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Polluted Water, Jomtien Beach?


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Gotcha! I lived in an RV for a few years. We had 2 tanks. Grey and black. Grey was shower and sinks. Black was for the toilets. So when I saw this setup...I thought....ummmmm.

I had a septic tank in the US. Added yeast or some sort of stuff every month. Maybe I should start doing that here to help with the process also?

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Some years ago, a friend of mine, and long time Thailand resident, developed a waste treatment plant, that was the size of a container. Shit would go in one end, and drinking water would come out the other. Although a good product and much needed here, he just couldnt get many sold. Why? Because it was much cheaper for the companies that pollute, to just pay off some official. I guess if he was smart, he could have paid off some other officials, so they would force the companies to clean their waste. Is that reverse corruption??

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Put on a drip for a rash thats not like the hospital to over do it so they can put the bill up! <_<

stnadard procedure in most so called farang hospitals. If you come at irregular hours or walk into the emergency room they put you straight on a drip no matter what you have. Next step is one of the office ladies trying to talk you in staying over night.

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