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An Unbelievable Story - Relationships Can Be Hard Sometimes: My Rant


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Girl is underage to boot, I wonder if he might have some legal issues as well unless he coughs up? Very bad judgment since he basically said the whole village was having a go at her, but never the less - using an excuse to justify his own actions.

OHHH It's so gross ! I'm a teacher too - she's the same age as my students ! :o

What's so gross about a natural act ? The age of consent in Thailand is 15... The age of concent in UK is 16 .. Unless the guy is 50 year old and sweet talking his way into young girls pants I can't see there there is anything gross about it.. I though Victorian ideas about sex being gross were a thing of the past... Don't know about others but I was sexually active long before I was 16 and so were my girlfriends at the time.. I was responsible even at that age and used contraception.. Never caught an STD and never made anyone pregnant.. Nothing wrong with sex between to consenting people...

But back on topic... The guy admitting his mistake is hopefully just him being honest and not wanting to cover up a an embarrasing and guilty feeling episode.. Also means that the story or the girl involved can't pop up in the future and trouble your relationship... I wouldn't get too hung up over it.. Guy gets drunk, gets horny and a girl obliges him... Doesn't sound like it meant much to him and he has no interest in seeing the girl again.. Pretty common in Thailand as things like responsibility and pre planning aren't common traits.. You only have to see how many young unmarried single girls are left with kids here to see that.

Friend of mine has a 19 year old son (Thai 50%/50%). He was caught in the morning (after the night) at the beach with a 17 year old girl. The girl’s father had the boy arrested. Cost his dad 300,000 to get him out of jail. Age of consent in Thailand is really about 22 without the parents consent.

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Hello Ladies

Let me tell you my story. I lived in Thailand from 2006-2008, I loved it. My Thai is pretty good and I have a Thai boyfriend. This past September I came back to Canada to study for a year and the plan was to return to Thailand once I finished school, my boyfriend wanted to get married and I was excited about this.

Goodness this post makes me nervous. That sounds exactly like my boyfriend and me. I'm studying in the USA and he is still in Thailand. (However, no news from him that anything has gone amiss. Hopefully there will never be.)

Once you make a decision and stick with it I think that you will feel much better. If you decide to stay with him then you should be prepared to fully forgive him. Otherwise, this incident will just hang over the relationship. If you cannot do this, then I think that it is just best to cut your losses now.

You left in September and he cheated on you in November. That is a really short time period, and you still have the rest of the year to go if you decide to go back to Thailand. :o

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Hello Ladies

Let me tell you my story. I lived in Thailand from 2006-2008, I loved it. My Thai is pretty good and I have a Thai boyfriend. This past September I came back to Canada to study for a year and the plan was to return to Thailand once I finished school, my boyfriend wanted to get married and I was excited about this.

I though things were fine between us; I even came to Thailand for the month of December to hang out with him. We talked on the phone often and it seemed all was well. Then he recently dropped the bomb. He told me that back in November, at a festival, he got drunk and had sex with a 17 year old girl. She's now pregnant and saying it is his. He says he doesn't think it is his child though because he wore a condom and this girl has sex with everyone. But now he said he is going to give her 40,000 baht to "fix" the situation, even though he insists to me that the child is not his and wants to get married to me.

I'm beside myself with disgust. :o:D

What do you think? Have you ever head anything like this?

Well looks like he took the first step at being a man by admitting to you he cheated on you! I will give him that.

I think you should take a couple of steps back from this guy to "reevaluate your relationship" with him. If you are a strong enough person you will find it in your heart to forgive him, then you will.

But if on the other hand you feel that you can't forgive him or more importantly trust him, then it's time to move on. The ball is in your court and good luck!


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Yea right, that particular brand of Thai guy do not wear condoms,

What "particular brand of thai guy" is that then? Please enlighten me cause you are obviously on close personal terms with the ops bf to know what "particular brand of thai guy" he is!

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Yea right, that particular brand of Thai guy do not wear condoms,

What "particular brand of thai guy" is that then? Please enlighten me cause you are obviously on close personal terms with the ops bf to know what "particular brand of thai guy" he is!

err.....the type that has sex with 17 year old girls 'that apparently everyone has had sex with' at parties

thought that might be obvious?!

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So no other men from any other country has ever got drunk & cheated on their gf by having sex with a young women then? Not imo behavior specific only to a "particular type of thai guy" guy but certainly to a "particular type of guy".

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So no other men from any other country has ever got drunk & cheated on their gf by having sex with a young women then? Not imo behavior specific only to a "particular type of thai guy" guy but certainly to a "particular type of guy".

Never suggested for a moment that men from other countries didn't engage in this sort of practice. But we are in Thailand, speaking about a thai guy having sex with a thai woman...

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  • 2 months later...

2 months on and what happened?

Did he hit up the OP for the cash?

I've only really known 1 Farang girl with a Thai boyfriend (in village) and I can tell you that as soon as she went back to the Uk there were numerous girls lining up to spread their legs for him. It's a case of having money by proxy.

What man, with his girlfriend 6000 miles away is going to resist?

He tells you that he used a condom, yeah right. I've never met a Thai man that carries a condom (or admits it). Girls certainly dont unless they are in the trade.

If you have forgiven him this, then you have set a precedent for the future.

Think about it

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First its an old thread,but what i cant work out "is it a scam"?If he's not asking the OP for the 40,000 it cant be a scam.but why admit to the deed if he's going to find the money himself.Or is he hoping the hard luck story will invite the OP to offer to send him the money,i mean she's hardly likely too.If the guy had just wanted the money he could have offered a more plausable reason to get the money.If its not about the money why own up anyway.

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2 months on and what happened?

Did he hit up the OP for the cash?

I've only really known 1 Farang girl with a Thai boyfriend (in village) and I can tell you that as soon as she went back to the Uk there were numerous girls lining up to spread their legs for him. It's a case of having money by proxy.

What man, with his girlfriend 6000 miles away is going to resist? - A man who has respect for his wife/gf and personally would not feel good sleeping around. Yes, strange as this may sound to some of the male TV members, some men DO actually have respect for their partners.

He tells you that he used a condom, yeah right. I've never met a Thai man that carries a condom (or admits it). Girls certainly dont unless they are in the trade. - Huh? You have regularly asked Thai men if they are carrying a condom? :o What type of men do you know in Thailand? Do you actually know any educated, respectable, Thai men? My guess is you are either basing this on one generalised set/type of men in Thailand, (maybe the men from your area?), or that you are merely speculating. Again, there are many educated Thai men around, just as their are many educated Thai women. But ho hum...

If you have forgiven him this, then you have set a precedent for the future.

Think about it - Agree with this part.

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2 months on and what happened?

Did he hit up the OP for the cash?

I've only really known 1 Farang girl with a Thai boyfriend (in village) and I can tell you that as soon as she went back to the Uk there were numerous girls lining up to spread their legs for him. It's a case of having money by proxy.

What man, with his girlfriend 6000 miles away is going to resist? - A man who has respect for his wife/gf and personally would not feel good sleeping around. Yes, strange as this may sound to some of the male TV members, some men DO actually have respect for their partners.

He tells you that he used a condom, yeah right. I've never met a Thai man that carries a condom (or admits it). Girls certainly dont unless they are in the trade. - Huh? You have regularly asked Thai men if they are carrying a condom? :o What type of men do you know in Thailand? Do you actually know any educated, respectable, Thai men? My guess is you are either basing this on one generalised set/type of men in Thailand, (maybe the men from your area?), or that you are merely speculating. Again, there are many educated Thai men around, just as their are many educated Thai women. But ho hum...

If you have forgiven him this, then you have set a precedent for the future.

Think about it - Agree with this part.

Eek, I really enjoy your posts and feel somewhat honoured that you have responded to one of mine.

What man, with his girlfriend 6000 miles away is going to resist? - A man who has respect for his wife/gf and personally would not feel good sleeping around. Yes, strange as this may sound to some of the male TV members, some men DO actually have respect for their partners.

Speaking on behalf of the men of the world, respect has nothing to do with it. I may have a lot of respect for my girlfriend, but if a good looking girl offers it on a plate, I would find it very difficulty to resist. Because I am happy with my relationship, I will not go looking, but if it comes looking for me, I dont know if I will be able to say no.

I've never met a Thai man that carries a condom (or admits it). Girls certainly dont unless they are in the trade. - Huh? You have regularly asked Thai men if they are carrying a condom? :D What type of men do you know in Thailand? Do you actually know any educated, respectable, Thai men?

I admit that I dont know many educated respectable men in Thailand, but I have been invited by educated and uneducated to the Thai Karaokes and everytime when I have asked if use condom or not, the answer has been no.

I dont believe that any man, whatever race LIKES to use a condom. I dont and that fact makes sure that I dont play away. If a girl is willing to go bareback, then for sure she's been bareback with a lot of men before.

If you have forgiven him this, then you have set a precedent for the future.

Think about it - Agree with this part

At least you agree with me about something :D

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Oh no he has not asked me for the $$ he is going to pay for it somehow

I really don't know why he would tell you this story then. Better to keep his big mouth shut. You would probably have never known otherwise. There must be something more to this or he's just plain stupid. Thais are not usually this honest about all their extra curricular activities.

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Girl is underage to boot, I wonder if he might have some legal issues as well unless he coughs up? Very bad judgment since he basically said the whole village was having a go at her, but never the less - using an excuse to justify his own actions.

OHHH It's so gross ! I'm a teacher too - she's the same age as my students ! :o

What's so gross about a natural act ? The age of consent in Thailand is 15... The age of concent in UK is 16 .. Unless the guy is 50 year old and sweet talking his way into young girls pants I can't see there there is anything gross about it.. I though Victorian ideas about sex being gross were a thing of the past... Don't know about others but I was sexually active long before I was 16 and so were my girlfriends at the time.. I was responsible even at that age and used contraception.. Never caught an STD and never made anyone pregnant.. Nothing wrong with sex between to consenting people...

But back on topic... The guy admitting his mistake is hopefully just him being honest and not wanting to cover up a an embarrasing and guilty feeling episode.. Also means that the story or the girl involved can't pop up in the future and trouble your relationship... I wouldn't get too hung up over it.. Guy gets drunk, gets horny and a girl obliges him... Doesn't sound like it meant much to him and he has no interest in seeing the girl again.. Pretty common in Thailand as things like responsibility and pre planning aren't common traits.. You only have to see how many young unmarried single girls are left with kids here to see that.

Friend of mine has a 19 year old son (Thai 50%/50%). He was caught in the morning (after the night) at the beach with a 17 year old girl. The girl’s father had the boy arrested. Cost his dad 300,000 to get him out of jail. Age of consent in Thailand is really about 22 without the parents consent.

I beleive it is 18

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Thai men are no different than most other foreign men,they lie and cheat for some pussy.

We arein a thai forum so i will speak about thai men in relationships with thai women,as i dont know any thai guy with farang woman.

All,and i mean all my thai friends shag about and none use condoms,which i find frightening.One friend is fairly wealthy and he has a wife,mia noi and when he comes to Pattaya he takes 2 bg not 1 and doesnt use condom if allowed.

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Eek, I really enjoy your posts and feel somewhat honoured that you have responded to one of mine. - you fair knocked the wind out of my sails reading that. I was actually expecting to be launched upon because of the way I responded. .....Thank you.

Thanks also for your honest perspective. Although I loathe to accept it, I imagine men will always know more about the real story regarding this than women (so long as the men are being honest with each other, and not boastful/big fish tales). But, i do wish to continue believing that there are men out there that even when a beautiful dish is handed to them, they are happy enough that they were offered it, without having to have a taste.

I know a lovely man and his wife who come to Thailand every year for several months. He is a bubbly good looking older man, with a sweet but quite plain looking wife. I once asked him if he had ever been tempted (as we were on the topic about relationships in Thailand). He told me "All the time!", but says he loves his wife very much and that the risk of losing her is way too high a price. (Instead he likes to play a game of seeing how many of the young girls who are hanging off their bf's arms give him a "special" smile.)

We women get lonely too if our other halves are away, or we dont feel we are getting enough attention (yes, i know men and women are quiet different hormonally..but we do feel urges too, particularly if a man is attractive and attentative, particularly if she feels shes not getting enough attention from her partner). If women gave into every attractive flirtatious man who came her way, im sure male partners would feel the bite. I honestly think women dont do it as much, because we have respect for our partners and home-life and keep a handle on our sexual urges. I honestly think men are just as capable of doing this also.

..but i think im getting off-topic from the original OP. Sorry!

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Update - girl got an abortion and has been paid. NOT by me btw... No, he never asked me for any money. Perhaps he is a really honest person. Have I put it aside? I guess I will find out when I see him again. It's not a cut and dry situation - I'm not perfect either! I've just never messed up that bad.

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Eek, I really enjoy your posts and feel somewhat honoured that you have responded to one of mine. - you fair knocked the wind out of my sails reading that. I was actually expecting to be launched upon because of the way I responded. .....Thank you.

Thanks also for your honest perspective. Although I loathe to accept it, I imagine men will always know more about the real story regarding this than women (so long as the men are being honest with each other, and not boastful/big fish tales). But, i do wish to continue believing that there are men out there that even when a beautiful dish is handed to them, they are happy enough that they were offered it, without having to have a taste.

I know a lovely man and his wife who come to Thailand every year for several months. He is a bubbly good looking older man, with a sweet but quite plain looking wife. I once asked him if he had ever been tempted (as we were on the topic about relationships in Thailand). He told me "All the time!", but says he loves his wife very much and that the risk of losing her is way too high a price. (Instead he likes to play a game of seeing how many of the young girls who are hanging off their bf's arms give him a "special" smile.)

We women get lonely too if our other halves are away, or we dont feel we are getting enough attention (yes, i know men and women are quiet different hormonally..but we do feel urges too, particularly if a man is attractive and attentative, particularly if she feels shes not getting enough attention from her partner). If women gave into every attractive flirtatious man who came her way, im sure male partners would feel the bite. I honestly think women dont do it as much, because we have respect for our partners and home-life and keep a handle on our sexual urges. I honestly think men are just as capable of doing this also.

..but i think im getting off-topic from the original OP. Sorry!

I dont mess about with bg/pattaya women as my long term gf is all i need.However i feel that when a woman succombs to lust with a guy its because the hubby/bf is not giving enough attention,if a man strays its because he cant keep his weapon in his trousers.If you look at the stats in the UK the women stray nearly as much as the men,

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Thanks for the update. SOmebody mentioned use of DNA for the man to make a decision.

Here's some steps I suggest.

1) go to a hospital reputable hospital and WITNESS the Early pregnancy Test. Get the report. Have somebody reputable translate it for you.

2) Make a list of all the dates you had sex. Make a list of her periods. If need be, do the sonogram and get expected date of delivery. THen backtrack the probable dates of conception. This is only a little bit expensive but it can relieve anxiety quickly if you are not the one. This worked for me. It was like a load taken off of me.

3) DNA while pregnant is expensive. If she sleeps around, I wouldn't pay one dime until DNA is confirmed after birth. Why would you pay if the odds are anywhere near 50% or greater its not yours? Surely, the woman can understand this logic, right?

4) DNA test after birth is less expensive. But you are going to be sweating bullets for about 9 months and "hearing it" from the wonderful mother to be.

Edited by Head Snake
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Hello Ladies

Let me tell you my story. I lived in Thailand from 2006-2008, I loved it. My Thai is pretty good and I have a Thai boyfriend. This past September I came back to Canada to study for a year and the plan was to return to Thailand once I finished school, my boyfriend wanted to get married and I was excited about this.

I though things were fine between us; I even came to Thailand for the month of December to hang out with him. We talked on the phone often and it seemed all was well. Then he recently dropped the bomb. He told me that back in November, at a festival, he got drunk and had sex with a 17 year old girl. She's now pregnant and saying it is his. He says he doesn't think it is his child though because he wore a condom and this girl has sex with everyone. But now he said he is going to give her 40,000 baht to "fix" the situation, even though he insists to me that the child is not his and wants to get married to me.

I'm beside myself with disgust. :o:D

What do you think? Have you ever head anything like this?

what do you mean by fix? abort? that can be done for much less.

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