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Need To Bag A Handbag At Heathrow..t3


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Not for me honest... :D

Next Jolly is due in a couple of weeks and I have been asked by one of wiffees friends in Bangkok to buy/bring over a handbag for his daughters birthday present (she is student at Chula..or somewhere)but not of course any old ..Bag....and this is where I get a bit stuck...

Typically Thai and of course gotta show off and the request is for a Burberry-New Check Tote... (wots thats exactly?) but according to my quick suss on the internet it comes in at .......£795.....just for a BAG......gives me a sore head just thinking about it.

Anyway if anyone is passing through Heathrow in the next 2 weeks could they maybe have a quick shufti inn the shop .....if time to spare....just need to know if they are any cheaper in the Duty Free...or... :D

Will give the shop HQ a call but they seem very protective of their prices......bit like Rolls Royce used to be ...if you got to ask the price then you cant afford it..... :o

anyway if anyone can do a quick Sherlock Holmes .its as said a Burberry New Check Tote..Style No.10000003696...would appreciate it........

Time for another para......

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The price is about right although I have not been able to finf the reference

In any case you would be better off buying it at any shop in your city rather than at Heathrow (that is if you have the time to do so) and this for two reasons

1) You might not find the item you are looking for as there are only a selected range of them but feel free to call them at +44 20 8759 8160 (that is their office at Terminal 1 )

2) You would get something like 13% back from the VAT in your account or in cash depending of your choice at the moment of the buy

in London (21-23 NEW BOND STREET LONDON W1 +44 20 7968 0000) or Manchester (2 NEW CATHEDRAL STREET MANCHESTER M1 1AD

+44 16 1833 9065). They will be happy to answer all your questions

Go to the following link where you will find all the prices and where I have actually found all the details

http://uk.burberry.com/ go to Accessories and then Bags (or new arrival)

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2) You would get something like 13% back from the VAT in your account or in cash depending of your choice at the moment of the buy

I meant that when you buy you will decide whether to get the refund in cash at the airport or in your account. When you go to the airport you will have to go the customs who will check the item and then you will have to go to another desk to get the refund

I am not familiar with Heatrow but you might be able to find all the informations on the net

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Sorry I don't see the point of laying out 800 GBP for a bag that everyone will think cost 500 THB at the local market unless, that is, you leave the price tag on it.

I suppose you could go that route, buy the bag in Thailand, take it to the UK and then bring it back in a swanky carrier bag (Harrods or similar). Chances are nobody will know the difference.

But then I'm devious. :o

Don't these people realise that there's a recession on?

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Who's paying for the bag in the end? If they've asked YOU to buy THEIR daughter that bag as a birthday present FROM YOU, I'd say they've got a lot of cheek.

If they've asked you to pick one up AND THEN THEY'LL REIMBURSE (reimpurse? :o) you, tell them how much it costs and get the money from them in advance.

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800 quid for a handbag, you've gotta be joking. :o

I bet you could buy a copy one at the markets for about 200-300 baht :D

Seriously, nobody needs a handbag worth that much, what a joke.

Well you might surprised by the prices...just have a look at the tag price (on anything actually) if you happen to walk some Mall

Regarding the copy you might not notice the difference but to the buyer it makes the difference: quality is quality and trust me it shows; and don't you think it is silly to buy the copy, that would only mean one would only want to show of the brand's name but to the connaisseur a glance is enough

We all have different priorities and sincerely if the girl wants to get thebag and she can afford it or if she has saved enough money to do so why shouldn't she do it?

To me it is a lot of money but I do understand people who want expensive stuff

But in any case the topis was not "Waht do you thing of people buying very expensive items instead of buying a copy which, when you get caught at the customs (in Europe as far as I know) is going to cost you 4 times the price of the original?" but rather "What is the price and where to get it"

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Thanks to all of the most valuable input on this handbag question...honestly 'andbags ..wot next...

Couple of things ..I did call the joint at Heathrow T3 and they told me that they would check on the design code...no...0000000000....etc and get back....however

..try again next week otherwise will take a run down to their Bond St emporium for a shufti...

Next I would agree the price is way too high but there is /will be no problems with the payment. :D

Wifee seems to have a lot of 'old skool friends' in Bangers and this chap is head of one of the 5 'Familys' in Bagna Area and when it comes to the genunine goods...they know (and want ) it...and definately.... no dodgy fakes...it gotta be a genuninue 'Blueberry'...???..with the makers guarantee....etc...

Also would not take a chance wiff ...know wot I mean (his wife is the local C.O.P in the area).........so...... :D:o ...any kop k krup...and if anyone is passing through H.....?

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