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What Do All You Hiso's Do All Day Living In The Suburbs?


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With the exception of the super wealthy, very few can afford a 50+ million baht home in Central Bangkok. Most doctors, actresses, and other hiso types generally tend to live in a house out in the suburbs of Bangkok somewhere. Considering the traffic getting into and out of Central Bangkok, most of these places might as well be the dark side of the moon, with not much around besides maybe a Central shopping mall and a couple of grocery stores. So what is the lifestyle like? What does one do on daily basis out there in the sticks? I've considered a couple of times, those houses with beautiful manicured lawns on sale for cheap. Put up a basketball hoop and grow a garden, but always feel like the mundane everyday lifestyle would drive me mad. Besides Tesco Lotus and the local knock shop, what are you doing all day?

Edited by TonySoprano
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if you don't have to commute daily to work to central bangkok, the suburbs are much more plaesant just to live. There is almost everything you have in the town centre, just a little spread over the longer distance. There is less traffic there, so you actually drive rather than suffocate in fumes.

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if you don't have to commute daily to work to central bangkok, the suburbs are much more plaesant just to live. There is almost everything you have in the town centre, just a little spread over the longer distance. There is less traffic there, so you actually drive rather than suffocate in fumes.

You Drive ??

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I sit and count my money :D

Takes me ages every day.

it takes you less than a day to count your money? ha. ha..thats nothing. I need a team of accountants who take weeks to figure out my net worth.


Edited by samran
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I sit and count my money :D

Takes me ages every day.

it takes you less than a day to count your money? ha. ha..thats nothing. I need a team of accountants who take weeks to figure out my net worth.


And you have not remitted against my last Invoice for services rendered.

I'm contacting Tony - he seems to know how things work here :o


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I spend all day making my skin white and being racist to issan people.That takes me most of the day,then i go out with a couple of hi-so ladies,and we stitch up gullible farangs for 1,000s of bahts,they even tell them they are uni students.This takes considerable time to go over the lies and deceipt.

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With the exception of the super wealthy, very few can afford a 50+ million baht home in Central Bangkok. Most doctors, actresses, and other hiso types generally tend to live in a house out in the suburbs of Bangkok somewhere. Considering the traffic getting into and out of Central Bangkok, most of these places might as well be the dark side of the moon, with not much around besides maybe a Central shopping mall and a couple of grocery stores. So what is the lifestyle like? What does one do on daily basis out there in the sticks? I've considered a couple of times, those houses with beautiful manicured lawns on sale for cheap. Put up a basketball hoop and grow a garden, but always feel like the mundane everyday lifestyle would drive me mad. Besides Tesco Lotus and the local knock shop, what are you doing all day?

You don't need to be in "Central Bangkok" to live in a 50+ MB house. In my "village", close to the old DM airport, we used to have Chavalit, Baharn's son, ... as neighbour and we still have a couple of very wealthy guys living here.

What do they do all day? Have you watched "About a boy" ? Manicure, one hour. Hair dresser, two hours. Beauty salon, two hours. Lunch with friends, two hours. Tea time with friends, two hours. Traffic jam ? no worry, all these ladies now have a mobile phone and can get on with their social life when stuck in traffic.

On the other hand you call doctors "hiso". In your home country, is a doctor a "hiso" ?

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With the exception of the super wealthy, very few can afford a 50+ million baht home in Central Bangkok. Most doctors, actresses, and other hiso types generally tend to live in a house out in the suburbs of Bangkok somewhere. Considering the traffic getting into and out of Central Bangkok, most of these places might as well be the dark side of the moon, with not much around besides maybe a Central shopping mall and a couple of grocery stores. So what is the lifestyle like? What does one do on daily basis out there in the sticks? I've considered a couple of times, those houses with beautiful manicured lawns on sale for cheap. Put up a basketball hoop and grow a garden, but always feel like the mundane everyday lifestyle would drive me mad. Besides Tesco Lotus and the local knock shop, what are you doing all day?

I take it you live in central Bangkok? Can I reverse the question and ask you what you do all day there?

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I spend the day doing my nails and watching the wrinkles on my face grow.

And what do you low-so's do all day long--oh, yes, your the ones who are cleaning the house and tending the garden--when I yell loudly at you!

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I take it you live in central Bangkok? Can I reverse the question and ask you what you do all day there?

Well, I eat 90% of my meals outside. I would prefer to not be limited to only Thai food and the chains. I like restaurants in hotels. I also like having a wide selection of bars and relaxation venues. I find Tesco Lotus has very few of the international products I need, and their vegetables and fruit and meats are low quality and not fresh.

Edited by TonySoprano
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On the other hand you call doctors "hiso". In your home country, is a doctor a "hiso" ?

You guys really are sensitive about that word, huh? I was just using it in jest. Assume that I mean those with the proper blood, or whatever distinction makes sense to separate the doctors and lawyers and A list actresses, and whoever you feel is hiso in your mind.

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I take it you live in central Bangkok? Can I reverse the question and ask you what you do all day there?

Well, I eat 90% of my meals outside. I would prefer to not be limited to only Thai food and the chains. I also like having a wide selection of bars and relaxation venues. I find Tesco Lotus has very few of the international products I need, and their vegetables and fruit and meats are low quality and not fresh.

Fair enough. When I was young and single I wanted to live near the action too. Now that I'm neither, I don't need all that. Well, not on a daily basis, and am perfectly happy in a little village with all my toys. Sounds to me like you're where you want to be, for the moment anyway.

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On the other hand you call doctors "hiso". In your home country, is a doctor a "hiso" ?

You guys really are sensitive about that word, huh? I was just using it in jest. Assume that I mean those with the proper blood, or whatever distinction makes sense to separate the doctors and lawyers and A list actresses, and whoever you feel is hiso in your mind.

Proper blood ? What do you mean ?

Actually, I come from European middle class which includes doctors, lawyers, university teachers, politicians, ... In Thailand, I live among the same people. It always feels weird when those people are called "hiso" ...

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Where are the suburbs? Like off of Thonglor and Ekkamai?


I mean like Ram Intra, So-Soi-Am (sp) that area by the decrepit water park, etc....

I think pretty much whatever they want to do. There are plenty of lo-so who have the same daily schedule. It's all relative.


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Where are the suburbs? Like off of Thonglor and Ekkamai?


I mean like Ram Intra, So-Soi-Am (sp) that area by the decrepit water park, etc....

I think pretty much whatever they want to do. There are plenty of lo-so who have the same daily schedule. It's all relative.


Actually,myself being in the dense jungle of khlong toey raminthra i was actually wondering what you hi-so whitey kangaroo farangs do in town??

I suspect when not fighting off the hawkers you would be lining up your next kathoey or trying to find a new bar where you havent made complete and utter geese of yourselves.

As for me...

golf.. I must say,its a bit hard to stay out of the rough with all the trees and wood out here.One good thing though..when you hit your ball into the khlong (err...thats a "water hazzard" to you) the ball will actually FLOAT on top of the water, therefor making it easy to wade in an retrieve ball without loss..golf balls are hard to come by out here...and expensive

Gym..probably not as fancy as yours but hey a 100 pounds of highway rubble still weighs the same as a 100 pounds of highly polished stainless steel.

Shopping..You will be suprised to hear that a chain called starbucks has started up here and you can actually read one of those imported newspapers for free...err The Bangkok Post is it?

Food..Theres lots of really nice grass huts to choose from...and they sell everything from coconuts to fried chicken.

Massages..I managed to jump on one of the four village motosai the other day and he took me to some place where young village girls have resorted to rubbing up complete strangers (nearly all over) for money, as this is how bored they are.

No "happy ending" as you lot are used to, but i did get to chew the fat and burn 2 hours for 300 baht...I hear they charge you birdsh_t fellas 1000 baht per 30 minutes down there. haha

Beer..No probs, as much chang as you can drink for about 38 baht a bottle at the local bottelo, approximately 45 minutes via elephant...and NO, we dont bother with that french Singha stuff out here.

Girls..Not bad either,let me tell ya they go crazy over a big bag of tamarind


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