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Villa Market 24 Hour Supermarket: Food Bar Outside

syd barrett

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I have been passing by the food and drinks bar just outside the Villa Market Supermarket for a while now. What are your experiences of the food served there? I see that they sell draught beer, how much is it and does it taste any good? Do they sell bottled beers as well?

What do you think of the place?

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I ordered fish and chips at that place once. Absolutely crap. I think the fish was first pounded into thin fish cakes, dipped in batter and then deep fried. Lousy and hard. I will vote with my feet and pass on that place.

On the other hand the BKK Grill on the 2nd floor do a very nice herb pork chop. Delicious and just 79 baht :o


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I have been passing by the food and drinks bar just outside the Villa Market Supermarket for a while now. What are your experiences of the food served there? I see that they sell draught beer, how much is it and does it taste any good? Do they sell bottled beers as well?

What do you think of the place?

Thier penang gai is lovely but at 98 baht a tad expensive but on the other hand it's all white meat and no bones, gristle or skin. Water is outrageously expensive. I thought the fish and chips were good too but hey ho we're all different.

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I have been passing by the food and drinks bar just outside the Villa Market Supermarket for a while now. What are your experiences of the food served there? I see that they sell draught beer, how much is it and does it taste any good? Do they sell bottled beers as well?

What do you think of the place?


Hey, Syd!

We shop for some things at Villa Market sometimes, and we ate there one time. For me, the food was pretty good, really. A little more expensive than your local Thai restaurant, so I just looked for something available there that might be a bit unique, or at least sound like it was worth trying. My sweet, sensitive, devoted, retiring TGF of three years standing, true to form, ordered Pad Sieuw Nua (wide rice noodles w/beef) for 80 baht, as I recall, and quickly whispered the report to me that it was pang- mak mak (expensive... so, she was immediately skeptical, what a girl!). I ordered Chinese sweet & sour fish over steamed rice (I felt generally ok with my order). Anyay, we waited for the food to arrive (before the visual appeal-assesment, smell-test, taste-test, consistency-test, and so-on... could begin) and chatted amiably.

When the food arrived, I began my own personal visual appeal-test (to tell you the truth, I couldn't help it; I think some things just seem to rub-off on a person, you know?). Syd, the food looked good to me. Really. And that's good... To my left the professional inspection had begun. My sweetheart was beginning the test for visual appeal, but was immediately moved to pronounc, "Hmmm, Darling... big!" I'm not sure if she was disappointed or what, but I do figure that's a very good place for a slightly higher restaurant to start when serving Thai food in Pattaya (especially to all those discerning ladies who may stop in). Make it big; she was impressed. Happily, the remaining tests, now with so much of the pressure taken off, were each passed by the inspector(/ingestor who smiled, whereupon most of the amiable chatter went into hiatus), and we both were seal-of-approval free to relax and enjoy. And we did.

Last week, when a hometown girlfriend arrived to visit, my TGF took her back to Villa Market restaurant. Later, another good report (I couldn't go; had a tennis game). So, there you go, Syd. Hope that serves as a good reccomendation.... it was good for me. Regards,



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Off topic a bit , but if going shopping the food counter inside Foodland up on Central road just past Carre Four is pretty good. Fun to watch the short order cooks do their thing. Glass of water is free. Dish prices a tad more than on the street. Quality is OK. Just something to stop into on the way back home late at night.

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Have tried the steak, ordered rare. It was rare, but the thinnest steak i have had for a long time, over all OK. Tried a couple of other dishes all OK

The bottled beer is reasonable price (under 100B) and the draught is OK too.

Nothing to rave about but a clean kitchen where you can watch your food being prepared if you are so inclined.

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