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Gullivers Cover Charge 200baht*


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There's indeed a problem with Africans in Bangkok.

They hang arround Pantip, Robinsons, Supermarkets and the Nana area.

They try to make contact with western tourists, mostly the single travellers.

Its gooing on allready a few years.

Good advice, Do not get involved with them.

Thai people know about it, but they don't seem to care, because its not theyr problem!

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This phenomenon is quite new around kowsan road.

Last time walking in balhumpuu I saw a Nigerian in a standing taxi (as passenger) trying pretty heavy to make contact with some farangs girls…

As said: good advice, do not get involved with them!

Gulliver’s bit of dump for me (well very much / lol)

The (owners) must be new to this problem and award some illegal activity has been conduct on them premise by them.

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......some illegal activity has been conduct on them premise.....

...like wearing a tie with a short sleeved shirt :D

School teachers; you have been warned LOL

Excellent idea to ban them.

finally..someone who gets my subtle sense of humor :o

Yeah, had a chuckle at that one! :D

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I have been to Nigeria before, and I found the men at the factory I visited to be fine, honorable men, and among them were Muslim men with whom I have had some of the most open, thoughtful discussions about Islam than I have had anywhere else. In Iraq, we had two Nigerians working in the office.  One was truly one of the nicest men I have ever met, and one was a woman with whom I developed a very close relationship.

On the other hand, everywhere I went, there were signs warning about 419 scams. One of my engineers had to pay two bribes of 200 baht each at the airport just to get through security. I was told by Nigerians never to uae my credit card as I woudl certainly suffer from people stealing the information on it. And we all know about the slew of internet scams.

It is sad when a percentage of a population, no matter how small, tars everyone with the same brush. But is it truly racism when there is a significant portion of the population which does exhibit such anti-social behavior?  I feel very sorry for the honest and good people from Nigeria, but I, for one, would be more cautious when dealing in any kind of business with a Nigerian than a Japanese, for example (and I know that any specific Nigerian many be far more honest than any specific Japanese.)

the percentage that travels is very rich or very scammy................no middle :o

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One person claims they are charging "darker skinned gentlemen" 200 baht and everyone assumes it's true. Obviously if Tiger Woods or Will Smith tried to get in they'd be falling over themselves to get him inside and keep him inside. But there is obviously a big problem with Nigerian scammers in the area who might frequent a bar not to buy drinks but to scam the gullible white folk too scared of being seen as "racist" to tell them to get lost. So they have a very sensible policy to try to keep such people out of the bar. Relax, we're not in politically correct little old England anymore.

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One person claims they are charging "darker skinned gentlemen" 200 baht and everyone assumes it's true. Obviously if Tiger Woods or Will Smith tried to get in they'd be falling over themselves to get him inside and keep him inside. But there is obviously a big problem with Nigerian scammers in the area who might frequent a bar not to buy drinks but to scam the gullible white folk too scared of being seen as "racist" to tell them to get lost. So they have a very sensible policy to try to keep such people out of the bar. Relax, we're not in politically correct little old England anymore.

I am half African American and I frequent Gullivers and have never been charged except on new years eve when they were really crowded and I saw everyone getting charged. I have never been approached by a nigerian trying to scam me and I havent noticed anyone around me being bothered.

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One person claims they are charging "darker skinned gentlemen" 200 baht and everyone assumes it's true. Obviously if Tiger Woods or Will Smith tried to get in they'd be falling over themselves to get him inside and keep him inside. But there is obviously a big problem with Nigerian scammers in the area who might frequent a bar not to buy drinks but to scam the gullible white folk too scared of being seen as "racist" to tell them to get lost. So they have a very sensible policy to try to keep such people out of the bar. Relax, we're not in politically correct little old England anymore.

I am half African American and I frequent Gullivers and have never been charged except on new years eve when they were really crowded and I saw everyone getting charged. I have never been approached by a nigerian trying to scam me and I havent noticed anyone around me being bothered.

Your only a 100baht then....

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One person claims they are charging "darker skinned gentlemen" 200 baht and everyone assumes it's true. Obviously if Tiger Woods or Will Smith tried to get in they'd be falling over themselves to get him inside and keep him inside. But there is obviously a big problem with Nigerian scammers in the area who might frequent a bar not to buy drinks but to scam the gullible white folk too scared of being seen as "racist" to tell them to get lost. So they have a very sensible policy to try to keep such people out of the bar. Relax, we're not in politically correct little old England anymore.

I am half African American and I frequent Gullivers and have never been charged except on new years eve when they were really crowded and I saw everyone getting charged. I have never been approached by a nigerian trying to scam me and I havent noticed anyone around me being bothered.

Your only a 100baht then....

LOL now thats some funny sh!t.

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First of all could not care less who they charge and for what.

Just kinda funny, same people are here giving :o claiming it's their business and can do whatever they like. Then again take a look on any thread about farangs getting charged more than thais for a burger in restaurant or entrance to national park. Same guys ranting and claiming they will "never set their foot to those places again"... Well as i said just funny how opinions change when you are not in the receiving end yourself.

I get approached by thai, farang and nigerian scammers all the time in the streets and bars. Oh forgot indian tailor touts... Anyways who cares, i do not even bother to stop or reply to them and it does not bother me much. You kind of get immune to their proposals after a while.

For me Gullivers is great place to watch sports, with our without darker gentlemen.

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