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I have been researching medical insurance for a week or so now, and I think I've determined the insurance offered here by Thai Visa to be the most affordable yet still offer the coverage we need. I believe they also do house insurance. I've been dealing with Peter and so far he has been really helpful. I recommend you look at all the plans and options, of many providers, thoroughly before you decide.

Peter at thai Visa Insuarace.

Phone: 038 415 795-6

Fax: 038 374 251

Email: [email protected]

Web: http://insurance.thaivisa.com

Skype: aainsure



I have my household insurance with QBE. Have not needed them yet, so can not comment on their service.

Health insurance I have with Bupa, a collective insurance for the business, and am happy with them. Before that I was insured on a privaye basis with Goodhealth, and was also happy with them. Would have liked to stick with them, but their collective premiums were not attractive, so ended up with Bupa, also to my full satisfaction.

I have my household insurance with QBE. Have not needed them yet, so can not comment on their service.

Health insurance I have with Bupa, a collective insurance for the business, and am happy with them. Before that I was insured on a privaye basis with Goodhealth, and was also happy with them. Would have liked to stick with them, but their collective premiums were not attractive, so ended up with Bupa, also to my full satisfaction.

Thanks for that Stevenl and SB. I will contact some of these companies when I am next out.

Can anyone recommend an insurance company for House Insurance & Medical insurance?

I have car and medical insurance (for the children) with AIG, The spec. is good but I have have never had to claim :o


I do my insurance through my bank ( SIAM ) . I find it very affordable and a good bang for my buck. Try your Thai bank, you might be surprised what they have to offer


We use a broker called Thai Marillion on Phuket for our car and truck insurance. They have an English guy and a Thai lady working there. They will also quote for health insurance and home insurance (though we have not gone with them on the house insurance). We specifically went with them for car/truck insurance as I noticed when I was trying to renew my car insurance, phoned the company in Bangkok, and could not get anyone to speak to me in English. Okay fair enough I am in Thailand but, it occurred to me, what if I am involved in a motor accident - how do I get to communicate with my insurance company??

On the truck insurance, first year insurance fully comprehensive from the car dealer, now found out from Thai Marillion that we in fact were probably not covered fully this last year (sigh). Take care folks.

I have been researching medical insurance for a week or so now, and I think I've determined the insurance offered here by Thai Visa to be the most affordable yet still offer the coverage we need. I believe they also do house insurance. I've been dealing with Peter and so far he has been really helpful. I recommend you look at all the plans and options, of many providers, thoroughly before you decide.

Peter at thai Visa Insuarace.

Phone: 038 415 795-6

Fax: 038 374 251

Email: [email protected]

Web: http://insurance.thaivisa.com

Skype: aainsure


I had TV insurance through Peter and it was satisfactory.

Get larger coverage though, I only paid something like 7,000thb, and when I went down on the moto (luckily just massive abrasions and a couple really deep wounds) I went through the 10,000thb coverage quickly.

In the end I was paying for the wound cleanings out of pocket (700thb each time) at the hospital. I went to a local clinic (1 time, and 1 time only) for a cleaning, sat in a dirty room for an hour, the doctor took a knife to some dead tissue (painful) and then the nurse wrapped so tight it cut off circulation and my foot swelled up. But I saved 400thb.....................back to the 700thb hospital for better care.

But overall I had no problem with the TV coverage. I'm now with Bupa but dropped 30,000 for the year. Havn't had to use it yet, knock on wood.

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