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Learning The Thai Language - Help Please!


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Many years ago I was able to speak Thai near fluent, however due to not practising it over these past few years have forgotten a lot!

I just went to all the book shops in Perth to see if they had anything, and they've barely got anything at all!

Other people have told me that Linguaphone is the best for of tuition but it's so dammed expensive?

Does anyone have any good links where I'l be able to download some Thai teaching software??

Your help would be much appreciated! :o


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Many years ago I was able to speak Thai near fluent, however due to not practising it over these past few years have forgotten a lot!

I just went to all the book shops in Perth to see if they had anything, and they've barely got anything at all!

Other people have told me that Linguaphone is the best for of tuition but it's so dammed expensive?

Does anyone have any good links where I'l be able to download some Thai teaching software??

Your help would be much appreciated! :o


The best thing you can do with Linguaphone is buy one of their cheap products and register it online, after which they will send you offers in the post; I was recently offered the Thai Linguaphone set for £100 which is a lot cheaper than the usual £280.

"Teach Yourself" Thai is a good cheap alternative and is written by the same guy David Smythe and should be available in Australia.

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Many years ago I was able to speak Thai near fluent, however due to not practising it over these past few years have forgotten a lot!

I thought I had too but within a day of getting back to Thailand it came back though in the classes I did I found there were a lot of usage changes in 30 years.

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There's some stuff on youtube. Some of it intense (for reading n writing), and other amateurish attempts at teaching speaking. Then there's p2p torrent stuff, if you know how to use it. You can download whole programs that way. Have fun.

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Linguaphone do occasionally have sales on their website. Sometime last year they had something like 40% off for one month if I remember correctly. I was lucky enough to pick up my copy second-hand, but they appear very rarely. It's well worth having though. I think the David Smyth course mentioned above covers around 30% of the Linguaphone course in a fairly similar fashion. Other than that, there are plently of good links right here in the forum. desi also has a page with a good set of links, but I can't find the bookmark right now (my Thai language bookmarks are a real mess). Perhaps she'll be kind enough to post it again...

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Many years ago I was able to speak Thai near fluent, however due to not practising it over these past few years have forgotten a lot!

I just went to all the book shops in Perth to see if they had anything, and they've barely got anything at all!

Other people have told me that Linguaphone is the best for of tuition but it's so dammed expensive?

Does anyone have any good links where I'l be able to download some Thai teaching software??

Your help would be much appreciated! :o


Have you tried your government library? they usually have heaps of stuff...and its free to burn!!

The david smythe stuff is usually in most libraries

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desi also has a page with a good set of links, but I can't find the bookmark right now (my Thai language bookmarks are a real mess). Perhaps she'll be kind enough to post it again...

Thanks for the mention. I have most of them here: Learning Thai

There are also posts throughout the site (check out the ones under Top Posts in the right nav).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Many years ago I was able to speak Thai near fluent, however due to not practising it over these past few years have forgotten a lot!

If you were nearly fluent before, then it is almost certain that you haven't forgotten. If you start to use it again, it will come back.

I only learnt French at school and didn't pass the exam. I went to visit my sister in France a couple of years back and guess what, after a few days I was able to communicate with the locals.

The only problem was that I often added "Krup" at the end of a sentence that caused some confusion. But that's a problem with my brain and languages. When I first started to speak Thai, French words used to sneak in of their own accord.

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The only problem was that I often added "Krup" at the end of a sentence that caused some confusion. But that's a problem with my brain and languages.

Lol, I have the same problem when I try and speak Spanish now. I often find myself using the particle "na." In fact learning Thai has, to a degree, inhibited my recall of Spanish. I believe this is what psychologists refer to as 'retroactive interference.'

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The only problem was that I often added "Krup" at the end of a sentence that caused some confusion. But that's a problem with my brain and languages. When I first started to speak Thai, French words used to sneak in of their own accord.

We have the same problem and I think it may be universal so you probably don't need to worry...? It was Spanish interfering with Thai in my case.

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We have the same problem and I think it may be universal so you probably don't need to worry...? It was Spanish interfering with Thai in my case.

French is mine and I didn't think I knew that much French. But when I'm looking for a Thai word (especially when I'm tired) out comes French.

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It's good to know that I'm not the only one that finds my brain gets mixed up. But it does just show that languages we learnt long ago and never used so much stay in the brain somewhere. In my case French from school.

So to the OP, you may think that you,ve forgotten, but once immersed in the language ,I'm sure that you will find it comes back very quickly.

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