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Thai Lady Murdered By German?


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There is no excuse for slaughtering someone for doing their job. However it seems that this is not the case. A prostitutes job description does not include marrying a client and telling him that she loves him. Then lying and saying he is the only one.

Actually, I was never sure if she was married to him, or if he was just a customer. I know that several people have called her, "his wife", but that is common here when a man and woman are a couple of any type.

You are beating a dead horse here, Ulysses. The narrow minded already have their minds made up. It is amazing the amount of hypocracy I read and hear. The women of the night provide a valuable service that isn't provided elsewhere. Anyone who believes otherwise is deluding themself and expect single men to remain celibate for the remainder of their lives. You pay for it one way or another... including marriage.

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Dressed like that you have to wonder if he caught her with someone else. Still hope he goes to jail for a very long time though.

This is exactly what I was thinking when I viewed the photo. Could have been entertaining a client dressed that way.

They seem like a right dodgy lot and unfortunately the Thai tax payers are left to clean up the mess.

that was my 1st thought exactly also given the way she is dressed

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The arguement seems analogous to a drunkard killing the bartender because he refused serving more drinks to him. Hint: Responsibilty belongs with the drunkard, or the John in this case!

But, there may be ulterior reasons so many seem to be defending the actions of this monster. I surmise that a few have been similarly burned in personal experiences and are venting here. :o

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The arguement seems analogous to a drunkard killing the bartender because he refused serving more drinks to him. Hint: Responsibilty belongs with the drunkard, or the John in this case!

:o I think this analogy would only apply if he killed her for refusing to have sex. According to the article he killed her after he had sex and then they fought about her seeing another man. Not the same thing.

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My husband read it on the Thai news online (sorry I don't think he mentioned which paper). Said a German man had murdered his wife, returned to Germany and turned himself into the police in Germany for the murder.

He read it today, so its either dailynews.co.th, komchadluek.net or thairath.co.th

(and before you ask, no, he's out fishing)


This is where i got that they were married from. It is a different ball of wax if they weren't.

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Sorry, but you are very much mistaken. The "nightlife" (pay for play ) in Thailand is very much dominated by Thai Men and it is a HUGE market. Beer Bars, massage parlors, 'ladyhomes", kereoke bars, noodle stalls, female barbers, Go-Go Bars, etc., etc. It is not obvious unless you are looking for it, but it is absolutely EVERYWHERE. The sex industry for foreigners is a pinprick compared to the one for locals.

OK, I use a female barbers along Suthep Road. Some of the women are quite attractive so how does it work? "Can I have a hair cut and a blow job... erm sorry dry?", "just short back and slide... oh I've done it again!", "Can you make it stand up?" etc. :o

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Sorry, but you are very much mistaken. The "nightlife" (pay for play ) in Thailand is very much dominated by Thai Men and it is a HUGE market. Beer Bars, massage parlors, 'ladyhomes", kereoke bars, noodle stalls, female barbers, Go-Go Bars, etc., etc. It is not obvious unless you are looking for it, but it is absolutely EVERYWHERE. The sex industry for foreigners is a pinprick compared to the one for locals.

OK, I use a female barbers along Suthep Road. Some of the women are quite attractive so how does it work? "Can I have a hair cut and a blow job... erm sorry dry?", "just short back and slide... oh I've done it again!", "Can you make it stand up?" etc. :o

I can confirm UG is right about the female barbers.

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It is not every shop, but some specialize in a little extra relaxation after the haircut. The shops that I have seen that do this are quite upmarket - for wealthy Thai men - and probably too expensive for Mr Loaded (and me as well).

I have noticed that no one challeged that certain noodle shops provide this service (it is mentioned in the Bangkok Post regularly), but that does mean that every noodle shop will polish your noodle! :o

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It is not every shop, but some specialize in a little extra relaxation after the haircut. The shops that I have seen that do this are quite upmarket - for wealthy Thai men - and probably too expensive for Mr Loaded (and me as well).

I have noticed that no one challeged that certain noodle shops provide this service (it is mentioned in the Bangkok Post regularly), but that does mean that every noodle shop will polish your noodle! :o

I wasn't challenging your post UG. I know prostitution exists on just about every corner for Thai men. I just wondered which female barbers offer extras so that I can avoid. A pm would be appreciated if you can't post the details.

A friend told me that the housewives afternoon gentlemans' club is now a noodle shop but you can still use the services of the staff if you wish.

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If you rent the girl, you are only a punter. Why do so many foreign men never understand this? I believe the Thai word to describe this relationship is mia chao.

Its too bad so many men go for the bar girls,and tragedy follows later sometime.I always dated regular 9 to 5 working thai women before marrying a jai dee educated,conservative thai lady. I wanted to avoid the bar scene and focus on the real Thailand.

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I have to agree that some of these posts are just....sick and heartless. Sex-work is dirty and dangerous, the workers earn a bit more for that reason, many of them are goodhearted and honest if they see you are not crazy or evil. Respect their humanity.

I agree that the sex trade workers in the bars are worthy of human respect 100%. If there are no Johns there are no girls to service them.The poverty of the Northeast (Issan) drives alot of these young women into the trade.Some men that marry them are good,but many have all sorts of problems and baggage,coupled with those of the often older jaded bar girl often forms a toxic mix in many cases,thus unfortunate stories like this are too often the result of bar girl and farang relationships.

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No problem.

There used to be a really upmarket barber shop on Moon Muang Road to the South of Mad Dog that provided these services, but that was many years ago and the prices were 5 or 6 times the price in the farang oriented bars at that time. I could not see spending that kind of money.

I also heard that every barber shop in Penang, Malaysia with an old fashioned barber pole out front, was a front for other services, but if it is true, they must be quite shy about bringing it up to foreigners. One day, long ago, I got 5 haircuts in one day, but no unsavory offers at any of them. :o .

WHAT ! ! ! You gave up after only 5 hairs cut....... Com'on UG, even at our senior age there are enough hairs that we coulda probably gone on for a day or two :D

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If you rent the girl, you are only a punter. Why do so many foreign men never understand this? I believe the Thai word to describe this relationship is mia chao.

Hey guys wake up!

Foreigners are nothing but "Bah Kahs" to Thai ladies.

I have seen many a friends in similar situations but none resorted to murder.

They just took it in the chin and carried on. Some loosing everything, even their homes overseas to the Thai ladies. They sell up overseas and buy everything here in their Thai wife/gf name and then get pissed off when they get the boot as they have nothing more to contribute!

There is nothing unusuall for a Thai lady to marry more than once a year and play a dozen or so husbands at the same time! While her true love, a Thai husband, probably pretending to be her brother is around with her kids reapping all the rewards of dowry, take care money, etc. etc..

True love... as long as you can financially support it yes!

If you are asking yes, I fell for it too... 3 times! There were times when I was plotting how to commit the perfect murder as it hurts to loose a fortune and be betrayed not betrayed just realize how stupid you have been to believe....

SEX the no 1 export for Thailand I should have listened to that warning when i first set foot here in 1985. I just didn't realize that don't export it, they use it to lure all the foreign funds to Thailand!

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Some loosing everything

There is nothing unusuall

reapping all the rewards of dowry, take care money, etc. etc..

just realize how stupid you have been to believe....

If you are asking yes, I fell for it too... 3 times!

A bad speller and a slow learner!!!! :o

Bad speller maybe... If you have time to sit and scrutinize peoples spelling on a forum... wow!

Slow learner? I think not... 1st was a Thai met in Singapore working at a computer store in Sim Lim, 2nd was a teacher working in Chiang Mai, 3rd was working at BKK Bank... all the same...

Maybe I should try a bar girl! Maybe their ambitions are cunningness is not as high!

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Slow learner? I think not... 1st was a Thai met in Singapore working at a computer store in Sim Lim, 2nd was a teacher working in Chiang Mai, 3rd was working at BKK Bank... all the same...

They aren't all the same ... salesperson, teacher, banker, but they did all have one thing in common. :o

Bad speller, slow learner and ......... (fill in the blank). 

PS. I put in one extra '.' in case you can't spell it. :D

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Some loosing everything

There is nothing unusuall

reapping all the rewards of dowry, take care money, etc. etc..

just realize how stupid you have been to believe....

If you are asking yes, I fell for it too... 3 times!

A bad speller and a slow learner!!!! :o

Bad speller maybe... If you have time to sit and scrutinize peoples spelling on a forum... wow!

Slow learner? I think not... 1st was a Thai met in Singapore working at a computer store in Sim Lim, 2nd was a teacher working in Chiang Mai, 3rd was working at BKK Bank... all the same...

Maybe I should try a bar girl! Maybe their ambitions are cunningness is not as high!

Before you try a bar girl, it is recommended in the Encyclopedia of Thai Romance that you change the sign on your forehead.

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Bad speller maybe... If you have time to sit and scrutinize peoples spelling on a forum... wow!

Slow learner? I think not... 1st was a Thai met in Singapore working at a computer store in Sim Lim, 2nd was a teacher working in Chiang Mai, 3rd was working at BKK Bank... all the same...

What a claim to fame :D Obviously not English :o

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Its too bad so many men go for the bar girls,and tragedy follows later sometime.I always dated regular 9 to 5 working thai women before marrying a jai dee educated,conservative thai lady. I wanted to avoid the bar scene and focus on the real Thailand.

So did I, minus the 'conservative'. F&*ck conservatism. :o Did that not to avoid the bar scene, but rather to not mix up my hobby and my family. 'The real Thailand' very much includes everything we're discussing here. As well as a great many other things, obviously.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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From another thread:
The Daily News, Monday.

The naked body of Miss Praeow Dangkaesee, aged 23, an ex- bar worker, was found in a bedroom of a townhouse in Chiang Mai. She had been hit on the head with a bottle and suffocated with a pillow. Police suspected Thomas Paschell, aged 45, her German boyfriend.

In interviews with close relatives of the deceased, police learned that before living together Mr Paschell had been paying Miss Praeow 15,000 baht a month but later due to problems Miss Praeow started seeing a Swiss man before fleeing to stay with a relative. Mr Paschell begged her to come back to him which she did, however they quarreled constantly due to his jealousy and his fear she was still secretly seeing the Swiss man.

Police surmised that after making love they had again argued before Mr Paschell lost control and murdered her. He then fled to Germany before surrendering to police in his hometown.

The Thai police will start proceedings to extradite him to stand trial in Thailand.

From what has been written earlier it doesn't appear that there is an extradition treaty between Germany and Thailand.

If he is German (as said) I doubt that the Thai police will have a lot of success in getting this guy back to the realm.

Whilst there is absolutely nothing that condones murder some of these demimondaines would be as well to remember (or learn) that everyone has a breaking point.

If she wanted to play the field (as it appears she did) she has reaped what she has sown.

If all the reports are true I really have no sympathy for either of them.

Re: "they quarreled constantly due to his jealousy" there are two sides to this also, and one might take into account her apparent deception 'she wanted to have her cake (Baht 15,000/month) and then to continue to entertain other punters.

As I said nothing condones a murder "but shyt happens"

No, nothing does condone murder, and if you take up with a thai prostitute thats whats you have, do you expect loyalty ?. rediculous comments,."If she wanted to play the field (as it appears she did) she has reaped what she has sown."
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-"some of these girls are just mercenaries.." No shyt sherlock! That did'nt register when you lined up to pay your 10 buck bar fine? If the farang sex-buying customer is gullible (read stupid) enough to start feeding a sex worker monthly money or trying to convert his purchase into a g/f/wife,....you should EXPECT a hel_l of alot of head-<deleted> buddy.

Exactly. These girls are for rent, nothing more. I never understood these guys that think it will amount to anything more. They are fools for becoming emotionally attached to these sex-workers. If they weren't paying them, they wouldn't give them the time of day. If they want a g/f or wife, the bar is not the place to find one.

That is not entirely true, elektrified. Most of the women in the trade hope to eventually meet someone who will take care of them and their family. It's just that the younger, more attractive ones (male and female) are mostly having a good time and don't want to give it up. When they've worked the bars for a while and start getting into their mid thirties they can't compete with the younger, prettier gals, and they start looking for a falong to take care of them. Unfortunately, by that time the pickings are slim and they have to settle for some fat old bugger who can't get the younger women. There just aren't that many young, attractive NICE expats to go around. At least not one that wants to settle down with a bar girl... or any woman for that matter. That is why some young women make the wrong choice in picking some screwed up man who might have money but nothing else.

I just don't understand what kind of man would want to have a relationship with or "take care of" a woman that has had 1000 men before him. To each his own I guess.

I agree, and this comment takes the biscuit !. "Most of the women in the trade hope to eventually meet someone who will take care of them and their family." :o
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I just don't understand what kind of man would want to have a relationship with or "take care of" a woman that has had 1000 men before him. To each his own I guess.

I agree, and this comment takes the biscuit !. "Most of the women in the trade hope to eventually meet someone who will take care of them and their family." :o

So, are you saying that women in the trade DON'T want to meet someone who will look after them and their family? That certainly isn't the case with any of the women I've met and talked to. It is the case with ALL women I've met in Thailand, whether they work in the trade or not.

As far as elektrified's comment that "what man would want a woman who has had 1000 men before him", it is simply a case of not passing judgement on other people's beliefs, life style, religion, or you name it. I take everyone on an individual basis. What has gone on before they meet me I couldn't care less about. It is how they treat me that counts. But, if I do know their previous life style "secrets" then I might be a little more cautious. There are thousands of promiscuous women (and men) that don't work in the "trade". Does is really matter if it is 50, 100 or 1000?

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You are still relatively new to Thailand so you can be forgiven for your obvious naivety. You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can never take the bar out of the girl. They will tell you what they think you want to hear but are you serious to believe that a woman who puts a price on the most intimate part of her body will become emotionally involved with a punter.

Sure, she wants to meet someone to take care of her and her family but once she convinces him to take out the $1,000,000 life assurance plan,


his days are numbered.

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It is not every shop, but some specialize in a little extra relaxation after the haircut. The shops that I have seen that do this are quite upmarket - for wealthy Thai men - and probably too expensive for Mr Loaded (and me as well).

I have noticed that no one challeged that certain noodle shops provide this service (it is mentioned in the Bangkok Post regularly), but that does mean that every noodle shop will polish your noodle! :D

Great, now I can't eat noodle soup without worrying about the seasonings! :o

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You are still relatively new to Thailand so you can be forgiven for your obvious naivety. You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can never take the bar out of the girl. They will tell you what they think you want to hear but are you serious to believe that a woman who puts a price on the most intimate part of her body will become emotionally involved with a punter.

Sure, she wants to meet someone to take care of her and her family but once she convinces him to take out the $1,000,000 life assurance plan,


his days are numbered.

I'm not naive at all, loaded. I've heard that saying, and often repeat it myself... "You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can never take the bar out of the girl." I tend to agree with it, but not 100% of the time. I've known many falong - bar girl relationships that worked out well for both. But they are rare.

I'm just saying it is true for women (and men) throughout the world. When money is involved then everything else goes out the window. That is precisely why I've said any man who marries a woman who doesn't have as much to lose as he does (in the case of an eventual divorce) is a fool. It is a terrible thing to say about our society, but it's the truth.

Unfortunately, many people are blinded by what they call "love". In many cases with men they confuse lust with love. Women seldom do. Women are like cats and usually land on their feet... unless they play with the wrong person. In the sad case this thread refers to the unfortunate woman DID make a bad choice and paid for it with her life. In the case of the unfortunate man from Calgary he also made a bad choice. It also cost him his life. It happens everywhere and justice does not always prevail.

Our so called justice system in Canada is also flawed... terribly so. But, unlike Thailand, you can't bribe the police and the justice system. People might be convicted of commiting terrible crimes, but our courts just release them after they serve the minimum or less sentences. We've got all sorts of murderers walking around free in Canada, but most don't benefit financially from it.

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You are still relatively new to Thailand so you can be forgiven for your obvious naivety. You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can never take the bar out of the girl. They will tell you what they think you want to hear but are you serious to believe that a woman who puts a price on the most intimate part of her body will become emotionally involved with a punter.

The problem with that is that so many relationships / marriages of that type are actually working, sometimes VERY long term, raising families and all.

So as much as your statement would seem logical, you can see evidence of the contrary all around you.

That's not to say there isn't a good number of completely mercenary scammers around, who of course get all the attention because it results in such good/horrific stories being ranted about ad vomitum, but you'd be mistaken to think those are even a majority.

The majority is all around you, raising families.


Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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The problem with that is that so many relationships / marriages of that type are actually working, sometimes VERY long term, raising families and all.

I would guess that more marriages with bar ladies and farangs work out than with "good" girls in Thailand. I have noticed that a lot of "good" girls marry young, handsome men who tend to dump them as soon as they have a baby and start to age a little. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You are still relatively new to Thailand so you can be forgiven for your obvious naivety. You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can never take the bar out of the girl. They will tell you what they think you want to hear but are you serious to believe that a woman who puts a price on the most intimate part of her body will become emotionally involved with a punter.

Sure, she wants to meet someone to take care of her and her family but once she convinces him to take out the $1,000,000 life assurance plan,


his days are numbered.

I'm not naive at all, loaded. I've heard that saying, and often repeat it myself... "You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can never take the bar out of the girl." I tend to agree with it, but not 100% of the time. I've known many falong - bar girl relationships that worked out well for both. But they are rare.

I'm just saying it is true for women (and men) throughout the world. When money is involved then everything else goes out the window. That is precisely why I've said any man who marries a woman who doesn't have as much to lose as he does (in the case of an eventual divorce) is a fool. It is a terrible thing to say about our society, but it's the truth.

Unfortunately, many people are blinded by what they call "love". In many cases with men they confuse lust with love. Women seldom do. Women are like cats and usually land on their feet... unless they play with the wrong person. In the sad case this thread refers to the unfortunate woman DID make a bad choice and paid for it with her life. In the case of the unfortunate man from Calgary he also made a bad choice. It also cost him his life. It happens everywhere and justice does not always prevail.

Our so called justice system in Canada is also flawed... terribly so. But, unlike Thailand, you can't bribe the police and the justice system. People might be convicted of commiting terrible crimes, but our courts just release them after they serve the minimum or less sentences. We've got all sorts of murderers walking around free in Canada, but most don't benefit financially from it.

" But they are rare." this is very true ian,. there are many many more that have tried and failed, do you remember the stepford wives, well thats what these thai bg sorts are, programmed money milking machines,.its a cancer for which there is no cure, i sort of admire your misplaced judgements on these sorts,.i too have given them chances and was knocked back everytime, so i gave up before i too was milked dry,. they are very good at their profession, best left at that,. :o
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