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Anything To Do Or See In Tachalic For A Few Days


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I am due a visa run from Chiangmai in a few weeks and this time instead of doing the usual in and out I want to stay in Tachalic for a night or two. There has got to be more to this place than just the viagra sellers and the guys offering the chinese boom boom dvd's.

Has anyone actually stayed on the Myanmar side and if so can you recommend a place to stay or at least something to do.

No point in posting this in the CR forum because all these guys are back home within the hour.

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last time I was there I wandered back into the town for a bit and to be honest it was a dump. You get a 10 day visa for the 10 dollers you pay them so besides the casinos there must be something worth seeing ?

Cant you go in about 18 km or something like that. Someone must have found something charming considering the amount of people who cross that border on a daily basis.

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last time I was there I wandered back into the town for a bit and to be honest it was a dump. You get a 10 day visa for the 10 dollers you pay them so besides the casinos there must be something worth seeing ?

Cant you go in about 18 km or something like that. Someone must have found something charming considering the amount of people who cross that border on a daily basis.

Last time we went there we stayed for about 8 hours. We hired a driver to show us around. I don't know how many km in we went, but it was a dump everywhere. Lots of extreme poverty and sad sights everywhere. Some of the temples were nice though. We were happy to get out of there.

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I like Tachilek. I have friends there, so I enjoy visiting them there a few times a year. As far as accomodtion, there is some, but it is nowhere near the quality you'll find in Mae Sai, which isn't saying much. The only decent hotel there closed a few years ago. The people are interesting, but your driving is limited to the Metro area, so if you want to see the airport or any countryside, you have to sneek in. The three or four large wats are very interesting, in my opinion. :o

Edited by Ajarn
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