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Success With Non O Multiple Entry @kl

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Firstly thanks to all previous members who posted their results @KL.

I previously treid Penang with only marriage certificate and passbook and recieved a single non O.

Mine was approved @KL just a couple of hrs ago after supplying.

Copy of british marriage certificate

copy of wifes ID.

copy of wifes tabien bann

copy of sons british birth certificate

copy of last page of thai passbook

Letter written in english from my wife asking them to give me a visa. the lady read it, but didnt take a copy.

Flew with AA for 6000bht, bus from airport to KL sentral 9 ringit, then across to the monorail to butik bitang, got a tea outsde a posh lookng plaza, complete with free wifi, googled a hotel name across the st to find they did a promo walk in rate of 110 ringit and checked in.

Next day after a 7am wake up call, upto Mcdonars for a sausage egg muffin,then took a taxi to the thai embassey 5 ringit on the meter.

Arrived there at 8.25am witha few people in front of me at the gate. more people arrived with usual scrum once the gates opened, the guy took my passport number and name and i picked the up visa application to fill in once i got inside.

A couple of people were already queing again at the consular door, so filled the form in and stood behind everyone, is it just me or does an orderly line to asaians mean start another line behind someone up front, i was about the 6th person outside at the gates but only managed a waiting number of 14 by the time the scrum was over to get inside.

More shinanagins once inside with some people walking up to the counter with out tickets, *note to myself i will do this in future thus arriving at 9.45 and out by 10am and no queue to worry about.

The lady asked for all my documents,and to keep everything organised i had taken a presentation folder with originals and copies of everything in transparant sheets, she took what she wanted , asked for 550 ringit and said to pick my passport up tomorrow 2.30pm.

On a side note you have to love malasias immigration rules, they give you 90 days on arrival ! shame the beer and food isnt as cheap as thai.

BTW I didnt apply for an extesion of my currrent Non O as my wife is overseas.

Edited by hansgti
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  • 3 months later...

I just did this the other day and can report success as well

amoung thing I had

copies (no orginals)

wife Id/passport

kids/birth certificate/passport

chanot/car reg/ house book

copy my bankbook with 100k quickly transferred in

letter from wife stating that if they dont give me a 1 year visa, then she cant get any more money out of me :)

during the quick review the person at the window was particular interested in my 3 month "single" non-o from laos and they assumed that I wanted a 3 month again as well. I quickly corrected her that I would prefer a 'Multiple" and paid the 550RM and off we go.

I stayed at the Citrus hotels visa run special. 298RM for 2 nights including airport pickup. The place was slightly shady, but nothing to complain about and had stable wifi in the room.

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