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Ruling out the foreigner...thai version

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Fella's...I am as guilty of panicking, wondering what cliff to leap from...to use rope or a gun etc... just like all of you regarding THAT article.

However, one thing that struck me was the aggressive tone of the translation. It seemed to me that it was 'un Thai' and 'un Govt' like to be that aggressive.

I mean to say, it basically says "hey, if you are married to a Thai and don't have a ridiculous income, kiss her goodbye and pack your bags immediately"...

Who is going to have 40 000 baht per month if their running a small business up North? Who is going to have that when / if they quit teaching as 'income'. Very few.

Disapointed that some posters and a well known columnst, ie Stick, got on and said "hey, it's their country...they can do as they please...you are a 'guest'."

That is BS.

If your married, you are entitled to live with your spouse regardless if you chose to live in Zambia, London, Texas, Sydney...wherever.

Are all the spousal migrants 'guests' in the western countries they live in ? No...and it would be insulting to call them that. We currently live in the west and if someone called my wife a 'guest', I'd smack theur head in. She has as much rights as me.

A spouse and children assume your rights...morally at least, so drop the 'guest' crap.

Really got to see who the fascists are around these boards anyway...

Anyway, to the point of the post...

You may have noticed the interview is also available in Thai.

Thus, I got it translated.

A lot of what that 'journalist' (word used very loosely) says simply is NOT in the interview.

It is VERY aggressively interpreted. In fact, I'd suggest it's done so with an agenda to stir people up... :o

Key points -

re the must have 40 000 baht monthly income AND 400 000 in the bank.

It actually says OR.

That's right...OR.

It says "RUE" which means "OR".

Pretty big difference.

Also - says if have LESS than 400 000...then they will calculate an AVERAGE.

Ie, your monthly income COMBINED with your SAVING should EQUAL "not less than 40 000 " on a MONTHLY average.

ie, if you have less than 400 000...say you only have 200 000 saved...and earn 25 000 a month, that makes 500 000 total and your AVERAGE is more than the 40 000 required.

Bottom line I guess is, make sure you have the 400 000 saved.

If your married, that's enough.

I am NOT sure how this relates to singles etc...this is for SPOUSES. (I didn't get time to have it all translated)

I am a reasonably new poster here, so i am more than happy for anyone to verify this by getting a translation done themselves...I realise a guy with 5 posts or whatever I have won't have much instant credibility.

Thus, please check. I'd like a second opinion also...just to be *sure* (breathes sigh of relief)  :D

Interview in Thai.


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Disapointed that some posters and a well known columnst, ie Stick, got on and said "hey, it's their country...they can do as they please...you are a 'guest'."

That is BS.

I'll agree with you here. It was dissapointing to see all the members working with multinationals, law firms etc. look on the plight of many others with absolutely no sympathy.

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I'll agree with you here. It was dissapointing to see all the members working with multinationals, law firms etc. look on the plight of many others with absolutely no sympathy.

Exactly. Certainly sorted out the 'elitists'. Anyone whose situation seemed 'safe' was pretty quick to say "piss off the rest of you" at a time empathy would have been better.

The whole 'guest' notion angers me, for spouses, as I'd hate my own spouse to be seen as a 'guest' in my country. She is my wife...and gets my rights through that.

A working visa...yes, theres a 'guest' element there...but to a spouse that is insulting.

The aggressive nature of the translation was also dissapointing. The notion that your spouse can also leave Thailand if you don't meet the criteria is insulting to any Thai.

My own spouse, who is very well qualified in Thailand, intends to return and work in her chosen field back there...she also happens to love living in Thailand (as do I!)...

To suggest we should seperate, or wait a few years, so she can do that is beyond insulting...


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I'll agree with you here. It was dissapointing to see all the members working with multinationals, law firms etc. look on the plight of many others with absolutely no sympathy.
Grow up!
A spouse and children assume your rights...morally at least, so drop the 'guest' crap.

If they have to get their rights through you, as you put it, then they are hardly full citizens, are they?

At the end of the day the government here can do what it likes. Get over it.

Really got to see who the fascists are around these boards anyway...

Merely people with a different opinion. Does that make them fascists?

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mrentoul, I am guessing I am not the only one bothered by your posts. You continually attack other members rather than offering sound advice or empathy. Are yopu capable of empathy? Obviously, you are completley safe in your position here and could never imagine a situation where you would not be. So great. Congratulations to you. Now try and understand that there are good people out there, who do not share your same life aspirations and who would like to continue to live in Thailand with loved ones.
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Now try and understand that there are good people out there, who do not share your same life aspirations and who would like to continue to live in Thailand with loved ones.
This time ChiangMaiThai I agree with you. They can check if it is a fake wedding or not, but if it is not ,no matter how much you earn ,you have the right to live with your wife.
We currently live in the west and if someone called my wife a 'guest', I'd smack theur head in. She has as much rights as me.

I'm afraid in the west (at least in Europe) lately our thai wives are considered guests (and also unwelcome), though not overtly. I feel it everyday, and because of this I'm strongly against considering a wife as a guest.

Right wing parties have taken power in Europe, pointing to the anti-immigrant feelings. Good examples are Italy and Holland. Others though not in power had a great success (like Le Pen in France). "Anti-farang" feeling in Thailand is not yet so strong.

Really got to see who the fascists are around these boards anyway...

Personally a couple of times, I have been defined right wing (but maybe they though fascist). As I am Italian I am very sensible on this. My parents told me how bad fascism was in Italy, and no history book can teach you this as the parent's personal experience (my father was nearly executed by "black shirts"). Also I remember what new fascists did in the years 70s.

Please in this forum, stop accusing someone of being fascist if they have different opinions. Fascism is something different.

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A spouse and children assume your rights...morally at least, so drop the 'guest' crap.

If they have to get their rights through you, as you put it, then they are hardly full citizens, are they?

At the end of the day the government here can do what it likes. Get over it.

Really got to see who the fascists are around these boards anyway...

Merely people with a different opinion. Does that make them fascists?

Two things...

If you read it correctly, I am talking about people HERE on these forums voicing an opinion that we are guests. NOT the Thai govt.

IMO, that's BS. Any man / woman has a right to live with their partner.

Secondly, I am fine with different opinions. Those I was angry at were the ones who seemed to revel in what 'looked' to be other peoples misfortune. BIG difference mate.

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>>>>Bottom line I guess is, make sure you have the 400 000 saved.

If your married, that's enough.

  Thanks, I am a happy camper again


As I said, have it double checked...but the person who did it for me is excellent at both Thai and English and says it's CLEARLY not "and"...but "or"...as it should be.

As you'd know, that's a BIG difference.


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As I said, have it double checked...but the person who did it for me is excellent at both Thai and English and says it's CLEARLY not "and"...but "or"...as it should be.

As you'd know, that's a BIG difference.


I had my wife read the article and she said the immigration official had this to say and this is not a quote:  if a foreigner is married to a Thai, 400,000 Baht in the bank should be sufficient but if you had a combination of 400,000 and 40,000 per month that it would be better but not at all necessary.  So the 400,000 alone should be enough. :-)))))))

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