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Briton Killed In Motorcycle Crash Appeared Drunk

sriracha john

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Briton killed in road accident in Chonburi

Chonburi - A British tourist, who appeared drunk, was killed here Sunday morning when his motorcycle crashed into an incoming motorcycle.

Police said Gavin Mann, 41, was killed at the scene. The strap of his helmet cut into his throat, police said.

The accident happened in Bang Lamung district at 6:50 am.

Boonruang Sakulma, who rode the other motorcycle, was severely injured and rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

Witnesses told police that Gavin's motorcycle appeared to lose control and swerve and crashed into Boonrung's motorcycle on the opposite lane.

- The Nation / 2009-03-15

'Apparently drunk' at 6.50 AM?

Very possibly if he had been drinking heavily the night before. Alcohol can stay in the body for quite a long time.

IF it is the same "Gavin Mann" that was previously arrested for bashing a girl on the head with a beer bottle............that claimed he was so drunk that he could not remember the incident, that would tend to suggest a bit of a problem.

IF it is later determined with blood tests that yes, he was over the limit......well, sorry but no sympathy for him whatsoever. That should go to his family and the Thais. At least some other poor innocent will not be in harms way because of the stupidity of anothers actions.

Edited by Phatcharanan
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Briton killed in road accident in Chonburi

Chonburi - A British tourist, who appeared drunk, was killed here Sunday morning when his motorcycle crashed into an incoming motorcycle.

Police said Gavin Mann, 41, was killed at the scene. The strap of his helmet cut into his throat, police said.

The accident happened in Bang Lamung district at 6:50 am.

Boonruang Sakulma, who rode the other motorcycle, was severely injured and rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

Witnesses told police that Gavin's motorcycle appeared to lose control and swerve and crashed into Boonrung's motorcycle on the opposite lane.

- The Nation / 2009-03-15

I would like to say that this man is my cousin, i think you should have more respect for his family at this understandibly devastating time.Get facts rather than assuming and jumping to conclusions. This could be seen as slanderous.!!!!!!
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If this idiot did drink and drive its a dam shame i hate people like that. To drink and drive is just criminal, if you were only hurting yourself ok. But usualy they kill innocent people with their stupidity.

I hope the Thai family will get some compensation from the Brit's money if he was in fact drunk.

Sh*t happens, it was his turn to die....either way he probably didn't even see it coming. Why all the angst about one farang going to God....if he was in any way religious he has done himself a favour :D

If you don't buy the paper or even read it second hand what right have you to criticize..how do you know the information is wrong?? I too hope that the innocent rider will be compensated :o !

You really need to think about what you are saying, I as his cousin take great offence at your unfounded ingnorace and beg you to think about how you would feel if it was a member of your family.!!!!!!

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I would like to say that this man is my cousin, i think you should have more respect for his family at this understandibly devastating time.Get facts rather than assuming and jumping to conclusions. This could be seen as slanderous.!!!!!!

If he truly is your cousin, please confirm as to whether it is, or isn't, the same man who assaulted the girl.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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I would like to say that this man is my cousin, i think you should have more respect for his family at this understandibly devastating time.Get facts rather than assuming and jumping to conclusions. This could be seen as slanderous.!!!!!!

If he truly is your cousin, please confirm as to whether it is, or isn't, the same man who assaulted the girl.

Why do you need me to confirm anything? Your convictions are already very obvious,and i am deeply offended by most of the comments that have been posted,and id like to ask what you mean by 'truly my cousin' whatreasons would i have to lie,i have none. I will not pretend that Gav was an angel,but he certainly did not deserve to die this way,i dont know yet if alcohol was involved but still he is gone now leaving behind an 8 year old daughter who i live in hope never in years to come has to witness what i have read today. Let him rest in peace and keep the comments to yourselves. Thank You.

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If this idiot did drink and drive its a dam shame i hate people like that. To drink and drive is just criminal, if you were only hurting yourself ok. But usualy they kill innocent people with their stupidity.

I hope the Thai family will get some compensation from the Brit's money if he was in fact drunk.

Sh*t happens, it was his turn to die....either way he probably didn't even see it coming. Why all the angst about one farang going to God....if he was in any way religious he has done himself a favour :D

If you don't buy the paper or even read it second hand what right have you to criticize..how do you know the information is wrong?? I too hope that the innocent rider will be compensated :o !


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Is this a common injury to receive from a helmet, or a freak incident?

I have a full face helmet and i always figured it was making me safer... but looking at the video the helmet isn't even scratched, and he doesn't look that beaten up, yet the strap killed him...

The bikes don't even look that bashed up.

Starting to worry i might get in a fender bender and get my throat cut... :o

Its very important to have a decent helmet which fits correctly & is done up correctlty, a loosely fitted helmet with loose strap could be very dangerous to ur throat

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Is this a common injury to receive from a helmet, or a freak incident?

I have a full face helmet and i always figured it was making me safer... but looking at the video the helmet isn't even scratched, and he doesn't look that beaten up, yet the strap killed him...

The bikes don't even look that bashed up.

Starting to worry i might get in a fender bender and get my throat cut... :o

Its very important to have a decent helmet which fits correctly & is done up correctlty, a loosely fitted helmet with loose strap could be very dangerous to ur throat

Agreed... The helmet needs to fit properly and the strap done up correctly. Even then, its only purpose is to protect the head..not a neck brace...

Verbal bashing does nothing and indeed a loss is a loss... Condolances to the family and speedy recovery for the Thai gent...

Lessons learned can only be learned once all the facts are clarified.

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Briton killed in road accident in Chonburi

Chonburi - A British tourist, who appeared drunk, was killed here Sunday morning when his motorcycle crashed into an incoming motorcycle.

Police said Gavin Mann, 41, was killed at the scene. The strap of his helmet cut into his throat, police said.

The accident happened in Bang Lamung district at 6:50 am.

Boonruang Sakulma, who rode the other motorcycle, was severely injured and rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

Witnesses told police that Gavin's motorcycle appeared to lose control and swerve and crashed into Boonrung's motorcycle on the opposite lane.

- The Nation / 2009-03-15

I would like to say that this man is my cousin, i think you should have more respect for his family at this understandibly devastating time.Get facts rather than assuming and jumping to conclusions. This could be seen as slanderous.!!!!!!


The Nation

1854 Bang Na-Trat Road KM 4.5 Bang Na district

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Tel 66-2-338-3000 (Call Center)

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Why do you need me to confirm anything?

This is an anonymous internet forum. You, me, anyone can be anyone we like with no way of proving nor disproving it so you kind of have to accept any mistrust exhibited here.

Accepting what you say as true and he leaves an eight year old daughter behind then my condolences go out to her and her mother. As for the circumstances behind the accident it is unfortunate that we will most likely never know the truth. I cannot recall one instance in over 16 years where the results of a post mortem have become public knowledge. News in Thailand fades far quicker than it does in the UK and this sad event will probably never grace the pages of the local "press" again.

btw no matter how you viewed him, if he is the same man that smacked the bar girl he was a complete idiot at best at that time. He may have settled down and grown up in the intervening period but we have no evidence of that hence, like us all will be in the end, he is judged on last appearances.

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Why do you need me to confirm anything?

This is an anonymous internet forum. You, me, anyone can be anyone we like with no way of proving nor disproving it so you kind of have to accept any mistrust exhibited here.

Accepting what you say as true and he leaves an eight year old daughter behind then my condolences go out to her and her mother. As for the circumstances behind the accident it is unfortunate that we will most likely never know the truth. I cannot recall one instance in over 16 years where the results of a post mortem have become public knowledge. News in Thailand fades far quicker than it does in the UK and this sad event will probably never grace the pages of the local "press" again.

btw no matter how you viewed him, if he is the same man that smacked the bar girl he was a complete idiot at best at that time. He may have settled down and grown up in the intervening period but we have no evidence of that hence, like us all will be in the end, he is judged on last appearances.

Well the talk on the street ( soi khaow noi ) is that another bike pulled out in front of him,even if he hadnt been drinking maybe he couldnt have avoided a collision,his thai companion didnt say anything at the time to avoid losing face ( and thus possibly protecting the culprit )
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Briton killed in road accident in Chonburi

Chonburi - A British tourist, who appeared drunk, was killed here Sunday morning when his motorcycle crashed into an incoming motorcycle.

Police said Gavin Mann, 41, was killed at the scene. The strap of his helmet cut into his throat, police said.

The accident happened in Bang Lamung district at 6:50 am.

Boonruang Sakulma, who rode the other motorcycle, was severely injured and rushed to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

Witnesses told police that Gavin's motorcycle appeared to lose control and swerve and crashed into Boonrung's motorcycle on the opposite lane.

- The Nation / 2009-03-15

I would like to say that this man is my cousin, i think you should have more respect for his family at this understandibly devastating time.Get facts rather than assuming and jumping to conclusions. This could be seen as slanderous.!!!!!!

In your considered opinion, what are the chances he wasn't drunk? Was he out late or up very early? Did he beat the bar worker on an earlier occasion? Thanks in advance for clearing this up for me.

Oh yeah. Welcome to Thai Visa!!!!!!

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Briton killed in road accident in Chonburi

Police said ********41, was killed at the scene. The strap of his helmet cut into his throat, police said.

Witnesses told police that Gavin's motorcycle appeared to lose control and swerve and crashed into Boonrung's motorcycle on the opposite lane.

- The Nation / 2009-03-15

So he appeared to lose control, does this mean he was drunk or a victim of the taut wire trick? Helmet straps do not cut into throats!

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It could be quite ironic and more sad if another bike did pull out in front of him causing him to swerve and hit the bike on the other side of the road. It would be very typical for a Thai girl to not say anything about this to the police because she would worry about her social position and repercushions more than she would justice or truth. When I ask these people why they do behave like this, I am told that we can't change the past, have to worry about the future only....he's already dead, why try to make problems?? But she forgets that his legacy is something that goes on for the family especially the for the daughter.

Then us here judging him based on his act last year of hitting the girl over the head with a beer bottle, and thus assuming that then he must have been riding drunk..life is so intricate but we love nothing better than to put things in boxes with labels. Reminds me of a John Irving novel when a girl was raped but because the rapist used a condom, nobody believed the girl's story that she was raped, and the rapist went free....

Edited by Junglejumbo
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Briton killed in road accident in Chonburi

Police said ********41, was killed at the scene. The strap of his helmet cut into his throat, police said.

Witnesses told police that Gavin's motorcycle appeared to lose control and swerve and crashed into Boonrung's motorcycle on the opposite lane.

- The Nation / 2009-03-15

So he appeared to lose control, does this mean he was drunk or a victim of the taut wire trick? Helmet straps do not cut into throats!

Perhaps the Police were generalizing when they stated the strap cut his throat a strap buckle/clip on a poorly fitting helmet being violently pulled in the opposite direction to one's head would do grave damage, or perhaps something on either of the bike caused the injury i'm sure the autopsy will reveal all :o .

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For all we know, the deceased may have been diabetic, had a stroke and didn't realize what was happening, or had a neuromuscular condition that produced the slurring of speech and slight stagger
Then he should not have been riding a bike in the first place. :o

hear hear!

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Andreead you have my condolences at the tragic loss of your cousin.

And no doubt this is unpleasant for the family, any and every passing of a family member is,

and more so in a public fashion. The Thai idea of an appropriate news picture

is below what I think acceptable. But that's the way they do it. here. We must abide.

Sadly also your cousin led part of his life in a public way, and also in his untimely death.

So in essence the public discussion of his passing and probabilities why is unavoidable.

In Jan and Feb I lost two people from around my circle, in sad and distressing ways.

There is no way they can't be discussed. And the same goes for your relative.

If he wasn't an angel in life, no one can be expected to make him one posthumously.

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Why do you need me to confirm anything? Your convictions are already very obvious,and i am deeply offended by most of the comments that have been posted,and id like to ask what you mean by 'truly my cousin' whatreasons would i have to lie,i have none. I will not pretend that Gav was an angel,but he certainly did not deserve to die this way,i dont know yet if alcohol was involved but still he is gone now leaving behind an 8 year old daughter who i live in hope never in years to come has to witness what i have read today. Let him rest in peace and keep the comments to yourselves. Thank You.

For all we know you could be one of his drinking pals & possibly a common thug yourself. As someone as already said, your cousin will be judged by his last actions, which hardly mark him down as the doting, responsible parent do they?

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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I would like to say that this man is my cousin, i think you should have more respect for his family at this understandibly devastating time.Get facts rather than assuming and jumping to conclusions. This could be seen as slanderous.!!!!!!

If he truly is your cousin, please confirm as to whether it is, or isn't, the same man who assaulted the girl.

I will not pretend that Gav was an angel,

AKA..............A nob

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the OP is just posting a news worthy article,whats all the fuss about.!

the point the posters are making - and making quite clearly - is that these are unsubstantiated "facts" from a usually unrelaible source. we are not the judge and jury. wait for the real facts and don't support the promulgation of rumours.

my point is "why choose this particular post to get all moralistic"there have been many topics where an article has been posted with unsubstantiated evidence,and not a murmer of dissent regarding proof in an article.

If it was a Thai guy that had been killed and a Brit seriously injured, the Thai guy and the rest of the Thai population would have been tried, convicted and sentenced by now by the very people that now take the moralistic high ground cos it's a Farang.

And in this case all the Thai tell each other that Farang are always making trouble.

Because, as you know, Farang are the fountain of all ills.

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Some of this seems a bit OTT , a guy died in a motorbike crash , his family must be suffering emotionally , an innocent person is in hospital hurt , his family are probably affected as well. Sad all round.

Blame has nothing to do with the suffering of those left behind. So why add to it in a 'beat-up?'

'nuff said . Condolences & get well


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For all we know you could be one of his drinking pals & possibly a common thug yourself. As someone as already said, your cousin will be judged by his last actions, which hardly mark him down as the doting, responsible parent do they?
I will not pretend that Gav was an angel,

AKA..............A nob

Bigger Tosser.
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Innocent question -

How come his girlfiend (crying in video) managed to get out of the accident unscathed?

I believe she was called to the scene after the event.

JC, the last record we have of the actions of this man alive was him being blooted to the point of no recollection and tw@tting a bar girl over the head with a table and a bottle just because he couldn't get in the toilet when he wanted to.

His next appearance is dead after driving at high speed and erratically early morning. Now this is circumstantial evidence from an unsubstantiated eye witness account so, regarding his sobriety, we don't know for sure and it is always just possible he had mended his ways.

He was a nob when he tw@tted the bg and the jury is out on this latest one. The results of the autopsy would be the decider but, as I've said before, we've more chance of getting the winning lottery number than getting a heads up on those but, hey, in Thailand always expect the unexpected.

So expect the final score to be 1 - 1 (giving him the benefit of the doubt).

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