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If Your Son Commited A Crime In Thailand


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Suppose it was your son who ran down that group of people at the bus station because he lost his temper and you were also in a financial position to make the problem go away. Would you do it or would you allow the police to take him away for a life imprisonment?

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Suppose it was your son who ran down that group of people at the bus station because he lost his temper and you were also in a financial position to make the problem go away. Would you do it or would you allow the police to take him away for a life imprisonment?

I know that I wouldnt let him get in a car and drive again, thats for sure.

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Suppose it was your son who ran down that group of people at the bus station because he lost his temper and you were also in a financial position to make the problem go away. Would you do it or would you allow the police to take him away for a life imprisonment?

IF I had the money to 'make it go away'--WOW, that is a difficult one. I think I would talk to whoever matters and try to arrange things so that the usual 'rich Thai gone bad' scenario could be g'teed to happen--that is, give the kid his 12-18 months inside to try to change his attitude then have him quietly released--life imprisonment, I don't think I could bear that one--whatever he'd done.

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Suppose it was your son who ran down that group of people at the bus station because he lost his temper and you were also in a financial position to make the problem go away. Would you do it or would you allow the police to take him away for a life imprisonment?

I do not know ANY father, myself included, who would allow the police to take our child away for life imprisonment, if there was a way round it using money as a tool.

What I find despicable in the case you refer to is the complete lack of remorse shown by the family at the time of the accident, and the fact that the parents allowed their son to immediately drive again.

If I were in that horrible position, I would be highly embarrassed, but I would do whatever to finish the problem.

I would then leave the country, get my son the best medical help I could, and start our life over.

I believe that the person in this case should do serious jail time, but when it comes to your own child, I would admittedly become Hypocrite Number 1.

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the problem is of course that those parents don't think like that at all, that's what caused his attitude and so the accident in the first place; they are above the law and their son knows it. they probably going to make sure that the police involved get degraded as well ... how the police dare to even look their mighty son in the eye ...

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the problem is of course that those parents don't think like that at all, that's what caused his attitude and so the accident in the first place; they are above the law and their son knows it. they probably going to make sure that the police involved get degraded as well ... how the police dare to even look their mighty son in the eye ...

I don't know the family in question and haven't really been following the case but, you're 100% correct in that the sort of people you describe do live in this country in rather large numbers--it's unfortunately just one of many 'peculiarities' of Thai society which is contributing to keeping this country down and in the 'dark ages' of modern civil society and morality. Don't scratch to far beneath the Land of Smiles veneer.

I also must agree with JacknDanny--this guy 'deserves' to serve the full time but, if it was my kid I, too, would probably become a hypocrite.

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I guess it kind of depends on the son. I mean if your son is fully grown and real sadistic mofo and you know he will do it again, and again.... doesn't give you the time of day and expects you to make it all go away... then probably let him go to jail.

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If my son acted in a way that wasn't normal for him (rare situation) I would try to lessen the sentence but not remedy it completely. If it had been an ongoing attitude highly repeated.....he made his bed, let him lay in it.

It's called tough love. Today's children are the way they are because they don't receive enough tough love.

It's the parents stupid!



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I guess it kind of depends on the son. I mean if your son is fully grown and real sadistic mofo and you know he will do it again, and again.... doesn't give you the time of day and expects you to make it all go away... then probably let him go to jail.

That's saying let him go ahead and see what comes from it. Wouldn't you say that parents have a responsibility to get their son help when he is a danger to himself or others, before somethings happens?

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I'd pay to make it go away, just like any of you guys would.

For instance, how many guys here drive whilst over the legal limit for alcohol, if you had an accident where there was a fatality and you could either go to Jail for 10 years or pay money to make it go away, what would you do ?

Yeah yeah, I know, ThaiVisa members never ever drink and drive, ever !! :o

But in the real world many Farangs do and if money could bring about a swift resolution to the problem, they would pay, just like a rich Thai would.

Guilty rich people in the USA can hire the top defence lawyers to get them off of convictions on a technicality and the poorer guys go to Jail.

Edited by Maigo6
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If I am sure something simillar won't happen again I would help with whatever I can.

If I think it may happen again because nothing learned I would not help (at least I am posting that, not sure what I do in the real life).

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I'd pay to make it go away, just like any of you guys would.

For instance, how many guys here drive whilst over the legal limit for alcohol, if you had an accident where there was a fatality and you could either go to Jail for 10 years or pay money to make it go away, what would you do ?

Yeah yeah, I know, ThaiVisa members never ever drink and drive, ever !! :D

But in the real world many Farangs do and if money could bring about a swift resolution to the problem, they would pay, just like a rich Thai would.

Guilty rich people in the USA can hire the top defence lawyers to get them off of convictions on a technicality and the poorer guys go to Jail.

The silence is deafening. :o

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the problem is of course that those parents don't think like that at all, that's what caused his attitude and so the accident in the first place; they are above the law and their son knows it. they probably going to make sure that the police involved get degraded as well ... how the police dare to even look their mighty son in the eye ...

I don't know the family in question and haven't really been following the case but, you're 100% correct in that the sort of people you describe do live in this country in rather large numbers--it's unfortunately just one of many 'peculiarities' of Thai society which is contributing to keeping this country down and in the 'dark ages' of modern civil society and morality. Don't scratch to far beneath the Land of Smiles veneer.

I also must agree with JacknDanny--this guy 'deserves' to serve the full time but, if it was my kid I, too, would probably become a hypocrite.

I think you are extremely naïve if you think this is a "peculiarity" unique to Thailand society. Every counrty in the world has people that are "protected" by the shield of money and power.


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I guess it kind of depends on the son. I mean if your son is fully grown and real sadistic mofo and you know he will do it again, and again.... doesn't give you the time of day and expects you to make it all go away... then probably let him go to jail.

That's saying let him go ahead and see what comes from it. Wouldn't you say that parents have a responsibility to get their son help when he is a danger to himself or others, before somethings happens?

I thought from the OP it was understood that without your help he would go to jail. So letting him go to jail would prevent him to further endangering society.

I'm only suggesting this course of action if your son was a real head case and you knew he'd do it again.

Just saying, there's no "one size fits all" answer to the original question.

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I dont drink and do drive, I cant stand alcohol never could .............. oh bugger ruined your perceptions?

Ruined my perception, my perception of what ?

My perception of those that do not drink being involved in an accident whilst under the influence ? :o

I am talking about those that DO drink and drive not those that don't.

Try to keep up with the rest of the class mate. :D

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Suppose it was your son who ran down that group of people at the bus station because he lost his temper and you were also in a financial position to make the problem go away. Would you do it or would you allow the police to take him away for a life imprisonment?

I do not know ANY father, myself included, who would allow the police to take our child away for life imprisonment, if there was a way round it using money as a tool.

What I find despicable in the case you refer to is the complete lack of remorse shown by the family at the time of the accident, and the fact that the parents allowed their son to immediately drive again.

If I were in that horrible position, I would be highly embarrassed, but I would do whatever to finish the problem.

I would then leave the country, get my son the best medical help I could, and start our life over.

I believe that the person in this case should do serious jail time, but when it comes to your own child, I would admittedly become Hypocrite Number 1.

is this one of the hang 'em high crowd..mmm... but you just showed some compassion, and self honestly.. this rare from your club- but I always knew it is there,there is hope for you my dear friend

to fairly judge anyone- pass the same sentence as you would you own child and your worst enemy

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The silence is deafening. :o

Try waiting longer than 40 minutes before responding to your own post.

And yeah, if it was my son, I'd pay to have the problem go away if possible. This is wrong of course, and ideally it would not even be possible, but that's what I'd do.

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I'd pay to make it go away, just like any of you guys would.

For instance, how many guys here drive whilst over the legal limit for alcohol, if you had an accident where there was a fatality and you could either go to Jail for 10 years or pay money to make it go away, what would you do ?

Yeah yeah, I know, ThaiVisa members never ever drink and drive, ever !! :D

But in the real world many Farangs do and if money could bring about a swift resolution to the problem, they would pay, just like a rich Thai would.

Guilty rich people in the USA can hire the top defence lawyers to get them off of convictions on a technicality and the poorer guys go to Jail.

The silence is deafening. :o

Totally agree with this post. Anybody who has the money/power to resolve a problem would.


Edited by johnsurin
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Make it go away, no question about it... with the exception if he were a repeat offender and no longer playing by the family rules. Should note that the family rules say that the only crimes are murder and drug dealing. Everything else, knock yourself out and we'll get you off the hook if at all possible.

You can't use the family network if you're not going to participate as a member of said network.

Um, I'm speaking theoretically of course.


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I would let him go to jail, in that understanding that raising him with that attitude would prevent this kind of behavior!

in other words; my son wouldn't go to jail, not because I would buy him out, but because he wouldn't get himself in such a situation to start with

and diago; don't give me the excuse-BS ... it's not because you're a lousy drunk that it someway, somehow makes it ok to be a lousy drunk!

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I'd pay to make it go away, just like any of you guys would.

For instance, how many guys here drive whilst over the legal limit for alcohol, if you had an accident where there was a fatality and you could either go to Jail for 10 years or pay money to make it go away, what would you do ?

Yeah yeah, I know, ThaiVisa members never ever drink and drive, ever !! :D

But in the real world many Farangs do and if money could bring about a swift resolution to the problem, they would pay, just like a rich Thai would.

Guilty rich people in the USA can hire the top defence lawyers to get them off of convictions on a technicality and the poorer guys go to Jail.

The silence is deafening. :o

Totally agree with this post. Anybody who has the money/power to resolve a problem would.


not everyone- most maybe

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Not an easy one to answer but I would like him to be held to account for his actions.

If it was a first time offence :-

If it was in my power to do so I would want him to serve some time for the incident. Enough time to teach him a lesson yet not enough to destroy his life. Therefore I would try to arrange some deal (financial) where he received a jail term in some filthy hole for long enough to make him remember. I'd also make sure he signed legal documents to pay back the financial arrangement.

A second or recurring offence, I'd let him do the full term for being a complete <deleted>.

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Well if I was one of those many foreigners that had a child from my Thai wife (or g/f) I'd probably do what alot of foreigners do and that is to abandon the kid. It would be bad enough that I had been sucked dry of my money and assets for the time it took for the miscreant to finally let his nastiness play out, thatI'd welcome the chance to be rid of him or her. And if he/she was a kid from my old family, I wouldn't care about him/her either, because that was one of the reasons I took off to Thailand and left the ex to raise the kids back in the old country.Why would I stop being selfish now?

However, if I was like a alot of people in TV that married for love, loved that kid and had done my best to raise the kid right, I'd know it was a one off deal and I'd do whatever it took to get him off the hook. Sometimes people make mistakes and part of being a good parent is cleaning up the mess to give the kid a chance at a better life.

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