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Just cruising down the road with a friend on the back. Cross the railroad tracks, I come across the intersection and a girl is sitting there, presumably waiting for my to pass. We get just about in front of her front and she hammers the gas. My friend and I were launched off the bike, but came away with only scrapes and some serious bruises. My body absorbed the front bumper while my friend got tossed onto his back. Good times. She tried the "you wrong" and such, but even the police could see I had the right of way.

Just another reminder that you can drive as cautious as you can, but you just can't control what anyone else is doing. My poor Fino :o Can say what you like about them, but I picked her up off the ground and drove it home, no problems!

I just had to laugh when she told me she just got the car yesterday. *And*, she also took the opportunity to let me know that she is "scared to drive". Ha!


Obviously accidents happen all the time, anyone else have some good motocyc crash stories they lived to tell?

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Good groove man, biker lives to tell the shaggy dog story! :o

Just joking.

Sometimes I think you've got to hope to have some kind of guardian angel buzzing around helping you out on these roads! Otherwise clunkin' things like this become more likely!

Perhaps you ought to of asked for her number and opted for the TLC approach :D

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