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Judgement Day


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The 5k payment to the judge was for whatever it was. Costs? Paperwork? I am not certain.

As to the lady in question changing her property into other peoples names, this Judgement stays in force for another 10 years and even if I do not get 1 Satong back, she will know that I am there in the background looking into whatever property she does own and ready to snatch it from her and that alone gives me a certain amount of pleasure. I can drive past her house or park up for short periods of time and linger outside her door looking at the car in her drive on the pretext of checking out her assets and she will know I am there :o

As long as I do not make a nuisance of myself or cause any disturbance or damage, I can be there looking and have her thinking.

The lawyer does not want a percentage. Free means free.

It is good to know there are people out there who are honest and diligent and also care.

So I am still a happy person :D

Just asking; is this lawyer located in Thakli?

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Never read so much rubbish. Get someone to locate her assets, obtain an execution order from the Legal Execution Department and they will then seize her assets. (Legal Execution is the official title and has nothing to do with death sentences) Her property will then be put up for auction, you will receive repayment of the debt from the proceeds of the auction and she will get whatver is left. They will only seize and auction what they feel would be sufficient to bring in enough funds to pay the debt. Assuming she has any assets.

As to whether enforcing the judgement may shorten shorten your life, these kinds of cases are so so common that if that were the case there would be thousands and thousands of people being murdered each year for these types of cases. Rubbish, unless she is an extremely vindictive woman.

whats to stop her selling them to someone in her camp and then she declares she has none

putting all her money offshore?

are there not so many ways around all this?

thousands are killed each year- but its still unlikely I agree

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As to the lady in question changing her property into other peoples names, this Judgement stays in force for another 10 years and even if I do not get 1 Satong back, she will know that I am there in the background looking into whatever property she does own and ready to snatch it from her and that alone gives me a certain amount of pleasure. I can drive past her house or park up for short periods of time and linger outside her door looking at the car in her drive on the pretext of checking out her assets and she will know I am there :o

As long as I do not make a nuisance of myself or cause any disturbance or damage, I can be there looking and have her thinking.

No offence, mate. Do you know anything about this country? If you try to snatch anything with or without a court order, there is a good chance you'll end up dead.

If on the slim chance you do succeed in getting your 100,000 Baht, you had better not hang around Thailand too long and if you do, don't follow a predictable routine. Do you know any high level army or police that can offer you protection? Do you plan to spend a good chunk of your future here? Is 100,000 Baht or antagonising somebody worth it?

no offense mate, one of male friends has been here 28 years...me not far off

what you say is not really accurate

these sorts are cowards, their power lays in people like you who buy into their myth of strengh

we do not- and so far we're still alive

we have knocked on so called 'mafia' mens home door's

exposed all sorts of thing's( human right abuse's, racketeering , etc, got followed by men on bike's..falsely arrested

he/we laugh at the threat's...

the truth is that I may get a bullet in the head tomorrow

its also truth that so far nothing has happened

please- give these silly little coward's nothing

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I too am itching to find out more,as i probably walk past you in big c every day...On my way to MK for that delicious crispy pork and their delightful little dance... :D

looking at your avatar tritex i cant work out if your chilling out with your mates,shagged out,or have had too much bundy rum.

I'd like to think all three... :D

I have your avatar on my mousepad!

I had a fellow Tv member do his nut because he didn't like my previous avatar,so i changed it just so as not to cause conflict... :o I quite like the new one,those bears look so relaxed,if only my own life was such... :D

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As to the lady in question changing her property into other peoples names, this Judgement stays in force for another 10 years and even if I do not get 1 Satong back, she will know that I am there in the background looking into whatever property she does own and ready to snatch it from her and that alone gives me a certain amount of pleasure. I can drive past her house or park up for short periods of time and linger outside her door looking at the car in her drive on the pretext of checking out her assets and she will know I am there :o

As long as I do not make a nuisance of myself or cause any disturbance or damage, I can be there looking and have her thinking.

No offence, mate. Do you know anything about this country? If you try to snatch anything with or without a court order, there is a good chance you'll end up dead.

If on the slim chance you do succeed in getting your 100,000 Baht, you had better not hang around Thailand too long and if you do, don't follow a predictable routine. Do you know any high level army or police that can offer you protection? Do you plan to spend a good chunk of your future here? Is 100,000 Baht or antagonising somebody worth it?

I love these threads where the "you will end up dead" crew come out of the wood work. These advocates of cowardice and rolling over dead and taking it up the ... well you know.

We are talking about 100k baht.

I have had personal involvement in a lawsuit involving much more than that and am still on amicable terms with the family of the defendant.

My lawyers managed to negotiate a full settlement without even going to court, and i never personally discussed it with the defendant, even when approached. I gave a deadline and once it elapsed i told him it was up to the lawyers now, talk to them.

In essence i removed myself from the proceedings. by avoiding direct confrontation and employing the right collector, i got my money back and no one lost face.

while i think the OP comes off as a vindictive, petty waste of skin little better than a stalker, i am more disgusted by the keep your head down and no one will kill you crew.

I do not have to hide when i am in the loclality, i do not know a police general, and everyone knows that i am not a soft touch, i will, and i did fight back -- for money, not revenge.

Ialso learned not to beleive Bangkok Bank when they tell you, yes sir, no problem, the cheque has been cancelled, payment has been stopped.

My hero, you are.

channeling yoda, you are.

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As to the lady in question changing her property into other peoples names, this Judgement stays in force for another 10 years and even if I do not get 1 Satong back, she will know that I am there in the background looking into whatever property she does own and ready to snatch it from her and that alone gives me a certain amount of pleasure. I can drive past her house or park up for short periods of time and linger outside her door looking at the car in her drive on the pretext of checking out her assets and she will know I am there :D

As long as I do not make a nuisance of myself or cause any disturbance or damage, I can be there looking and have her thinking.

No offence, mate. Do you know anything about this country? If you try to snatch anything with or without a court order, there is a good chance you'll end up dead.

If on the slim chance you do succeed in getting your 100,000 Baht, you had better not hang around Thailand too long and if you do, don't follow a predictable routine. Do you know any high level army or police that can offer you protection? Do you plan to spend a good chunk of your future here? Is 100,000 Baht or antagonising somebody worth it?

I love these threads where the "you will end up dead" crew come out of the wood work. These advocates of cowardice and rolling over dead and taking it up the ... well you know.

We are talking about 100k baht.

I have had personal involvement in a lawsuit involving much more than that and am still on amicable terms with the family of the defendant.

My lawyers managed to negotiate a full settlement without even going to court, and i never personally discussed it with the defendant, even when approached. I gave a deadline and once it elapsed i told him it was up to the lawyers now, talk to them.

In essence i removed myself from the proceedings. by avoiding direct confrontation and employing the right collector, i got my money back and no one lost face.

while i think the OP comes off as a vindictive, petty waste of skin little better than a stalker, i am more disgusted by the keep your head down and no one will kill you crew.

I do not have to hide when i am in the loclality, i do not know a police general, and everyone knows that i am not a soft touch, i will, and i did fight back -- for money, not revenge.

Ialso learned not to beleive Bangkok Bank when they tell you, yes sir, no problem, the cheque has been cancelled, payment has been stopped.

My hero, you are.

channeling yoda, you are.

o b yawn once said, better to be visibly incoherant than invisibly smug : translation - it's better to have a big stick when you need one, than having one you can't stick by : tranlastion - don't bring a knife to gun fight ; translation - one sleeps better at night knowing that the demons are only in your head. :o

Edited by bkkjames
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It has been a long wait - over a year - and the use of two lawyers (one very suspect) but, today I have word from my new, free lawyer, that the Judge has ruled in my favour.

In a case where I am owed 100,000 Baht by a Thai, the Judge yesterday made out a paper that has been sent to a certain young lady, advising her that he has ruled in my favour and that she must pay back the 100,000.

She has 1 month to respond to the Judge. No response for payment and I get a paper from the Judge himself giving me permission to go to the car, land offices etc. to see what property she owns. If she does own a car or whatever, my lawyer can then take that from her as payment or part payment. This judgement stays in my favour for 10 years, allowing me to make as many checks as I like as to her property status.

I am led to understand the original paperwork made out for this loan was not up to standard but that was, erm, rectified :D

I would like to say that this lawyer in Nakhonsawan has been working for free. The only payment I have made is 5,000 Baht to the Judge for his work.

When this lawyer heard what had happened with my previous lawyer he was not happy and also not happy I (a Farang) have been treated badly, so he offered his services for free :o

There is a seperate document set aside that allows a good Thai friend to continue the search for property owned even if I have to go back to the U.K. for any extended period, so she cannot hope for that to happen with any success :D

A happy day for this Farang though I do realise this is not over yet.

It shows we can get judgements in our favour if we are patient and find an honest lawyer.

So all she has to do is hide any assets for the next 10 years.

Doesn`t seem you have won this battle, but wish you good luck anyway.

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Well, now I have something to occupy my spare time for the next 10 years. Fun trips to the land offices etc :o

Scaremongering by certain members is just that. We can stay all our lives tied to our mothers apron strings or we can go out into that big, bad, scary world and learn how to cope with the big, bad, scary monsters that used to live under the bed but now shadow us everywhere, waiting to knife us, chop off our genitals, shoot us or worse.

Anyway, the point of the post was, more than anything, to show we can get justice from the courts here even if it does take time and we do not have to pay a fortune to get that justice.

If I get the money back, I will be happier still.

And I am still happy !! :D

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