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Help...I am looking for advice from computer tech's as i know only enough about hardware to get into trouble.

I want to build/have built a good, powerful reliable desktop. This machine is purely for graphics work...running Photoshop, Coral etc. I want to stay with the Windows format...no Mac. i would appreciate hearing from anyone who has built or has running something like this. Any ideas and specs gratefully acknowledged.

This will be built in Thailand...budget is under 40000 baht.


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I would suggest taking a look at link below:


Make a list of what you want in computer then price out using their site.

I would suggest the following:

ASUS motherboard

Intel CPU

RAM . . . No more than 4 gig

Video card . . .no need for high end video card since your not gaming.

Hard drive . . . Larger the better since you might be working with large file sizes

DVD drive

Case and Power Supply . . . Do not go cheap on the power supply

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Help...I am looking for advice from computer tech's as i know only enough about hardware to get into trouble.

I want to build/have built a good, powerful reliable desktop. This machine is purely for graphics work...running Photoshop, Coral etc. I want to stay with the Windows format...no Mac. i would appreciate hearing from anyone who has built or has running something like this. Any ideas and specs gratefully acknowledged.

This will be built in Thailand...budget is under 40000 baht.


INTEL CORE i7 920LGA1366 2.66 GHz Quad-Core 4.8GT/s QPI L3 8MB10900GIGABYTE EX58-UD4PLGA1366 X58/ICH10R DDR38790GEIL 6/1333 TRIPLE6GB (3x2048MB) CL 9-9-9-24 - GV36GB1333C9TC5100SEAGATE 1.5 TB .11SEAGATE 1.5 TB,SATA II,32MB NCQ5590SPARK 9300 GS512MB GDDR2 550/5331090

Total of 31 470 THB.

A case that meets your fancy, as long as it has a well thought out ventilation system, will cost another 2 000-5 000 THB. Figure another 4 000 THB for a good PSU. Going a bit over your budget, and this is without Operating system or ancillaries such as mouse, keyboard, monitor or CD-ROM. You could save quite a bit of dosh by going with a Core2 Duo/Quad, but why? Wouldn't be as fast, and wouldn't be as future proof. Could also save by not getting so much RAM, but if you're really doing graphics work, you know the importance of having as much memory as possible.

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I wouldnt skimp on the graphics card, you can get some pretty powerful 'new' cards for not a huge amount of money these days, and if your doing a lot of graphics work you might need a little more kick in your GFX card. No point going 'bleeding' edge though, as stated your not really gaming on the machine.

Otherwise i agree with ballbreaker on his suggestion. Depending on what kind of work you want to do on the machine will help decide the processor. If your doing lots of rendering and encoding work (pulling HD video off a camcorder for example) then its probably worth spending a little extra and getting a quad core. If its just picture manipulation then a high end dual core would probably be enough and help keep the costs lower.

You can get some pretty good deals on HDD's these days, personally i would suggest just going for a 320gb or 500gb internal for the opperating system/programs etc then go buy yourself a decent external drive for all your personal files etc. I picked up a 320gb (USB powered) external for about 3,000b recently and a 2TB external (with power supply) for a touch under 10,000b

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