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Someone Kicked My Dog, Nearly Killed Her!


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Sadly, when I was lot younger, many years ago, as a cop I saw injuries to human babies from mothers and fathers that would be of a similar ratio to what you are talking about. Some were fatal.

That's plain horrible! :o

And this has nothing to do with the fact the Krupnik is an irresponsible dog owner by allowing her animal roam the streets.

This is not true. Krupnik has changed something:

Krupnik Posted Today, 2009-02-21 01:35:15

While I am at work she has been staying inside the house, and when I get back she stays with me or comes with me when I go out somewhere. I have been allowing her out on my Soi when she wants to go, without a leash, but have myself gone with and kept by her.

And by doing this, how much difference is there with dogowners in cold (and rainy :D)climate countries who keep their dogs in the house and walk them a few times a day?

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Cats always crap in their own cat litter and generaly much cleaner than dogs.

Aha - so you're a cat lover?

I guess that because this is the sort of stuff i hear them say.

Cats only crap in their own cat litter? Really??? Well could you come round my way and tell all the cats that make a habit of coming into my garden, digging up the soil (killing plants in the process) and leaving the most smelly mess you could imagine, about this rule!

Cat owners, whilst often quick to complain about unresponsible dog owners, seem to think that they bear no responsibility for what their pets do - just because they happen to be cats. Whilst i appreciate it might be hard to control the movements of a cat, that shouldn't be my problem - they are the ones who decided to get the darn thing.

Your post has no value as i am not a cat lover,so try again clever clogs.You missed the other part of the post,when i said they deserve a kick.You sound like a politican,stretching the truth to suit you.


Woa there! Calm down boy! No need to shout either! I just said "i guess", and i wasn't accusing you of rape, just being a cat lover!

My credibility down the spout for thinking you're a cat lover when you're not? My goodness me! What a daft over-reaction. And "clever clogs"??? What, are you 5 or something?

Whether or not i was right in my guess about you being a cat lover, doesn't change the point i was making about cats ie they don't all crap in their litter trays as you stated.

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simple: put the dog on a line. make sure it can't hang itself.

otherwise, get rid of the dog. take responsible care of it or else don't have it.


to all you cat fanciers, take care of your cats. there is no reason for them to need to go outside your house. if they go out of the house, I would consider them to be strays and not let them back in. I say this from experience. I have three cats that were inside and now are not allowed in the house. they aren't clean unless they're taught to be or else unless you give them regular baths. sure they lick themselves, but that is not 'clean'. to all you westerners with cats, you probably don't understand this, the same way I didn't, but go pet a stray cat in the market somewhere and feel your hand after you pet her and you will understand.

I do like cats better in one way, though: cats don't bark at *anything*.

Edited by Choscura
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hagler is downright stupid and has no right to say that I neglect my dog when you know so little about our relationship. As for the solution, I haven't found one yet. While I am at work she has been staying inside the house, and when I get back she stays with me or comes with me when I go out somewhere. I have been allowing her out on my Soi when she wants to go, without a leash, but have myself gone with and kept by her.

If you have not been on the internet all that long, be advised that you will find that there are many, many out there who lurk about, poised like vultures to grab any opportunity to vent their hostilities. Try not to take it personally or engage since it simply encourages them.

Like anyone else on here, I have no idea what your living circumstances are. If others around you have gardens, then you are likely not on a 'concrete and asphalt' soi in the middle of the city. The best guage of how your dog is doing is to get to know your neighbors and see how they respond to your dog when you wander by and say hello.

Don't be disappointed - most on TV are helpful but there will always be those who are most happy to help drag a thread down into the pits.

Good luck with your dog.

Thanks Dustoff. I thought about this too - all of my neighboring houses have dogs of their own, who also 'roam free', although mostly only in the evening. I will try to get to know them more and my dog and hopefully that will help our situation...

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I have had 3 dogs stolen a few years back.. but thats a different story. the dog robbing mob were on a roll in san kampheng. must have been exported to vietnam?

There is unfortunately also a local demand - not as great as in Vietnam perhaps, and most probably decreasing, but not to be denied either.

Some 5 years back, a noodle shop in Thung Siaw south of CM town was busted for selling noodle soup with dog meat as a 'special' for those who asked for it.

In parts of the Northern countryside (in my case, up Chiang Rai way) you may hear the locals speak of กวางทอง 'golden deer'. Steer clear of this meat as its a euphemism for dog meat.

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I have had 3 dogs stolen a few years back.. but thats a different story. the dog robbing mob were on a roll in san kampheng. must have been exported to vietnam?

There is unfortunately also a local demand - not as great as in Vietnam perhaps, and most probably decreasing, but not to be denied either.

Some 5 years back, a noodle shop in Thung Siaw south of CM town was busted for selling noodle soup with dog meat as a 'special' for those who asked for it.

In parts of the Northern countryside (in my case, up Chiang Rai way) you may hear the locals speak of กวางทอง 'golden deer'. Steer clear of this meat as its a euphemism for dog meat.

Thanks for the warning. I'm vegetarian actually and my dog should be safe too - there is not a scrap of meat on her!

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Not in reaction to Krupnik's post, but in general. Dogs are not only stolen for the meat market. They are also stolen for their skin.

I remember years ago when Lanna Dog rescue was involved with the rescue of 35 or 36 dogs. One of these dogs is still with Roshan, founder of LDR, and is very well-fed. :D

The dog was at that time skin and bones, not a bit of fat on her body. The skin was blacked dry and scaly, full of mange and hardly a hair on her body. At that time we also thought who on earth would be interested in eating a such dog, there was hardly anything left on that dog that could be eaten. Till we understood that this group of dogs most probably was on its way to be sold to the leather industry.

In China (don't know about elsewhere and haven't heard of this in Thailand) this seems to be quite a business and many dogs are skinned alive. :o

Edited by Nienke
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Wasn't sure whether to put this in the pet or Chiang Mai forum but I think other CM residents advice will be the most useful.

Recently my dog got very sick and when I took her to the vets they had to run all these tests and then perform urgent surgery and basically she very nearly died. The vet was very doubtful about her chance of survival and said it was a miracle when she did. They also told me the cause was that she had been kicked by someone. I was shocked. She had only been outside for half an hour for the last two weeks as she was supposed to be resting after heartworm treatment.

Anyway my dog's treatment finishes tomorrow and then she will be allowed outside as normal again (she actually made a miraculously speedy recovery) and I don't know what to do as I'm terrified something like this will happen again. I feel it is cruel to keep her in the house all day. I can't keep her in the garden as she can easily escape from the garden outside. She likes being able to go out and do what she wants when I'm at work. Is it fair to try and stop her? How can I make sure someone doesn't kick her again? She is a very sweet skinny little thing I don't know how anyone could do this to her.

Does anyone have any experience of anything like this in your neighbourhood? Any advice would be very welcome.

Dude next time don't care so much about an animal, you talk about that animal as it is a human, giving it an operation and stuff, madness. Taking care of an animal is normal, you act like its your baby, pathetic.


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Wasn't sure whether to put this in the pet or Chiang Mai forum but I think other CM residents advice will be the most useful.

Recently my dog got very sick and when I took her to the vets they had to run all these tests and then perform urgent surgery and basically she very nearly died. The vet was very doubtful about her chance of survival and said it was a miracle when she did. They also told me the cause was that she had been kicked by someone. I was shocked. She had only been outside for half an hour for the last two weeks as she was supposed to be resting after heartworm treatment.

Anyway my dog's treatment finishes tomorrow and then she will be allowed outside as normal again (she actually made a miraculously speedy recovery) and I don't know what to do as I'm terrified something like this will happen again. I feel it is cruel to keep her in the house all day. I can't keep her in the garden as she can easily escape from the garden outside. She likes being able to go out and do what she wants when I'm at work. Is it fair to try and stop her? How can I make sure someone doesn't kick her again? She is a very sweet skinny little thing I don't know how anyone could do this to her.

Does anyone have any experience of anything like this in your neighbourhood? Any advice would be very welcome.

Dude next time don't care so much about an animal, you talk about that animal as it is a human, giving it an operation and stuff, madness. Taking care of an animal is normal, you act like its your baby, pathetic.


If she didn't have that operation she would have died immediately - so I should have just let her die?! You obviously have a different opinion of animals to everyone on this thread - why did you bother to read it.

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Wasn't sure whether to put this in the pet or Chiang Mai forum but I think other CM residents advice will be the most useful.

Recently my dog got very sick and when I took her to the vets they had to run all these tests and then perform urgent surgery and basically she very nearly died. The vet was very doubtful about her chance of survival and said it was a miracle when she did. They also told me the cause was that she had been kicked by someone. I was shocked. She had only been outside for half an hour for the last two weeks as she was supposed to be resting after heartworm treatment.

Anyway my dog's treatment finishes tomorrow and then she will be allowed outside as normal again (she actually made a miraculously speedy recovery) and I don't know what to do as I'm terrified something like this will happen again. I feel it is cruel to keep her in the house all day. I can't keep her in the garden as she can easily escape from the garden outside. She likes being able to go out and do what she wants when I'm at work. Is it fair to try and stop her? How can I make sure someone doesn't kick her again? She is a very sweet skinny little thing I don't know how anyone could do this to her.

Does anyone have any experience of anything like this in your neighbourhood? Any advice would be very welcome.

Dude next time don't care so much about an animal, you talk about that animal as it is a human, giving it an operation and stuff, madness. Taking care of an animal is normal, you act like its your baby, pathetic.


If she didn't have that operation she would have died immediately - so I should have just let her die?! You obviously have a different opinion of animals to everyone on this thread - why did you bother to read it.

I read what I want to read. And if I have a different opinion then 98% is it forbidden to tell what I think? If you want only agreement perhaps you should join a cult? Anyway, I think its pathetic behaviour of treating an animal as a human, giving it an operation and medicins. There is a time of life and there is a time of death. Different mindset we have :-) Anyway still think you talk about that animal as if it is your baby, pathetic.


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Cats only crap in their own cat litter? Really??? Well could you come round my way and tell all the cats that make a habit of coming into my garden, digging up the soil (killing plants in the process) and leaving the most smelly mess you could imagine, about this rule!

Cat owners, whilst often quick to complain about unresponsible dog owners, seem to think that they bear no responsibility for what their pets do - just because they happen to be cats. Whilst i appreciate it might be hard to control the movements of a cat, that shouldn't be my problem - they are the ones who decided to get the darn thing.

Cats crap anywhere they want and sleep anywhere they want. They even take over your favorite sofa... At least mine does. We aren't bothered by barking dogs though.


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Is it possible to run over a dog on a bike with a speed of ... say 60 km/hr ... without risking to break your own neck?

Thats a tough question Nienke....Where I grew up, there were many deer,bear,elk and moose crossing the roads. It was drilled into me at a very early age that rather than risk death or injury to yourself or others in the vehicle, to NEVER swerve , just keep on the path you are traveling.Very sound advice yet to the folks who worship dogs as gods and place more importance to animals rather than say their own child, this advice is completely abstract. I ran over two dogs in the dark in the Philippines one night while riding a real dirt bike w/long travel suspensions front and back. My girfriend came off and I did everything except crash. Way more than what I expected and I was going only about 20 mph. So I agree with the dusty dude but will tell ya..."Hang on!!!"

Sounds like you are from my neck of the woods. I have to agree with you on the not swerve thing for dogs but with the animals you listed i would not swerve if i was in a car or truck. If you hit an elk on a motor bike with any kind of speed at all you are going to be dead meat. If not enough speed then the elk may stomp the shit out of you. A black bear you would flip over it and the black bear would probably run away. A grizzly would have you for lunch. A moose would total a car let alone a bike. The best thing is to drive slow in the areas where you are in danger of hitting any of these animals and if you come upon a moose in the middle of the road just wait for it to leave. Don't honk your horn at it. My dad told me about a guy when he lived in Alaska that honked at a moose to get him to move. The moose jumped on top of the car and killed the guy inside. Surprise Surprise.

Here in thailand i have come around the curve in the road and had to slam on my brakes because a few elephant were crossing the road. There was an elephant crossing sign where they were crossing but it would have been nice if there was a sign warning us before we went around the curve.

As for the dog story if someone kicks your dog on your property then they are at fault. If they do so off of your property then you are at fault. I also will kick a dog that approaches me in a threatening manner. Buy some chain link and cement the bottom so the dog can not dig beneath the fence. Angle to top at 45 degrees as already suggested to keep it from climbing over.

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I don't blame anyone else then you,is your pet and you should take more care of it,otherwise give it to someone who really have time and love to give to it... so please spare your complains if some stupid soul mistreat your animals :o

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Wasn’t sure whether to put this in the pet or Chiang Mai forum but I think other CM residents advice will be the most useful.

Recently my dog got very sick and when I took her to the vets they had to run all these tests and then perform urgent surgery and basically she very nearly died. The vet was very doubtful about her chance of survival and said it was a miracle when she did. They also told me the cause was that she had been kicked by someone. I was shocked. She had only been outside for half an hour for the last two weeks as she was supposed to be resting after heartworm treatment.

Anyway my dog’s treatment finishes tomorrow and then she will be allowed outside as normal again (she actually made a miraculously speedy recovery) and I don’t know what to do as I’m terrified something like this will happen again. I feel it is cruel to keep her in the house all day. I can’t keep her in the garden as she can easily escape from the garden outside. She likes being able to go out and do what she wants when I’m at work. Is it fair to try and stop her? How can I make sure someone doesn’t kick her again? She is a very sweet skinny little thing I don’t know how anyone could do this to her.

Does anyone have any experience of anything like this in your neighbourhood? Any advice would be very welcome.

So, basically you say there that your dog is all day (while you work) in the street.. Do you realize how many things can actually happen? rolled by a car, get tick and fleas (for sure it has) people kicking pets, kids trowing stones and stuff?

Do not complain about it when is your responsibility to make things happen and if you can't repair properly the fence, pay for someone that DOES good job there! stupid thing really, poor dog!

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So, basically you say there that your dog is all day (while you work) in the street.. Do you realize how many things can actually happen? rolled by a car, get tick and fleas (for sure it has) people kicking pets, kids trowing stones and stuff?

Do not complain about it when is your responsibility to make things happen and if you can't repair properly the fence, pay for someone that DOES good job there! stupid thing really, poor dog!

Of course not! However, she was able to get out there any time she wanted. Actually she doesn't like going outside that much and there are parts of my Soi she has always been scared of, for some reason. She used to pop out there every now and again when I was at home but I have never once come home to find her anywhere else except inside the house or garden.

Also this thread was not a complaint, it was a simple request for advice and experiences!

Edited by Krupnik
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