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Baht Buses - Who Goes Where?


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I used to understand that it was only the taxis with the white band along the top of the windscreen and the bottom of the door that were entitled to use the route to Jomtien. Now, however, I notice that many without those white markings ply that route. However, it would seem that most taxis that line up in the Jomtien baht bus stand at Second Road/ South Pattaya Road have the white markings. Are "plain" ones normally prohibited there?

Can anyone enlighten me on the official position in regard to the different markings?

(Maybe that's something Syd Barrett encountered the time he was thinking about setting the missus up in the bus business! :o )

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I used to understand that it was only the taxis with the white band along the top of the windscreen and the bottom of the door that were entitled to use the route to Jomtien. Now, however, I notice that many without those white markings ply that route. However, it would seem that most taxis that line up in the Jomtien baht bus stand at Second Road/ South Pattaya Road have the white markings. Are "plain" ones normally prohibited there?

Can anyone enlighten me on the official position in regard to the different markings?

(Maybe that's something Syd Barrett encountered the time he was thinking about setting the missus up in the bus business! :o )

I have looked into this long and hard.

A Baht bus can go anywhere, but should not be seen picking up fares from where the mafia line up at Pattaya South Road.

If you want to avoid the sardine situation and crazy driving of the mafia buses: Stand outside of Tuk Com and motion with your finger Left (towards Jomtien). Beware however, strength is in numbers, the driver might try to dump you off half-way.

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I'd have to be honest and say that I had never thought about the different markings but I checked out the Jomtien taxi stand last night and sure enough all the ones in the queue had the white bands.

Wonder if the drivers belong to different unions/gangs?

Surprising that all the forum guys that spend years of their lives debating fares haven't had info to offer on the subject.

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