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Rain Soon In Cm Fingers Crossed


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I sort of think than anyone with a couple of years or more of CM experience didn't expect the "thunderstorm" to last more than a few minutes and thus couldn't be bored to entertain a bored country dweller whom we all know perfectly well knows that rain never lasts long this time of year.

Edited by satiariyan
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Those learned posters who blow hot and cold are driving me crazy. I'll have a beer with my German baker instead. He just called me to say that he survived and will throw a "I don't give a storm" party tomorrow.

When the pressure's on, always good to go for some German storm-und-drink.

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a bored country dweller

Guilty as charged (yesterday night I didn't feel like reading, listening to music or watching a movie)

That said this morning I assessed the damages. Though my house didn't suffer, some of my trees were badly shaken and some big branches fell in the middle of the road. More worrying are the roof boards I found in my back garden. They come from my aunt's house. Some other houses were damaged and trees were uprooted. It was really like a "mini cyclone".

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Priceless I hate you.

The storm lasted 10 minutes, the blackout, about 20 minutes.

Man, I was desperate. I didn't know if we were going to make it. I had only one large Archa in the fridge (the last bottle left - The shop was closed), clothes scattered all over the garden . In such extreme conditions, I hope you will understand and excuse the poor syntax.

in such extreme conditions, can i suggest a finer beer such as Tigerbeer in your fridge?

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Priceless I hate you.

The storm lasted 10 minutes, the blackout, about 20 minutes.

Man, I was desperate. I didn't know if we were going to make it. I had only one large Archa in the fridge (the last bottle left - The shop was closed), clothes scattered all over the garden . In such extreme conditions, I hope you will understand and excuse the poor syntax.

in such extreme conditions, can i suggest a finer beer such as Tigerbeer in your fridge?

Well we had a lovely hour long shower here in Palm Springs...third time in a week. I have lived here for 2 years, but this is the first time I have noticed the pollution falling in the rain. On St. Pat's Day my clothes were actually grossed out by the dirty shower that I thought I was enjoying. And now I have to wet-brush the patio cause it has turned black from the rain. We just can't win! But the wind and cool rain makes up for the dirty stuff big time!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Remarkable. Third rainfall in, what, a week or so, all during a period when the old hands say it never rains in Chiangmai.

I don't recall anyone saying it never rains in Chiang Mai. Who said that?

It hasn't rained at my house since a midnight rumbler some weeks ago...

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You're absolutely right, eek. It's pouring down here, near the Night Safari :o

Also here, but then I live nearly next door to you. :D

To be fair, I've lived here (CM) for 15 years and never seen rain this often shortly before Thai New Years. It's always been within a week after the festivities.

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Ahh..was a lot of drama. Promise of rain and a big storm. But..its already passed over without even a drop my way! Ah well..at least the sky seems quite clear. So thats good. :o

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