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Red Shirts Threaten To Blockade Government House On Saturday


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Are you implying that the only way to get taken seriously is to bring the country to a standstill?

Occupying govt house for months on end and then the airports is indeed serious business, which is why they should be held responsible for their actions. If the reds do the same it is also inexcusable but at least take both sides to court and prosecute and the crimes should be equal.

(Although as yet the reds have gone no where near as far).

get the job done or done do it at all, PAD stand for what it is, it take fire to fight fire, and guest what? clown government no more. protest for the people by the people, if you are protest to achieve a goal do seriously and get the job done, red shirt are clown like their leader, they get pay, they come, they sitting for a few hour and drink some beer and poof!!! they are gone cause paying time is up. BoZO.
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You forget that the PAD also hurt people, also beat people, also shot at people, also ran over poeple, ohh and stranded thousands of people....

You are talking about violence by their guards in the last couple of months when they were under daily, cowardly attacks.

The PAD itself was a peaceful, non-violent movement and it has never attacked their opponents, let alone violently dispersed rival political rallies.

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Red-shirted northern people ride train to Bangkok

Lampang - Some 200 red-shirted people from this northern province took a train Friday morning heading to join a mass rally in Bangkok Saturday.

The gathered at the Lampang railway station at 9:15 am and posed for pictures together.

They said they would join the rally to show the red-shirt force.

Earlier, some 300 red-shirted people from Chiang Mai and Lamphun took another train, heading to Bangkok.

Source: The Nation - 30 January 2009

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You forget that the PAD also hurt people, also beat people, also shot at people, also ran over poeple, ohh and stranded thousands of people....

You are talking about violence by their guards in the last couple of months when they were under daily, cowardly attacks.

The PAD itself was a peaceful, non-violent movement and it has never attacked their opponents, let alone violently dispersed rival political rallies.

Its a good point that they were under daily attack by grenades. I note that while there are daily and intense calls for the PAD to be tried (which takes time) and of course they should be tried for crimes committed etc, that there is no constant call for an investigation into the culprits associated with the greande attacks. Surely our democracy loving red ideologues should demand that investigations must be carried out into every abuse (including their own) as democracy is of course made stronger when one stands up for the rights of those one does not agree with........

Mmmm thinking about it I have never heard the red shirt democracy loving ideologues make public speeches at their rallies condemning Thailands worst human rights abuse in decades and demand the culprits including the PM at the time be tried for their crimes against humanity (and thereby democracy).......

Of course the red shirts are nothing about democracy however, or at least any version of democracy that would be recognized as such in a democratic country....

Maybe we should term what the red shirts want as demonocracy.

Please note this does not mean that what the PAD want is something to be admired either.

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The reds said they won't disrupt normal govt functioning at this stage..

Koo, quick, Jatuporn obviously didn't understand you, please go and tell him what your plans are.

"Jatuporn said protesters would block every access to the seat of government until the demands were met."

Don't read that source. Just watch the live talk of Truth Today now on DStation. They are talking on the phone with the reds who are on the way coming to Bangkok.

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A group of reds is taking the train from the North to Bangkok now. They said via the phone, that when the train stops at each station, people send foods to them. They receive like that at each station. Those who cannot join the protest still try to support.

The Truth Today people said they will have a tent to receive sponsorship. All foods, drinks, fruits, snacks are welcomed.

They said 10,000 Police will be at Sanam Luang tomorrow. I forgot how many Army.

And sh_t, no Police and Army did a sh_t during 3 months PAD slept in Government House with weapons and 8 days in 2 main airports.

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A group of reds is taking the train from the North to Bangkok now. They said via the phone, that when the train stops at each station, people send foods to them. They receive like that at each station. Those who cannot join the protest still try to support.

The Truth Today people said they will have a tent to receive sponsorship. All foods, drinks, fruits, snacks are welcomed.

They said 10,000 Police will be at Sanam Luang tomorrow. I forgot how many Army.

And sh_t, no Police and Army did a sh_t during 3 months PAD slept in Government House with weapons and 8 days in 2 main airports.

Yes, the police did not kill any protester... :o

<deleted>, Koo82, are you for real or a fawking troll? Or just insanely one-eyed?

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Those who support Dems/PAD/elite/Army/"someone" are good, intelligent, clean.

Those who are reds or support the reds have one eye, insane, being bought by Khun T and are troll, fake. :o

Those who support violence by any side are despicable.

If the shoe fits...

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Is blocking Government House and airports not violence?

Who are supporting PAD? You?

No, blocking govt house or airports is not "violence". It's called peaceful civil disobedience and is a commonly used method to affect change by civil society groups throughout the world, especially in democratic countries that have been temporarily taken over by despots. You should be proud of PAD for ridding the despot and his puppets from Thailand and getting a semi-decent govt back in.

I'll let you in on a little secret Koo. I know an ordinary woman from Isaan. She gave up her income and left her farm to join PAD for over six months. Slept in the tents on Ratchdamern Avenue, Govt House, Don Muang and on the floor of Suwanaphum airport. Got gassed, harassed and beaten by the cops on a couple of occasions. Never knew if she would be the next person killed by one of the Reds bombs or crazy Sae Daeng bullets. Nobody paid her to go down there and she lost much income by not being at home, while the weeds grew up on her orchard. It was a terrible period of insecurity for her and her yellow shirted friends. But she believed in what she was doing was saving the country from a terrible fate, should Thaksin and his proxy governments be allowed to prevail. I never knew she was doing this until two days ago when I got a letter from her out of the blue.

You know what? I'm proud to know her and yes, if you're asking, PAD weren't that bad in retrospect. History will judge them kindly for the favour they did in getting rid of Ai Mak and Ai Somchai puppet governments, while keeping the country informed of the sinister antics being played by Ai Maew, your hero. The reds, by comparison are a spent force who lack support and legitimacy. Toxin's limp wristed spasms.

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Just watch the live talk of Truth Today now on DStation.

And what makes you think these people would never lie?

Also, Koo, can you sort out your priotrities, please? Is it about saving democracy, saving Thaksin, or just against PAD+military+Privy Council+elites+judiciray+politicians+middle classes+66% of the voters who didn't vote PTP last time around?

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Is blocking Government House and airports not violence?

Who are supporting PAD? You?

Because someone is critical of the red shirts/UDD deos not necessarily mean they support PAD. There is a principled position of supporting neither that some take.

I would also suggest that when getting information from DTV it needs to be analysed in a context of who runs DTV just as with ASTV.

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If you protest in front and around of the Government House with no weapons, you are legal.

If you go inside, damage the grass ground, sh_t on the PM table, cut PM chair, steal things including lady shoes, steal confidential software of government, bring in self made bombs and acid bottle, you are illegal.

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If you protest in front and around of the Government House with no weapons, you are legal.

If you go inside, damage the grass ground, sh_t on the PM table, cut PM chair, steal things including lady shoes, steal confidential software of government, bring in self made bombs and acid bottle, you are illegal.

You are not illegal if you are wearing a yellow shirt. The law is meant for common people, not those serving the interests of the upper classes. Any attempt to bring the law to bear on the actions of those wearing yellow will fail miserably. We are not in Kansas anymore!

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If you protest in front and around of the Government House with no weapons, you are legal.

If you go inside, damage the grass ground, sh_t on the PM table, cut PM chair, steal things including lady shoes, steal confidential software of government, bring in self made bombs and acid bottle, you are illegal.

You are not illegal if you are wearing a yellow shirt. The law is meant for common people, not those serving the interests of the upper classes. Any attempt to bring the law to bear on the actions of those wearing yellow will fail miserably. We are not in Kansas anymore!

Which explains of course why the PAD guards who stormed some TV station got charged and refused bail. It also explains why the police stood aside and let the Chiang Mai reds drag some dude from his car beat him and murder him or why Khwanchai roams Udon.

There is alot of silly misinformation by both sides.

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Just watch the live talk of Truth Today now on DStation.

And what makes you think these people would never lie?

Also, Koo, can you sort out your priotrities, please? Is it about saving democracy, saving Thaksin, or just against PAD+military+Privy Council+elites+judiciray+politicians+middle classes+66% of the voters who didn't vote PTP last time around?

Did they lie that military robbed our government in 2006 by a coup? It is not written anywhere that when parties bite each other, Army can bring tanks and guns in to rob the government.

Did they lie that Abhisit did not join the Army?

Did they lie that Abhisit climbed to the PM chair with the help from PAD+military+Privy Council+elites+judiciray+politicians+middle classes? Did they lie that Abhisit did not win a general election like what Khun T and Khun Samak did?

Did they lie that PAD slept in the Government House for 3 months and airports for 8 days?

Did they lie that PAD had weapons when they protested at Parliament on 7 Oct?

Did they lie that Kasit was a terrorist in PAD protest and answered in Nation tv that Khun Hunsen is bs, ai qui in South East Asia losing his reputation, hengsuai, bor bor bar bar (mad), Khun T's slave? I hope they will show the video again in the meeting today (this is a photo I took from tv):


Did they lie that in the Party in the South after Abhisit became PM, PAD said "Without PAD, Abhisit can't become a PM even in his next life in the afternoon"?

Did they lie that Abhisit must appoint PAD to key positions because he can't break the promise?

Did they lie that Dems Party people donated bags containing rotten fish cans, 4 kg instead of 5kg rice bags with mods (insects eating rice) inside, expired medicine, rotten nam prik phao (Thai chili paste), thin blankets not to keep them warm but to be used as mosquito nets? Poor those people in those areas. They put back the opened fish cans and sent to government.

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Hard to judge on this one. One side that is against corruption. Another side that thinks corruption is okay. Both are doing harm to the country's stability and income. As I'm against corruption myself, I have more sympathies for the cause of the yellow shirts. I find the red shirts are people that just wants to have their share of a corrupt system.

Good grief Ga-gai ------ "One side that is against corruption" ---- how ridiculous !! They were not "against corruption" they were against "Thaksin corruption" --- and that is a huge difference !! Please do not mask the organizers self serving actions in this under some BS cloak of justice.

The fiscal misdeeds of the entire Thaksin team pale into insignificance compared to that of the entrenched grafters. The military in particular felt their special interests and massive money machine were under threat from the Thaksin clique --- obviously they needed to be stopped....... cue the foolish muppets in yellow who were merely pawns to get the "usurpers" snout out of the trough to safeguard the "take" of the historical thieves.

If the "stop corruption ---- even if we must bring Thailand to its knees" call had even the slightest validity they would certainly not have started (nor stopped) when they did! Corruption is in no way diminished --- it is simply back into the hands of the traditional plunderers.

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You are not illegal if you are wearing a yellow shirt. The law is meant for common people, not those serving the interests of the upper classes. Any attempt to bring the law to bear on the actions of those wearing yellow will fail miserably. We are not in Kansas anymore!

jumnien, they think we don't know what is happening. They think we still live in jungle being deaf, blind and uneducated.

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Did they lie that Abhisit did not join the Army?

No, but it has no merit on anything whatsoever. What is next, female MPs have to be virgins to be considered clean?

Did they lie that Abhisit climbed to the PM chair with the help from PAD+military+Privy Council+elites+judiciray+politicians+middle classes?

Yes, as what happened was due process. You might not like it since you hate democracy, but that is life.

Did they lie that Abhisit did not win a general election like what Khun T and Khun Samak did?

Yes, as Samak didn't win any election anymore than Abhisit did. If you don't know how your electoral process works, should you really be trying to be involved in debating it?

Did they lie that Kasit was a terrorist in PAD protest /.../

Yes, as no-one has been convicted or tried on terrorism charges.

Did they lie that in the Party in the South after Abhisit became PM, PAD said "Without PAD, Abhisit can't become a PM even in his next life in the afternoon"?

Yes, since PAD isn't a single organism IT cannot have said anything. Members in the organisation could however try to up-play their importance and beat their own chest to make themselves appear important. Doesn't men it is true however.

Did they lie that Abhisit must appoint PAD to key positions because he can't break the promise?

Probably lied, and of course no evidence is presented. It's just talk.

Did they lie that Dems Party people donated bags containing rotten fish cans, 4 kg instead of 5kg rice bags with mods (insects eating rice) inside, expired medicine, rotten nam prik phao (Thai chili paste), thin blankets not to keep them warm but to be used as mosquito nets? Poor those people in those areas. They put back the opened fish cans and sent to government.

Probably lied, as what would be the purpose of donating bad items on purpose? Spite?

Just don't accept it and you are at the same position as before you where sent the items...

Looking forward to a reply to each rebuttal.

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What is wrong with people loving Khun Thaksin? Are we allowed to love Abhisit only?

...said the one-eyed one. I don't love Abhisit (actually I dislike most any politicians i the world in various degrees) but I despise Snake Thaksin for taking what could have been a mandate by the people and just doing the old 'I'm gonna get super-rich of the backs of the poor'-rutine and then adding 'and I will be tricking them into voluntarily thanking me for it'-double play that will hurt people in the long run more than they seem to realize. Or haven't grasped yet. And the aftermath isn't even over, for him it's like we are in intermission!

He isn't interested in the well-being of the country, only about his wallet and the amount of high wai's he can get from other people in high positions.

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Thai law forces every boy at 18 must join the Army or join some sort of local forces.

Khun Thaksin and Khun Samak came in after elections. Khun Somchai and Abhisit came in after a voting. If the one-sided Constitution Court had not dissolved PPP, next life in the afternoon, Abhisit would still have dreamed of the PM chair.

Why did you say I hate democracy? What democracy was that that politicians were instructed to meet military people and later on they switched their voices to Dems? What democracy was that that a group of nuts protested illegally trying to knock an elected party and proposed new politic policies? Who do they think they are? Is a government not basing on people majority voice called democracy? Is anti 1 man 1 vote rule called democracy? Even their name is misleading. It should have been "People against Democracy".

Don't expect this side will do anything to terrorist PAD. They only punish Khun Thaksin and his party.

"purpose of donating bad items "? They $hould buy $uper cheap good$ including no quality good$ to earn. Being in the government for not more than 1 month, they couldn't wait any longer (rotten fish can story was heard around 3 weeks after 15 Dec 2008). They had to do it quick. Being hungry for too long. If Khun T were still in power, no chance they can earn by the$e dirty trick$. Wait, they now are buying uniforms to donate and price is about 1.5 times of market price. They always blame other parties for being corrupt.

Edited by Koo82
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I despise Snake Thaksin for taking what could have been a mandate by the people and just doing the old 'I'm gonna get super-rich of the backs of the poor'-rutine and then adding 'and I will be tricking them into voluntarily thanking me for it'-double play that will hurt people in the long run more than they seem to realize. Or haven't grasped yet. And the aftermath isn't even over, for him it's like we are in intermission!

I wish any PM could have a brain such as his so Thailand could go ahead.

What about a PM who supported PAD to put 350,000 tourists in difficulties if not terrors when they couldn't fly out? Instead of judging them, he brought them to key positions to reward. Next step Abhisit government will borrow money to run Thailand as they don't know how to make money. This is the 2nd time. The 1st time, Khun T paid the loan. A PM who dared to do anything, to promise anything in order to be PM. Is he a man?

You can lie some people but you can't lie us.

Edited by Koo82
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Thai law forces every boy at 18 must join the Army or join some source of local forces.

Are you sure about this? This is the first time I have heard of this. What I have heard is that every Thai male must put his name in for the draft, whether or not he gets chosen is another matter. As well, I have heard that if a Thai male voluntarily joins something like the ROTC at school then he can avoid this requirement to put his name up for the draft lottery.

Perhaps the law has changed drastically in the 6 months since my 21 year old nephew went to the military draft lottery at the amphur.

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Did they lie that Abhisit did not join the Army?

No, but it has no merit on anything whatsoever. What is next, female MPs have to be virgins to be considered clean?

It actually has considerable relevance --- and would apply equally to female MPs virgins or no. (Oh --- so cutesy--- well done!) When someone uses power privilege and position to avoid a national obligation which applies to all Thai males -- then he is a grub. He feels above the "ordinary people" and that the rules do not apply to him --- just the kind of national leader all Thais can admire.

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I despise Snake Thaksin for taking what could have been a mandate by the people and just doing the old 'I'm gonna get super-rich of the backs of the poor'-rutine and then adding 'and I will be tricking them into voluntarily thanking me for it'-double play that will hurt people in the long run more than they seem to realize. Or haven't grasped yet. And the aftermath isn't even over, for him it's like we are in intermission!

I wish any PM could have a brain such as his so Thailand could go ahead.

What about a PM who supported PAD to put 350,000 tourists in difficulties if not terrors when they couldn't fly out? Instead of judging them, he brought them to key positions to reward. Next step Abhisit government will borrow money to run Thailand as they don't know how to make money. This is the 2nd time. The 1st time, Khun T paid the loan. A PM who dared to do anything, to promise anything in order to be PM. Is he a man?

You can lie some people but you can't lie us.

I cannot agree more.

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Thai law forces every boy at 18 must join the Army or join some source of local forces.

Are you sure about this? This is the first time I have heard of this. What I have heard is that every Thai male must put his name in for the draft, whether or not he gets chosen is another matter. As well, I have heard that if a Thai male voluntarily joins something like the ROTC at school then he can avoid this requirement to put his name up for the draft lottery.

Perhaps the law has changed drastically in the 6 months since my 21 year old nephew went to the military draft lottery at the amphur.

Abhisit did not put his name in for the draft because he studied in the UK.

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Did they lie that military robbed our government in 2006 by a coup? It is not written anywhere that when parties bite each other, Army can bring tanks and guns in to rob the government.

Do you have Alzheimer??

The last snap election from thaksin is illegal and therefore boycotted by ALL other parties including his (TRT+PPP) former and later coalition partner.

He was still unable to get the 20 % in some areas, which made the parliament and government house being outside the constitution and the government as illegal as the coup installed one.

There are no elected government before 2006 coup.

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Thai law forces every boy at 18 must join the Army or join some source of local forces.

Are you sure about this? This is the first time I have heard of this. What I have heard is that every Thai male must put his name in for the draft, whether or not he gets chosen is another matter. As well, I have heard that if a Thai male voluntarily joins something like the ROTC at school then he can avoid this requirement to put his name up for the draft lottery.

Perhaps the law has changed drastically in the 6 months since my 21 year old nephew went to the military draft lottery at the amphur.

Abhisit did not put his name in for the draft because he studied in the UK.

That was not my question. My question is are you sure that Thai law requires that every male over the age of 18 join the military or some local force? Do you have any facts to back this up?

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