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Actually, I've been using True 3G near Victory Monument for several months now. It was free, but recently they've gone to a pay as you go mode. You can secure a monthly plan at any True Shop - about b799 including 3G/WiFi/GPRS; or pay as you go with a sim from 7/11. It's easy, once you surmount the language barrier ( if you get a no from a Thai, keep going till you get a yes. Smile.

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Re the I-Mobile (thru TOT) 3G service, there is a big show at the Queen Sikrit Center this weekend including technology, so my wife and I stopped by there last night, and she talked with the I-Mobile staff there about their POST-PAID service... ie... you're getting a monthly bill.

The I-Mobile guy at their booth there said my wife (a Thai) would need to bring a copy of her "tabien baan" (house book) in order for her to sign up for their post-paid service. And the guy told her they wouldn't open a post-paid account for me (a farang) regardless.... Never even got to the point of talking about whether I had a work permit or not...

I know I could just buy their pre-paid card. But the service rates for that are higher, and I don't want to mess around with topping up the card all the time. I like handling things post-paid.... So, yes, my wife can bring a copy of her tabien baan and we can get the post paid service we want.

But, I'm wondering, for farangs, what's been your experience elsewhere with TOT and/or I-Mobile (and at what locations?) about establishing new post paid accounts with them... And what if any kind of documentation were they wanting for the account to be in a farang's name???

I was told that either a work permit should be shown if I applied, of the wifes ID card be presented if she applied is sufficiant.

Both worked when we got the 3G simcards on the 799 a month post paid deal.

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But, I'm wondering, for farangs, what's been your experience elsewhere with TOT and/or I-Mobile (and at what locations?) about establishing new post paid accounts with them... And what if any kind of documentation were they wanting for the account to be in a farang's name???

For my True iPhone account, I presented my passport. I was kinda surprised they didn't want anything else. That's it. No tabien baan, no work permit, no visa, no wife, nothing. Maybe it's because I bought my iPhone there anyway. 26k baht convinced them I am a good person :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

if you live in an area that supports 3G (check true website for coverage, they have a nice map), get an aircard that supports the 850 band, a post paid sim from true and apply for the unlimited edge/gprs package. you will get free 3G with it.

it's what i'm using now. rock solid connection, down rate about 300mbps and up rate 200kbps.

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You guys all seem to be in Bangkok, but just for your info True Move's 3G service (speeds 'allegedly' up to 7.2Mbps) is down here in Hua Hin/Cha Am too, plus Phuket, Samui and Chiang Mai according to their website. Speeds seem to be around 3x faster than EDGE/GPRS, but coverage is a bit limited to the town centre and then parallel along the beach line. I got the in-shop 3GS on monthly contract for 599B/month, includes unlimited internet, 300 call minutes & 300 sms, which works out way cheaper for me than their pay-as-you-go 3G sims.

Someone on the thread mentioned compatable phones, True only sell the iPhones and Blackberry Bold in their shop here, but their website says the following 'Thailand sold' mobiles are definately compatable with their 850MHz frequency ......

Nokia: 3120 Classic, 6120 Classic, 6267, 6500 Classic, 6500 slide, 6555, 6600 Slide, 6600 Fold, 5610 Xpress Music, 7900 Prism, E51

Sony Ericsson: K850i, W760i, C510, W508, W705, W995, C903, T707

Apple: iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS

BlackBerry: iBold 9000

HP: HP iPAQ 912 ... whatever the hel_l that might be, sounds like a 'kin inkjet printer to me :)

Anyway that's enough excitement for me for today, I'm going back to sleep like the rest of the town!!


Edited by Burgernev
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