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New Business Venture In Pattaya For Thai Wife

syd barrett

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I am absolutely sick and tired of the Thai wife lying around all day watching unfunny comedy programmes with irritating sound effects and the even more pathetic Thai soap series that run every evening from 8.00pm onwards.

I have an idea to set her up with a laundry business. I reckon I can rent a premises for 6,000 per month then there is utility bills on top.

I can set the place up with three washing machines initially, one washing machine will be for farangs only because this will be set to a higher temperature wash because farangs (unlike Thai's) wear their clothes more than once so there is more bacteria in their underwear and socks.

I shall get two ironing-boards (good quality) not the type which sag or slip around on the floor because they weigh only 1kg.

Then set her to work (with one assistant from her Isaan extended family (who has never been to Pattaya before, so appreciates a salary of THB4K).

I will advertise heavily for tourist business with English signs and flyers and get her to draw up some Thai-scripted similar.

Then I can just sit back and wait for the cash to come in.

Comments appreciated.

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Dear Syd,

Get your Wife a Dream Cones Ice cream franchise, Mini-Franchise or Full - Franchise.

Not hard for the Wife or Girlfriend to operate and great profits.

It would be better than "another" laundry.

Google for contact details.

Choc dii

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Think you should check out this theory about farangs wearing the same clothes for a day ,maybe you are doing this and think all farangs are the same.

I have minimum 5 showers a day/evening and every time i change clothes,albeit,singlet,shorts,unless i go out.This is a hot country and to suggest we dont change clothes everyday is mindblowing.you must have some dirty friends.

Edited by patklang
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I am absolutely sick and tired of the Thai wife lying around all day watching unfunny comedy programmes with irritating sound effects and the even more pathetic Thai soap series that run every evening from 8.00pm onwards.

I have an idea to set her up with a laundry business. I reckon I can rent a premises for 6,000 per month then there is utility bills on top.

I can set the place up with three washing machines initially, one washing machine will be for farangs only because this will be set to a higher temperature wash because farangs (unlike Thai's) wear their clothes more than once so there is more bacteria in their underwear and socks.

I shall get two ironing-boards (good quality) not the type which sag or slip around on the floor because they weigh only 1kg.

Then set her to work (with one assistant from her Isaan extended family (who has never been to Pattaya before, so appreciates a salary of THB4K).

I will advertise heavily for tourist business with English signs and flyers and get her to draw up some Thai-scripted similar.

Then I can just sit back and wait for the cash to come in.

Comments appreciated.

Ok dream on!.............i remember you wrote the same topic some time ago and nothing has happened since, you must be desperate :o In reality you know there is nothing you can do(they can be so lazy sometimes) The best way to get your wife off her bum is to move out and stop any cash flow,sit back and see what happens.Why would you pour good money after bad.

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Think you should check out this theory about farangs wearing the same clothes for a day ,maybe you are doing this and think all farangs are the same.

I have minimum 5 showers a day/evening and every time i change clothes,albeit,singlet,shorts,unless i go out.This is a hot country and to suggest we dont change clothes everyday is mindblowing.you must have some dirty friends.

A minimum of five showers a day, assumming you get up 06:00 and go to bed 24:00 that's a shower at least every 3 hours 30 minutes (allowing a total of six minutes in the shower). Somehow I just don't believe that, obviously you can't work or go out during the day or you'd be showering every hour just to catch up.

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A minimum of five showers a day, assumming you get up 06:00 and go to bed 24:00 that's a shower at least every 3 hours 30 minutes (allowing a total of six minutes in the shower). Somehow I just don't believe that, obviously you can't work or go out during the day or you'd be showering every hour just to catch up.
He must shower to The East five times a day.

Personally I run about 10K several days a week and am always concerned about being stinky in a tropical climate in a country where we're already often stereotyped as farang min, but even I only shower at best three times a day. Usually two. Five times a day sounds like borderline OCD, heh. Hot water burn baby! Hot water burn baby!

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I sense your enthusiasm that's a good sign but unless your wife shares that same enthusiasm then I'm afraid your business idea will fail considering foreigners are very limited in Thailand to what they can actually do.

Then I can just sit back and wait for the cash to come in.

If only life was that simple.... Behind every successful business man is a good women.

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I shower when I wake up, after I finish at the gym in the morning, after an afternoon nap and before bed at night. Five showers a day in this climate is not unbelievable. :o

I'm in the same club as you, George.

When staying with my Thai family, only 2 rooms have a/c ( mine and the lady of the house), the rest of the house is opened air.

After hanging around the house in this hot and muggy less than half an hour, always feel the urge to take a shower, it's easi ly to surpass 5 showers a day. I do it daily.

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Working in a thai laundry is bloomin hard work, i think your wife will rather want to stay at home watching the same old slapstick comedies and the ultra annoying shouting and crying soaps. I dont think you will be watching any money roll in :o

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I think this can never work due to the way Thai people think.

You say your wife is from a poor Isaan family (not original haha). The day she started a relation with you, she suddenly became "important" and your money is probably supporting half of her village.

If she suddenly starts working hard in a laundry, she will seriously loose her face as important people with rich falang husbands are supposed to watch TV all day.

The only trick you can try, is let her feel like a successful business woman : let her control some staff without her working too hard. The idea of a franchise as someone else proposed sounds good, but then she will need some qualifications of course.

Anyway, I fear that if she starts making money, she will not use it to fund your household, but buy an Iphone and a new buffalo :o

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Working in a thai laundry is bloomin hard work, i think your wife will rather want to stay at home watching the same old slapstick comedies and the ultra annoying shouting and crying soaps. I dont think you will be watching any money roll in :o

Just like any business you need to do the maths.

To be a profitiable business that every second Soi has I am not sure.

But to get the lady out of the house away from the tv.maybe worth it for peace of mind

Capitol outlay for machines,shop lease etc---ad infitumen=40-50Bht per hr.return

Get her a job on a building site with the Burmese.

No outlay for you and about the same return per day.

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I am absolutely sick and tired of the Thai wife lying around all day watching unfunny comedy programmes with irritating sound effects and the even more pathetic Thai soap series that run every evening from 8.00pm onwards.

I can set the place up with three washing machines initially, one washing machine will be for farangs only because this will be set to a higher temperature wash because farangs (unlike Thai's) wear their clothes more than once so there is more bacteria in their underwear and socks.

Well at least we know you maybe one of the scruffy smelly foreigners knocking about.

Personally, I change my socks and shreddies every day, twice more often than not.

If you are wearing yours for 2-3 days, no wonder your wife is driven to watching inane TV. Your smell probably drives her to it.

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one washing machine will be for farangs only because this will be set to a higher temperature wash because farangs (unlike Thai's) wear their clothes more than once so there is more bacteria in their underwear and socks.

I'm sorry but I'm a farang and I can't imagine anybody wearing underwear or socks more than once.....That's flat nasty!!! how often do they shower?

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UPDATE on comments

I am English and like most normal non-gym going people shower twice a day only.

I believe that all you farang objectors, who shower 4,5 or 6 times a day, so don't take offence.

But the fact remains that there are a lot of unclean and stinky long-stay farangs here in Pattaya who wear clothing for several days in a row. Some of them are my friends and some of them are good people, but they are just soap dodgers (sometimes 55 years old plus) who have been brought up to appreciate a weekly bath and a change of clothes on a Sunday.

Thanks, all comments about the business plan welcomed.

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My Tai misses works firstly because she wants to and secondly she knows if she doesn’t work I’ll cut her money by 30% to make sure she only has enough for herself and her daughter.

The logic is simple: Work and I’ll give you enough money to enjoy life and buy the sort of things you could never previously afford.

I point blank refuse to give money for her to send to her family but offer help when I’m able to as I have an 83 year old father who I’m responsible for and he has to take priority.

Help when I can:

I’ve just funded putting her fathers Kwai lek or two wheeled tractor back on the road after it’s been stood idle and broken for the past two years.

He’s as happy as Larry.

She never complains and is happy with the arrangement.

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You have, it seems, achieved the impossible. I respect your setting of boundaries, but I am a little curious. What does 70% of "her money" leave her? In Baht.

If you have the time, can you also share what your help to the family amounts to. Monthly. In Baht.

Your logic is somewhat twisted, but I still want to know. You first. Mine always complains no matter what I find in my heart (pocket) to give her.

You sound like a lotta fun.

Edited by Shotime
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my local laundry is good, the only problem is they occasionally eat one of my socks. I give them pairs everytime, but get the odd single one back !!!

In England i buy 10 pairs of the exact same socks for 2gbp from Asda, then every 3 months or so replace them..... job sorted, usually have about 7 pair left at the end of each period.

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I think it is the wrong business, from reading this thread I think you should start a few shower stalls near the bars. That way the guys don't have to miss any showers or any drinks. :o:D

There you go you could call it the 'Shower Bar' overweight farangs sitting in their undercrackers drinking Chang when every 30 mins or so sprinklers comes on and showers the lot. What a sight for sore eyes that would be!

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