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Riding Bikes Makes You More Brainier (apparently)


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Regarding a article in this weeks MCN.


The neuroscientist behind the 24 million selling Brain computer games says motorcycling makes your brain more powerful.Research by DR Ryuta Kawashima at Japans Tohoku University revealed biking for just two months raises the performance of the riders prefrontal area,the brains main processor area for memory,space recognition,decision making and reaction.Long term riders enjoyed improved cognition,concentration and happiness,performed better at work and had lower incidences of stress,illness and worry.


Dr Mark Cunningham,lecturer in Cognitive Neuroscience at Newcastle University agrees that biking has brain nourishment abilities.The brain is like a muscle,if you use it ,it grows,if you don't it atrophies(where I have heard that phrase before?).Bikers brains have alot to encode quickly.Their brains will be like fit muscles.

If this research is fact i would presume bikers who have survived riding in LOS for a number of years have the intelligence equal to that of a rocket scientist.Obviously it must have the opposite effect on thais, whose intelligence becomes par to a nethandral while riding on the road. www.motorcyclenews.com

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It's pretty logical really.

If you ride a bike you process so much information all the time you really get mentally tired in the beginning, when you get used to it you can feel the switch on when you ride, and how immensely boring it is to drive a car in comparison. Your brain can process 7 things at the same time, on a bike when you ride it properly you use all 7 inputs at the same time. If you cruise with a bike you don't use more than with a car tho...

So it depends on riding style really, are you always scanning for openings up front to whip through, are you deciding brake points, turn points etc all the time or are you just grooving on following the road.

Cheers Bard

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Does this explain why so many bikers tune their exhaust to make so much noise?

Are you a biker? Apparently not I see from the question... :o

If your bike does not piss off somebody with it's noise you done something wrong, when you're so small in traffic you need all the leverage you can get to be seen and heard as all the morons in cars don't pay enough attention so they hit you, dogs run away from noisy exhausts as well, people notice noise and guess what turn there bloody head to see where it comes from by instinct, they see you hurray they don't crash into you...

Cheers Bard

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Does this explain why so many bikers tune their exhaust to make so much noise?

Are you a biker? Apparently not I see from the question... :D

If your bike does not piss off somebody with it's noise you done something wrong, when you're so small in traffic you need all the leverage you can get to be seen and heard as all the morons in cars don't pay enough attention so they hit you, dogs run away from noisy exhausts as well, people notice noise and guess what turn there bloody head to see where it comes from by instinct, they see you hurray they don't crash into you...

Cheers Bard


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Does this explain why so many bikers tune their exhaust to make so much noise?

Are you a biker? Apparently not I see from the question... :D

If your bike does not piss off somebody with it's noise you done something wrong, when you're so small in traffic you need all the leverage you can get to be seen and heard as all the morons in cars don't pay enough attention so they hit you, dogs run away from noisy exhausts as well, people notice noise and guess what turn there bloody head to see where it comes from by instinct, they see you hurray they don't crash into you...

Cheers Bard

Hmm, I suggest you hop on your bike to become a bit more intelligent, because this answer mostcertainly is not. :o

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Does this explain why so many bikers tune their exhaust to make so much noise?

Are you a biker? Apparently not I see from the question... :D

If your bike does not piss off somebody with it's noise you done something wrong, when you're so small in traffic you need all the leverage you can get to be seen and heard as all the morons in cars don't pay enough attention so they hit you, dogs run away from noisy exhausts as well, people notice noise and guess what turn there bloody head to see where it comes from by instinct, they see you hurray they don't crash into you...

Cheers Bard

Hmm, I suggest you hop on your bike to become a bit more intelligent, because this answer mostcertainly is not. :D

What answer is not smart? About the noise? Einstein, have you ever ridin in the U.S.? That's only half the answer, the other three halfs are as follows; 2nd half, loud exhaust is typically synonymous with increased performance. 3rd half, chicks dig it. 4th half, is part of the 1st half, because it pisses people off. 5th half, your more likely to get your ass kicked by somebody with loud exhaust (personal safety factor).

Most of the above does seem to be contrary in Thailand though. Which is why my big noise maker won't likely come over here. I kind of like riding the little bikes now. Much easier, I don't have to think as much!

There you have it, all the halves of being an intelligent biker AND having balls of steel!


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Well Johnefallis. I have actually got Balls of steel (well one any way). I lost a ball in an accident in the UK. the docter told me i didnt need two just the one would be ok. but i asked for it to be replaced for the balance. lovely surgical stainless steel ball. AND its a matching size to the natural one ( Doc did say that the natural one would shrink with age, but so far all good)

So biker Al, ball of steel :D:D:o

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Awesome Carib, impressive actually WOW... I bow into the dust for thy incredible wisdom :o


No need to do that, rode bikes on three continents, all `silent` ones, the extra leverage you claim to need, the noise that is, is just an excuse to make that noise.

Edited by Carib
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Recently there was a thread suggesting that riding a bike made your willy smaller (or was it impotent?) - if this is true perhaps it could explain the increase in intelliegence - the head on your shoulders getting a bit more blood sent its way!

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Awesome Carib, impressive actually WOW... I bow into the dust for thy incredible wisdom :o


No need to do that, rode bikes on three continents, all `silent` ones, the extra leverage you claim to need, the noise that is, is just an excuse to make that noise.

I agree, but i'm not sure what the number of continents you have riden on has to do with anything.

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what ever you might think about loud pipes, three weeks ago I ran over a dog and I'm pretty sure, if he would have heard my bike coming he wouldn't have turned back, ....what got him killed

...so, I will get louder pipes, btw I'm riding a Honda VFR 800,


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Louder pipes does work in Thailand, I donno what continent you been riding in Carib might not be the same situation I have no idea as there is almost no info in your posts...

I ridden silent ones in Thailand and have had serious problems with dogs, mopeds whirling around and people jumping into the road. When I ride louder bikes in Thailand the dogs stay away, the mopedists stop and look and jaywalkers stay away, so it works.

Also bonus is I love the sound, for me it's music.

It gives significantly more power from the bike.

And it makes me happy... :o The Thais smile and think it's cool, the Police ask me to rev the engine and smile, only ones I ever see upset is grumpy old falangs who like to complain about everything and everybody, if I piss them off then good, if they can't be miserable they're not happy so I make them happy as well...

Back in the old world my bikes where also altered, back there jaywalkers are a big problem, a bigbike can move fast and people do not easily assume your actual speed on an oncoming bike and do jump into the street as they believe you move slower than you do. Why? because you are not wide enough so it is hard for a human brain to figure out the speed on an oncoming narrow target (basic army knowledge), anyway by adding noise you sound faster and closer than you look and people tend to be more cautious... Loud pipes do save in a lot of scenarios, and it is a choice you make, you want to save a dog, animal or human? It does help... For me it's one of the priorities, and so it is for a lot of others.

I know there is a anti noisy idea on bikes, and whatever makes your day, live and let live man, I don't care but it is pretty poor to judge others and stating "the noise that is, is just an excuse to make that noise." You don't know me, or lots of the others here in person, so I would not sit on a pedestal judging others, up to you man but no point in it is it?

Cheers Bard

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And it makes me happy... :D The Thais smile and think it's cool, the Police ask me to rev the engine and smile, only ones I ever see upset is grumpy old falangs who like to complain about everything and everybody, if I piss them off then good, if they can't be miserable they're not happy so I make them happy as well...

Well said Bard,

Do you remember that cranky old Farang in the restaurant in CM that got all bent out of shape because he said we filled the restaurant with exhaust fumes? Ting tong! The restaurant was right on one of the busiest roads in Chiang Mai and was already full of car fumes... :o

When I rode in the US and Japan I never went for loud pipes, because quite frankly, in those countries I didn't feel there was any advantage to having them. 95% of the vehicles you encounter in those countries are cars with the windows rolled up and the radio on so doesn't matter how loud your pipes are- they're still not going to hear you.

But here in Thailand where there are so many more scooters, bicycles, pedestrians, dogs, etc I really do feel a lot more comfortable on a bike that people can hear coming.

I noticed it a lot when I rode the stealthy quiet Ninja 250R- neither the dogs nor the locals ever heard me coming and regularly stepped out into my path. When I rode with my friends on louder bikes I noticed that the people and the dogs tended to hear us coming and get out of the way.

So, to me it's a no brainer in Thailand- having a loud bike does get you noticed, for better or for worse. And man, the ER6n is freakin' crazy LOUD with the new Two Bros pipe. Honestly it's a bit louder than I like, but what the hel_l, it really does sound great and hopefully the neighbors won't get too pissed :D

Happy Trails!


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Just fitted an aftermarket pipe to the mighty Tiger! And what a difference it makes. Freeze people in their tracks, scooters actually wobble out of your way. Cars move over a bit to help you through. Drops girl's knickers at 50 paces!! :o

On the streets of Thailand there is definitely more pros than cons to having a loud pipe.

In the famous words of Dynabob. (ahem, Harley rider on the forum) LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES

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I think you guys just like the sound of a loud bike, and are looking for reasons to justify it. Don't get me wrong, i enjoy a loud bike if i'm the one riding it! - not so much if i'm sitting in my home on the phone and lose five to ten seconds of the conversation as one goes past - and the blighters always time it when i'm making an important business call.

And to answer two questions before i get asked them: 1)no i don't live on the street! - my home is set back from the main road but when they go past they sound like close enough to touch! 2)no i don't think i should have to fork out for double glazing and have to sit in my own home with all the windows and doors closed.

All i'm saying is, don't kid yourselves that when you come down the street and people's heads turn in your direction, they are turning to admire your stead. :o

It's about consideration, but i know that in many biking circles to make such a comment is akin to turning up i a pink frilly dress - so i fully expect to get shot down by you lot - just please avoid shots to the body as this dress in new! :D

P.S. anyone ever wondered why they fit horns to bikes?

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Horn, yes we all know about them, have you seen all the signs stating "no horn zone" in Thailand, and have you been in Vietnam where they honk the horn all the time everywhere? That is annoying...

Horn is something you honk to avoid an accident, very often it is very late and sometimes to late. If they already know you're coming you don't need the horn.

I have heard a lot of loud bikes in Thailand but they are quiet compared to a lot of buses and trucks with straight exhaust, also a lot of cars are much noisier. I never get problems on the phone unless I stay outdoor next to the road, just stepping into a nearby shophouse makes a big difference. I have one office right next to the main road, with single glazing and no never ever had a problem at all.

So maybe you're very sensitive and fragile, but I can't understand your problem as I do live in this country as well. And the super loud straight exhaust trucks and buses can't ruin a phone call in the office 2 meters from the main road, and bikes with there way less cc are unable to create the same mayhem cannot create as much noise.

I can tell you about all the times it has helped me, and people I know from accidents, we don't try to justify by telling this, we live it, see it and experience it. Do I like loud pipes, yes absolutely and if that was the only reason I would be happy to admit that, I am a biker so why should I try to justify that? Anyway a "quiet" system is 98 dB on a bike, a full race system is 117 dB, a "quiet" compressor is 100 dB and a jackhammer is 125 dB, normal generator and compressor is 110 dB, a typical bus with pipes is 130 dB so the bikes are actually not that noisy as people try to put forward here.

When they turn in my direction they see me, if they don't turn there head they don't see me. Don't care if they admire or what as long as they see me coming.

I can't wait to hear your Tiger travelmate and Tony's twobros WOW the next trip will be awesome, I hope my Arrow stand up well to you guys :o

Cheers Bard

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Although this thread has took a tangent completely different to my OP(No change there). I have to retort to tho's who are hard of hearing.Bikes where never made to have low decibels, this is only due to laws and regulations.For me there's not many better sounds than a biker in the "distance" redlining a bike through the gears with a aftermarket exhaust system.I don't think anyone who rides a bike need to make excuses for there appreciation regards this issue.Persons who have a problem with loud bikes should stop replying to this thread and carry on receiving there pensions from the post office.

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Horn, yes we all know about them, have you seen all the signs stating "no horn zone" in Thailand, and have you been in Vietnam where they honk the horn all the time everywhere? That is annoying...

Horn is something you honk to avoid an accident, very often it is very late and sometimes to late. If they already know you're coming you don't need the horn.

I have heard a lot of loud bikes in Thailand but they are quiet compared to a lot of buses and trucks with straight exhaust, also a lot of cars are much noisier. I never get problems on the phone unless I stay outdoor next to the road, just stepping into a nearby shophouse makes a big difference. I have one office right next to the main road, with single glazing and no never ever had a problem at all.

So maybe you're very sensitive and fragile, but I can't understand your problem as I do live in this country as well. And the super loud straight exhaust trucks and buses can't ruin a phone call in the office 2 meters from the main road, and bikes with there way less cc are unable to create the same mayhem cannot create as much noise.

I can tell you about all the times it has helped me, and people I know from accidents, we don't try to justify by telling this, we live it, see it and experience it. Do I like loud pipes, yes absolutely and if that was the only reason I would be happy to admit that, I am a biker so why should I try to justify that? Anyway a "quiet" system is 98 dB on a bike, a full race system is 117 dB, a "quiet" compressor is 100 dB and a jackhammer is 125 dB, normal generator and compressor is 110 dB, a typical bus with pipes is 130 dB so the bikes are actually not that noisy as people try to put forward here.

When they turn in my direction they see me, if they don't turn there head they don't see me. Don't care if they admire or what as long as they see me coming.

I can't wait to hear your Tiger travelmate and Tony's twobros WOW the next trip will be awesome, I hope my Arrow stand up well to you guys :o

Cheers Bard

Corrrect me if i'm wrong, but isn't this the "bike forum"? I thought it was, hence why i was commenting on excessively noisey bikes which i find annoying, not trucks and buses.

For you to tell me that i shouldn't find them annoying, would be much like me telling you you shouldn't be annoyed about the horn tooters in Vietnam - or suggesting that you are too sensitive and fragile because it does annoy you.

For bikers like you, it's impossible to accept that other bikers have a different opinion. Why can't you accept that in the same way some like Harleys and others like Hondas, some like their bike to have a gentle rumble, whilst others like their bike to shake down the houses - and if there's any confusion, it's the bikes that shake down the houses that i'm against. I think i have a right to that opinion - as much as you do to yours.

And why have you have tried to turn this into a "them" and "us" thing. Why do you use "we"?

Who is this "we"?

"We" your mates?

Or "we" bikers in general? You speak for all of them?

I'm a biker, and a proud one at that. I don't care if i don't fit into certain groups. I love bikes - always will do. I also love tranquility and peace, especially when i'm sitting in my home. Someone - anyone who intrudes on that pisses me off. Unnecessarily loud bikes, like the ones the local boy-racers in my neighbourhood choose to ride are a disturbance to the peace and have no place on public roads.

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As far as I'm aware this 'bike' forum was set up to cater mainly for bigger cc bike owning farangs from CBR150 upwards.


I do struggle to comprehend how a scooter/moped riding farang is an actual biker as the differences are quite apparent and vast.

Motorcyclist? Most certainly. Biker? I don't really think so. Not unless you're actually using a degree of skill and clutch control IMO.

Added considerations include larger cc engines, more weight to deal with and so on.

Simply riding a bike with a clutch makes you more of a biker than grandad pension-drawing-expat on his way to 7/11 on a wave.

Indeed I go as far to say that if this forum is to move onwards then maybe there ought to be sub-forums for sportsbikers and another for clutchless bikes.

Otherwise these rivalry's will trundle on between the hobby-horse machines and the real bikes out there :o

I say again.

Loud pipes save lives :D

Edited by JimsKnight
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