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Annoying Things Farangs Do Around Town

DJ Pat

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I used to get the green bus from the bts up a 1 km road to my apartment in Bangkok, I didn't enjoy it but I could never grab a cab at the time I was travelling, So I took the bus, 3 baht 50 satang, if my memory serves me right. Problem though with the green buses is that I have to stand hunched up as the ceiling of the bus is very low and am 6ft.

I was sitting at at roadside bar in Pattaya last year about 3 pm, I saw this guy walk into the middle of the beach road, then he started doing starjumps, stopping the traffic for a short while, at the time I just wanted a quiet drink but then the car horns started blaring, my first thought was that someone should run him over or give him a slight knock but I guess he was mentally ill or something, he walked onto the beach after a minute or so and the traffic passed by, feel sorry for the guy but more sorry for the next person he bumped into on the beach.

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bragging about some Bar Girl he had taken to his room the night before, anyway he had kicked her out in the morning without paying her telling his friends that she was probally gratefull to have stayed in a 'posh' hotel and to gotten a free shower. The funny thing is he actually believed this, tosser 10/10.

I was sitting at my table in the CM night bazzar (great falafel there), and the table in front of me had one of those mild mannered 'respectable' men in his late 50's sitting at the table in front of me with two 18-20ish girls. He seemed to indicate by the way he was speaking that he figured they should be gratful he was feeding them. I guess the expensive flip-phones the girls each carried didn't tune him in to the fact that they could probably afford rice if needed. :o

When he excused himself to go to the men's room the three of us shared a good laugh at his expense.

Yes, I may be petty and self-rightous, but I'm cheap to entertain. :D


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From Stickman: 16/1/05

"Would it be possible for the Bangkok Authorities to put notices up on the pavements at Sukhumvit Road telling fat assed farang couples that they must not walk side by side? I'm a relatively fit and slim farang lad in his early forties, and my dark skinned Isaan beauty has the most cute ass that you've ever seen. We are both completely fed up of being stuck behind fat assed farang couples with pavement blocking asses as they waddle down Sukhumvit Road! You just can't get past them! Even worse, they often just stop to look at some tourist junk and the whole pavement comes to a complete, chaotic standstill! Something has got to be done about this problem!"

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From Stickman: 16/1/05

"Would it be possible for the Bangkok Authorities to put notices up on the pavements at Sukhumvit Road telling fat assed farang couples that they must not walk side by side?  I'm a relatively fit and slim farang lad in his early forties, and my dark skinned Isaan beauty has the most cute ass that you've ever seen.  We are both completely fed up of being stuck behind fat assed farang couples with pavement blocking asses as they waddle down Sukhumvit Road!  You just can't get past them!  Even worse, they often just stop to look at some tourist junk and the whole pavement comes to a complete, chaotic standstill!  Something has got to be done about this problem!"

Doesn't Stickman know how to say "Excuse me!" - preferably in a loud voice. Always worked for me :o

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From Stickman: 16/1/05

"Would it be possible for the Bangkok Authorities to put notices up on the pavements at Sukhumvit Road telling fat assed farang couples that they must not walk side by side?  I'm a relatively fit and slim farang lad in his early forties, and my dark skinned Isaan beauty has the most cute ass that you've ever seen.  We are both completely fed up of being stuck behind fat assed farang couples with pavement blocking asses as they waddle down Sukhumvit Road!  You just can't get past them!  Even worse, they often just stop to look at some tourist junk and the whole pavement comes to a complete, chaotic standstill!  Something has got to be done about this problem!"

Doesn't Stickman know how to say "Excuse me!" - preferably in a loud voice. Always worked for me :o

It was from one of his "bag of mail" doofers.

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It was from one of his "bag of mail" doofers.

The other alternative, of course, is to step out into the road (careful no boys in brown are nearby) and you can get past all the huge-ended twosomes very quickly indeed :o:D:D

The worst place for me was from Robinson to soi 13 where I used to live. And when they were rebuilding the bit near Thermae, the stalls left about 3 feet between them and the corrugated wall - not even room to stop and shop, let alone go hand in hand! It was always quicker in the road, and usually quite safe because of the odd car parked in the nearside lane, so the traffic kept out of it.

These doofers, eh, don't have a clue, do they...

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Yeah I agree with all but must say I am guilty of 'That look' when it comes to old sad, disheveled, red bulbous nosed 65 year old alcoholic pedophiles strolling around with 15 year old Thai girls.


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Yeah I agree with all but must say I am guilty of 'That look' when it comes to old sad, disheveled, red bulbous nosed 65 year old alcoholic pedophiles strolling around with 15 year old Thai girls.


Or boys.... :o

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Where did you see this sight then?

Well I'd be lieing if i said I'd only seen it once, Ive seen this steriotypical type guy from cheap bars to the emporium shopping mall. Ok once it was about an 18 year old T.gal with about a 75/80 year old farang guy but still come on speeeeeeeeeyew. Also disgustingly enough I used to work in an office with a 50 year old F.guy who openly bragged about sleeping with 10 year old T.girls here.

sicktomungo indeed.

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My posts are from experiences, and as some of you agreed, there are a breed of louts inhabiting this country fast. What can you do? Wait til their cash runs out and they <deleted> off? 

One simple rule for farangs should come into play and it should be enforced strictly: Ban them from wearing shorts and sandals. This would enhance their reputation ten fold in the eyes of the locals.

Pat, you're getting worse!

Absolutely nothing wrong with wearing shorts and sandals in any part of los as long as you're respectful and don't wear a vest or no top at all away from the beach resorts. It's cooler in this climate, easy, and this is how much of the thai population dress in general.

We should show some respect, how often do you see a guy without a shirt on.

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  • 4 weeks later...
One of the most amusing things I have ever seen- a lad must have been 80-90 being assisted walking by a 20 smth Thai lady. The funniest bit was her trying to get him across a puddle- too nearly 10 minutes.  :D

Sorry, but that puddle looked really deep :o

The wonders of viagra.........

I can't get me head around 80-90 year olds giving one to a young girl, of course it's easier to imagine a young one than another 80 yo.

Still I'll keep it in mind when I get nearer to that age.

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  • 4 years later...

I agree with some of that but bloody 'el, not allowed to eat noodles?? I love street food in Thailand. I must admit I don't look smug when I eat it though, it's just the chillis!

'Two trip wonder' a good call as well from earlier in the thread

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  • 2 weeks later...

I reckon Thailand need all the farang teachers it can get....even the worst are better than the majority of Thai teachers of English who can hardly string a sentence together...(not their fault..but the system they got educated in).

Despising people because they are trying to live on a low income is extremely prejudice.....not forgetting that some may be Buddhists who might be trying to deminish their ego and reduce their waste of the worlds resources....

Old men accompanied by young companions have probably not used physical force to make them do so.......they are probably gaining more from the contract than the old farangs are.

At least the Immigration department offices will turn away farangs coming to them dressed in swimwear....can you blame them?

Up country, dressing as the locals do is not looked down upon....apart from by those smug fellow farangs with ego problems.

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"The farang on the small nonaircon green bus...get a f**king life will you"

DJ Pat, please, please tell me why the <deleted> someone needs to get a life because they catch a certain bus?

It gets you from A all the way to B and it happens to be very cheap. Whats the f**king problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Brits ruin every place they go to. I used to live in Samui a few years ago. It was always a fairly nice place but I witnessed the only act of violence I've seen in Thailand by a farang. It was a Brit friend of an English bar-owner who obviously did a few weights. Two young Swedes were out on the Lamai road talking to a bar girl, not sure what the discussion was about but it didn't look unfriendly. This guy walked over from an English bar and just sparked one of the guys fo no reason. He then returned to the bar bragging to his mates.

I hate that kind of aggression and I hope this country does not generate into an extension of a typical English Saturday night.

However, I do enjoy the odd bowl of noodle soup on the street. I'll do my best not to look up.

Agreed. I last went to the U.K about 18 months ago and I saw women fighting on the streets and in bars. Real classy! Things like that make me realise why I left in the first place.

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Yes a beach resort area is a different kettle of fish altogether, I'm talking about Bangkok in general.

I know a teacher who wears shorts to class. Nuff said!

Common sense should dictate to people the appropriate dress. It annoys me when I see people sitting in a cafe or restaurant either with a vest (cut off sleeves) or even no shirt at all, this is not appropriate dress for an eatery.

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