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Fight In Fushion Last Night

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i think im going to be leaving lamai that place is no joke

i got in to a fight last night in fusion and it werent even my fault.

i stood on some thai girls foot last night by accident and she went mental i tried to say sorry and some thai guy grabbed me.

i lamped him on the jaw he went straight down then then a couple of other thai guys came over i manged to put one of them down before the other layed one on me i had to run man

they chased me pretty far and luckily i hid from them. it took me a while to get home as they were out looking for me i'm so luck they didnt get me

i dont think i can go back there - does this happen all the time here or what?

did anyone else on here see it?.. it must have been about 2.30 or later as id been drinking in one of the bars all ngiht and they shut it down around 2.30 then i went to fusion.


I say be a man and go back there and seek justice - after all, you are a trained badass fighter, you're not gonna let some pussies beat you up and make you go run and hide, are you??? C'mon, be a real man. :o

Report back please with results.

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Never ceases to amaze me how my posters on Thaivisa will basically advise anyone in the OP's position to allow the locals to do whatever the h@ll they like. I really do wonder why someone would live in a country where they feel like a 'victim.'

Yep, some guy is going to punch me but I should really just let him get on with it, maybe apologise after and buy him a drink!! Maybe they want to steal my money, sure I'll just give them my wallet, maybe even offer a side trip to the ATM too, just to be polite. Some local wants to slap my wife, hey go for it, I'll shake your hand and buy you a drink after.....

big man :o ...and ignorant :D

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well im back in to lamai tonight to go see my girl. i spent the afternoon with her but she had to go to work. she is going to ask tonight if she can have some time of so we can see each other some more. i might take her round the islands.

and yes she does like me. i am not some overweight pervert in their 40s going around with young girls. like everyone else i see

fusion was full of middle age men hitting on young girls. shocking man.

im 23, athletic, have a great build and around 6% body fat. been weight training 6 years.

later everyone.


i see you have n't taken much advice after posting your story,23,very athletic,6% body fat,weight training for 6 years(big deal but it wont stop a knife or a bullet)were not talking one on one here,thais hunt in packs,just like in the UK now.

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i think im going to be leaving lamai that place is no joke

i got in to a fight last night in fusion and it werent even my fault.

i stood on some thai girls foot last night by accident and she went mental i tried to say sorry and some thai guy grabbed me.

i lamped him on the jaw he went straight down then then a couple of other thai guys came over i manged to put one of them down before the other layed one on me i had to run man

they chased me pretty far and luckily i hid from them. it took me a while to get home as they were out looking for me i'm so luck they didnt get me

i dont think i can go back there - does this happen all the time here or what?

did anyone else on here see it?.. it must have been about 2.30 or later as id been drinking in one of the bars all ngiht and they shut it down around 2.30 then i went to fusion.


I say be a man and go back there and seek justice - after all, you are a trained badass fighter, you're not gonna let some pussies beat you up and make you go run and hide, are you??? C'mon, be a real man. :D

Report back please with results.


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well im back in to lamai tonight to go see my girl. i spent the afternoon with her but she had to go to work. she is going to ask tonight if she can have some time of so we can see each other some more. i might take her round the islands.

and yes she does like me. i am not some overweight pervert in their 40s going around with young girls. like everyone else i see

fusion was full of middle age men hitting on young girls. shocking man.

im 23, athletic, have a great build and around 6% body fat. been weight training 6 years.

later everyone.


Stay away from those fights,man.Live long and healthy. :o

I would spend less time boasting and more time in the gym dodging bullets.When in Thailand you dont need to be a good fighter,if you have a few baht that is your protection.The law of the jungle,like you,hit first then decide the next option,which will be get your wallet out.

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this girl aint no bargirl mate she is the cashier and just takes the money the other girls in the bar told me as well

she studied english at university and speaks very well. shes only been here a month. she is so nice she looks after her brother and his daughter. im going to meet her later and take her around the island.


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i think im going to be leaving lamai that place is no joke

i got in to a fight last night in fusion and it werent even my fault.

i stood on some thai girls foot last night by accident and she went mental i tried to say sorry and some thai guy grabbed me.

i lamped him on the jaw he went straight down then then a couple of other thai guys came over i manged to put one of them down before the other layed one on me i had to run man

they chased me pretty far and luckily i hid from them. it took me a while to get home as they were out looking for me i'm so luck they didnt get me

i dont think i can go back there - does this happen all the time here or what?

did anyone else on here see it?.. it must have been about 2.30 or later as id been drinking in one of the bars all ngiht and they shut it down around 2.30 then i went to fusion.


is that a pic of you. you look like a football hooligan. sorry for the sterio type. but those fusion lot are not joke. i have to be careful how i say this so it does not get deleted. someone i know got put in a coma and someone else i know ( a thai ) had to escape the island due to a fall out with a certain load of people. i wouldn't mess with them. probably doing the right thing but leaving lamui. be lucky if u can stay on samui. all the best

You say that like it's a bad thing. In the words of Sting, football hooligans eat their children too. Or maybe it was Mike Tyson who said that; must have been someone...

i will say it "like its a bad thing"....hooligans and this idiot are NOT welcome here...and we will take care of you if you come :o

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think the poster got away with it quite lightly but id not hang around lamai anymore cos they will get you if you do.

The op doesn't realise that no matter how tough or great fighter he may be,Thais will always win.If they have to kill him to save face,jail is of no consequence.I am big and strong enough to take down virtually any Thai national,however common sense tells me it's far better to apologise and walk away,heck buy 'em a drink if you have to,because this will not have a happy ending for the op if these guys find him.I have yet to see a time where kindness and a free drink doesn't defuse a(potentially) violent situation,and i am no coward.I wish the op well,however you have been placed(Or put yourself) in a very dangerous situation.

how big and strong are you. 120 kilo thai or ufc fighter ???

Yes,125 kg,studied martial arts full time in China for 3 years.Now happy to just be happy and avoid the pubs/clubs.

study :o

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well im back in to lamai tonight to go see my girl. i spent the afternoon with her but she had to go to work. she is going to ask tonight if she can have some time of so we can see each other some more. i might take her round the islands.

and yes she does like me. i am not some overweight pervert in their 40s going around with young girls. like everyone else i see

fusion was full of middle age men hitting on young girls. shocking man.

im 23, athletic, have a great build and around 6% body fat. been weight training 6 years.

later everyone.


23???? Your info says "born March 3 1980" that makes you 29 next month....

But the rest of the story was true?

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this girl aint no bargirl mate she is the cashier and just takes the money the other girls in the bar told me as well

she studied english at university and speaks very well. shes only been here a month. she is so nice she looks after her brother and his daughter. im going to meet her later and take her around the island.




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i think im going to be leaving lamai that place is no joke

i got in to a fight last night in fusion and it werent even my fault.

i stood on some thai girls foot last night by accident and she went mental i tried to say sorry and some thai guy grabbed me.

i lamped him on the jaw he went straight down then then a couple of other thai guys came over i manged to put one of them down before the other layed one on me i had to run man

they chased me pretty far and luckily i hid from them. it took me a while to get home as they were out looking for me i'm so luck they didnt get me

i dont think i can go back there - does this happen all the time here or what?

did anyone else on here see it?.. it must have been about 2.30 or later as id been drinking in one of the bars all ngiht and they shut it down around 2.30 then i went to fusion.


I say be a man and go back there and seek justice - after all, you are a trained badass fighter, you're not gonna let some pussies beat you up and make you go run and hide, are you??? C'mon, be a real man. :D

Report back please with results.


what? are you scared? :D ...pussies there

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think the poster got away with it quite lightly but id not hang around lamai anymore cos they will get you if you do.

The op doesn't realise that no matter how tough or great fighter he may be,Thais will always win.If they have to kill him to save face,jail is of no consequence.I am big and strong enough to take down virtually any Thai national,however common sense tells me it's far better to apologise and walk away,heck buy 'em a drink if you have to,because this will not have a happy ending for the op if these guys find him.I have yet to see a time where kindness and a free drink doesn't defuse a(potentially) violent situation,and i am no coward.I wish the op well,however you have been placed(Or put yourself) in a very dangerous situation.

how big and strong are you. 120 kilo thai or ufc fighter ???

Yes,125 kg,studied martial arts full time in China for 3 years.Now happy to just be happy and avoid the pubs/clubs.

study :o

?No ,studied as in past tense.http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/studied

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well im back in to lamai tonight to go see my girl. i spent the afternoon with her but she had to go to work. she is going to ask tonight if she can have some time of so we can see each other some more. i might take her round the islands.

and yes she does like me. i am not some overweight pervert in their 40s going around with young girls. like everyone else i see

fusion was full of middle age men hitting on young girls. shocking man.

im 23, athletic, have a great build and around 6% body fat. been weight training 6 years.

later everyone.


That's hilarious. What are you doing on Samui? Don't they need you back in Milan for the photo shoot? Seriously though. You need to listen to these middle age men you so despise. They are still alive but you certainly won't be at middle age unless you pull your head out of your ass.

Read between the lines. Were not blowing hot air. Check out the government stats on hit men in the south.

I do wish you all the best but calm down mate.

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this girl aint no bargirl mate she is the cashier and just takes the money the other girls in the bar told me as well

she studied english at university and speaks very well. shes only been here a month. she is so nice she looks after her brother and his daughter. im going to meet her later and take her around the island.




Man, you are not well, at least you won't be if you go back, and not leave Samui. And "your girl", well there are many in LOS! :o

Nothing is free!

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i will take your advise

at the end of the day i tried to say sorry to the girl and she started going crazy i couldnt get a word in

then this thai guy stormed over man and i knew he was going to crack me one i could see it in his eyes i reacted first

what else was i supposed to do?...

3 guys then started on me and did what i was trained to do, i took the biggest one out first i couldn't line the other two up in a straight line to go through them so i bolted - there was other guys coming over at that time to. 3 on to one aint good man.

apart from that i had a great night, some girl in one of the bars really liked me. she's the cashier as well as doesnt go with guys i want to go back but im scared to go into lamai


Please tell me where did you train boxing in london?

Is that you on your picture?

by the way, dont throw punches in a forign country outside the ring dude.

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Never ceases to amaze me how my posters on Thaivisa will basically advise anyone in the OP's position to allow the locals to do whatever the h@ll they like. I really do wonder why someone would live in a country where they feel like a 'victim.'

Yep, some guy is going to punch me but I should really just let him get on with it, maybe apologise after and buy him a drink!! Maybe they want to steal my money, sure I'll just give them my wallet, maybe even offer a side trip to the ATM too, just to be polite. Some local wants to slap my wife, hey go for it, I'll shake your hand and buy you a drink after.....

big man :o ...and ignorant :D

You are of course entitled to your opinion. I'm speaking from experience, nothing more, nothing less. And yes, I do live here too.

Have a nice day....

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Never ceases to amaze me how my posters on Thaivisa will basically advise anyone in the OP's position to allow the locals to do whatever the h@ll they like. I really do wonder why someone would live in a country where they feel like a 'victim.'

Yep, some guy is going to punch me but I should really just let him get on with it, maybe apologise after and buy him a drink!! Maybe they want to steal my money, sure I'll just give them my wallet, maybe even offer a side trip to the ATM too, just to be polite. Some local wants to slap my wife, hey go for it, I'll shake your hand and buy you a drink after.....

big man :o ...and ignorant :D

You are of course entitled to your opinion. I'm speaking from experience, nothing more, nothing less. And yes, I do live here too.

Have a nice day....

I think then that you and 6% should go back to Fusion tonight :D WAIT! if you are going let us all know so we can watch...you both not LIVE here anymore :D

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The guys who are saying that this guy is a coward because he ran away, are obviousley clueless, and you are the ones that will probably end up injured in such situations.

This guy stepped on a girls foot, tried to apologise, got grabbed by a Thai man, and then what did you expect him to do? Wait around to get beaten to death? He clearly felt he was in danger, hit the guy to get him off him, and headed for the exit.

The Thai man laid his hands on ArkElfmow first, not the other way round.

Then again, all these people complaining that he ran away are probably direct descendants of Bruce Lee and would have dissolved the situation with a roundhouse kick, a few "wooooosss", "haaaaaasss" and "ooooooosssss". then continued on with their night out like nothing ever happened. Am I right?

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Then again, all these people complaining that he ran away are probably direct descendants of Bruce Lee and would have dissolved the situation with a roundhouse kick, a few "wooooosss", "haaaaaasss" and "ooooooosssss". then continued on with their night out like nothing ever happened. Am I right?

All this people ?? Chill out, only a couple of posters did so. Derfinetely the safe defensive move to run away, although machine gunning the lot of them couldn't have hurt anyone too much.

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well im back in to lamai tonight to go see my girl. i spent the afternoon with her but she had to go to work. she is going to ask tonight if she can have some time of so we can see each other some more. i might take her round the islands.

and yes she does like me. i am not some overweight pervert in their 40s going around with young girls. like everyone else i see

fusion was full of middle age men hitting on young girls. shocking man.

im 23, athletic, have a great build and around 6% body fat. been weight training 6 years.

later everyone.


That's hilarious. What are you doing on Samui? Don't they need you back in Milan for the photo shoot? Seriously though. You need to listen to these middle age men you so despise. They are still alive but you certainly won't be at middle age unless you pull your head out of your ass.

Read between the lines. Were not blowing hot air. Check out the government stats on hit men in the south.

I do wish you all the best but calm down mate.

Very valid information BUT you don't actually think its gonna get thru the OP**** do you?

This one makes me laugh, normally we only get to read about their demise in the papers, here we get to meet the*** before he gets capped - SENSATIONAL! :o

Hes most likely 5'2, 88kg, 60% body fat (left out the 0) and ***

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You dont know much about Thailand do you lol.Now a lady has fallen in love with you and she aint a bargirl heheheheheh.Shedont go with guys,now thats funny too.

no i dont know much about thailand mate but im learning are you some expert or something?.. ha ha

this girl aint no bargirl mate she is the cashier and just takes the money the other girls in the bar told me as well

i went back to the bar last night and spent hours talking to her she is lovely. she studied english at university and speaks very well. shes only been here a month. she is so nice she looks after her brother and his daughter. im going to meet her later and take her around the island.

and no i wont tell you guys what bar she works at... ha ha... you can keep away.

You don't honestly believe this do you OP?

:o:D:D Never heard this story before :D:D:wai:

Seriously you can't be that stupid can you?.....maybe its possible but you've obvioulsy had the snot beaten out of your brains alot over the last 23 years.

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Very valid information BUT you don't actually think its gonna get thru the OP **** do you?

This one makes me laugh, normally we only get to read about their demise in the papers, here we get to meet the****before he gets capped - SENSATIONAL! :D

Hes most likely 5'2, 88kg, 60% body fat (left out the 0) and***


EDIT: I shouldn't laugh because he may well be featured in the papers soon.

Edited by sbk
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