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Issan Uncle Gone Crazy

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Just a quick anecdote to my previous post. I got burgled a while back and a local cop gave me an illegal gun due to my wife feeling insecure. I asked him "what would happen if I shot someone with this on entering my property" ? His reply was "1500 Baht will sort it out".

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A friend of mine had a similar situation,.he eventually beat the guy up, thought it was all over till he woke in the night to find the guy drunk with a meat cleaver in their bedroom about to strike, luckily he managed to overpower him and get the police to take him away ( took 2 hours for them to arrive ) he said it was awful and moved out the next day, .his wife went with him,these guys dont take a beating and think sod that ill keep away, quite the opposite, they wont let up, ( especially when drink/drug fuelled ) .unfortunatly some villages have one of these characters and they ruin it for all,,i personally can only do 2 days in these surroundings anyway before im bored stiff, but i would not tolerate this for a minute, good luck in what ever you decide,but be careful, you are not " back ome ".they do not fight fair and some can be savage, :o

Just a quick anecdote to my previous post. I got burgled a while back and a local cop gave me an illegal gun due to my wife feeling insecure. I asked him "what would happen if I shot someone with this on entering my property" ? His reply was "1500 Baht will sort it out".

Is this meant to be in the "You know you are in Thailand when..." thread?

You know you are in Thailand when you get burgled and a local cop gives you an illegal gun. When you ask him what would happen if you shoot someone he replies '1500 baht'" :o

Ahhh, If it was as easy as that, you probably don't understand that he was a much loved, hard working guy until this mysterious change of personality and aggressive attitude crept in a few months ago. The look of confusion, shame and pain on the uncles parents face is heart breaking.

That wouldn't change my actions, only that I'd feel more sad about the whole situation.

Your suggested ultimatums
"this ends now, or we end now"
don't work with my wife and they don't work with me, BIB are aware of the matter and have said they will keep a close eye on things, the Phu Yai Baan lives across the road and is aware of things...the whole village is aware of it and monitoring him. The missus has a "backup" which I am not going to discuss on here.

Admittedly I am torn between cultures here but trust my wife's call and feel that I have made it clear that she has my support in whatever transpires, we have offered to pay for hospital treatment and workers to take care of his land while he gets help. We have also told his wife to expect enforcement of the Law if any other events occur. She is a victim too and trying to hold it together but understands that he is on thin ice.

My wife isn't a "victim by choice" she is a compassionate person hoping for a satisfactory conclusion.

That the police and phuuyay baan are aware of it might help me wait it out for a day, or two, or maybe longer IF I were given a specific date it would end (I hadn't read that far into the topic when I replied).

More power to you, to each his own, etc., but personally, I couldn't tolerate the situation you're in, so I wouldn't. Assurances that they were handling it the "Thai way" wouldn't be enough for me. It's not a situation in which I'd be willing to "wait."

Good luck to you and your family though.

Ozzydom I believe, under Thai law, you have the legal right to shoot anyone who enters your property without permission. First you need your missus to obtain a gun through the legal channels. Secondly fire it into the air now and again to let people know you have one. Thirdly sit back and enjoy the quietness as nobody will bother you, especially family members. Cheaper than a lawyer.


Sorry, bad advice about firing into the air to alert people to the fact you have a gun. All they have to do now is get a gun too, even a bigger gun, or more guns. Strategically unsound advice to telegraph your resources.

Ozzydom I believe, under Thai law, you have the legal right to shoot anyone who enters your property without permission. First you need your missus to obtain a gun through the legal channels. Secondly fire it into the air now and again to let people know you have one. Thirdly sit back and enjoy the quietness as nobody will bother you, especially family members. Cheaper than a lawyer.


Sorry, bad advice about firing into the air to alert people to the fact you have a gun. All they have to do now is get a gun too, even a bigger gun, or more guns. Strategically unsound advice to telegraph your resources.

Why would they want to get a bigger gun when they don't actually know what size of gun one has ? Does size matter when it comes to hold ups. You can bet your bottom Dollar that the guy you find walking around your bedroom at 2:30am is going to be armed, irrespective if he know you haven't got a personal weapon. Having a gun just balances out the situation.


Ahhhh, they are always guessing how big a farangs gun is.... :o

Anyway, latest report from home is that an olive branch of sorts has been held out. Fingers crossed.


Holy moly

Ive been reading some off this stuff guys and it makes you think!

Well hats off to some of the guys advice.

Fortunatley I only have to deal with her 28yr old brother who is a hard

working family man.Gutted for you though.

If your wife's family thinks waiting for the next attack is "sorting things out," well, I'll avoid the insult, but it's not easy to refrain.

If my wife were attacked by a man who had routine, easy access to my home and family, I wouldn't wait around for things to sort themselves out.

I'd ask my wife if she wanted me involved. When she said "no," I'd tell her that she had a choice: go file an official police report, and charge your uncle with battery, or go find a new husband.

I wouldn't put up with the family protecting the uncle, I wouldn't tolerate a situation where my wife routinely faced danger (and possibly me...?), and I wouldn't tolerate having a "victim by choice" in the house.

It'd be a "this ends now, or we end now" situation. If she chose her family over me, so be it, but I wouldn't tolerate for 1 day the scenario the OP has described.

Yeah, pretty much my belief as well. If she wants to back some arsehol_e over me and our family then she can go back and live with them.

Djesus krist... what a stories...

After reading this, one gets terrified bout marrieing a Thai woman..

Luckily this happens not to all, but it can be a problem when it happens, I'm glad it did turn out right for you guys.

Its a great advantage, if the thai woman - who you want to start a serious relationship with - has NO brothers in her family! And the less male relatives, the better! the best is if she has no close male relatives at all. things are A LOT easier then.


Too True... :D So many Thai blokes, especially in Issan villages are lazy, scrounging useless BUMS, pure & simple. K.Andys problem sounds so much more like YABA than Ganja. They don't call Yaba crazy drug for nothing & it has the effect of really altering a persons physical appearance, i.e weight loss, yellowing of the eyes, spots etc.

My thoughts exactly--sounds very much like ya bah--rapid aging, hostility, nonsensical rage, unpredictability...sounds like the guy is TWEAKIN'!

  • 3 weeks later...

There are two easy ways to avoid Thai family problems.

1) Don't marry a Thai woman.

2) If you do marry one, do not live anywhere near any of her family or relatives.

There are two easy ways to avoid Thai family problems.

1) Don't marry a Thai woman.

2) If you do marry one, do not live anywhere near any of her family or relatives.

I think it is better to live closer than far away. If far away the whole family will regularly descend upon you (often with extended family and friends), completely unannounced, and they will not want to leave. Disrupts all plans. I once had 15 (fifteen) arrive without notice, and they camped out on the floors. But of course they expected to be fed and fed and fed........................

Now I live in a village amongst all the family, in my totally walled in "castle", and my wife visits them! Total peace!

Now I live in a village amongst all the family, in my totally walled in "castle", and my wife visits them! Total peace!

I'm the same Nick

They mainly only decend on 'the castle' when there is a good match on UBC, but I don't mind at all. Its more fun with acrowd shouting in two different languages :o


Now I live in a village amongst all the family, in my totally walled in "castle", and my wife visits them! Total peace!

I'm the same Nick

They mainly only decend on 'the castle' when there is a good match on UBC, but I don't mind at all. Its more fun with acrowd shouting in two different languages :o


Now I live in a village amongst all the family, in my totally walled in "castle", and my wife visits them! Total peace!

I'm the same Nick

They mainly only decend on 'the castle' when there is a good match on UBC, but I don't mind at all. Its more fun with a crowd shouting in two different languages :o


Now I live in a village amongst all the family, in my totally walled in "castle", and my wife visits them! Total peace!

I'm the same Nick

They mainly only decend on 'the castle' when there is a good match on UBC, but I don't mind at all. Its more fun with a crowd shouting in two different languages :o


Now I live in a village amongst all the family, in my totally walled in "castle", and my wife visits them! Total peace!

I'm the same Nick

They mainly only decend on 'the castle' when there is a good match on UBC, but I don't mind at all. Its more fun with a crowd shouting in two different languages :o



Your castle should be impregnable with you and your "3 friends" guarding it!


There are two easy ways to avoid Thai family problems.

1) Don't marry a Thai woman.

2) If you do marry one, do not live anywhere near any of her family or relatives.

There is a third. Marry an orphan.

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