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Most Thaivisa Posters Are Old But They Don't Sound Old

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Some of us geriatric types dumb our speech down to sound younger. Not mention that we danced to Elvis tunes before Elvis got fat. Not mention our adult grandchildren in certain company. Shorts, pony tails, flower shirts - wear 'em if you got 'em. Ride a sportbike into the graveyard. Two orgasms a day if you can get it up. Swim three hours a day, or ride 45 km on a bicycle.

My uncle was a great tennis player until cancer took his right arm at around age 77. He switched sides and kept playing. Died at 91, sharp as a tack.

I'm going on 36......

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I cannot choose any option... not qualified.. :o

But wanna say I AM NOT THAT OLD!!! but I am older than you thought because of my kiddie kiddie postings..

Do you ever read something that someone has written and try to imagine what they are like? What they look like? How old they are?

umm, all the time in my imagination, and is fun when meeting in real.. some are so much difference....

I love to read/ know idea from diffirent people.. The more they old, more stories..., right?

if you fit into the baby boomer generation(born between 1945-1964)this generation in my opinion never grew up and continues to believe they are still 25yo in mind and spirit.......................and long may it continue but coming to thailand is a good cure for the "blues" should you have them!

hole in one ,who the hel_l wants to grow up ,not me my life has been and is fun fun fun. i put it down to having young wives ,young kids .oh and money :o that helps.

Some of us geriatric types dumb our speech down to sound younger. Not mention that we danced to Elvis tunes before Elvis got fat. Not mention our adult grandchildren in certain company. Shorts, pony tails, flower shirts - wear 'em if you got 'em. Ride a sportbike into the graveyard. Two orgasms a day if you can get it up. Swim three hours a day, or ride 45 km on a bicycle.

My uncle was a great tennis player until cancer took his right arm at around age 77. He switched sides and kept playing. Died at 91, sharp as a tack.

I'm going on 36......

36? and danced to Elvis before he was fat. How did you do that. Please PM me...

if you fit into the baby boomer generation(born between 1945-1964)this generation in my opinion never grew up and continues to believe they are still 25yo in mind and spirit.......................and long may it continue but coming to thailand is a good cure for the "blues" should you have them!

hole in one ,who the hel_l wants to grow up ,not me my life has been and is fun fun fun. i put it down to having young wives ,young kids .oh and money :o that helps.

sure does,i see so many old codgers back home playing lawn bowls and their watering hole is the local RSL CLUB,ok if that makes you happy,as you said all the above helps keep you young.


Everyone is as old as the material grave he build for himself is deep and the time one spends worrying about it not being deep enough!

Sorry, it's my 2 cents, isn't meant to offend anyone!

"Most ThaiVisa Posters Are Old But The Don't Sound Old"

Yes ... silly to bring age into a discussion about being OLD.

How OLD are you bruce?

Obviously age in a general sense is relevant, but the specifics aren't. Draw the lines whereever you like.

Suppose I said I am 40, and I consider old to be 50? Or how about I am 50 and consider old to be 60? 61? 62? Would it really make ANY difference to the issues I am trying to explore? Any difference at all?

If I was denigrating "old" people I would fully expect a "so how old are you, sunshine?" response. If you hadn't noticed I'm not though, so I can only put your attitude down to advanced narkiness or over-consumption of coffee

Some of the other posters have been spot-on with the issues I was hoping to see discussed. And 'Midori Apple', everyone will get "old" sometime (however defined) so everyone is qualified to respond to this thread.

Neverthess, I admit I DID kind of put my foot in the trap via the way I phrased the thread, so how about a new one?

"When reading posts by Thaivisa members they seem to sound younger than what I imagine their age to be, why is that?"

And to focus things further:

Q: Do you think that Thaivisa members of retirement age and beyond are representative of others their own age who remain in their home countries and/or do not travel? or in what ways are they different?

Q: When you relocated to Thailand, how did you lifestyle change in comparison to how it would have been had you stayed home. Were you invigorated? felt free from social expectations? etc

Q: Do you think that relocating and/or retiring to Thailand has a rejuvenating effect on people from western countries?

Q: How do you feel when you see older farang in Thailand who are not 'acting their age' as per social norms back home? Why do you feel that way? What would you like to say to them?

I have to say I was a little surprised by the survey results that SBK provided, as these tend to suggest a younger demographic than what I had in mind. It is possible though, I guess, that the mix has changed in the past 2-3 years.

I know many people ridicule guys they see in Thailand, old guys with their hair in a pony-tail. Old guys wearing long-shorts and floral shirts. And so on. And not that many years ago I would have probably reacted the same way. But since then I have had many experiences, have got older, and I have discovered Thailand.

We really can go anyday you know. I started losing friends (to accident, disease and suicide) before I hit my twenties. Why shouldn't people keep having fun when they hit and overtake middle age? Because of what others think? Because it's not dignified? Are these 'others' really that wise? I mean as long as no-one is being hurt by their actions, why not opt for joy over boredom and solitude? What is the purpose of life anyway? Self-actualise? Seek happiness? or just sit on the conveyor belt and do what's expected?

You're clearly trying to kid yourself that you're brave and daring living in Thailand!

All my friends in the West are living happy, fulfilled lives and certainly not doing "what's expected" and sitting on a "conveyor belt"! And, they would certainly never claim that their way of life is "wise" and "dignified" as an excuse for their choice!

I chose to move to Thailand, it doesn't mean that I'm living a 'better' life than them! We all want different things. Personally, I wanted better weather and a warm sea! I haven't abandoned my values or beliefs, I just chose to find somewhere with a better climate!

You're clearly trying to kid yourself that you're brave and daring living in Thailand!

I chose to move to Thailand, it doesn't mean that I'm living a 'better' life than them! We all want different things. Personally, I wanted better weather and a warm sea! I haven't abandoned my values or beliefs, I just chose to find somewhere with a better climate!

Clearly one of your core beliefs is to be as abrasive as possible, as this post is consistent with the rest of the unpleasant and negative material you persist in adding to this forum.

I am deeply happy for the fulfilled life being enjoyed by your friends. If there was anything in my post that was judgemental against people who choose NOT to come to Thailand, then it was not intended nor can I discern it. Well maybe I could if I slammed the door shut on my hand, and then read it.

As for my motivations for posting the thread, you have absolutely no idea, so don't even pretend to.


I think many of the posters here do sound very old ...

Locked into a whinging, crying "this isn't home" "the rice was too expensive" "the service was slow so why should I tip" "the government doesn't fit my idea of what is right" "they are racist" etc etc etc

Showing that not only are they calcified in their personalities ... but also calcified into being negative.

You're clearly trying to kid yourself that you're brave and daring living in Thailand!

I chose to move to Thailand, it doesn't mean that I'm living a 'better' life than them! We all want different things. Personally, I wanted better weather and a warm sea! I haven't abandoned my values or beliefs, I just chose to find somewhere with a better climate!

Clearly one of your core beliefs is to be as abrasive as possible, as this post is consistent with the rest of the unpleasant and negative material you persist in adding to this forum.

I am deeply happy for the fulfilled life being enjoyed by your friends. If there was anything in my post that was judgemental against people who choose NOT to come to Thailand, then it was not intended nor can I discern it. Well maybe I could if I slammed the door shut on my hand, and then read it.

As for my motivations for posting the thread, you have absolutely no idea, so don't even pretend to.

Perhaps you should try reading your original post again before reacting in such an unnecessarily judgemental and hostile way to my post! If you really cannot see that your comments implied that older people in the West are living a boring life, dependent on the good opinion of others then you have a problem.

I understand that you cannot tolerate criticism, but you cannot expect everyone to agree with your views! :o Please don't bother pointing out that I'm biased - of course I am! Just as you are - we are just biased in different ways!


I never really thought of myself as OLD. Older than I used to be, but not a doddering, drooling old fool. I still insult my peers by saying I never intended to be talking about my stroke or toilet problems, rather than my latest fall off my CBR. I have no idea why mirrors do not reflect true images anymore. It must b e some quirk of physics, like a quark.

I never really thought of myself as OLD. Older than I used to be, but not a doddering, drooling old fool. I still insult my peers by saying I never intended to be talking about my stroke or toilet problems, rather than my latest fall off my CBR. I have no idea why mirrors do not reflect true images anymore. It must b e some quirk of physics, like a quark.

The mirrors for guys like you can't be bought in Tesco or so. They are to be found in the wells of Shangri La and elves territory...

HUH? You can be ancient and write well. What does writing have to do with age?

OK, hands up who thinks that discussing the meaning of age is going off on a tangent?

Anyway let's differentiate chronological age, which may or may not have anything to do with someones joy for life, level of activity, etc, and (umm, throw me a bone someone, err)

notional age - which is ALL ABOUT how much joy of living is left in a person.

Writing has nothing to do with age unless the nature of output is an accurate gauge of how much life is left inside there. Usually the more charge in the battery, the brighter the headlights. Usually, but not always

Ok, notional age is a good metaphysical way of looking at oneself and 'grading,' if you will, how old you feel.

In my slowly advancing years (58 at last count, but who's counting?) I've kinda noticed that "old" seems to be defined by a generational thing, given that a generation is about 20 years. So.... when I was 5, somebody who was 25 was old. When I was 35, anybody I knew who was 55 was old. When I was 55, anybody I know who was 75 was dead already. So I guess that makes me old ;-) But hey - 10 years ago I was given less than a year to live. 4 years ago I learned how to ride a motorcycle (by a former classics racer - what a hoot!). And in the past year I moved to Thailand. By notional age, I'm getting younger!

I think many of the posters here do sound very old ...

Locked into a whinging, crying "this isn't home" "the rice was too expensive" "the service was slow so why should I tip" "the government doesn't fit my idea of what is right" "they are racist" etc etc etc

Showing that not only are they calcified in their personalities ... but also calcified into being negative.

Sadly a post penned in the negative manner being described!!!!

44.........didn't think that was too old....maybe I was wrong!!! :o


It is because people who choose to "who have some computer skills and waste their retirement years on an internet forum" are probably slightly more educated upon average than people who, say, "may have no computer skills and waste their retirement years sitting in bar beers".


OK, here's how I see it F1:

1. The thread is not about ME, it's about some ideas. I don't own them, I don't even have a strong view about them. All I have tried to do in earlier posts was clarify what those ideas were, not what I think the answers are/should be.

2. On a personal note I can and do tolerate - even welcome - constructive well-founded criticism of views that I hold. I certainly don't expect "everyone to agree with my views", and sure as hel_l not in Thaivisa!

3. Not only don't I consider myself to be biased, I object strongly to bias by others, especially by people whose role it is to be fair and even-handed.

4. I did re-read my original post. Yes, if you adopt a contrarian perspective it could be read to mean that the lives of SOME people who remain in the west (or do not travel) ARE dull and predictable. Are you willing to stand up on a chair, hand on heart, and say this is not the case?

I understand that you cannot tolerate criticism, but you cannot expect everyone to agree with your views!

After reading the above - subsequent to reading quite a number of your posts in other threads - I have only three words to say - pot, kettle, black :o

I think the majority of 'older' Thai visa posters are different to regular 'older' people

1) They are confident people - they have chosen to settle in another country - not an easy task at any age

2) They have reached a stage in life where they are 'self financed' or have funds in the bank

3) They are self actualisers - certainly aware of the ridiculous

4) They are willing to learn new skills language etc - have a can do attitude

5) Given the above, they certainly enjoy a challenge - and stimulate the brain on a daily basis

6) They are aware there is a major requirement for relaxation and enjoyment in life

Before you all grow heads that don't allow you to leave the building.......there are also some pedantic, whining old farts on TV too!!! :o

Which one are you?? :D

That's a good post, well done.

I guess im in the TV minority (but knew that for a long time): 36 years old and female.

Thats old :D

Thats rude :o

No worries! No idea why he felt the need to say that. Joke maybe, or a put down, but i actually dont care. Im really happy at this age as I dont have the same hang-ups about myself, stress as much, or feel the need to achieve as much that i had in my 20's.

Still gullible, but not as much. Happy in my own skin. Friends of all ages. Apparently I look much younger ..sorry couldnt help mentioning that!..of course im happy about that, but only on a superficial level. What really counts is not age, but manners and personality. I love the company of good and kind people, no matter how old or young. Feel lucky to have good people in my life. :D

"Most ThaiVisa Posters Are Old But The Don't Sound Old"

Yes ... silly to bring age into a discussion about being OLD.

How OLD are you bruce?

Obviously age in a general sense is relevant, but the specifics aren't.

I get what you are saying and understand your concerns about the thread going off topic, but it just struck me as a little odd that someone who started a thread about age was unprepared to discuss theirs.

Yes of course we can discuss in generalities without getting into specifics or making it personal, i just don't understand though why doing that makes for a better discussion. Isn't it the specifics and the personal that makes forums like this interesting?

Anyway Bruce, you are the OP and obviously you feel differently so i'll politely bow to your better judgement on this one. :o


We who are refered to in this thread as 'Old' , are not old in the general thinking of being old , isn't old something like mmmmm , when you reach a certain earth-time age that's it , he's OLD . I know people ten/fifteen years younger in that way of thinking who are actualy older than me in thier 'Life-age' simply because of attitude toward life in general . I cannot deny I am older than many here , even have the possibility of being one of the oldest subsribers , but to me I am younger than oh so many that have not learned to live life as it comes and accept what it brings . I mentally refuse to be sick or grow old , my life will continue for many years , despite the rocky road it often presents , I take on the challenges as a way to improve my fortitude and mental accumen , when you sit back with a "Maipenrai" sense of well being , is when your life blood starts to drain away , my tap is not even dripping as of today .

Live life , live long , live happy , do something with it . :o


When I used to think of old, it was around the 60 year old mark, grey hair etc, etc, but the thing is my Dad is coming very close to it now, and he is still very young to me if you know what I mean. He still looks healty, acts well (most of the time) and does not think of himself as superior to younger people, he gets on with anybody that gets along with him. He treats my friends with the same respect as he would treat his own.

Then I move on to some of my friends parents, who are much younger than my Dad, yet in my eyes are old, they act different, are very condescending to younger people, always giving the speach about the "good ol' days", and seem very set in their ways. Whereas my Dad never ever preaches about the "good ol' days" because to him, his days are still good! "Young at heart" if you will.

So when I think of being "Old" and what it means, I find myself looking away from the age, and more towards the mentality.


"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? " is one of my favorite quotes about age that was made by the late great baseball player Satchel Paige. As for myself, when I first wake up in the morning, I feel like I am only twenty years old but depending on what I do that day, my age seems to change. When I go for a long run, workout for a few hours or play a few sets of tennis, I feel like I am twenty five. When I am doing things with my wife, I feel like am thirty (her age). When I have to work around the house and do paperwork and pay bills I feel like I am forty. Most people guess my age to be in the upper 40's which would really piss me off except for the fact that I was born in 1941 or as Satchel Paige also said "Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter." :o


Most ThaiVisa Posters Are Old But The Don't Sound Old"

"When reading posts by Thaivisa members they seem to sound younger than what I imagine their age to be, why is that?"

Q: Do you think that Thaivisa members of retirement age and beyond are representative of others their own age who remain in their home countries and/or do not travel? or in what ways are they different?

I would suggest the mature travellers who live away from home have found the secret of living longer, for..

A. Forsaking our western cultures obsession with constant acquiring, hoarding,saving and working till 65 only to retire, put the slippers on and watch midday tv for the rest of their lives...now that is DULL!

B. Having said that, these people ARE wise in my opinion and this wiseness allows them to fully know themselves and their limitations and abilities and shrug off the ego based thinking which dominates our western culture. They have a genuine happiness that comes from within,not from possesions, and they DONT have any need to justify themselves to others or constantly seek to elevate themselves above others, as the less mature seem to need to do in order to make themselves feel better.

Q: When you relocated to Thailand, how did you lifestyle change in comparison to how it would have been had you stayed home. Were you invigorated? felt free from social expectations? etc

All of the above for me.Firstly i learnt patience..one thing i never had.Secondly, i have an strong aversion against pointless conflict as learnt from observation of most thai people.

Q: Do you think that relocating and/or retiring to Thailand has a rejuvenating effect on people from western countries?

Definately, but only the ones who can show a little appreciation and grace.

Q: How do you feel when you see older farang in Thailand who are not 'acting their age' as per social norms back home? Why do you feel that way? What would you like to say to them?

I think thats exactly how i want to be when im that old. Why not? Id like to say to them "good on ya,keep up the good work"

I'd like to add this to the people who have reacted to this post in a negative way..this is not a post that calls for whinging and negative crap..go somewhere else.

Oh, and im 39 by the way.

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