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Killzone 2 (ps3) First Impressions


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Was in MBK and saw that they had the euro version of Killzone 2 so immediately snapped it up

Am very happy it was the euro version as that means any DLC they release for it will work. One thing I hate about PSN is that downloadable content (DLC) is usually region locked and so will frequently not work with the version of the game you have, the classic example is Little Big Planet (I have the US version but as my PSN account is UK so any DLC I get does not recognised by the game!).

Anyhow onto Killzone 2 - In short this game is AMAZING.

I got FEAR 2 for the 360 earlier in the week and was getting a bit bored with it as it is really just FEAR 1.5. With FEAR 2 all you have to do to use your slow time abilty and then go in guns blazing to obliterate everything. It also reuses the so-called scares of the original and feels pretty dated to me.

Killzone 2 however is genius as it has the best cover system in a first person shooter so far. You just get near to cover and keep L2 pressed and you enter cover-mode. Then you can move along the cover and pop up or to the side and shoot from cover. It works just as well as the cover system used by the Gears of War series (which in turn ripped its cover system from the PS2 game Kill.Switch)

Basically if you have a PS3 and like FPS games this is an essential buy. The graphics are indeed amazing but so is the gameplay, enemy AI and it controls really well

Not been able to try the online part of the game because the game is not officially out until the end of Feb so the servers are not activated yet.

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Im thinking about getting a PS3 for the big multiplayer games like Kilzone2 which has 32 players and I think I read that Resistance 2 u can have 60 (!!!!!) i'm so bored of of these small server multiplayer games on the 360 like Call of Duty with just 18 people (yaaaaaaaaaawn).

Edited by davejonesbkk
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Im thinking about getting a PS3 for the big multiplayer games like Kilzone2 which has 32 players and I think I read that Resistance 2 u can have 60 (!!!!!) i'm so bored of of these small server multiplayer games on the 360 like Call of Duty with just 18 people (yaaaaaaaaaawn).

My thoughts exactly, Resistance of Man 2 up to 60 players... no idea how it handles over here LAG wise? Just wish PS3 had a few more killer exclusives to make it worth buying, got so used to Xbox live now and my friends list but still waiting on PS3 games to start showing the power of PS3.

I saw video review of Killzone 2 and I must admit that hs drawdrop graphics!.

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