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Are there any repercussions if we pay the vehicle tax 1-2 days after the due date?

Have schedule problems because Liberty delivered the "Por Lor Bor" only today (tax due tomorrow).



Are there any repercussions if we pay the vehicle tax 1-2 days after the due date?

Have schedule problems because Liberty delivered the "Por Lor Bor" only today (tax due tomorrow).


I just paid mine on the other car i haven't been using as a friend needed it whilst their new car was being ordered, it was 11 months over the expiry, so paid for 2 years so it doesnt run out in two months, no penalty though.


Are there any repercussions if we pay the vehicle tax 1-2 days after the due date?

Have schedule problems because Liberty delivered the "Por Lor Bor" only today (tax due tomorrow).


No worries, I rarely pay mine on time.

I once got stopped at a checkpoint (they were checking everyone's tax disc) and I was 4 months late. It was the last week in December and everyone who had a tax disc with that year showing was inspected. Fine, 200 Bt, at a desk set up at the roadsside for the job, no tea money, the cops were very pleasant and told me to pay my raod tax when convenient.

If you leave it you will have to pay the back tax anyway so you don't gain anything.


Are there any repercussions if we pay the vehicle tax 1-2 days after the due date?

Have schedule problems because Liberty delivered the "Por Lor Bor" only today (tax due tomorrow).


After reading this post, I decided to go do my part in helping Thailand fund it's it's highways...


I have 4 cars, none of which have updated registrations (well 1 does now!)... I think I have one which tax was last paid in 2548-49... lol... yes, I'm that lazy. I don't even bother to put the sticker on the windshield. Well not really lazy per se, I just can't be arsed to go to the DMV (or the Thai equivalent). It's a brutal place, and everything is in Thai, even the numbers of buildings (well, I guess that's kinda lazy, but for those of you who have been to the DMV, you know it sucks).

But now they have a spiffy drive-thru system (and even a sign that says in English "Drive though" and an arrow - but once you get near to where you're supposed to go, there is no final arrow... haha TIT), not unlike the system to pay tolls on freeways. Very easy. You just have to get your Por Ror Bor (or is it "Tor" Ror Bor" - whatever, your gov't insurance - which you can get right outside of the DMV or your insurance should sort it out for you), then pull up to the window and pay your fine. Very easy. I pulled in at 3:25 pm today (they close at 3:30) and was done in 2 mins.

Funny thing is that the tax on this particular car, my Triton, was 11 months late, so late that in fact the lady asked me if I wanted to pay for the next year anyway since I was there... but I only had 10k in my wallet (and the tax + fee came to ~8500) so I didn't have enough for the next year (they don't have cc readers in the toll booths... or not at least the one I went to, and I never pay by cc in Thailand for anything anyway- I think there are about 8-10 lanes). So I gotta go back again for next year's tax, which means I'll probably go in 2010 or beyond :o

So for the OP's question, nobody is going to care if you pay late, especially by just a few days. You may get pulled over if you live in certain areas with a lot of police checkpoints, or you drive cross-country a lot, but where I live and where I drive, nobody gives a shit. I've even been pulled over in the car that has no sticker, only to have to take a breathalyzer test - cops said nothing about the tax sticker (maybe black tint helps so they can't even see the sticker).

But I guess to be safe and smart you should keep this stuff updated. I think I may even spend the rest of the week updating the rest of my cars - I'm going to go to the same toll booth lady - and she's gonna be like <deleted>... fines fines fines... I think it's 1% per month, or at least that's the calculation I come to when I see I paid 8547 THB for what should have been 7700 THB... late 11 months.

FYI this info is for Bangkok, I went to the main DMV place at Sapan Kwai. Try it out, it's a nice new system, not bad for Thailand.

FYI 2: If your car is over 7 years old, you have to get it "inspected," which includes a hilarious "battery of tests." Such awesome roadworthiness tests include honking the horn and bouncing your car up and down. Just a glance of cars on Thai roads and you can imagine what kind of standards are used. If under 7 years old, you just need to show the PRB, plus your blue book of course. Drive in, drive out. Easy breezy.

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