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Farang Failures

Doctor John

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While we are on the subject of liars, I would like to add that the Biggest Liars I ever met in Thailand are farangs.

The guys that are " Waiting for money to be sent over" and can I lend them some till it arrives. Of course, most are lying and have spun this story to many others. The guys that are waiting to get that Job on the rigs that pays 20,000 USD a month, when in reality they was working in Tesco's before coming to Thailand.

I have met many Farangs over the years that I would not touch with a yardstick.

And you know what, they are free to travel back to their own country and get a job that pays well, yet they do not, they stay with no means of support , then blame Thailand for their misfortunes.

If they where in Cuba they would lay the blame on Cuba and the Cuban people.

Cos it ain't ever them that is at fault, so it must be the someone else right?

So many people have come to Thailand with a dream and little else. No visible means of support, thinking that they can live like a King for the rest of their lives on the 3000 Pounds they have saved in the post office Bank.

So many people move to Thailand, have a great time, then run out of money, then have to go back to their own country and try to repair the bridges they burned, and of course as they are feeling totally depressed at their failure to attain the dream, they then blame Thailand and Thai people for their failure.

Most guys with money that I know have a good life in Thailand, the poor guys do not fair so well, but if they stop to think about it, it is the same everywhere.

Some go back before they get to hate the place that they once loved, many do not.

They maybe they join Thai Visa Forum and slam Thailand and Thai people at every opportunity, secretly wishing that where back in Thailand instead of sitting in a cold country getting bored out of their brains with only Mrs Thumb and her 4 lovely daughters as company on those long cold nights. :o

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While we are on the subject of liars, I would like to add that the Biggest Liars I ever met in Thailand are farangs.

The guys that are " Waiting for money to be sent over" and can I lend them some till it arrives.  Of course, most are lying and have spun this story to many others. The guys that are waiting to get that Job on the rigs that pays 20,000 USD a month, when in reality they was working in Tesco's before coming to Thailand.

I have met many Farangs over the years that I would not touch with a yardstick.

And you know what, they are free to travel back to their own country and get a job that pays well, yet they do not, they stay with no means of support , then blame Thailand for their misfortunes.

If they where in Cuba they would lay the blame on Cuba and the Cuban people.

Cos it ain't ever them that is at fault, so it must be the someone else right?

So many people have come to Thailand with a dream and little else. No visible means of support, thinking that they can live like a King for the rest of their lives on the 3000 Pounds they have saved in the post office Bank.

So many people move to Thailand, have a great time, then run out of money, then have to go back to their own country and try to repair the bridges they burned, and of course as they are feeling totally depressed at their failure to attain the dream, they then blame Thailand and Thai people for their failure.

Most guys with money that I know have a good life in Thailand, the poor guys do not fair so well, but if they stop to think about it, it is the same everywhere.

Some go back before they get to hate the place that they once loved,  many do not.

They maybe they join Thai Visa Forum and slam Thailand and Thai people at every opportunity, secretly wishing that where  back in Thailand instead of sitting in a cold country getting bored out of their brains with only Mrs Thumb and her 4 lovely daughters as company on those long cold nights.    :D

I must admit your thread is cranky but at least it has complete relevance. You are not dissing Farangs who wear beer singlets and sandals, look like teachers, ride green buses, wear sunglasses in the Emporium, have dark skinned girl friends, are red faced bar owners or speak crappy Thai. You are crapping on the ones who really deserve it; the slackers and con men. Who the <deleted>## cares what people look like or their goofy behavior! If we're going to slag people, then slag them for something legitimate like Dr. John has. :o

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I suppose I could be considered a failure but I certainly don't deserve to be slagged off for it.

Ok, so my business venture into making laces for flip flops didn't take off. But try finding someone with the experience of putting those little bits of plastic on the ends of the laces. It's not so bloody easy is it?

After scraping enough money together, I then published a 300 page Bangkok bus timetable only to discover that bus drivers were never ones for being punctual.

Having sold my house I went into jingjok breeding. With all the new moobans being built in and around Bangkok, I noticed a lack of these creatures and thought they would be in high demand. As you'll be well aware of, all time established homes have them.

I realised my mistake with the above enterprise. Very little food source for jingjoks at newly built houses. Namely mosquitoes.

So I also set up a mosquito farm. But one morning I discovered that they must've escaped through the barbed wire during the night. Either that or, someone obviously left the gate open.

Now I'm going to try my hand at what I know best. Property.

I've just paid out 2 mill baht for some beach front property in Laos. As soon as the Nigerian real estate company sends me the deeds I can then start planning ahead. But it's not going to be anything like my failed Dutch Alpine Resort venture. "Once bitten twice shy" as they say.

So yeah, I'm a failure. But I feel like my luck has now changed for the good.


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went into jingjok breeding

escaped through the barbed wire during the night.

Nigerian real estate company sends me the deeds I can then start

planning ahead.


Try showbusiness...your are a natural comedian

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While we are on the subject of liars, I would like to add that the Biggest Liars I ever met in Thailand are farangs.

The guys that are " Waiting for money to be sent over" and can I lend them some till it arrives. 

Maybe a bit testy but I too agree with the premise.

The one catagory of farang you left out was the Saudi worker who's between jobs and puts the arm on everyone to line him up with another employer. Like it's everyone else's responsibility to get this lazy jerk a job 'cause he's "been on the beach too long" Makes a complete nuisance of himself at the hotel and 'round the bar. :o

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dear john,

your rants on this topic are like monthly malaise?

has something pushed your button? or do you fell its necessary to warn the new skids on the jocks.

these sorts of people whom you rail against regularly can be found in most cities of the world, maybe they stand out here more as falangs - but surely there are thais of similar ilk.

why is it you like to stress yourself about them? do you think , like young patrick , they are giving you a bad name?

you will not change them or give them a wake up call , t othem what most of them are saying is probably reality.

give it a miss and go on with something a bit more constructive.


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As one who has had to wait for money to be 'sent over' (Actually waiting for my studen loan a few years ago) I can sympathise with Dr John's sentiment entirely.

I found myself with 2000 B to see me through 10 days once, having overspent my budget on a toot in Pattaya through my own fault. I stayed in my drab flat in Chanthaburi watching TV, drinking the odd beer instead of heading out bumming beers of others for the whole 10 days.

When it came through I went straight up to BKK for a blow out. I hadn't been in Woodstock for more than 30 minutes waiting for a mate when I had some shambles of a bloke trying the old sob story on me. Biting my toungue I stood him a beer but when he asked if I could sort him out with another............

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While we are on the subject of liars, I would like to add that the Biggest Liars I ever met in Thailand are farangs.

The guys that are " Waiting for money to be sent over" and can I lend them some till it arrives.  Of course, most are lying and have spun this story to many others. The guys that are waiting to get that Job on the rigs that pays 20,000 USD a month, when in reality they was working in Tesco's before coming to Thailand.

I have met many Farangs over the years that I would not touch with a yardstick.

And you know what, they are free to travel back to their own country and get a job that pays well, yet they do not, they stay with no means of support , then blame Thailand for their misfortunes.

If they where in Cuba they would lay the blame on Cuba and the Cuban people.

Cos it ain't ever them that is at fault, so it must be the someone else right?

So many people have come to Thailand with a dream and little else. No visible means of support, thinking that they can live like a King for the rest of their lives on the 3000 Pounds they have saved in the post office Bank.

So many people move to Thailand, have a great time, then run out of money, then have to go back to their own country and try to repair the bridges they burned, and of course as they are feeling totally depressed at their failure to attain the dream, they then blame Thailand and Thai people for their failure.

Most guys with money that I know have a good life in Thailand, the poor guys do not fair so well, but if they stop to think about it, it is the same everywhere.

Some go back before they get to hate the place that they once loved,  many do not.

They maybe they join Thai Visa Forum and slam Thailand and Thai people at every opportunity, secretly wishing that where  back in Thailand instead of sitting in a cold country getting bored out of their brains with only Mrs Thumb and her 4 lovely daughters as company on those long cold nights.    :D

you're completely of topic here, i lived in many spots around the world and have found losers of all nationalities there, same here in thailand, locals and foreigners alike :o

having money or no money is totally irrelevent, obviously you're going through a cold and depressing winter right now :D

stop slagging thailand of :D

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As one who has had to wait for money to be 'sent over' (Actually waiting for my studen loan a few years ago) I can sympathise with Dr John's sentiment entirely.

I found myself with 2000 B to see me through 10 days once, having overspent my budget on a toot in Pattaya through my own fault. I stayed in my drab flat in Chanthaburi watching TV, drinking the odd beer instead of heading out bumming beers of others for the whole 10 days.

When it came through I went straight up to BKK for a blow out. I hadn't been in Woodstock for more than 30 minutes waiting for a mate when I had some shambles of a bloke trying the old sob story on me. Biting my toungue I stood him a beer but when he asked if I could sort him out with another............

Good to hear my tax being put to good use. Not biting my tounge you understand :o

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While we are on the subject of liars, I would like to add that the Biggest Liars I ever met in Thailand are farangs.

The guys that are " Waiting for money to be sent over" and can I lend them some till it arrives.  Of course, most are lying and have spun this story to many others. The guys that are waiting to get that Job on the rigs that pays 20,000 USD a month, when in reality they was working in Tesco's before coming to Thailand.

I have met many Farangs over the years that I would not touch with a yardstick.

And you know what, they are free to travel back to their own country and get a job that pays well, yet they do not, they stay with no means of support , then blame Thailand for their misfortunes.

If they where in Cuba they would lay the blame on Cuba and the Cuban people.

Cos it ain't ever them that is at fault, so it must be the someone else right?

So many people have come to Thailand with a dream and little else. No visible means of support, thinking that they can live like a King for the rest of their lives on the 3000 Pounds they have saved in the post office Bank.

So many people move to Thailand, have a great time, then run out of money, then have to go back to their own country and try to repair the bridges they burned, and of course as they are feeling totally depressed at their failure to attain the dream, they then blame Thailand and Thai people for their failure.

Most guys with money that I know have a good life in Thailand, the poor guys do not fair so well, but if they stop to think about it, it is the same everywhere.

Some go back before they get to hate the place that they once loved,  many do not.

They maybe they join Thai Visa Forum and slam Thailand and Thai people at every opportunity, secretly wishing that where  back in Thailand instead of sitting in a cold country getting bored out of their brains with only Mrs Thumb and her 4 lovely daughters as company on those long cold nights.    :o

Biggest and best con artist bullshitter that I have ever met was a very well off Thai business lady living in NZ. She should have been an Oscar winner! Cheated everybody that came within spitting distance.

I have never knowingly been cheated/lied to by a farang in Thailand. Must be the people you knock around with Dr J.....

Edited by chuchok
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I have never knowingly been cheated/lied to by a farang in Thailand. Must be the people you knock around with Dr J.....

Same here. Ok sometimes you meet some sorry ass down in the pub who's down & out but it never bothers me and I don't mind giving a couple of beers away if that cheers him up.

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I was in Don Muang last year getting a burger upstairs in Burger King and this farang came round when I finished, asking me if I wanted the fries I'd left. I offered them to him and then he went to the counter and asked for some salt. He must have been really poor and hungry. I guess he must have been heading home though as he was at the airport.

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I was at a Farang operated beer bar in Samui last year. Struck up a good old chin wag with the Portsmouth supporter running the place.

A group of young male and female Westerners approached the bar. One of the young men asked how much a beer was to which he was told 70 baht, or something like that. The young man tried to barter the bar owner down to 55 baht a bottle, saying that they would order in bulk (four drinks :o ). You can imagine the bar owners reaction... it was a joy to watch.

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I was at a Farang operated beer bar in Samui last year. Struck up a good old chin wag with the Portsmouth supporter running the place.

A group of young male and female Westerners approached the bar. One of the young men asked how much a beer was to which he was told 70 baht, or something like that. The young man tried to barter the bar owner down to 55 baht a bottle, saying that they would order in bulk (four drinks :o ). You can imagine the bar owners reaction... it was a joy to watch.

Sad- didn't happen to be yanks did they??? :D

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I was at a Farang operated beer bar in Samui last year. Struck up a good old chin wag with the Portsmouth supporter running the place.

A group of young male and female Westerners approached the bar. One of the young men asked how much a beer was to which he was told 70 baht, or something like that. The young man tried to barter the bar owner down to 55 baht a bottle, saying that they would order in bulk (four drinks :o ). You can imagine the bar owners reaction... it was a joy to watch.

Sad- didn't happen to be yanks did they??? :D

I'm not sure, it was one of those strange mixes of American/Canadian/Irish.

They didn't order and just went to the next bar to try it on in there, to the sound of the Portsmouth bar owner giving them the 'So tight your arse would turn coal to diamond' lines etc etc etc ... it was so funny. FKN losers.

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I was at a Farang operated beer bar in Samui last year. Struck up a good old chin wag with the Portsmouth supporter running the place.

A group of young male and female Westerners approached the bar. One of the young men asked how much a beer was to which he was told 70 baht, or something like that. The young man tried to barter the bar owner down to 55 baht a bottle, saying that they would order in bulk (four drinks :o ). You can imagine the bar owners reaction... it was a joy to watch.

Sad- didn't happen to be yanks did they??? :D

I'm not sure, it was one of those strange mixes of American/Canadian/Irish.

They didn't order and just went to the next bar to try it on in there, to the sound of the Portsmouth bar owner giving them the 'So tight your arse would turn coal to diamond' lines etc etc etc ... it was so funny. FKN losers.

The "so tight..." answer is just music to my ears..beautiful 555

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I was at a Farang operated beer bar in Samui last year. Struck up a good old chin wag with the Portsmouth supporter running the place.

A group of young male and female Westerners approached the bar. One of the young men asked how much a beer was to which he was told 70 baht, or something like that. The young man tried to barter the bar owner down to 55 baht a bottle, saying that they would order in bulk (four drinks :o ). You can imagine the bar owners reaction... it was a joy to watch.

Sad- didn't happen to be yanks did they??? :D

Most likely some geordie git! :D

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I am waiting to see if/when casinos will be made legal in Thailand?  :o

I would venture to say not in our lifetime knowing the penchance Thais have for gambling. Too risky viewed from the government's attitude toward social upheaval? :D

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The Thai owners of those Cambodian casinoes keep their money (sensibly) offshore in Swiss bank accounts.

:o why do you think Thailand has no (and will probably never get) official casinos? Because the ("influential") people make more money on illegal ripoffs and border casinos without proper controls and illegal payoutpertcentages.

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