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Can I Just Get Confirmation


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They apparently generate a good CTR so we probably have them forever.

That said, I don't find them excessively obtrusive, if you're not interested just scroll on by :o

If they help keep TV free all the better.

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you mean people actually look at those things !!

whilst thai visa has every right to pollute its pages with these annoying distractions in order to generate income , i am surprised that , in a world where we cant do anything or go anywhere or even sit quietly somewhere, without being visually or aurally assaulted by companies and businesses intruding into our lives uninvited trying to interest us in yet some more useless <deleted> , that people still have an appetite to click on these irritating little ads.

i thought a while back that you had reached saturation point , but i had obviously underestimated your ability for annoying us , and i am sure that before long your marketing maniacs will have dreamt up even more ways to put ads on the pages and fill in any blank square cm with ads....... ads within posts ????? thats just daft.

do you guys ever watch true vision , do you enjoy being interrupted every few minutes by ads , promotions and all the other garbage that interferes with the enjoyment of the programme that you would like to watch.

your moderation policy is obviously intended to weed out trashy posters and up the ante re. quality of subject matter , but your advertising tsunami is at odds with that.

is there no way to turn the danm things off !!

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As said before, we are testing new ad placements together with our Google representative. This will take at least a week from now.

Please be patient while we are evaluating the results.



Ah, so looks like there's hope yet. Fingers crossed that part of the evaluation will include our (i.e. the members) personal feelings on the matter.

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As said before, we are testing new ad placements together with our Google representative. This will take at least a week from now.

Please be patient while we are evaluating the results.



Ah, so looks like there's hope yet. Fingers crossed that part of the evaluation will include our (i.e. the members) personal feelings on the matter.

maybe but doubtful, if they are seeing a high CTR the ad will most likely stay in that position. Believe it our not I don't think the ThaiVisa owners are becoming greedy....

When you look at other sites that are free based off of ads they are all experiencing the same thing, lack of funds. The payrate on allot of clicks has dropped dramiticly during the economic downturn. So a site that was making money generating 10,000 clicks would now have to generate 15-20,000 clicks just to see the same revenue they were seeing in the past...

From the placement area of the ad test compaired to "heat" maps, I would venture to guess that TV will keep these new ad locations as based on statistics they are the prime locations for clicks....

Edited by MyphuketLife
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is there no way to turn the danm things off !!

Mobi answered this in the other thread, probably deleted. But there is a way. I'm looking at TV no ad-free.

I have NEVER clicked on an ad.

The only reason I think the CTR is high in that position is that people ACCIDENTALLY click on that position, when say, using the mouse trackpad motion to motion down, and clicking (pressure interpreted as a "click" on the trackpad when doing the "downswipe") on accident. It's happened to me when the ads are at that location between 1st and 2nd post, so I'm guessing it's happening to others too...

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