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Listening To Thai Ladies Talking


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I have been married to a Thail lady for 2 years now, and things are starting to change.

In the past if it was not made in Thailand it was no good, but on Sunday listening to my wife and 8 other Thai ladies talking at a Thai function in Australia they started talking about Thai Rice and other Thai foods

Is was the general agreement the Thai rice was way over priced in Australia, and they were not prepared to pay 1/3 more for Thai rice when the could buy other rice for 1/3 less

I guess this is all because of the extreme high value of the Thai Baht

I there fore wonder if Thailand polices are in fact destroying there export market with the Baht being so high

When a Group of Thai girls put Thai products away from there shopping trolly

It tells me that some one in Thailand has got it all wrong

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My husband will often substitue thai jasmine rice for basmati, he actually prefers the drier consitancy of basmati but when we do a run to the big Wing Yip every couple of months he stocks up on thai rice again, but once it has run out he always goes back to Basmati till the next trip. Not sure if the cost has changed that much as thai products have always been expensive in UK but in the past 5 years he has found a multitude of local produce (veg mainly to substitute as the thai stuff doesn't travel well & cost so much.)

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My husband will often substitue thai jasmine rice for basmati, he actually prefers the drier consitancy of basmati but when we do a run to the big Wing Yip every couple of months he stocks up on thai rice again, but once it has run out he always goes back to Basmati till the next trip. Not sure if the cost has changed that much as thai products have always been expensive in UK but in the past 5 years he has found a multitude of local produce (veg mainly to substitute as the thai stuff doesn't travel well & cost so much.)

Basmati rice is better for you as it has a much lower rating on the glucose index. That means it releases sugar at a slower rate into your blood stream. Unfortunately it costs twice as much in most places than other rice varieties, which are much higher on the GI index. It can be an issue for people with diabetes, or with a risk of getting diabetes.

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I have been married to a Thail lady for 2 years now, and things are starting to change.

In the past if it was not made in Thailand it was no good, but on Sunday listening to my wife and 8 other Thai ladies talking at a Thai function in Australia they started talking about Thai Rice and other Thai foods

Is was the general agreement the Thai rice was way over priced in Australia, and they were not prepared to pay 1/3 more for Thai rice when the could buy other rice for 1/3 less

I guess this is all because of the extreme high value of the Thai Baht

I there fore wonder if Thailand polices are in fact destroying there export market with the Baht being so high

When a Group of Thai girls put Thai products away from there shopping trolly

It tells me that some one in Thailand has got it all wrong

Yes - its a huge problem and its been giving various Thai monetary officials sleepless nights for the last 6months.

In respect of rice specificaly, that is going to change this coming season: what bouyed the Thai rice price recently was India's ban on exports last year - but India is not going to repeat that this season, and the problem is: Thai rice stocks (meaning: harvested rice in warehouses) are already overflowingfrom last year. All indications are that this year farmers are going to get very little for their crops - that little translate into a fall in the retail price.

So tell the girls to relax - its a temp problem, they'll twittering on next time they meet how much its come down.

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I have been married to a Thail lady for 2 years now, and things are starting to change.

In the past if it was not made in Thailand it was no good, but on Sunday listening to my wife and 8 other Thai ladies talking at a Thai function in Australia they started talking about Thai Rice and other Thai foods

Is was the general agreement the Thai rice was way over priced in Australia, and they were not prepared to pay 1/3 more for Thai rice when the could buy other rice for 1/3 less

I guess this is all because of the extreme high value of the Thai Baht

I there fore wonder if Thailand polices are in fact destroying there export market with the Baht being so high

When a Group of Thai girls put Thai products away from there shopping trolly

It tells me that some one in Thailand has got it all wrong

Yes - its a huge problem and its been giving various Thai monetary officials sleepless nights for the last 6months.

In respect of rice specificaly, that is going to change this coming season: what bouyed the Thai rice price recently was India's ban on exports last year - but India is not going to repeat that this season, and the problem is: Thai rice stocks (meaning: harvested rice in warehouses) are already overflowingfrom last year. All indications are that this year farmers are going to get very little for their crops - that little translate into a fall in the retail price.

So tell the girls to relax - its a temp problem, they'll twittering on next time they meet how much its come down.

Does that mean the Thai baht is over valued at the moment and we are soon to get back more baht to the pound?

I have no understanding of the worlds financial market but i do know the pound has dropped and the baht has remained steady - which left me wondering if the Thai government are propping it up - similar to the UK or European Union did when the markets dropped..

yippee back to 60 baht plus.... fed up at 4,900 per £100...

back to OP.

Whatever I buy my mrs or her mates always say .."pang" cheaper else where... i always ask where - and offer the money - go and get it then! silence :o

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I also do not understand the world finance market

But what does make sense is Australia depends largely on its exports

So when the US$ crashed we needed to fall s well or Australia goods would be to expensive to sell out side the country

And also to keep the tourist dollar coming into the country

Thailand on the other hand seems to wave logic in the face

Destroy Tourism and stuff up the export market

N one yet has been able to give me a logical reason why.

The Thai baht is not steady

It is killing the country

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I have been married to a Thail lady for 2 years now, and things are starting to change.

In the past if it was not made in Thailand it was no good, but on Sunday listening to my wife and 8 other Thai ladies talking at a Thai function in Australia they started talking about Thai Rice and other Thai foods

Is was the general agreement the Thai rice was way over priced in Australia, and they were not prepared to pay 1/3 more for Thai rice when the could buy other rice for 1/3 less

I guess this is all because of the extreme high value of the Thai Baht

I there fore wonder if Thailand polices are in fact destroying there export market with the Baht being so high

When a Group of Thai girls put Thai products away from there shopping trolly

It tells me that some one in Thailand has got it all wrong

Some of the problem with Thai rice prices , particularly in Australia is , due to excessive use of fertilisers by Thai farmers , it costs as much to produce rice in Thailand as Australia sells thiers for , your wives are safer buying Aussie rice and not just to save a dollar . :o

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It's not really the Thai baht that's strong, it's more weakness of other currencies especially the UK pound which has been overvalued for years.

Of course the Thais tend to boost up their baht if it goes too low against the majors.

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You could ask is the glass half full or half empty

Ever way its ruinning the Thai export market

have tried aussie grown rice and think its crap,the best by far is pakistani rice buts its expensive.

The glass is not half full or half empty - my accountant tells me it is twice as big as it needs to be!

Aussie grown rice - no flavour and is destroying the Murray Darling - don't buy it!!

Can get Thai rice at very reasonable prices in many Aussie-Asian shops in Footscray, Springvale and Richmond- mai bpen rai

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I think you miss the point

1 year ago 10 kls of Thai rice was $20

Today is $27.00

as the Thai Baht is 25% lower than that time, logic tells me it is the Thai Baht that is causing the change in price

Its not too much the Thai Baht thats causing the price hike, its the aussie dollar that has coped a hammering the last year and its down on almost every country.

My mate imports frozen seafood from all over asia and he is getting hammered by the weak Aussie dollar.

Maybe buy Aussie rice for now, aussie rice doesnt taste right to me though. Buts its still eatable

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You could ask is the glass half full or half empty

Ever way its ruinning the Thai export market

have tried aussie grown rice and think its crap,the best by far is pakistani rice buts its expensive.

Completely agree. I have tried rice from different countries, and Pakistani rice is the best. Overpriced? maybe, but the quality is really great.

The worst rice is porbably Condy :o

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Pakistani rice you say?? Where do they sell this in Thailand? What is it called? I love my rice and would like to try it out

I honestly do not know,i used to buy it when living in australia,i think the brand name was called tilma or tilda,but it was double the price of thai jasmine rice.here in thailand you'd have to try an upmarket deli,or an indian/pakistani food supply shop here in thailand,the pakistani rice has the most beautiful fragrance.

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I think you miss the point

1 year ago 10 kls of Thai rice was $20

Today is $27.00

as the Thai Baht is 25% lower than that time, logic tells me it is the Thai Baht that is causing the change in price

I paid $23.00 for 10kg Golden Deer AAA Hom Mali a week ago in Perth. Depends where you shop I guess.

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Let's face it, the whole world financial system makes no sense at the present time. It's a fact that rice (and most other food) has increased in price over the past year. There are several reasons depending on where you live. 1. Supply and demand. 2. Currency exchange rates. 3. Price manipulation. etc.

Food shortages and over-supply tend to be cyclical. When there is an over supply...prices and profits drop so farmers don't grow as much, which over time leads to shortages again. Weather conditions have caused poor harvests in many parts of the world which of course creates shortages as well.

Trying to explain the currency valuations is beyond me. Countries like Australian and Canada have seen weakness in their currencies because both countries are major commodities suppliers. The demand for everything form iron ore to oil has decreased greatly over the past year so these currencies reflect the effects this has on their economies.....but then Japan has seen its exports plummet almost 50% and still the Yen remains strong. The US dollar remains strong despite the fact that the US economy is a total basket case and the new adminstration is frantically trying to rescue the economy by spending vast amounts of money (which is does not have) Some economists are projecting that in a few years the US deficit will reach 80% of GDP.....which is not sustainable. Gordon Brown is trying to rescue the world which is a noble enough cause, but I think he needs to fix the UK first. There is a real danger of bankrupting the British economy.....the pound could become monolopy money.....try buying Thai rice then!! I am trying personally to figure out exactly why so many countries are spending so much of their taxpayers money to rescue an economy which tanked because we all borrowed and spent too much money in the first place?????

The Thai baht value is a mystery to me.......I spend Canadian dollars here...and my dollar which was getting 34 bt a year ago now gets me 28 (on a good day)...but the Canadian economy is is good shape (relatively speaking)..and there is no problem with the Banks....in fact they are making lots of money and declaring good dividends. The share values have dropped because of the influence of the international banking disaster but Canadian banks are clean, profitable and not exposed to the sub-prime fiasco which so many US, EU, UK banks bought into. I have read many posts by Aussies and NZ's expressing the same kind of frustrations.

Anyhow....I've rambled enough......time for a beer......screw the world economy :o

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Yes the price of rice has gone up in Thailand also, but would of hit Australia more with the weak dollar.

That explains the big mark up

Actually the price went up while the dollar was strong and the price has stayed the same now that it has weakened.

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Who got your money must be laughing

Siam Bank today is offering 24.26

Show me a Siam Bank outlet in Perth where I am and I am there. Unfortunately there isn't one.

(I did say money changer if you care to re-read my post.)

BHT 22.60 is the best the Baht has been in Perth for quite some time. Once i arrive In Bangkok in a month or so.. i will take advantage of the higher rate available in-Country. The 500 dollars I bought is for taxi's, sim card recharge, etc... upon arrival.

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The wife watches the US$ and the hai Baht on a daily basis

The Australian $ has been making a slow recovery on the US$ how back in the 70 + cents market

The Thai Baht is also on a slow down wood drive

If things keep going this way will expect 26 baht to the dollar by June this year

You can change Oz $ at the airport, would never change in Australian change shops unless they offer a really high rate

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The wife watches the US$ and the hai Baht on a daily basis

The Australian $ has been making a slow recovery on the US$ how back in the 70 + cents market

The Thai Baht is also on a slow down wood drive

If things keep going this way will expect 26 baht to the dollar by June this year

You can change Oz $ at the airport, would never change in Australian change shops unless they offer a really high rate

Yes, it is well known that you can change baht at the Airport. :o Doh!

I never arrive in Thailand without enough Baht in my pocket for taxi, ciggies, phone sim re-charge, and a few beers, and for the sake of a thousand baht difference, I see no reason to change now. (Besides, how do you manage when the red shirts close it down?)

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