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Taking My Thai Girlfriend To England For 10 Days

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I am sorry if this is a really obviuos question but this whole 'visa' thing really confuses me!

I am planning a short trip back to the UK with my Thai girlfriend in June. We will be staying there around 10 days and living with my parents for the duration. Can anybody let me know if i need to;

a) apply for a visa for her

:o what type of visa to apply for

c) how i apply, should i need to.

Many thanks for your help.



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If you read through this forum you will find all the answers to your questions, the question has been asked, and answered hundreds of times, the forms and official advice is here http://www.vfs-uk-th.com/

You need to be aware that it's your girlfriends application, not yours, she needs to prove the relationship and that there are sufficient funds for the trip, and most importantly she needs to satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that she will return at the end of the trip. The secret is submitting a strong and accurate application.

If after ploughing through the advice on this forum you have any specific questions, then ask.

Good luck

Edited for typos

Edited by theoldgit
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Yes. She will be applying. Not you. Look through the VAC. website. Link given in the post above.

The most important thing is for her to show that she will return to Thailand.

Does she have Family, Children, Land , Property, Employment?

Get your parents to write her a letter offering her accomodation for her stay, with proof that they do actually own/rent the property.

Show copies of her bank account as proof she can support herself, also your bank acc. if you are sponsering her.

Explain why she is visiting UK. To see your parents, someones birthday, wedding etc.

Proof of your relationship. How long she has known you, how long together, copies of E Mails, Phone Bills etc.

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