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Need The Passport Back

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My mum sent her passport to the Home Office since 2006 asking for leave to remain on compassionate grounds(her case is too complicated to explain) and never heard from them since. Now she wants her passport back and she wrote to them (special delivery) twice and never heard from them either. Does anyone know what number or the right address of the Home Office to get the passport back? My mum has been married to a French man and living together but he doesn't want to sign any documentation (Home Office) for my Thai mum. I've been advised that to confirm her right to stay she needs to get a residence card and she doesn't need to sign any documentations to the Home Office she just can stay. Any advise pls and sorry my English is limited. Kobkoonka. Su/London :o

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If your mum entered the UK with an EEA Family Permit as the wife of a French citizen then she should have applied for, and received, her residence card a long time ago.

However, you say

My mum sent her passport to the Home Office since 2006 asking for leave to remain on compassionate grounds (her case is too complicated to explain)
so I guess it's more complicated than that! Particularly as her case has not yet been resolved after more than 2 years!

I am surprised that she has not had any correspondence from the Home Office after all this time.

She may want to try contacting the Case Resolution Directorate

(click here for details).

Under normal circumstances, if an applicant requests their passport back the application is treated as withdrawn, but I'm not sure about these circumstances.

I strongly suggest that your mum seeks professional advice from an immigration solicitor or an OISC registered advisor. If unsure how, then a visit to her local Citizens Advice would be a good place to start.

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