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Played By Karoake Girls


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Im not lacking hormones, thanks. If i wanted to look at a beautiful female form, id look in the mirror :D My bf is slave to his hormones too, but thankfully only with me..and he doesnt need to pay for that privilege.

But, you are way too serious you know. No need to stomp your feet and rant. If you want to pay to look at naked woman, or pay for their company, thats your business. I dont care about confusing the two, its just not something that will effect or enhance my life. :o I was just saying that I dont get it.

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I get out plenty, which is how I know that it is possible to have nights with gorgeous women in Thailand that cost me much less than that, as I'm sure many of you have.

And it wasn't that fact that it was almost worth the money, it was the fact that the entire experience was a cleverly designed trick. I'm not exactly a fan of Karaoke. I'd rather sleep with a woman for 2000 baht than sing with 3 of them for 5000.

If you're willing to tolerate these types of things be my guest

"cleverly designed trick" Are you joking?Friend that's Thai 101 never go any where with a group of thai's unless your ready to pay.Even if they invite you it's on your dime, now I've never done anything stupid while drunk but $140 is a small ding.........I hope ya got a little something extra! :o

I have a lot to learn about Thailand, this much is true. But you're right, this is a minor ding, especially considering all the bargains I got :D

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I pay the man and run outa there, but not before 2 of the girls chase me down in the street begging for food money :D

With a nickname like "beefrocket", how could they have still been hungry? :D

Don't sweat it, man. There are far worse scams that are out there. You got off easy and even had a bit of fun along the way. At least you recognized what was happening. Lesson learned- no school girls hang out at Spicy and karaoke sucks! Your next trip to the LOS will be better because of it!

:o Yes, karaoke sucks big time. Are there any other clubs in the area that have "good" girls?

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..and that was also a joke response...just clarifying for those who think that was a serious response to jbs post and who may decide to slam me for it. *sigh*

Anyway...back to ...mirror, mirror, on the wall....

..Oh oh..oops....do i get 7 years bad luck now..? :o

Edited by eek
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Im not lacking hormones, thanks. If i wanted to look at a beautiful female form, id look in the mirror :D My bf is slave to his hormones too, but thankfully only with me..and he doesnt need to pay for that privilege.

But, you are way too serious you know. No need to stomp your feet and rant. If you want to pay to look at naked woman, or pay for their company, thats your business. I dont care about confusing the two, its just not something that will effect or enhance my life. :o I was just saying that I dont get it.

hey, tell me how do you know your BF is only with you??? is this something you justs know deep in your heart??? maybe he whispers how it is only you baby into your ear.... you believe everything you hear and you follow your heart???? because it may well be something again you just do not understand .... understand??? u said it bf slave to his hormones.... well maybe you need to think about what you are saying or better yet telling yourself .....since you justs do not understand..... !!!

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yes silly me gatorhead. Im delusional. Ill go cry myself to sleep now.


not delutional my dear..but the word is maybe deceived... but never cry..... "BF slave to his hormones"... it's Gods wonderful plan....

Gatorhead we should party together, you've got some interesting ideas :o

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To answer your original question, yes it does happen a lot. Don't go anywhere near an upmarket karaoke bar unless your prepared to lay out a few grand.

Last time I went with a couple of mates the bill cam to almost 20,000 Baht. Admittedly there were six girls dancing naked with us for about four hours and they managed to consume three bottles of vodka, five plates of french fries, four plates of pineapple (?) and we went through twenty five buckets of ice (I reckon the drinks boy had a hair dryer on it all the time, 'coz I can't believe we did twenty buckets - we only get through four at a night at Warm Up).

Don't think this just happens to foreigners, either. A couple of my Thai colleagues from work went to a karaoke joint, with their own booze to boot, and were presented with a bill for 6,000 Baht after a couple of hours.

I'm glad to hear that you paid up without much fuss, though. Shouting and threatening to call the cops won't help as they'll just turn up and make you pay.

Now that sounds like an epic night :o Congrats on the naked part, I didn't get that kinda service. Yeah I'd heard enough about Thai police to know that they wouldn't do any good, and possibly makes things more expensive for myself.....

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yes silly me gatorhead. Im delusional. Ill go cry myself to sleep now.


not delutional my dear..but the word is maybe deceived... but never cry..... "BF slave to his hormones"... it's Gods wonderful plan....

Gatorhead we should party together, you've got some interesting ideas :o

well these are not my ideas at all. but age old... facts of nature,,,, which makes life so very good and sometimes make things sad... but always interesting.

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Have fun guys. Im sure you will both keep the ladies riveted and entertained with your great sense of humour and jovial joking non-serious natures. :o

Ah yes , but that's the beauty of Thailand my bitter, middle-aged friend. We can keep them entertained with Baht and nothing else :D

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Have fun guys. Im sure you will both keep the ladies riveted and entertained with your great sense of humour and jovial joking non-serious natures. :o

miss eeek.. stop your ranting and keep a better eye on your hormone laden BF >>>>!!!! right now your eye is not on the ball at all but on B.S....

by the way i was way right on my first retort to your patteya B.S. you are lacking serious testosterone..this is why you do not get it... get it????

sometimes it is nice to be so right on!@!!!

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Have fun guys. Im sure you will both keep the ladies riveted and entertained with your great sense of humour and jovial joking non-serious natures. :o

miss eeek.. stop your ranting and keep a better eye on your hormone laden BF >>>>!!!! right now your eye is not on the ball at all but on B.S....

by the way i was way right on my first retort to your patteya B.S. you are lacking serious testosterone..this is why you do not get it... get it????

sometimes it is nice to be so right on!@!!!

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woh..ok, i guess its mudslinging time. So i bow out.

beefrocket, I do sincerely hope you find a nice girl on your next visit. Best of luck.

gatorhead, seriously, i could never know if my bf wanted to do anything behind my back, i dont keep tabs on him. But, as he is an open and honest man, who doesnt give me reason to doubt, I trust and respect him. Who knows what the future may bring. But as things stand, thats good enough for me.

Well this 36 year old "middle aged" "bitter" female is off to have a cuddle and a laugh before bedtime.

Night guys. :o

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Have fun guys. Im sure you will both keep the ladies riveted and entertained with your great sense of humour and jovial joking non-serious natures. :o

Ah yes , but that's the beauty of Thailand my bitter, middle-aged friend. We can keep them entertained with Baht and nothing else :D

dude, bitter middle age? kinda harsh,,, not needed really... how cares!!!! life is easy very easy juts let small b.s. always slide including 150 bucks here and there....

can you see thru this B.S. site into someones eyes or what.. she isn't really bitter this i know she is justs speaking her B.S. how she sees it which would be the same for about a billion women /girls if reading such trash .. as far as middle age how do you know that one?? middle age??? help me out here.... i have a younger sis in law in her 20's who would be a lot lot harsher if she were to read the crap spewed as of late.... so be kind go easy.... it is better... always better

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woh..ok, i guess its mudslinging time. So i bow out.

beefrocket, I do sincerely hope you find a nice girl on your next visit. Best of luck.

gatorhead, seriously, i could never know if my bf wanted to do anything behind my back, i dont keep tabs on him. But, as he is an open and honest man, who doesnt give me reason to doubt, I trust and respect him. Who knows what the future may bring. But as things stand, thats good enough for me.

Well this 36 year old "middle aged" "bitter" female is off to have a cuddle and a laugh before bedtime.

Night guys. :o

hey, i did not say you were bitter nor middle age .. not at all....i enjoyed the b.s. with you though . have a good night and undersand i was goofing around which is fun. i apologise if it was offensive ,please understand my first reply to u i assumed you were a man. my thinking since why would a woman /girl read such trash???my other replys i was playing hopefully not at your expense...

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woh..ok, i guess its mudslinging time. So i bow out.

beefrocket, I do sincerely hope you find a nice girl on your next visit. Best of luck.

gatorhead, seriously, i could never know if my bf wanted to do anything behind my back, i dont keep tabs on him. But, as he is an open and honest man, who doesnt give me reason to doubt, I trust and respect him. Who knows what the future may bring. But as things stand, thats good enough for me.

Well this 36 year old "middle aged" "bitter" female is off to have a cuddle and a laugh before bedtime.

Night guys. :o

hey, i did not say you were bitter nor middle age .. not at all....i enjoyed the b.s. with you though . have a good night and undersand i was goofing around which is fun. i apologise if it was offensive ,please understand my first reply to u i assumed you were a man. my thinking since why would a woman /girl read such trash???my other replys i was playing hopefully not at your expense...


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Time to marry. You will get 3 in 1: a wife, a lover and a friend.

Hi Adjan JB,

The three-in-one I have noticed is modal here among "great white hunters" is : wife, lover, child.

regards, ~o:37;

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:D Yes, karaoke sucks big time. Are there any other clubs in the area that have "good" girls?

Just what "IS" a "good girl"? :o

Everyone wants something for nothing. It just doesn't happen. You ALWAYS have to pay one way or another... even if you want to call it marriage. Unless you actually want kids, marriage is the biggest scam known to man. Notice I said "man" and not "woman".

At 5000 baht I think you got off light considering you admit being drunk in the first place. You could have gotten rolled and everything you own stolen... including your passport. Number one rule is to NEVER get drunk while alone. If you do then anything that might happen to you after that is your own fault. It could even mean your life.

Consider it a cheap lesson and a fun one at that. I've spent or "donated" less and more to far greater and far lesser causes. I consider them all to be lessons in life. Anything that doesn't kill or maim you is a good lesson learned. Sometimes small accidents that hurt at the time teach you a lesson and prevent you having worse accidents later on.

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by the way which kareoke bar? many of these are ~2500 baht take out ...some will tell you 4000baht be polite ,go to next one if the beauties are not worth it to you... next time be less drunk go to kareoke bar,smile try not to drool.... ask momason for "bye teil sex" she will line up all the sweethearts ready to work for you as a take away... do not go inside,do not buy drinks and please do not sing... many of these places are just like the drive thru mc D's ......of course just like Mc D's it helps to have a car....

I'm not really sure where it was, I was pretty wasted on the ride over. I just remember it was off the southwest corner of the moat, and it was huge.

o.k. that's not the place to go....drive back into it? next to Thai club complexe farangs pay to get in to club 300 baht???? can't remember name,

Anyone know the name of this place and the name of the place next to Thai club complex?

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Hmm..did i just step into the Pattaya forum?

Times like this I have to say im glad i dont understand the need or appeal of paying countless thousands of baht to oggle some naked flesh, or the desire to take it away for a few borrowed and paid for hours.

Some men really are a slave to their hormones eh.


buying sex is a turn on....................its the power eek :o

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Well the thread has deteriorated into a big argument, I guess the subject of women in Thailand is a very sensitive topic :D Thanks for all the feedback, happy mongering to all of you

Its not the topic of women thats sensitive just the topic of badly done to whinging, whining SUCKERS! :D:o:D

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