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Thai Lady Murdered By German?


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-"some of these girls are just mercenaries.." No shyt sherlock! That did'nt register when you lined up to pay your 10 buck bar fine? If the farang sex-buying customer is gullible (read stupid) enough to start feeding a sex worker monthly money or trying to convert his purchase into a g/f/wife,....you should EXPECT a hel_l of alot of head-<deleted> buddy.

Exactly. These girls are for rent, nothing more. I never understood these guys that think it will amount to anything more. They are fools for becoming emotionally attached to these sex-workers. If they weren't paying them, they wouldn't give them the time of day. If they want a g/f or wife, the bar is not the place to find one.

That is not entirely true, elektrified. Most of the women in the trade hope to eventually meet someone who will take care of them and their family. It's just that the younger, more attractive ones (male and female) are mostly having a good time and don't want to give it up. When they've worked the bars for a while and start getting into their mid thirties they can't compete with the younger, prettier gals, and they start looking for a falong to take care of them. Unfortunately, by that time the pickings are slim and they have to settle for some fat old bugger who can't get the younger women. There just aren't that many young, attractive NICE expats to go around. At least not one that wants to settle down with a bar girl... or any woman for that matter. That is why some young women make the wrong choice in picking some screwed up man who might have money but nothing else.

I just don't understand what kind of man would want to have a relationship with or "take care of" a woman that has had 1000 men before him. To each his own I guess.

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No where have I said that I condone murder but people have to understand that everyone has a breaking point. For some it is reahed more quickly than for others.

This is a woman that earns her money from sleeping with punters. Most punters know it's her job. The other punters maybe feel they are in a relationship and hence when she sleeps with another punter they feel jealous and possessive.

You are connecting a man's 'breaking point' to a prostitute doing her job by sleeping with different punters. She was doing her job and was murdered because of it. You are trying to validate her murder. What you are suggesting is creepy and scary.

An insecure personality posts "look other people agree with me". I don't care if you, or anyone else, agrees with my posts because I'm different from you.

A psychoanalytical view of your comments clearly shows you are using a defence mechanism to defend your hatred of prostitutes.


Contrary to your suggestion I have more than a few females acquaintances who could best be described as prostitutes and who I consider to be wonderful loving persons so there is no hatred whatsoever in my persona towards ladies who follow that profession.

And no!, I don't (or if so at all, only very rarely, i.e. it's been a very long time) utilise their services.

As in all walks of life there are good people and some who might best be described as "not so good"

If I had a hatred for prostitutes I would have likely chosen "Jack The Ripper" as my nom de plume :o

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I'm so shocked reading this thread. It's probably the most disgusting stuff I read for many months.

Absolutely agree.

I can't understand why any of this is even allowed. Harmless banter that's fun and innocent is culled, and here we see absolutely vile hatred being peddled.

Disgusting. Closed or not, I'm not reading any more of it.

As I pointed out somewhere else, I apparently do have some morals left and I don't want to have anything to do with this shit. For christ sakes, a young woman is killed and there's post after post of her having it coming and being lowest of the low. I can't even believe I'm having to point this out. And then someone much earlier on was saying that a picture in a newspaper is distasteful (it was), but for crying out loud at least the newspaper didn't feel the need to slander the victim of a very tragic case.

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No where have I said that I condone murder but people have to understand that everyone has a breaking point. For some it is reahed more quickly than for others.

This is a woman that earns her money from sleeping with punters. Most punters know it's her job. The other punters maybe feel they are in a relationship and hence when she sleeps with another punter they feel jealous and possessive.

You are connecting a man's 'breaking point' to a prostitute doing her job by sleeping with different punters. She was doing her job and was murdered because of it. You are trying to validate her murder. What you are suggesting is creepy and scary.

An insecure personality posts "look other people agree with me". I don't care if you, or anyone else, agrees with my posts because I'm different from you.

A psychoanalytical view of your comments clearly shows you are using a defence mechanism to defend your hatred of prostitutes.


Contrary to your suggestion I have more than a few females acquaintances who could best be described as prostitutes and who I consider to be wonderful loving persons so there is no hatred whatsoever in my persona towards ladies who follow that profession.

And no!, I don't (or if so at all, only very rarely, i.e. it's been a very long time) utilise their services.

As in all walks of life there are good people and some who might best be described as "not so good"

If I had a hatred for prostitutes I would have likely chosen "Jack The Ripper" as my nom de plume :o

My great grandfather was a Jack the Ripper suspect and a witness to the killing of Liz Stride.

Edited by sassienie
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Hope the courts view this case as a crime of passion, not as manslaughter or murder.

No such thing in my book. He murdered the girl in cold blood & thoroughly deserves a horrible death himself as punishment. :o

I'm so shocked reading this thread. It's probably the most disgusting stuff I read for many months. Absolultly no compassion, no sympathy for this poor woman. What kind of woman and thai haters are you?

I seldom read such a contempt of thai women. Why don't you go back to the F*cking Kingdom of Great Britain, where most of you probalbly come from?

As a UK citizen myself, I agree with you 100%.

Of course they are human but the lowest of the low.

Judging by your comments, I consider you personally, along with others, who would try to justify the actions of this wretched man, to be amongst the lowest of the low. If your grandfather was indeed a Jack the Ripper suspect, it's a petty he wasn't hung - guilty or not - at least we wouldn't be reading your comments here.

If Peter Sutcliffe isn't on your Christmas card list, please add him, as I'm sure you hold him in the same high esteem that you possibly place upon Jack the Ripper. Oh, & don't forget his forthcoming birthday. For the benefit of non-British members, here's more info on Peter Sutcliffe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sutcliffe

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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I'm so shocked reading this thread. It's probably the most disgusting stuff I read for many months. Absolultly no compassion, no sympathy for this poor woman. What kind of woman and thai haters are you?

I seldom read such a contempt of thai women. Why don't you go back to the F*cking Kingdom of Great Britain, where most of you probalbly come from?

aw cor blimey govna, well that aint no ways to talk that aint.

Blooming ell, I bet you ain alf a yank, that`s what you are.

Andsom in it, talking to people like that.

Ave a shifty at this govna:


Edited by sassienie
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I'm so shocked reading this thread. It's probably the most disgusting stuff I read for many months. Absolultly no compassion, no sympathy for this poor woman. What kind of woman and thai haters are you?

I seldom read such a contempt of thai women. Why don't you go back to the F*cking Kingdom of Great Britain, where most of you probalbly come from?

You're missing the point. This is a forum and some people use the benefit of anonimity to create alter-egos.

Sassiene and john B Good probably aren't heartless uncaring and unsympathetic. Nobody could be that bad.

They're probably a pair of sweet, decent, caring (albeit mis-guided) souls that are living out a fantasy and not realising that it may upset some people. They probably didn't mean it!! At least, I hope not.

You're probably a bit upset yourself because the perpertrator of this heinous crime was a German.

If you don't mind me saying ... no need to swear or presume that these folk are British. They couldn't possibly be. 

My sympathy is with the  victim and her family. RIP.

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SOME people here are missing the point entirely. We've actually got two or three different topics going at the same time on the same thread. That often happens on active threads.

One topic is about people who make poor choices in life.

Another topic is about the unfortunate couple who drove each other crazy to the point where the man murdered his former lover. Except for a few comments made in sarcasm, I haven't read anything that said the woman deserved to be murdered.

I'm always amazed at how naive some people are... myself included. It is only when you've lived through a bunch of different weird circumstances that you begin to understand how bizarre life can truly be.

That does not take away from the fact that if you put yourself in harms way that your odds of getting hurt (emotionally or physically) rise dramatically. You DO have to accept the consequences of your own actions no matter how horrific they might be. If I were to spend all my time in biker bars where drugs were being sold on a regular basis then there would be a greater degree of risk then if I stayed home to drink, or only went to the corner pub for a beer. If I chose as a partner some woman of the night then I would have to accept the fact that she might not be too faithful. And, if some pretty girl chooses an ugly old man because he has a lot of money and showers her with gifts, and ignores the fact that he is abusive, then she IS KNOWINGLY TAKING A RISK. That is ALL a few people here are saying.


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SOME people here are missing the point entirely.


You may be right but there isn't a great deal of sympathy.

Sassienne did say of the unfortunate girl ..

'Of course they are human but the lowest of the low.'

Assuming that he isn't saying this as a flame, what kind of a guy speaks so badly of the dead?

Sad and pathetic come to mind.

And he has solved the case quicker than the Thai Police..

'As for the German guy, I doubt if he is a bad person but rather that he fell into a black widow trap and became blinded by uncontrollable rage.

Hope the courts view this case as a crime of passion, not as manslaughter or murder.

Case closed.

You went on to defend the guy then, too ....

NOBODY is taking the murderer's side.

Very observant.

Edited by chiangmaioldhand
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I find so many of the biggoted comments on this thread disturbing.

Let us all remember that prostitution in itself is market driven. Where there is a market, suppliers will fill the market. Where it requires skilled labour or specific expertise, then those with the expertise fill the opportunities. Those with limited opportunity take what else is available to survive. Some rob and steal, some 'work' in more seamier occupations to survive.

If it was not for the punters (tourists from other countries) there would be no market and these girls would not be in this position. Don't blame the girls nor demonise them for seizing an opportunity to survive. castigate the filty and thoughtless pricks who make the market in the first place

Let's look at the wider picture and have some compassion

Edited by laphroaig
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SOME people here are missing the point entirely.


You may be right but there isn't a great deal of sympathy.

Sassienne did say of the unfortunate girl ..

'Of course they are human but the lowest of the low.'

Assuming that he isn't saying this as a flame, what kind of a guy speaks so badly of the dead?

Sad and pathetic come to mind.

And he has solved the case quicker than the Thai Police..

'As for the German guy, I doubt if he is a bad person but rather that he fell into a black widow trap and became blinded by uncontrollable rage.

Hope the courts view this case as a crime of passion, not as manslaughter or murder.

Case closed.

You went on to defend the guy then, too ....

NOBODY is taking the murderer's side.

Very observant.

What has being dead got to do with it?

Why should someone’s opinion of a person in life change because they died? And if I couldn’t give them any credibility when they are alive, I am certainly not going to become a hypocrite and suddenly respect them in death.

Of course it’s tragic that a young girl like this should be slaughtered in the prime of her life, also tragic for the guy that was foolish enough to have been taken in by the deception and lies and lost control. His life is now in ruins. This has caused suffering for all concerned in this case, but my views of women in these professions is very low, they are people on the grim edge of human society and that’s my opinion.

As for the German, I have not concluded the case in my mind, I actually mean that I hope the court takes into consideration the circumstances that led to the brutal attack on this girl.

Here are the facts, like it or not:

These girls are only there as part of a nightly entertainment, a night out with the lads.

Have a meal, a few drinks, than short time. that`s their job and sure that they would tell you the same.

Anyone that tries to take the relationship any further would be crazy.

Edited by sassienie
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These girls are only there as part of a nightly entertainment, a night out with the lads.

Have a meal, a few drinks, than short time. that`s their job and sure that they would tell you the same.

Anyone that tries to take the relationship any further would be crazy.

Crazy, or not, I'm not sure that there is really any excuse for slaughtering a young girl who was pretty much just doing her job. :o

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I find so many of the biggoted comments on this thread disturbing.

Let us all remember that prostitution in itself is market driven. Where there is a market, suppliers will fill the market. Where it requires skilled labour or specific expertise, then those with the expertise fill the opportunities. Those with limited opportunity take what else is available to survive. Some rob and steal, some 'work' in more seamier occupations to survive.

If it was not for the punters (tourists from other countries) there would be no market and these girls would not be in this position. Don't blame the girls nor demonise them for seizing an opportunity to survive. castigate the filty and thoughtless pricks who make the market in the first place

Let's look at the wider picture and have some compassion

Yes, Thai men don't use prostitutes. There is no Thai market for ladies of the night. That must be why the car park of Sayuri is full everyday from about 3pm 'til closing and why the huge amount of little Thai bars with sexy ladies are often quite busy compared with the Loy Kroh area. And foreigners must have invented the mia noi too, as Thai men are strictly one-woman-men. Also, I'm sure that the girls only go with foreigners as it is the foreigners who created the huge gap in wealth distribution in Thai society.

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Use of sarcasm in the previous two posts makes it difficult to be sure what the message is.

Regardless of anything said by Hill 16, the market created by foreign tourists and foreign nationals makes the industry in Thailand world renowned and the true market that it is. Take the foreign input away from the market and I would be surprised if the 'business' would be any greater than that in any other country.

Prositiution will always exist, but in Thailand it is an industry aimed specifically at foreign investment. Don't tell me otherwise. Take away the foreign investment and the market disappears or at the very least reduces drastically.

Edited by laphroaig
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If it was not for the punters (tourists from other countries) there would be no market and these girls would not be in this position. Don't blame the girls nor demonise them for seizing an opportunity to survive. castigate the filty and thoughtless pricks who make the market in the first place

Let's look at the wider picture and have some compassion

I think that you must have been partaking of far too much of your namesake. If you wish to "castigate the filthy and thoughtless pricks" might I suggest looking towards the indigenous population rather than your "punters" of recent years.

The market was here long before we arrived. and will be here long after you and I have departed.

As for the young girl concerned, of course it's a tragic, unnecessary loss of life, but if it had not been a German it might well have been a Thai, and you would never have heard the story.....

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laphroaigPosted Today, 2009-04-25 08:20:18 Prositiution will always exist, but in Thailand it is an industry aimed specifically at foreign investment.

Sorry, but you are very much mistaken. The "nightlife" (pay for play ) in Thailand is very much dominated by Thai Men and it is a HUGE market. Beer Bars, massage parlors, 'ladyhomes", kereoke bars, noodle stalls, female barbers, Go-Go Bars, etc., etc. It is not obvious unless you are looking for it, but it is absolutely EVERYWHERE. The sex industry for foreigners is a pinprick compared to the one for locals.

Give the book "Sex Slaves" a read. According to experts, the evidence is overwhelming and the sex industry for Thai men is not going anywhere.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If it was not for the punters (tourists from other countries) there would be no market and these girls would not be in this position. Don't blame the girls nor demonise them for seizing an opportunity to survive. castigate the filty and thoughtless pricks who make the market in the first place

Let's look at the wider picture and have some compassion

I think that you must have been partaking of far too much of your namesake. If you wish to "castigate the filthy and thoughtless pricks" might I suggest looking towards the indigenous population rather than your "punters" of recent years.

The market was here long before we arrived. and will be here long after you and I have departed.

As for the young girl concerned, of course it's a tragic, unnecessary loss of life, but if it had not been a German it might well have been a Thai, and you would never have heard the story.....

Fair enough, let's castigate the filthy and thoughtless locals too but we have to start somewhere.

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Surely not by just making things up. :o

I don't profess to know solid statictical evidence on the realistic situation. You guys clearly have a more 'intimate' knowledge of the facts. Well done.

That does not take away the fact that foreign punters contibute at the very least in a large way to the sex industry. All I know is what I see and however large the sex industry is in Thailand, I continue to believe that foreigners make a major contribution to this and without them it would reduce.

I think we have thrashed this out enough so I'll stand back now

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laphroaigPosted Today, 2009-04-25 08:20:18 Prositiution will always exist, but in Thailand it is an industry aimed specifically at foreign investment.

Sorry, but you are very much mistaken. The "nightlife" (pay for play ) in Thailand is very much dominated by Thai Men and it is a HUGE market. Beer Bars, massage parlors, 'ladyhomes", kereoke bars, noodle stalls, female barbers, Go-Go Bars, etc., etc. It is not obvious unless you are looking for it, but it is absolutely EVERYWHERE. The sex industry for foreigners is a pinprick compared to the one for locals.

Give the book "Sex Slaves" a read. According to experts, the evidence is overwhelming and the sex industry for Thai men is not going anywhere.

Don't forget that the underage girls and the kidnapped girls are for the local thai (and japenese) men market also. A friend of mine that is a tuk tuk driver gave me the information that all of that and more is available for thai men here in chiang mai. I had no clue until he told me.

He also showed me where you can have burmese girls for 100 baht short time and these girls were not allowed to leave the premises. He said you do the dirty deed on a small mattress in the back room. Not for me thanks but it was popular with the younger thai crowd.

Edited by wolfmanjack
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These girls are only there as part of a nightly entertainment, a night out with the lads.

Have a meal, a few drinks, than short time. that`s their job and sure that they would tell you the same.

Anyone that tries to take the relationship any further would be crazy.

Crazy, or not, I'm not sure that there is really any excuse for slaughtering a young girl who was pretty much just doing her job. :o

There is no excuse for slaughtering someone for doing their job. However it seems that this is not the case. A prostitutes job description does not include marrying a client and telling him that she loves him. Then lying and saying he is the only one. chances are if she stuck to her job and remained in the industry then nothing would have happened to her. The murder occurred because she continued to freelance after she married. According to the report she left the german guy once and then went back to him. Why? Because she isn't too bright and did not see the risk? or because she knew the risk and wanted the money? I do not know all the details but I do know people that have been in similar relationships that made them go crazy. Luckily the girl left with her lover before the guy blew his top. I personally have experienced a blinding rage when a guy tried to poke my eyes out in a fight. I lost control and would have killed the guy if my friends had not drug us apart and i am the most calm person I know. It really takes a lot for me to get angry enough to get violent.

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These girls are only there as part of a nightly entertainment, a night out with the lads.

Have a meal, a few drinks, than short time. that`s their job and sure that they would tell you the same.

Anyone that tries to take the relationship any further would be crazy.

Crazy, or not, I'm not sure that there is really any excuse for slaughtering a young girl who was pretty much just doing her job. :o

There is no excuse for slaughtering someone for doing their job. However it seems that this is not the case. A prostitutes job description does not include marrying a client and telling him that she loves him. Then lying and saying he is the only one. chances are if she stuck to her job and remained in the industry then nothing would have happened to her. The murder occurred because she continued to freelance after she married. According to the report she left the german guy once and then went back to him. Why? Because she isn't too bright and did not see the risk? or because she knew the risk and wanted the money? I do not know all the details but I do know people that have been in similar relationships that made them go crazy. Luckily the girl left with her lover before the guy blew his top. I personally have experienced a blinding rage when a guy tried to poke my eyes out in a fight. I lost control and would have killed the guy if my friends had not drug us apart and i am the most calm person I know. It really takes a lot for me to get angry enough to get violent.

She didn't care, doesn't matter fi she knew or she didn't,

you named it, it was for the money only - poor gal' RIP!

What drives a man to commit such thing?

There is a lesson in there!

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laphroaigPosted Today, 2009-04-25 08:20:18 Prositiution will always exist, but in Thailand it is an industry aimed specifically at foreign investment.

Sorry, but you are very much mistaken. The "nightlife" (pay for play ) in Thailand is very much dominated by Thai Men and it is a HUGE market. Beer Bars, massage parlors, 'ladyhomes", kereoke bars, noodle stalls, female barbers, Go-Go Bars, etc., etc. It is not obvious unless you are looking for it, but it is absolutely EVERYWHERE. The sex industry for foreigners is a pinprick compared to the one for locals.

Give the book "Sex Slaves" a read. According to experts, the evidence is overwhelming and the sex industry for Thai men is not going anywhere.

I concur with UG. The market is much bigger for Thai men than it is for foreigners.

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I concur with UG. The market is much bigger for Thai men than it is for foreigners.

Then if this is true I have been educated. Still doesn't excuse the behavior of foreigners creating or at th least contributing to th market.

Foreign influence is compounding the problem and contributing to the number of girls working through choice in this industry.

Let the thais sort their own backyard out but I stand by my view that without sex tourists the market would reduce.

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There is no excuse for slaughtering someone for doing their job. However it seems that this is not the case. A prostitutes job description does not include marrying a client and telling him that she loves him. Then lying and saying he is the only one.

Actually, I was never sure if she was married to him, or if he was just a customer. I know that several people have called her, "his wife", but that is common here when a man and woman are a couple of any type.

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