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Couple Of Questions Re Thai Culture


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Is it normal to just up and leave to go back to your village at a few hours notice?

My TGF never seems to pre-plan anything, one minute she is at the laundry, the next she is going on a 7 hour baht bus ride to Northern Thailand.

She seems to live very much day to day, nothing is ever planned.

Also do Thai people lie a lot?

I am not talking major lies, more lies to save face. For example, I am going to Malaysia with my TGF so I send her 1000 baht to make passport.

I ask her if she has got it and she says "I make already", I then ask for the passport number to book the flights and what follows is three days of fake numbers and not being able to understand me followed by her finally admitting she has not got it.

Another time I send her 2000 baht to buy a uniform and shoes for her work, I ask if she has picked up the money from Western Union and she says "I do tomorrow". The thing is I know she has already picked up the cash as WU automatically email you. I have no idea why she would lie about something like that???

Is this normal Thai behaviour or is she a 'wrong un'?

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Is it normal to just up and leave to go back to your village at a few hours notice?

My TGF never seems to pre-plan anything, one minute she is at the laundry, the next she is going on a 7 hour baht bus ride to Northern Thailand.

She seems to live very much day to day, nothing is ever planned. CORRECT

Also do Thai people lie a lot? Lie, maybe a bit harsh, BS - or plead ignorance, YES

I am not talking major lies, more lies to save face. For example, I am going to Malaysia with my TGF so I send her 1000 baht to make passport.

I ask her if she has got it and she says "I make already", I then ask for the passport number to book the flights and what follows is three days of fake numbers and not being able to understand me followed by her finally admitting she has not got it.

Another time I send her 2000 baht to buy a uniform and shoes for her work, I ask if she has picked up the money from Western Union and she says "I do tomorrow". The thing is I know she has already picked up the cash as WU automatically email you. I have no idea why she would lie about something like that???

Is this normal Thai behaviour or is she a 'wrong un'?

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Is it normal to just up and leave to go back to your village at a few hours notice?

My TGF never seems to pre-plan anything, one minute she is at the laundry, the next she is going on a 7 hour baht bus ride to Northern Thailand.

She seems to live very much day to day, nothing is ever planned.

Also do Thai people lie a lot?

I am not talking major lies, more lies to save face. For example, I am going to Malaysia with my TGF so I send her 1000 baht to make passport.

I ask her if she has got it and she says "I make already", I then ask for the passport number to book the flights and what follows is three days of fake numbers and not being able to understand me followed by her finally admitting she has not got it.

Another time I send her 2000 baht to buy a uniform and shoes for her work, I ask if she has picked up the money from Western Union and she says "I do tomorrow". The thing is I know she has already picked up the cash as WU automatically email you. I have no idea why she would lie about something like that???

Is this normal Thai behaviour or is she a 'wrong un'?


1. Is this normal Thai behaviour or is she a 'wrong un'?

I would guess the latter

2. Is it normal to just up and leave to go back to your village at a few hours notice?

My TGF never seems to pre-plan anything, one minute she is at the laundry, the next she is going on a 7 hour baht bus ride to Northern Thailand.

I'm not making excuses, but some Thais are very family orientated. It isn't unusual fo hem to suddenly want to go back to the family on short notice. MIND YOU, not ALL THAIS are like that.

3. I am not talking major lies, more lies to save face. For example, I am going to Malaysia with my TGF so I send her 1000 baht to make passport. I ask her if she has got it and she says "I make already", I then ask for the passport number to book the flights and what follows is three days of fake numbers and not being able to understand me followed by her finally admitting she has not got it.

Another time I send her 2000 baht to buy a uniform and shoes for her work, I ask if she has picked up the money from Western Union and she says "I do tomorrow". The thing is I know she has already picked up the cash as WU automatically email you. I have no idea why she would lie about something like that???

The answer to both...saving face. If she made a mistake she doesnt want to admit it. Better to tell a lie than to admit a mistake. Once again not ALL THAIS are like that.

Try not to lump ALL THAIS wth some Thais. Just get to know each one as an individual, with their own good and bad points. They really are you know, when you make an attempt to look.


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No, I am not living with her, nor am I serious with her.

Just wanted to know if that sort of thing was normal behaviour.

I would say I am 99% certain that she is 'at it' with me, she has headed up north for a few days and claims she can't really speak to me as her extended family don't know she go with farang. Her hourly phone calls have dried up and she gets flustered when I press for an explanation. So far she has offered:

Family problems

Farang issue(mentioned above)

Being drunk

Having to go back to college for a week to get her certificate

A 10 day pop/rock concert

The only reason I am staying around is that I have booked flights to go see her in a couple of weeks and don't know anyone in BKK or Thailand. Will spend some time with her then finish it at the airport. Thank god I have not given her any money, nor told anyone back home about her.

Oh, and she still claims to want to marry me and have a family with me when I come over???? Eh, that won't be happening.

For the record she is 20 and I am 28.

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It is normal Thai behaviour for many, many Thai girls.

And yes, she is a wrong'un.

You have to find the one for which the behaviour you have described is not their normal, behaviour, otherwise your life will be frustrating and very miserable.

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Also be sure she really does understand the question. So often you get these sorts of answers when they do not fully comprehend.

If she really does understand then I am afraid it sounds like she is taking the p*ss to a degree and I would further venture to say that she does not really care about you or have respect and that is why she is doing this.

I had one similar and eventually gave up as she did turn out to be a wrong un.

As above not all Thai people are the same - thankfully.

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Yeah, no more emails, thank god!!! :o

Have had a couple of phone conversations since but all very strange.

Things were going well with her for around 8 weeks, almost hourly phone calls etc etc etc

Then on Monday she said she is heading up north, she had mentioned this previously but suddenly a 4 day trip turned into a 7 day trip which has now turned into a 3 week trip and that she won't be able to speak much.

Obviously something is going on, but what? I guess I will never know, she is not going to admit it and see a potential cash cow disappear Her standard response when I ask is "If you don't trust me, go away from me now!"

Its weird because she is still insistant that we get married when I go over and try to give her a baby (this wont be happening!!!)

Anyways her phone number has been deleted and if she wants to contact me she can, I will head over, spend 2 weeks having fun with her, few false promises etc and then call it quits for good.

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The only reason I am staying around is that I have booked flights to go see her in a couple of weeks and don't know anyone in BKK or Thailand.

you will find somebody new in no time flat. You will say "Lek who??"

I bet she told you her name is Lek.

Edited by Tyree D.
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Well old mate, sounds like your not sweating it out too much, as i discussed with you before there is some smoke and mirrors stuff going on which is pretty standard here in thailand....there may be a simple explanation in all of this but I doubt it.

I don't see what the point of sending you emails in thai is & somethings not quite right BUT I would be wrong to call it from my chair. You will still have a blast of a time when you come over, as long as you keep the big head controlling the big head things and the little head taking care of entertainment issues only.

Keep smiling brian.

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Most likely one of her sponsors has turned up and she's busy with him.

You don't need to be Dick Tracy to figure out what's going on!

Exactly what I thought, and I am 90% sure thats what's happening but she was still able to speak to me for an hour this morning at 2pm and said she would phone at 7am tomorrow morning. The sponsor thing is the most obvious but something just doesn't ring true with that, unless the dude leaves her company twice a day at specific times?

The thing is you don't just go from 5 calls a day to 1 call a day for no reason.

I don't want to push it too far though cos she is hot and I still would like to nail her again. No point in me burning my bridges, she was never exactly wife material anyway and meeting a 20 year old stunner with DD t*ts at the airport is always going to have its benefits.

Like I said, I will cut all contact for now, wait til she arranges to meet me. With the exception of sending her 3000 baht for passport and waitress uniform I am not out of pocket.

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Most likely one of her sponsors has turned up and she's busy with him.

You don't need to be Dick Tracy to figure out what's going on!

Exactly what I thought, and I am 90% sure thats what's happening but she was still able to speak to me for an hour this morning at 2pm and said she would phone at 7am tomorrow morning. The sponsor thing is the most obvious but something just doesn't ring true with that, unless the dude leaves her company twice a day at specific times?

The thing is you don't just go from 5 calls a day to 1 call a day for no reason.

I don't want to push it too far though cos she is hot and I still would like to nail her again. No point in me burning my bridges, she was never exactly wife material anyway and meeting a 20 year old stunner with DD t*ts at the airport is always going to have its benefits.

Like I said, I will cut all contact for now, wait til she arranges to meet me. With the exception of sending her 3000 baht for passport and waitress uniform I am not out of pocket.

She is a wrong un, dump her smartish and get another, the requests for money will get bigger if you dont :o

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Most likely one of her sponsors has turned up and she's busy with him.

You don't need to be Dick Tracy to figure out what's going on!

Exactly what I thought, and I am 90% sure thats what's happening but she was still able to speak to me for an hour this morning at 2pm and said she would phone at 7am tomorrow morning. The sponsor thing is the most obvious but something just doesn't ring true with that, unless the dude leaves her company twice a day at specific times?

The thing is you don't just go from 5 calls a day to 1 call a day for no reason.

I don't want to push it too far though cos she is hot and I still would like to nail her again. No point in me burning my bridges, she was never exactly wife material anyway and meeting a 20 year old stunner with DD t*ts at the airport is always going to have its benefits.

Like I said, I will cut all contact for now, wait til she arranges to meet me. With the exception of sending her 3000 baht for passport and waitress uniform I am not out of pocket.

No problem with that. But I'd "bag up" first cus it sounds like shes been a playing.

What does she need the passport for?

Are you planning a holiday overseas with her?

Or perhaps is she planning a holiday with another sponser?

Or are we getting paranoid?

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Most likely one of her sponsors has turned up and she's busy with him.

You don't need to be Dick Tracy to figure out what's going on!


Welcome to LieLand Brian. :o

What you outlined is a familiar pattern of behaviour of a lot of Thai girls.

You are astute enough to see the red flags going up early in the relationship. Lucky you!

Get a new friend, there are a lot of honest girls out there, it just takes time to find a good'un. :D

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I don't want to push it too far though cos she is hot and I still would like to nail her again. No point in me burning my bridges, she was never exactly wife material anyway

Maybe she's found a decent guy that ain't out to just use her.

A guy that wouldn't dream of bad mouthing her on an anonymous internet forum etc etc.

She proably deserves a lot better and I hope she has found it, too many azzole Farangs come to Thailand just to use the people them dump them thinking that they have no feelings at all.

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Got to agree with Maigo6, Brian. She is a wrong 'un, by the sounds of it, but you don't seem to be playing a very straight game either. You do get a lot of girls here like this, but some have been hardened as a result of similar bad experiences with ferangs, who play them along, lie unnecessarily and finish with them. Why plan to finish at the airport? Do you think a scene there is beyond her? She seems quite unpredictable.

Why come all this way and spend 2 weeks with some one you think is taking the p1ss out of you? When you were here last time, did'nt you notice the amount of AVAILABLE sexy chicks almost every where? I would'nt bother meeting her if she makes you feel like this. Plenty, plenty more fish in this sea.

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For example, I am going to Malaysia with my TGF so I send her 1000 baht to make passport.
What does she need the passport for?

just so you don't have to read and comprehend the original post.

and brian you are being played , the other sponsor might well be a Thai who was calling his wife at certain times :o

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Hey, before you start on me, can I establish some facts.

I have not named and never will name her.

I treat her extremely well, send her flowers, bought her a laptop(although still in my possession etc) and just sent her an old(but still expensive mobile phone)

She needs a passport because I am taking her to Malaysia when I am over. Which obviously I am paying for.

The only thing I draw the line on is cash, I am 29 and too young to be sponsoring some Thai girl, also I am no whore monger, I have never visited a go-go bar and am certainly not desperate enough to travel 8000 miles to find a girl, I have no problem with that back home.

I simply fell in love with someone and now feel I am being lied to, the trip is booked so I will continue as planned, under no circumstances am I going to marry this girl though and I may even spread my wings a bit in Bangkok this time and see a couple of other girls.

For a few weeks everything was fine, I am naturally suspicious and can normally tell when someone is not as it seems, perhaps I even go looking for it, yet, she changed her mobile number, old one is always switched-off now(I check 4 times daily) and gave me her email password(yeah I know this is standard but given what I have read in her outbox its not exactly made her seem like an angel). I am not stupid and far from vunerable and realise this is a business for these girls, from the tears at the airport right through to the picture of us as wallpaper on her mobile phone, its ALL an act.

What I will say in my favour is that I am youngish, slim, decent looking, have a few quid, am a good man and not a butterfly and treated this girl like a queen. I don't deserve these lies so naturally want to find out what is going on...

Will have a further update when I hear anything.

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Also do Thai people lie a lot?

In my experience in Thailand, Farangs are the biggest bullshitters in the Kingdom.

Is that from "personal experience" ?

Yes, it is.

Yes it is.....just follow Maigos other posts...you will soon get the idea of whose the biggest BSer.

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