb. 2,

Twelve-month non-deliverable yuan forwards fell 0.46 percent to 6.7155 per dollar, the biggest slide since Feb. 17

Beats me.. :D


The continued rally in the US stock market must surely be attributable to the US government “ Plunge Protection Team ” - surely normal retail

investors wouldn't be sucked in by what is happening right now ? I just hope not too many ordinary people

will end up losing heaps of money AGAIN.

Today the latest Case-Shiller reveals tangible evidence that home prices in USA are still plummeting and in

fact this was the lead story on BBC World Business Report. We all remember that increases in housing values

was supposed to be thing that gave US consumers their “ feel good ” factor so how can be

feeling good with these housing trends?

Then I flicked over to CNBC who were gleefully announcing the stock market was up

by 200 points -and this was being attributed almost entirely to just a positive consumer sentiment report that had come out.

At least one skeptical analyst on their panel did concede just because U.S. consumers are feeling more confident doesn't

mean they have the means or the ability to spend more. And there is also increasing unemployment.

But even if they were spending more and there is no proof that this happening, it's still not solving

the fundamental and underlying problem that America is facing i.e. it's got nothing to keep the economy going

other than rampant consumerism and this led to the problem in the first place. Stock market participants now are

like junkies. Here we go again............we learn nothing.

Twelve-month non-deliverable yuan forwards fell 0.46 percent to 6.7155 per dollar, the biggest slide since Feb. 17

Beats me.. :)

why does it "beat" you Flying? the deliverable forwards (aka NDFs) are nothing than a reflection of the interest differential and the market expectations how a non freely convertible currency such as the RMB will fare e.g. vs. the USD (or any other major currency). no rocket science involved :D


Or maybe the doom sayers are wrong................and the green shoots will continue to grow into a strong tree with an abundace of fruit and drip honey on to the roots that support it. Then heaven will open and God will pour blessings upon the earth, with angels playing raptures on their harps and flutes. Then we would all dance and sing and do wonderfull things......and Jesus will return and cast satan into hel_l, the doubter will die and the true belivers will inherit the earth.................. Just another consipracy theory

Or maybe the doom sayers are wrong................and the green shoots will continue to grow into a strong tree with an abundace of fruit and drip honey on to the roots that support it. Then heaven will open and God will pour blessings upon the earth, with angels playing raptures on their harps and flutes. Then we would all dance and sing and do wonderfull things......and Jesus will return and cast satan into hel_l, the doubter will die and the true belivers will inherit the earth.................. Just another consipracy theory


Twelve-month non-deliverable yuan forwards fell 0.46 percent to 6.7155 per dollar, the biggest slide since Feb. 17

Beats me.. :D

why does it "beat" you Flying? the deliverable forwards (aka NDFs) are nothing than a reflection of the interest differential and the market expectations how a non freely convertible currency such as the RMB will fare e.g. vs. the USD (or any other major currency). no rocket science involved :D

LOL............ :)

Easy for you to say since your a scientist :D

But that flew right over my head.

When I said beats me I meant it

I will ponder what you wrote here though :D

Or maybe the doom sayers are wrong................and the green shoots will continue to grow into a strong tree with an abundace of fruit and drip honey on to the roots that support it. Then heaven will open and God will pour blessings upon the earth, with angels playing raptures on their harps and flutes. Then we would all dance and sing and do wonderfull things......and Jesus will return and cast satan into hel_l, the doubter will die and the true belivers will inherit the earth.................. Just another consipracy theory

keep taking the tablets :)

I will ponder what you wrote here though :)

when pondering please consider that i might be wrong and that non deliverable forwards are an invention which the Bilderbergs acquired from the Illuminati in order to dominate this world.

I am in a very bad mood today!


The US and the UK are clinically dead!

The once so great empires will pay their price,. It is only a matter of some time before the two of them will be turned into serfdom.

We do not need Al Gay Da, just have to wait and look at the stupid decisions your governments make.

The UK and the US will be transformed into less then developing countries within a year or two.

Get used to living in tents and walk for two hours to get a bit of water, because that is where your countries are heading for.

Insha Allah!


You write this from Bangkok, Thailand. Probably in some apartment behind some desk after furiously looking up youtube videos and finding clever cartoons indicating the end is near. And when I was in Bangkok, and would read this doom and gloom stuff and it sounded pretty bad (you guys can get seriously doomy and gloomy in here sometimes) and I even started to think it would be 'that bad' when I came home.

But alas, I'm in the USA right now, and in my parts nothing has changed. Haven't seen people living in tents yet... I followed a teenager driving a Vantage top-down back to the neighborhood when I was visiting my parents. Maybe he was going back to his tent after stocking up on all of these 'guns' for the upcoming 'revolution.' Not.

NOBODY I know has lost their job - NOBODY. In fact, most of my peers are getting promoted (strange, eh?), peers that have gone far and high and can help each other along the way - don't get me started on the importance of education ranting... Yeah, a Harvard degree may just be a 'piece of paper' but oh the doors that piece of paper can open for you...

Looking back, I realize how low people set the bar at when they are in Thailand, whether it be work, finding a partner, whatever... And it's LOW. If all of the doom and gloomers could just put all of that angst (reminds me of teens with that 'teenage angst' - same 'us and them' attitude) into something productive, they probably wouldn't be bitching all of the time. To ignore that there are problems and some people are losing their jobs would be to ignore reality, but my point is that it's not as bad as it seems, and I'm seeing it with my own eyes, not just talking about "America" from behind some monitor in Thailand.

I took this photo yesterday, I must say life is good on the 63rd floor - I bet the doom merchants are walking around down there on 'the streets' somewhere, but I sure as hel_l can't see 'em from this far up and I frankly could care less. But I guess that's why I'm up here and they are down there. Work hard, play hard - sure beats bitch at everything, and then complain about it endlessly on an internet forum. As for the water? Yep, I can see the Water Tower right there in front of the Hancock :D


... and there is freshwater all around me as far as the eye can see, as I'm right on one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the world.... so no walking 2 hours for water now or anytime for that matter. But I'm really really scared about all that. Not.

It may be bad for some, but not for all - America is not dying (enter 'sheeple blah blah blah ad nauseum' - Neither I nor my peers have wet dreams about The Matrix Trilogy - my programming is frickin' awesome as far as I'm concerned) - One can rationalize their miserable life in Nakhon Nowhere or even Bangkok getting by on pidgin English with someone who finished 8th grade equivalent, fine horses for courses, but life is still dam_n good for people who are smart and work hard in the USA (and I'm not talking about picking berries all day long).

Oh I guess that 'smart and work hard' is totally just a scam to keep you 'plugged in' and 'programmed...' So let's just be dumb and lazy, good plan. Oh wait, we have that already, it's called the general population of x-land.... (this is not directed at you Plarex, just a thought provoked by your ENDLESS posting of 'things others don't know' and how bad things are... I'm here in the USA. Now. And it's not that bad. (auto response: "you just wait jcon, the hurricane is coming blah blah blah" - bring it on, this building is built to withstand that and more. The weekly fireworks here are sure dam_n beautiful when you're at least 20 floors above them, so I'd enjoy the hurricane... If people are just gonna sit around waiting and bitching about the hurricane to come, they're gonna miss out on a lot of nice sunny days in interim...

Have a good day.


Easy for you to say since your a scientist :D

political correctness is mandatory in Thaivisa Flying. please use in future (à la Midas and Alex) l'adjéctif (english "the adjective") "self proclaimed" in context with "Naam" and "scientist". adding the question "how easy is it to become a doctor in Germany?" is optional but derogatory statements referring to certain "poor boys in Pattaya and Bangkok who are scared sh*tless" are unacceptable and violate the forum rules! :)

derogatory statements referring to certain "poor boys in Pattaya and Bangkok

I dont know what is derogatory about poor boys there?

Here they are well liked by most.......But I don't eat shrimp so cannot say :)


You write this from Bangkok, Thailand. Probably in some apartment behind some desk after furiously looking up youtube videos and finding clever cartoons indicating the end is near. And when I was in Bangkok, and would read this doom and gloom stuff and it sounded pretty bad (you guys can get seriously doomy and gloomy in here sometimes) and I even started to think it would be 'that bad' when I came home.

But alas, I'm in the USA right now, and in my parts nothing has changed. Haven't seen people living in tents yet... I followed a teenager driving a Vantage top-down back to the neighborhood when I was visiting my parents. Maybe he was going back to his tent after stocking up on all of these 'guns' for the upcoming 'revolution.' Not.

NOBODY I know has lost their job - NOBODY. In fact, most of my peers are getting promoted (strange, eh?), peers that have gone far and high and can help each other along the way - don't get me started on the importance of education ranting... Yeah, a Harvard degree may just be a 'piece of paper' but oh the doors that piece of paper can open for you...

Looking back, I realize how low people set the bar at when they are in Thailand, whether it be work, finding a partner, whatever... And it's LOW. If all of the doom and gloomers could just put all of that angst (reminds me of teens with that 'teenage angst' - same 'us and them' attitude) into something productive, they probably wouldn't be bitching all of the time. To ignore that there are problems and some people are losing their jobs would be to ignore reality, but my point is that it's not as bad as it seems, and I'm seeing it with my own eyes, not just talking about "America" from behind some monitor in Thailand.

I took this photo yesterday, I must say life is good on the 63rd floor - I bet the doom merchants are walking around down there on 'the streets' somewhere, but I sure as hel_l can't see 'em from this far up and I frankly could care less. But I guess that's why I'm up here and they are down there. Work hard, play hard - sure beats bitch at everything, and then complain about it endlessly on an internet forum. As for the water? Yep, I can see the Water Tower right there in front of the Hancock tongue.gif

... and there is freshwater all around me as far as the eye can see, as I'm right on one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the world.... so no walking 2 hours for water now or anytime for that matter. But I'm really really scared about all that. Not.

It may be bad for some, but not for all - America is not dying (enter 'sheeple blah blah blah ad nauseum' - Neither I nor my peers have wet dreams about The Matrix Trilogy - my programming is frickin' awesome as far as I'm concerned) - One can rationalize their miserable life in Nakhon Nowhere or even Bangkok getting by on pidgin English with someone who finished 8th grade equivalent, fine horses for courses, but life is still dam_n good for people who are smart and work hard in the USA (and I'm not talking about picking berries all day long).

Oh I guess that 'smart and work hard' is totally just a scam to keep you 'plugged in' and 'programmed...' So let's just be dumb and lazy, good plan. Oh wait, we have that already, it's called the general population of x-land.... (this is not directed at you Plarex, just a thought provoked by your ENDLESS posting of 'things others don't know' and how bad things are... I'm here in the USA. Now. And it's not that bad. (auto response: "you just wait jcon, the hurricane is coming blah blah blah" - bring it on, this building is built to withstand that and more. The weekly fireworks here are sure dam_n beautiful when you're at least 20 floors above them, so I'd enjoy the hurricane... If people are just gonna sit around waiting and bitching about the hurricane to come, they're gonna miss out on a lot of nice sunny days in interim...

Have a good day.

jcon i never check this thread but you mentioned you posted on it today (ha i told ya you'd be back :) ) so i checked it out. i agree with you somewhat... but thought i would point out a couple of things.

i am back in the US too, and i am living in what is normally a pretty affluent place. i would say 95% of the population here drives a brand spanking new SUV (or more than one) and owns a huge house in the foothills. they spend more on their pedigreed dogs than i spend on my rent every month. CU boulder is an expensive and respected school and the students who attend it are upper class white kids who want for nothing... and still... i have never seen this city like it is now... half the storefronts are empty, there are more homeless people than i have ever seen squatting around, numbers of people who take public transportation are way up (i know because i take the bus to work), those SUVs are for sale on street corners everywhere, and there are many many people out of jobs (or so i hear from colorado public radio).

i am the first person to agree that "the great tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations". i agree that intelligence and hard work can get you anywhere you want to go in a place like america. that is what i love most about this country. however, sometimes the shit really does hit the fan and even intelligent, hard working people get in over their heads. i know this from recessions i went through as a kid, from people around me who worked their asses off looking for work and could not find it. i came back to the states to ride out this economy and work 9-5 in an office, which i despise, because i know how easily this can happen, and i always make sure to predict problems and back myself up.

jcon you come from a priveleged background and live in an especially affluent area, and sometimes that blinds you a little bit to reality just as much as alex is a little blind to it from bangkok. for instance, surely a harvard education can get you somewhere. if you can afford a harvard education in the first place (yes i know you can also get it through hard work but some people have other obstacles to contend with in their school years, and college necessarily takes a backseat)! but people who can't afford it won't have it as easy, and that doesn't mean they are stupid or lazy. you and i both tend to gravitate to the top tier of society- i mean we are both successful, financially well off, world travellers who haven't settled for the status quo. and i have as much disdain for the average suburbanite buried under their credit debt as you do. but i do have the benefit (?) of having worked my way up from nothing, and i know just how treacherous a cliff it can be from the top to the bottom and how easy it is to fall back down no matter how smart you are. it depends mostly on circumstances. and i do think the circumstances for the average american, who may have not made the smartest choices in their life or have run into bad situations not of their own accord, and who may not have the resources you might have, are pretty dire right now.

just my two cents...


Thanks for that Jcon, I have a much better feeling now. Having "troops" at the front and reporting back to us that are just guessing and speculating what the heck is happening there is good. This shows once more that the media is just hyping up things and are all in it. I guess they are doing this in order to sell more newspapers and have us here outside of the US hooked on our screens hoping to catch a few images of riots and people fighting over a slice of bread.

So as long as you are on the higher floors you will not be confronted with "The Plebs" and can enjoy a nice overall view without the urge to worry or think about what some loony is posting on a website far away in a country where they still eat with their hands and the first question they ask is if you have eaten already indicating that food is one of the most important things in life.

So having the MSM reporting that Trillions of Dollars have been given to the institutions we so rely on when putting our plastic cards in some machine and expecting to get some funny pieces of paper that will allow us to exchange them in for another 46 Inch flatscreen so we can watch the latest movies coming out of Hollywood is just all fiction.

It never happened, it was all just a funny story and the purpose was to entertain those lower level lazy humans without jobs and a solid roof over their heads.

Thanks Jcon, I will go out and have some fun with "Da Bitch" as the price of fuel is still affordable. I should have realised that as long as King Obama is being transported in "Da Beast" and has 20 helicopters on stand by there ain't nothing wrong.

Move on people, there is no crisis, there never was......fooled again.


it depends mostly on circumstances. and i do think the circumstances for the average american, who may have not made the smartest choices in their life or have run into bad situations not of their own accord, and who may not have the resources you might have, are pretty dire right now.

= tough luck, bad moon rising, kismet, fate, karma, that's life... you name it.

I must say life is good on the 63rd floor - I bet the doom merchants are walking around down there on 'the streets' somewhere, but I sure as hel_l can't see 'em from this far up and I frankly could care less. But I guess that's why I'm up here and they are down there.

One can rationalize their miserable life in Nakhon Nowhere or even Bangkok getting by on pidgin English with someone who finished 8th grade equivalent, fine horses for courses, but life is still dam_n good for people who are smart and work hard in the USA (and I'm not talking about picking berries all day long).


Oiiiiii :)


Glad your doing good but that was downright fridgid

Thanks for that Jcon, I have a much better feeling now. Having "troops" at the front and reporting back to us that are just guessing and speculating what the heck is happening there is good. This shows once more that the media is just hyping up things and are all in it. I guess they are doing this in order to sell more newspapers and have us here outside of the US hooked on our screens hoping to catch a few images of riots and people fighting over a slice of bread.

it's not the media hyping up things Alex. it's you and the blogspot_cum_youtube doom&gloomers who spread the rumours and who hope to see riots and people fighting over a slice of bread or a bowl of rice just to prove that their [out of thin air] perceptions and prophecies are right.

your ridiculous statements concerning "USA = soon less than developed nation" demonstrate that you have no freaking idea, respectively that actually you possess a wealth of "no freaking idea". something similar can be said when evaluating your judgements such as (in a sense) "Obama = nothing but an idiot" and the source from which these statements originate. in other words, a young poor boy, who recently lost his job, has the impertinence to judge a man who has made it to president of the most powerful nation on this planet. all that because someone is a "self proclaimed" prophet "the one that [who'] knows...". get real, get a life, have cold soft drinks instead of mixing beer with cheap booze and stop ridiculing yourself. but much and foremost drop your inferiority complexes and try ro regain some selfesteem.


QUOTE (girlx @ 2009-05-27 10:06:06) *

it depends mostly on circumstances. and i do think the circumstances for the average american, who may have not made the smartest choices in their life or have run into bad situations not of their own accord, and who may not have the resources you might have, are pretty dire right now.

= tough luck, bad moon rising, kismet, fate, karma, that's life... you name it.

i guess... if you believe in any of that. either way it is not always deserved or predictable.


Jcon is part of "The Elite" didn't you know?


He "Worked" at "The Casino" and lost and now he is back to try again.

Hard work for sure :)

Good luck Jcon, I hope you are going to earn lot's of money.

You write this from Bangkok, Thailand. Probably in some apartment behind some desk after furiously looking up youtube videos and finding clever cartoons indicating the end is near. And when I was in Bangkok, and would read this doom and gloom stuff and it sounded pretty bad (you guys can get seriously doomy and gloomy in here sometimes) and I even started to think it would be 'that bad' when I came home.

But alas, I'm in the USA right now, and in my parts nothing has changed. Haven't seen people living in tents yet... I followed a teenager driving a Vantage top-down back to the neighborhood when I was visiting my parents. Maybe he was going back to his tent after stocking up on all of these 'guns' for the upcoming 'revolution.' Not.

NOBODY I know has lost their job - NOBODY. In fact, most of my peers are getting promoted (strange, eh?), peers that have gone far and high and can help each other along the way - don't get me started on the importance of education ranting... Yeah, a Harvard degree may just be a 'piece of paper' but oh the doors that piece of paper can open for you...

Looking back, I realize how low people set the bar at when they are in Thailand, whether it be work, finding a partner, whatever... And it's LOW. If all of the doom and gloomers could just put all of that angst (reminds me of teens with that 'teenage angst' - same 'us and them' attitude) into something productive, they probably wouldn't be bitching all of the time. To ignore that there are problems and some people are losing their jobs would be to ignore reality, but my point is that it's not as bad as it seems, and I'm seeing it with my own eyes, not just talking about "America" from behind some monitor in Thailand.

I took this photo yesterday, I must say life is good on the 63rd floor - I bet the doom merchants are walking around down there on 'the streets' somewhere, but I sure as hel_l can't see 'em from this far up and I frankly could care less. But I guess that's why I'm up here and they are down there. Work hard, play hard - sure beats bitch at everything, and then complain about it endlessly on an internet forum. As for the water? Yep, I can see the Water Tower right there in front of the Hancock :D


... and there is freshwater all around me as far as the eye can see, as I'm right on one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the world.... so no walking 2 hours for water now or anytime for that matter. But I'm really really scared about all that. Not.

It may be bad for some, but not for all - America is not dying (enter 'sheeple blah blah blah ad nauseum' - Neither I nor my peers have wet dreams about The Matrix Trilogy - my programming is frickin' awesome as far as I'm concerned) - One can rationalize their miserable life in Nakhon Nowhere or even Bangkok getting by on pidgin English with someone who finished 8th grade equivalent, fine horses for courses, but life is still dam_n good for people who are smart and work hard in the USA (and I'm not talking about picking berries all day long).

Oh I guess that 'smart and work hard' is totally just a scam to keep you 'plugged in' and 'programmed...' So let's just be dumb and lazy, good plan. Oh wait, we have that already, it's called the general population of x-land.... (this is not directed at you Plarex, just a thought provoked by your ENDLESS posting of 'things others don't know' and how bad things are... I'm here in the USA. Now. And it's not that bad. (auto response: "you just wait jcon, the hurricane is coming blah blah blah" - bring it on, this building is built to withstand that and more. The weekly fireworks here are sure dam_n beautiful when you're at least 20 floors above them, so I'd enjoy the hurricane... If people are just gonna sit around waiting and bitching about the hurricane to come, they're gonna miss out on a lot of nice sunny days in interim...

Have a good day.


jcon I don't think anyone would would accuse you of thinking like a sheeple because at least you discuss things.

But it's very easy to deceive oneself just like all the banks in your country that have now been given the right to determine on their own the value

of their toxic assets............... sweep the problem under the carpet and it doesnt seem so bad after all.

The overwhelming feel good factor you are experiencing reminds me of the days I occupied an office on level 57 of the MLC Centre in Sydney

which also enjoyed spectacular views over the harbour and right out towards the Sydney heads. But I'm different to you because whenever I had that

sudden burst of " pinch me because life is so good " feeling, in a split moment it was followed by another feeling

of " I hope everyone down there is ok as well, because if they're not then I can't go on enjoying this up here on level 57 indefinitely "................. :D

You're obviously a city slicker so it's not surprising you may not be seeing tangible evidence of the social problems slowly building up

in your country, but that surely doesn't mean they don't exist, or that you can afford to pretend they won't affect you eventually.

You sound like an intoxicated person but you're forgetting that there will be a hangover. :)

The only reason you can keep enjoying the high standard of living which America undoubtedly enjoys is because

you have borrowed all the money. But my question to you is what has USA got to offer the world now to be able to raise itself

out of this debt trap ? You don't even have a decent automotive industry anymore. For months before any mention of the

financial crisis it was openly acknowledged the American economy relied purely on people shopping with their credit cards.

The party is over my friend and its you still dont seem to realise that :D

Obviously 86 percent of people ( I'm reading your unemployment rate will be closer to 14 percent not the lies

your government is spinning ) will be able to insulate themesleves to some extent, but don't forget or pretend away

that 14 percent are going to be facing very tough conditions and you better start beefing up your personal security

arrangements. I wonder how long it will be before the young teenager driving a Vantage top-down faces the

same growing risk of being carjacked as they in other cities?

And come back to us and tell us how you feel after you calculate all the taxes you're now going to be paying and whether

you still have that feel good factor ? :D

QUOTE (girlx @ 2009-05-27 10:06:06) *

it depends mostly on circumstances. and i do think the circumstances for the average american, who may have not made the smartest choices in their life or have run into bad situations not of their own accord, and who may not have the resources you might have, are pretty dire right now.

= tough luck, bad moon rising, kismet, fate, karma, that's life... you name it.

i guess... if you believe in any of that. either way it is not always deserved or predictable.

Girlx, actually i don't believe in fate or karma and i agree with you that some Americans are in a bad situation because of circumstances for which they can't be blamed. i said SOME Americans because the overwhelming majority of those who are in a bad situation can bloody well be blamed for the stupid choices they made. as stupid choices i consider when people live well beyond their means, spending much more than they earn and use the value of the roof over their heads as cash cow.


Thank you Naam for post number 2124, you must have felt good after that.

The coming years will show where this will go eventually with the US and some other countries. If then this thread is still going we can look back and make silly jokes about that stupid la la guy or perhaps our self proclaimed internet scientist :) or maybe both.

For then keep nitpicking and rambling, keeps things lively here..... :D

Edit: Talking about hyping things up, I believe it was another genius that said the world would go down if they did not agreed to give these billions and billion of USD.

We all know where that money went but maybe you forgot that already?


i neither feel good nor do i feel bad after one of my postings Alex. but i feel sorry for people who think, that from the perspective of their tiny world or circumstances, they can judge everything and everybody and issue a "guilty as charged" sentenced without presenting any shroud of evidence or having some insight. these people are in my (not so) humble view nothing but arrogant ignorants.

my view applies especially to those who make multivalent predictions which can be used later even for minor happenings to justify ridiculous statements "on x-date i predicted that something will happen on y-date. and you see? on y-date the Dow fell by x-points." you might be able to impress a fourthgrader with your prophecies and number mumbo jumbo but not a person with an IQ above those 80 points below which the diagnosis "retarded" is issued.


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