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Potential Massive Police Report Scam


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Did a search on this forum - didn't find anything the same.

But this scam potentially can hit you for a massive amount of money; especially for expats who live here and drive cars.

It happened a while ago - but we just happened to be talking about it last night.

A friend of my wife's was driving on her way to Hua Hin.

She was intentionally side swiped by a Thai couple - luckily not injured, but could have easily been worse.

Thai couple start complaining of sore neck, and injury etc.

They call the police - go to the station and both parties fill out police reports.

Thai policeman fills out the report in Thai - but he reads back the report to the lady in English.

His verbal account/translation in English concurs with the victim, that she was hit by the Thai couple.

So she signs the police report written in Thai.

(I think you can see what's coming).

Yes, you guessed it... the Thai written account is completely at odds with the verbal account; and puts her at fault in the accident.

The Thai couple went after her for around 300,000 Baht in damages.

Thai judge who seemed sympathetic - said sorry, but you signed the police report.

Her options were to take that matter a lot further - or settle.

To cut a long story short - she settled for 60,000B out of court.

Yes - obvious - never sign anything you can't read etc.

But when you are in a state of shock after an accident, with a nice understanding policeman assisting you, smiling all the way, it would be a very easy to make this mistake.



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Some years ago I was involved in an incident in Fujairah which is one of the more backwards emirates in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

After the Police attended I went with them back to the Police Station. There I had a discussion with a Police Officer who I was told was the officer in charge at the time. After a while, he prepared a handwritten document in Arabic then passed it to me to sign. I refused to sign the document & told him that I wouldnt sign it because I couldnt understand it. He told me I would have to wait in his jail until he could sought it out, unless I signed, at which time I would be free to go.

Well call me suspicious, I don't care, but I refused to sign, but took a blank piece of paper from the officers desk and commenced writing my own statement in english. Upon completing this (2 pages), I signed both and handed it to him. He appeared to read it, although I got the feeling he wasnt too sure about what I had written.

I also tried to make a telephone call while I was there, hoping to have the document faxed to a collgegue who could read arabic BUT was unable to contact him.

There was NO way in hel_l I was going to sign a statement in Arabic, NEVER sign anything you can't understand.

Interestingly, with little further conversation, I was allowed to leave the Police Station. If I was in the same situation in Thailand, I would do exactly the same thing. Letting the insurance guy sort out the problem is even a better idea, thats what your paying him for.

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