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Kasem Store Has Locally Made Sesame Paste (tahini)


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After finding only Israeli imported Tahini (260 baht) at Rimping, I went to Jerusalem Falafel restaurant where the Thai partner told me (in a friendly way, of course) that he did not sell his Tahini alone to take out : I finally found it at Kasem where they also carried the imported Israeli brand I had seen in Rimping.

Made in Mae Hong Son, regular (tan color), and "na dum" (black color), sesame paste for 115 baht : I think the packaging says 200 grams, but the look-and-weight-feel seems much more than 200 grams. English copy on the packaging contains quite a "rave" on the transcendental virtues of sesame, but it is certainly true that a tablespoon has 90mg. of calcium.

For a, perhaps, more sober view of the nutritional benefits of sesame see :


Half a tablespoon in about a liter of hot-soy-milk : very nice :o

For your health and well-being,


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