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Gm Looking For Handouts In Thailand

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Have they no shame?

General Motors seeks bailout funding from Thai government to keep business afloat.

GM without shame.

Rightfully, Thailand’s industry minister says he declined the request because it is not a responsibility of the state and suggested the auto maker rewrite its financial plan. (Subscription website with news)

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Have they no shame?

General Motors seeks bailout funding from Thai government to keep business afloat.

GM without shame.

Rightfully, Thailand's industry minister says he declined the request because it is not a responsibility of the state and suggested the auto maker rewrite its financial plan. (Subscription website with news)

They play the same extortion game in the EU. And I'm sure they play the same game in South Africa where they build the DMax for the European market.

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If a credit card company offered you zero percent interest payments, n your outstanding balances, you would also drop your current card company like a hot brick.

Thats all this is - its about cheap money - as it should be.

Why must we pay some moroon banker 25% and he is allowed to pay us only 1%, before taxes.

hen he gambles it on Wall St & loses his shirt, and then some.

Remember, its still our money.


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Remember, its still our money.

Wrong Dude, all that is left are our debts.

And they are to be paid off by you, your kids and their kids.

OH! and I believe that the bankers are awarding themselves 18,400,000,000 in bonuses this year.


Despair, give up and die. Unless you are a banker...............................................

Join the revolution.


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Have they no shame?

General Motors seeks bailout funding from Thai government to keep business afloat.

GM without shame.

What's the shameful act here? The engine plant as it stands now doesn't have funding due to GM's well-publicized financial issues. GM is applying for a loan from the EXIM bank which has to go through Ministry of Finance approval.

Getting a loan is a normal part of business operations- it's not a 'bailout' unless the money is given as a grant.

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