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This is a serious rarity.

A book obviously aimed at Thai children but which is interesting to adults and has an audio in Thai/English for the book.


A book that goes around the World and looks at key aspects in countries' cultures.

e.g. Germany- Neuschwanstein Castle, Sausages, Albert Einsten and Oktoberfest.

The book has a blatant bias towards Europe and Asia-- just two countries 'visited' in Africa-- but how many of us have visited Burkino Faso...?

With such lines as: "He discovered the theory of relativity and the photoelectric effect theory which contributed greatly to the scientific world. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize...", it is tough on parents ("Mum, what is photoelectric?").

It has enough vocab for the adult learner. But it is also all on MP3. A sample is available at the website:


It provides key words for each country:



Enigmatically, the keywords for the UK are:


There are some amusing errors in the English language section-- I guess native English speaker checkers are expensive. But I was not planning on upgrading my English from it.


Available at SE-ED bookstores. And it costs (with CD) 199 bahts. Hard to resist.

It looks great, but I went to Se-Ed, Book Variety, and B2S, today and no place had it for sale or listed in their computers. Was it just released?

No, not really. I first saw it about 2 months ago. But I do reckon it has not been widely released. It probably does require a bit of a man hunt.

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally found it at a Se-ed. Very cool...thanks. The audio alternates between Thai and English so I used audacity to edit out the English. I was left with about 1 1/2 hours of Thai. Great deal for only 199 baht.

Finally found it at a Se-ed. Very cool...thanks. The audio alternates between Thai and English so I used audacity to edit out the English. I was left with about 1 1/2 hours of Thai. Great deal for only 199 baht.

I was going to do exactly the same thing-- I was even going to use Audacity. You couldn't send me the altered MP3 could you...? Please PM.

I really dislike the English popping up.

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