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Transfering All Infomration Between Laptops


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I have to give back my laptop, so i have backed up all my information in E Drive ( as a windows back up file )

If i transfer this file on to an external hard drive ( 40 GB is size ) will this be easily transferable onto a new laptop???? and will on this information show again ( including Outlook ) on my new computer???

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I have to give back my laptop, so i have backed up all my information in E Drive ( as a windows back up file )

If i transfer this file on to an external hard drive ( 40 GB is size ) will this be easily transferable onto a new laptop???? and will on this information show again ( including Outlook ) on my new computer???

Without a lot of work, you will lose all your applications, and you will need to manage data files manually for things like Outlook.

This is a fair comment, without knowing exactly what you expect you want to have copied from the old computer.

take the HD out of your old laptop , put it into a external USB enclosure , connect to your new laptop and copy all the bit s you need.
With all due respect this is not the best way to achive the objective.

I would suggest one of two routes depending on whether you have your new laptop yet?

If you have your new laptop, take the old one to the shop where you bought (buying) it, explain that you want to transfer all your data and they should be able to do so for you. If you discuss this at time of purchase you should be able to tie it into the deal so it won't cost you anything.

( They will do this via a simple LAN connection - no messing about taking hard disks out of anything. )

Make sure that you are taking with you every thing that you think you want. Favorite URLs for websites, all the porn funny pictures that you have downloaded along with the MP3 and copied DVDs from torrents etc.

For things like mail files this will depend on the email client being used, Outlook, Exchange, Lotus Notes etc.

If you are yet to buy the laptop, copying off the data on to an external USB drive is wise. Whether you choose to do this in the form of a Windows back up file or as a simple 'copy' will really depend on the size of the external USB drive that you buy. I would suggest for ease of doing it yourself, getting a big external USB drive and do a straight copy. Focus first on the folders/directories that you know are important to you.

If in doubt how to do this or what important thing is where, respond to this post.

Next point. Before you give back the laptop - I strongly suggest that you spend some time deleting all of your personal stuff. Get rid of all the cookies that you have set to allow easy browsing or posting on Thai Visa etc.

Then defrag the hard disk - this will be enough in most cases to ensure that the next user of that computer will not be getting Boater's secrets.

Final thought, depending on the operating system of the laptop in question you 'could' make sufficent backups to completely clone the old computer on to a new one, this would not be legal and might not be desirable if the new laptop is different or better quaility than the old one. (Different brand / hardware drivers required etc.) just something I felt I should mention.

Post again if required...


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