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Having lived in most of Europe, including Brussels, Milan, Paris, Copenhagen and London I can truly say the rudest people are the brits.

So madsere ..... how many Brits did you see in London???

Not many I bet!

There are more Africans, African British (blacks), Pakis, Indians, Arabs, Jews, Chinese than Anglo Saxons!!

Those you thought were Brits are more likely to be ..... East European, South African, Aussie <deleted>, Zimbabwean or Irish!!

So there :o

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No, most Frenchmen are rude - as are most continental Europeans. The politest people are the English Gentlemen, of which there are about 7 of us left  :o

Said the brit. Having lived in most of Europe, including Brussels, Milan, Paris, Copenhagen and London I can truly say the rudest people are the brits.

That's because we don't like outsiders/aliens :D


Ye gods that got you out of the woodwork ... Do you guys really go around thinking you're the dogs dangly bits to the world? Sheesh, try to put that national pride behind you and get real. Of course there are polite brits. As with any other nationality. But you guys ain't no saints by nationality. Suck it up.

Ye gods that got you out of the woodwork ... Do you guys really go around thinking you're the dogs dangly bits to the world?  Sheesh, try to put that national pride behind you and get real.  Of course there are polite brits. As with any other nationality. But you guys ain't no saints by nationality.  Suck it up.

You're a Frog, right?


I'm not, what's it to you anyway? Unlike you I don't go around thumbing my chest trying to convince the world what a gods gift to humankind my nationality is.

I always hold the door open, but I do it for my benefit not for theirs. If they don't appreciate it - who gives a fk?

why would hold a door open for somebody for your benifit and then go through the thought process of asking yourself if they appriciated it and coming to the conclusion that you don't give a fk?? if I were you, I would allocate my limited brain processing abilities to a more practical use. :o

I'm not, what's it to you anyway? Unlike you I don't go around thumbing my chest trying to convince the world what a gods gift to humankind my nationality is.

Rather irate response to a simple question I thought, to a guy who whinges about what the Thais are doing in their own backyard and then proceeds to label another nation as 'the rudest'!

This is a public forum...if you post here you will get questions and if you're too childish to answer, don't bother. Don't worry, the Frog was to get a rise, I think I can guess what you are.

On the subject of holding the door open for ladies and allowing them to go ahead of you...I have always done this as a matter of habit. Here in the US it's always received with either shock or rolled eyes; in most of Europe, it's de rigeur--just another old world custom like kissing hands. When I first started doing this with my fiancee, she was very surprised. She explained to me that in Thai custom, the man always goes first, ahead of the woman, not because of any sort of superiority, but because in the old days, when living at the edge of the jungle, there was always the possibility of a wild animal. So the man going first is a custom that arose out of protection. Like the Western custom of the man walking on the outside nearest the street, to protect the woman from getting splashed by a car. So when I now walk ahead of her into the supermarket, it's because if there's a tiger in aisle five, I'll be the one to get eaten instead of her.

ha ha, if one does this in HK, that lady most likely is going to find another door herself.(thinking that there must be something wrong ahead)

i lived in france for some time, and when i did it, as i was used to do so, the ladies where surprised and stated, they had never experienced this by french guys - and then french guys are said to be very polite??

maybe we should have lived last century?

I have never lived in France but having to endure Charles de Gualle airport and associated Air France flights regularly for the past 12 months, they would have to be the most arrogant people in the civilized world. Unfortunatly the only reason I use them is they have a monoply on all regular flights to north and west Africa. It is unsurprising that I read recently (survey from Durex) that French men have the smallest pen*ses in Europe.

Rather irate response to a simple question I thought, to a guy who whinges about what the Thais are doing in their own backyard and then proceeds to label another nation as 'the rudest'!

This is a public forum...if you post here you will get questions and if you're too childish to answer, don't bother. Don't worry, the Frog was to get a rise, I think I can guess what you are.

I wasn't "whinging". If you were able to read and chew gum at the same time you'd have seen that I already explained the reason for this thread... but I guess those long difficult words were too difficult to work through?

My response wasn't irate but you brits are just too high on your ego trips. Unlike you I have the modesty to keep my nationality out of this. For the last 25 years I've lived in most of the world and unlike you no longer need a national dummy to suck on.

The reason I took the p*** on you was this self-glorifying statement.

No, most Frenchmen are rude - as are most continental Europeans. The politest people are the English Gentlemen, of which there are about 7 of us left

Knowing what the majority of brits are really like just makes that statement the joke of the day and deserving a putdown.

Rather irate response to a simple question I thought, to a guy who whinges about what the Thais are doing in their own backyard and then proceeds to label another nation as 'the rudest'!

This is a public forum...if you post here you will get questions and if you're too childish to answer, don't bother. Don't worry, the Frog was to get a rise, I think I can guess what you are.

I wasn't "whinging". If you were able to read and chew gum at the same time you'd have seen that I already explained the reason for this thread... but I guess those long difficult words were too difficult to work through?

My response wasn't irate but you brits are just too high on your ego trips. Unlike you I have the modesty to keep my nationality out of this. For the last 25 years I've lived in most of the world and unlike you no longer need a national dummy to suck on.

The reason I took the p*** on you was this self-glorifying statement.

No, most Frenchmen are rude - as are most continental Europeans. The politest people are the English Gentlemen, of which there are about 7 of us left
Knowing what the majority of brits are really like just makes that statement the joke of the day and deserving a putdown.

It takes 2 to argue Madsere , when you say Brits can you honestly say you have lived in Wales/N Ireland and Scotland , as well as the rest of Rural England?

As for Natioanl Pride , we aren't even allowed to show a flag these days without being accused of inciting racism. Brits are ok on the whole , the Government is not.

Rather irate response to a simple question I thought, to a guy who whinges about what the Thais are doing in their own backyard and then proceeds to label another nation as 'the rudest'!

This is a public forum...if you post here you will get questions and if you're too childish to answer, don't bother. Don't worry, the Frog was to get a rise, I think I can guess what you are.

I wasn't "whinging". If you were able to read and chew gum at the same time you'd have seen that I already explained the reason for this thread... but I guess those long difficult words were too difficult to work through?

My response wasn't irate but you brits are just too high on your ego trips. Unlike you I have the modesty to keep my nationality out of this. For the last 25 years I've lived in most of the world and unlike you no longer need a national dummy to suck on.

The reason I took the p*** on you was this self-glorifying statement.

No, most Frenchmen are rude - as are most continental Europeans. The politest people are the English Gentlemen, of which there are about 7 of us left
Knowing what the majority of brits are really like just makes that statement the joke of the day and deserving a putdown.

:o ...and if you took your head out of your ass you would see that the glorifying statement in question is a piss-take. Saying that there are 7 polite people left out of 60,000,000 in the UK hardly constitutes a serious statement but you obviously have no concept of humour because you don't seem to be able to grasp this. Suggest you get your act together or crawl back under that rock of yours!

No, most Frenchmen are rude - as are most continental Europeans. The politest people are the English Gentlemen, of which there are about 7 of us left  :D

Said the brit. Having lived in most of Europe, including Brussels, Milan, Paris, Copenhagen and London I can truly say the rudest people are the brits.

madsere, I imagine, if you were talking of 'brits' to British people when you lived in London, you may well have received some rudeness in return. Whatever nationality you are... you have shown your rudeness here on this public forum.

I too have travelled far and wide and lived in many countries. The most polite I have found are the Thais... and the rudest, or most ignorant of manners, in France and Israel.

Where are you from by the way?... you seem to be hedging that question?

My money is on him being an amphibious Yid...... :o


My point was and has always been that my nationality is irrelevant. I am not the one thumbing my nationality here. Go back and check "Marmite the dog"s oneliner:

No, most Frenchmen are rude - as are most continental Europeans. The politest people are the English Gentlemen, of which there are about 7 of us leff
Yes it is so easy to come later and say it was a joke. None of you brits felt it necessary to get up at the time to excuse or explain the statement. There were no smilies, on the contrary there was a sadlie...

When YOU are saying the rest of the world are rude it's ok, but when I say YOU are rude such as the quotes below, it's not ....

Those you thought were Brits are more likely to be ..... East European, South African, Aussie <deleted>, Zimbabwean or Irish!!
It is unsurprising that I read recently (survey from Durex) that French men have the smallest pen*ses in Europe.
My money is on him being an amphibious Yid.....
There must be something Rotten in the State of Denmark in that case

Well, enough said, I think your replies speak for themselves.

You don't recognise "Hamlet" then good sir ?

Ah, the mild cigar from Benson & Hedges.

Talking about cigars - something which really abrases my nobbies are Krung Thip smoking, cheapskate falangs who bludge a cigar off me and then leave it half smoked. When they ask about the price of it , they reply along the lines of '<deleted> you can buy three packs of Krungies for that!' They don't even think about offering me a beer. <deleted>.

You don't recognise "Hamlet" then good sir ?

Ah, the mild cigar from Benson & Hedges.

Talking about cigars - something which really abrases my nobbies are Krung Thip smoking, cheapskate falangs who bludge a cigar off me and then leave it half smoked. When they ask about the price of it , they reply along the lines of '<deleted> you can buy three packs of Krungies for that!' They don't even think about offering me a beer. <deleted>.

Utter B'stards , I blame the Schengen States......


and is just shows why the brits were never civiilsed, see examples in australia(poms), hooligans, and of course the punks in pattaya :o

ok, i'm from belgium, give me examples simular to yours :D

Those you thought were Brits are more likely to be ..... East European, South African, Aussie <deleted>, Zimbabwean or Irish!!
It is unsurprising that I read recently (survey from Durex) that French men have the smallest pen*ses in Europe.
My money is on him being an amphibious Yid.....
There must be something Rotten in the State of Denmark in that case
Well, enough said, I think your replies speak for themselves.


Got the winter blues madsere?

Lighten up!

The Brits take the p1ss all the time! :o

You don't recognise "Hamlet" then good sir ?

Ah, the mild cigar from Benson & Hedges.

Talking about cigars - something which really abrases my nobbies are Krung Thip smoking, cheapskate falangs who bludge a cigar off me and then leave it half smoked. When they ask about the price of it , they reply along the lines of '<deleted> you can buy three packs of Krungies for that!' They don't even think about offering me a beer. <deleted>.

Farangs who smoke Krung Thip ciggarettes are a league on their own who probally deserve a forum of their own debating where to drink the cheapest Chang and buy the cheapest flip-flops, well, I guess everbody needs a focul point in their life... :o


my girl likes always to say """""" thaistyle"""""""""" when my questions come up with these topics and then she goes on that in the past it wasn't like this but the aera of plastic tooks over the old banana leaves and the generation of today is far away to pick up the understanding for this things and thinks westerners got their lesson already years ago but right we have our opinion and we are just guests here

so let them get the time to learn their lessons too and try to be an example for them ------------------------once it will work-------------------i hope so

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