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Different Story About Thai Woman


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I am writing this posting because it shows a different side of Thai women than we usually hear about. I have been with my girlfriend for over 2 years and she is the only woman I have been with in Thailand. She is from a small village in Nakhon Sawan but when I met her she worked in a restaurant in Pattaya. She wants gold jewelry of course and likes me to buy her things and I figured she was like most Thai women in that regards and what can you do? A few months ago I found a book about crochet written in Thai and I gave it to her. Although she never crocheted in her life she learned from this book and soon she was making hats which were so well-made people started ordering them from her and now she has a good business selling hats. So she gets money from them and though I am not wealthy I give her money to buy things for herself. Then on valentine's day she gave me this dell laptop computer for a gift. It costs 17,000 baht and she bought it with every baht she saved from hats and money I gave her. I was very moved by this as I did not expect it, and to be honest most of her friends say she is crazy or stupid for buying an expensive present for a farang. I just wanted people to see another side, and that there are women here who are generous and good-hearted and not just greedy.

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BK - what a senseless jerk.

One the bright side...

My Thai wife - who likes gold and all the rest has given me the gift recently. I'm starting my own business here in Thailand and recently the office maid quit. My wife sees I'm working my butt off and starts setting the alarm for 4:30 AM to get up and clean the office before the staff gets in. We have a maid at home and she could find, and afford, one for the office. But I know she's working extra hard to show me she's by my side in the tough times of making a go of things. Words cannot express what this means to me.

tomahawk - treasure this woman. She is a gift.

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Meh.. the whole thing lost its heart warmingness when you described how she wants gold... I've never met a normal nice Thai woman that wanted gold, gold = cash, they can sell it for almost the amount you paid for it and will do so. Sorry but realisticly something is wrong here... she wants gold but buys you a laptop.... I mean its sweet and all, but something is wrong or she wouldnt be asking for and expecting gold, no Thai man would be giving her gold.

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Meh.. the whole thing lost its heart warmingness when you described how she wants gold... I've never met a normal nice Thai woman that wanted gold, gold = cash, they can sell it for almost the amount you paid for it and will do so. Sorry but realisticly something is wrong here... she wants gold but buys you a laptop.... I mean its sweet and all, but something is wrong or she wouldnt be asking for and expecting gold, no Thai man would be giving her gold.

oh my gosh. No "normal nice Thai" woman wants gold... I guess that's why a gold shop is so hard to find in Thailand.

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I was joking of course


The OP has felt the need to post this and is obviously saying his thai girl is different to the rest.


i can only imagine he is stupid or just trying to get comments like mine or a heated debate.


ps why all the congratulations?? nothing special? its a normal thing in the giving and recieving.

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tomahawk, good on you. Very heartwarming. I will take what you say at face value as I do not know you or your GF.

I genuinely wish you and your possible future wife all the best. :o

BK, you could not resist could you? You just had to post an insulting and demeaning remark, thinking it was funny. And so incredibly original, wasn't it. So clever...


Edited by soundman
Removed flame and other remarks. Leave it there.
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Lovely story but pretty simple....

Well, been reading here for almost a year... Sometimes feel really confused.. Farangs's LOS and my LOS are same places?

Thai girls in my area, none is golddigger, Thai men don't always cheat on...

Girls can speak Eng, though they don't work in bars.

and often pay/ share for the meals when going out with Farangs.

Sorry, sounded so irony but true...

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I was joking of course


The OP has felt the need to post this and is obviously saying his thai girl is different to the rest.


i can only imagine he is stupid or just trying to get comments like mine or a heated debate.


ps why all the congratulations?? nothing special? its a normal thing in the giving and recieving.

AIthough I think your first post on this thread was reaIIy out of Iine, I do agree with the Iast part of this post.

I dont quite understand sometimes the way western men wiII taIk about their Thai gfs if they do something enterprising, hard-working, caring, seIfIess and/or generous, as if it is truIy remarkabIe. I beIieve these sorts of traits shouId be normaI in any reIationship.

RegardIess, gIad that you are happy OP. :o

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I seen many normal girls some wear gold some don't. I have been cheated on badly by my first Thai wife who i took to Holland. I have seen the bad side of Thai's and now with my current gf all things are good. Dont judge a comple group of woman by the faults of a few. There are many good Thai girls you just have to be in the right circle to meet them. A bar in Pattaya is usually not a good start.

Guys also have to be a bit more selective with girls. If your 60 and you have a gf of 30 usually its not love. There are however exceptions before i get killed here on the fora for stating this. If you cant get a good looking and younger gf in your own country why would you get it here.. money... So when you realize that you might find girls closer to your own age and looks who are truly genuine.

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I am writing this posting because it shows a different side of Thai women than we usually hear about. I have been with my girlfriend for over 2 years and she is the only woman I have been with in Thailand. She is from a small village in Nakhon Sawan but when I met her she worked in a restaurant in Pattaya. She wants gold jewelry of course and likes me to buy her things and I figured she was like most Thai women in that regards and what can you do? A few months ago I found a book about crochet written in Thai and I gave it to her. Although she never crocheted in her life she learned from this book and soon she was making hats which were so well-made people started ordering them from her and now she has a good business selling hats. So she gets money from them and though I am not wealthy I give her money to buy things for herself. Then on valentine's day she gave me this dell laptop computer for a gift. It costs 17,000 baht and she bought it with every baht she saved from hats and money I gave her. I was very moved by this as I did not expect it, and to be honest most of her friends say she is crazy or stupid for buying an expensive present for a farang. I just wanted people to see another side, and that there are women here who are generous and good-hearted and not just greedy.

Actually Tomahawk, your story is more representative of Thai woman than are the bad news stories we read so much about on this forum.

The impression most folk have of Thai women is badly distorted. Statisticaly that group may represent the majority of experiances we hear with Thai women, but the reality is that overall that same group represents a rather small percentage of Thai women overall. Sad, isn't it (tongue in cheek).

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I was joking of course


The OP has felt the need to post this and is obviously saying his thai girl is different to the rest.


i can only imagine he is stupid or just trying to get comments like mine or a heated debate.


ps why all the congratulations?? nothing special? its a normal thing in the giving and recieving.

AIthough I think your first post on this thread was reaIIy out of Iine, I do agree with the Iast part of this post.

I dont quite understand sometimes the way western men wiII taIk about their Thai gfs if they do something enterprising, hard-working, caring, seIfIess and/or generous, as if it is truIy remarkabIe. I beIieve these sorts of traits shouId be normaI in any reIationship.

RegardIess, gIad that you are happy OP. :o

maybe he was just touched by the giving and wanted to share it.

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Meh.. the whole thing lost its heart warmingness when you described how she wants gold... I've never met a normal nice Thai woman that wanted gold, gold = cash, they can sell it for almost the amount you paid for it and will do so. Sorry but realisticly something is wrong here... she wants gold but buys you a laptop.... I mean its sweet and all, but something is wrong or she wouldnt be asking for and expecting gold, no Thai man would be giving her gold.

I thought it was a good story and lets face it to most thai people 17,000B is allot of money over one full months salary almost two months for allot of them.

I think you have a keeper....

Back to the I've never met a nice girl that wants gold.... Women all over the world want gold, diamonds, jewerly in general from their boyfriends, some what to have a token they where that when their friends say thats pretty she can say my BF gave this to me, isn't he sooo nice.... Others are gold diggers and only want as much gold as quick as possible to dump you and turn a buck.... Not all women that want gold for presents fall into the last category, infact I would venture to say most (even Thai) fall into the first category... I think you need to change the location in where you are meeting women Sabum :o

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I was joking of course


The OP has felt the need to post this and is obviously saying his thai girl is different to the rest.


i can only imagine he is stupid or just trying to get comments like mine or a heated debate.


ps why all the congratulations?? nothing special? its a normal thing in the giving and recieving.

AIthough I think your first post on this thread was reaIIy out of Iine, I do agree with the Iast part of this post.

I dont quite understand sometimes the way western men wiII taIk about their Thai gfs if they do something enterprising, hard-working, caring, seIfIess and/or generous, as if it is truIy remarkabIe. I beIieve these sorts of traits shouId be normaI in any reIationship.

RegardIess, gIad that you are happy OP. :o

maybe he was just touched by the giving and wanted to share it.

seems to me the OP decLlared open season on his wife by making her act public. those of use who live our daily lives with genuine individual are usually content to enjoy them privately.

this has just turned into another moderatation festival with the mods happily slipping in their opinions as indivviduals while exerting their authority.

it was a nice story until it appeared here.

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Gold? ALL Thai women like gold, what's wrong with that? What does that have to do with generosity? Many Thai women that I have known were generous to a fault whether they could afford to be or not. I have seen too many lowlife scumbag farangs take advantage of these good hearted girls and it is disgusting. I'd trust most bar girls much further than most farangs.

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How sad that tomahawk posts something nice about his girlfriend and so many feel the need to not only insult her, but him and every Thai woman in the country. Yes, he does leave her open to criticism by posting about his experience, still its a pity so many felt the need to jump on it anyway. Restraint and consideration seems in short supply with some members of this forum.

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